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bovine ovary?will this helpp??


plz help me dear..i am really flat chested but over weight girl not too much but a little bit..i am from pakistan my name is ayesha..i am really really depressed want to suicide :'(.........i have facial hairs my weight is 68 kgs and i am broad frame girl height is 5.5 my hips are fat large my overall body has a large frame legs are thick everything is thick but i am flat body is not body temperature is 97.8....i want to ask u that what should i do to increas my breast size??????????????????/i want to increase my breast id is it possible to increase breast size???can i use bovine ovary??bountifulbreasts product for 13.5 months???plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me...i have also tubular breasts..means they are far apart from each other ..there is a lot of gap i m flat chested Sad

Anastasia916 had a lot of success with fixing her tubular breasts and growing them, so try taking a look at her program.

I agree, I would check out Anastasia's program. Bo never really did much for me but anything is worth a try! and you wont know if you don't try! If I were you I would without a doubt get a noogleberry pump. That for me is one of the most solid things you can add to your nbe program. Also, massage goes along quite well with noogleberry because it just comes naturally to do massage right before you pump while you are lotioning up. I think massage doesn't sound like it would do much but every little thing together can make a big difference. Don't just try taking a magic pill and expect results. You gotta work for it and just keep trying things but make sure you give them a fair shot before moving on! Patience, persistence and dedication are key!
Go ahead and try BO if you like but as you had indicated to me in ur private message, your temp might be a little low for it to be effective for you. I would almost recommend you skip the BO all together and go straight for puraria mirafica instead. Just speaking from my own experience, it so far seems to be working quite well for me but only do it after you've done ur research and understand how it works and HOW TO TAKE IT! Its rather strong and I had issues with headaches n dizziness while I was getting used to it. I am taking Ainterol brand pm I ordered on amazon for only 15.00 USD. I only ordered one bottle, Im on my fourth cycle and I have only used about half the bottle so you really cant get a better deal for your money. That's all Im taking for nbe right now and noogling occasionally with a lil massage here n there. I would like to also order the ainterol pm spray to add to my massage. If I do I will let you know how that goes. It seems to me the sprays are a bit more expensive tho.
Anyway, I hope that helps! good luck!

Lol! For those who have been pm'd by OP, say "I!"

Okay, hun, I already told you that no one can tell you what will work and how much you will grow. I have Also stated I had low temps as well and BO had done wonders for me along with PC (for my O progesterone that I produce).

Now, it sounds like you are hasty anxious to get a rack (as most of us all were / are when stumbling upon this lovely forum.)

Please do your diligence by reading everything you can. So much helpful info is here. You just need to take the time to sort it all out. As I have stated in my pm to you, get a panel done, it will make things so much easier for you. I suggest you to cease posting this same message if you are not going to take what we have to say for real testimony (unless I'm the only one here who has been messaged with this same exact message?)

Are you really 21? Because usually the youngsters underage repetatively post their questions and concerns and to be 21 and get suicidal over it is well, just more common among a younger or more immature mind set.
Just calling it as IT seems.

Good luck, I see your head is Spinnnning already!


thank u sooo much all of u for encouragement...i am going to start my NBE program and will keep posting my progress Smile.wish me best of luck ladies :* Smile

Welcome ayesha!

First off suicide is never the answer. Take that option and get it out of your head. You are a person put on this earth for a reason.

The hard part about improving yourself is accepting who you are now.
Who you are now is not what you want to be and most, if not all of us here understand that. BUT- be happy with WHO you are even if you are not happy with your physical condition.

Improving yourself takes time.

I have been on a journey to improve myself that has taken shape over the past couple years and within the past 6 months has really started to pay off.

I now have a lifestyle of eating healthy, exercise, and taking care of my overall well being. NBE has become part of my life now also. I know the massages are good for my health and that is a mental benefit to NBE right away!Smile

Overall I have lost weight in places I did not need the weight, become stronger both physically and mentally, and I have a much brighter outlook about myself.Big Grin

Now, are my hormones all where they should be? Not yet.
Do I still have problems with dark chin hair that I have to deal with? Yes.
Would I like to be a C cup instead of a B cup? Yes.
Do I want to still lose more weight? Yes.
BUT- Is this my life? YES! And I choose to improve myself because I was put on this earth for a reason. I choose to be the best person I can while I am on this earth.
Life is beautiful, embrace it, chase it, choose to change if you need to.
BUT- always be happy with WHO you are! Wink

soSO TRUE dear Smile

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