01-02-2014, 04:01
Nice progress, congrats. The bra looks wonderful on you.
(01-02-2014, 03:38)ELLACRAIG Wrote: Pretty hair and pretty bras! Why oh why dont we have vic secret in my country!
Youre boobs look really nice Tina
(01-02-2014, 04:01)peggy Wrote: Nice progress, congrats. The bra looks wonderful on you.
(01-02-2014, 13:39)rateset Wrote: that looks very different from a photo that you posted only couple of months ago!! The coral bra is without padding and you can actually see your pectoral muscles and with the blue bra it looks a waaay different. Is the blue bra a push up bra? But even if, it still looks like a big difference, how much did you gain in inch?
(01-02-2014, 17:07)timarie Wrote: But yeah, I forgot about that photo! I will take a photo in that same bathingsuit top at that angle for better comparison, and re-post the old one with it
(01-02-2014, 18:34)ELLACRAIG Wrote: OMG that coral outfit is just exquisite! I've never even seen anything like that in my country!
You know I haven't had my hair properly "cut" in a long time but i do every now and then myself just trim the bottom edges off and I take EPO, it's soo long now! The EPO may have something to do with that.
But yes from the coral pic to now is super progress! Oh and also me too with the measuring! I'm completely over it, I get 3 different measurements all taken at the same time so now I still try the bend over method you suggested cause I believe I've gotten a tad wider and a bit heavier on top which cant be measured with any great accuracy! I too was just getting disappointed, seeing nicer looking boobs but not measured!
(01-02-2014, 17:34)peggy Wrote: You can make the photos bigger if you upload the original picture at e.g. http://imageupper.com or http://cubeupload.com and then you insert the link (which is being created by the site) in your thread. You just have to put [img] in front of the link and [/img] behind the link. I hope my explanation is understandable.
(02-02-2014, 04:42)Tinytots Wrote: Looking great timarie. Are you still doing your chest workout?
(02-02-2014, 15:01)peggy Wrote: Wow you will be living in Australia for two years, how exciting! I hope you will still have time to chime in and tell us about your progess.