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MzHoney's Program Thread


Hey everyone! So I thought I would officially begin my log today, seeing as it is the 1st day of my cycle. So I will call this:

Cycle 1/Day 1

I am currently on a juice fast to get myself prepped and ready for B.O. supplementation! I originally was going to aim for a 6 week cleanse, but I think that was a bit ambitious, and perhaps a bit unnecessary too. I'm already fairly healthy, except for a few imbalances which I'm hoping, and quite certain my regime will clear up.

Some of my symptoms include:
Acne, eczema , thinning hair (at the hairline/crown), very emotional PMS, fogginess, fatigue, mild hirsutism, tummy aches/bloating, very poor memory, low temps, yeast infections, and I could go on... those are the main ones.

Here are my stats:
132 lbs
32 underbust
34.5 bust
28.5 waist
38 butt

Not sure exactly what my bra size is, no matter which ones I try they never fit, so I've succumbed to wearing stretchy padded sports bras by Coobie. They're cute and wear well, but I want to rock something sexier with even sexierness to fill it out Big Grin
I want to be able to fill at least a D, but I'm shooting for DDs. Right now I would say my most accurate size is a 36A but I hate they way they look on me. I just don't like it on my frame, it's just sad. I'd rather wear a padded 36B and just not fill them out lol.

I noogle everyday. I think I may need to give my body a rest maybe once or twice a week, though. like in body building, right? What do you ladies think? I have been just pump and holding. But today I just started 7:2. We'll see how that goes. I haven't been keeping any swelling so far, but I'm not too concerned. I noogled in the past but infrequently and without success. So it's been about a month now, and so basically I'm still just getting started. But they do deflate right away. Rolleyes

Also, I plan on modifying my domes again soon - putting a nip stopper in there. I did that before with great success last year, (more rounded look) but have since taken them out and restarted without them. Oh, laziness.

I'm going to move up to CL domes soon anyhow. I'm filling these babies up fast. they will have to do for now though! Tongue

I'm currently taking Saw Palmetto, and I've noticed a less greasy face/less acne, and way less emotional fits during the week before my cycle! that is AWESOME. I haven't seen any regrowth in my hair, but that sort of thing takes a lot of time, so I'm not too worried about that filling slowly as time goes on. I'm also using castor oil as a hot-oil treatment 1ce a week.

I'm going to start with a teeny bit of PC this luteal phase. And see how that goes. Then I plan on starting my BO regimen at next cycle and slowly ramp up with that!

All the while I will be eating a healthy high-raw diet with lots of protein!

So that's my plan. I haven't posted picture because I haven't really taken any good ones yet. I'll work on it. That way, even if I dont post them yet...Blush, I will still have them for reference later on, cuz I KNOW I will wanna see that.

Happy growing!

Oh! Wow, btw - (I was 7:2 noogling while I wrote that last post lol)... and I just finished and measured, and damn! I have 1" of swelling! 35.5" I usually just deflate to my usual size. I'm DEFINITELY going to keep up with this method. Yay. I wonder how long it will last now.... Smile

Your a multitasker! lol Pump and release defiantly works! Great Program!

Wishing you luck Honey! I hope BO works for you like it did meSmile sounds like it will seeing your starting stats!

Hi Honey,

your program sounds good. I wish you lots of success!

(23-12-2013, 20:03)MzHoney Wrote:  Some of my symptoms include:
Acne, eczema , thinning hair (at the hairline/crown), very emotional PMS, fogginess, fatigue, mild hirsutism, tummy aches/bloating, very poor memory, low temps, yeast infections, and I could go on...

Have you ever checked your thyroid? Sounds like hypothyroidism to me. I have hashimotos and those symtoms are familiar to me.


If you have 32 under bust I don't think a 36a is doing good for you try 32c or 34b should help
The traditional measure method of adding 4 inches is far wrong with most modern bras because of the fit and more stretch so if possible use the band size closest to you under bust measurement.

Thank you all so much for the support!!

@karren - hahaha yea thank you!
@tibetan - hehe yea I certainly hope it works for me like it has for you too Wink
@peggy- yes, got my thyroid checked. She said that my numbers were right smack dab in the middle of perfect. I was totally convinced going in that my numbers would be off, but she said nothings wrong. Its funny and frustrating how these symptoms are the symptoms for so many conditions! We could have anything and everything it seems sometimes. I've also done candida-cleansing, as these symptoms are similar to that as well. Extensively for over a year! Not much changed. No yeast infections, which was a relief, but even that has subsided since I went vegan anyhow. Anyways - yes. I think basically it boils down to immune function, right?

@BonitaDDs- Thank you!! I'll give that a try next time I go shopping for bras! I think 32 might be too small for me though - squishy on the back fat Tongue

Cycle 1/Day 5

So I am feeling fine. I broke my fast (I'm not surprised) with healthy cooked foods because, DAMN, it is just too cold up here. And I'm REALLY sensitive to cold. MY BBT has been around 96.8-97.3. You know, after @peggy mentioned that her symptoms sound like hypothyroidism it got me thinking again. Years ago I had assumed that I was, took kelp, ate coconut oil, no carbs, ginger and cayenne, and headed to my doctors office telling her that I AM hypo and am pretty certain about it, and was looking for some form of med, so what can we do? And got tested - normal. She prescribed me an anti-depressant. Literally.

I didn't take it. I was mad at this point, not depressed... even though depression DOES runs deep in my veins at times. I went to see another doc, same story. He didn't prescribe an anti-depressant but suggested one if I wanted. Told me to get more Vit. D and Zinc too. I took those for a while and felt a little tiny difference, but not what was worth the effort, honestly.

I seriously felt crazy. Like, I haven't felt good for the larger part of my life. But "nothing is wrong with me." I've dealt with most of my emotional baggage, or at least acknowledged it... so I'm sure a large part of this feeling is really physical and not mental or emotional!!!

But I put it out of my mind, seeing as I done got that tested. Mom agreed with me, it's time to figure something else out then.

Well, I researched hypothyroid again last night and came across this PDF:

It's by Dr. Hotze. His clinic is in TX, and this ebook goes over hypothyroidism, estrogen dominance, progesterone deficiency, and a bit more. It's a very interesting and informative read. It goes over how doctors read the labs, not the patients, and it's not proper. He says the most accurate way to diagnose these hormonal imbalances is by symptoms and feelings - not by lab reports. Well, then, I could assuredly say that I am hypo. But good luck to my finding a doc who agrees.

It's not much of a possibility for me to go see this doc at this point, and he's not even covered by insurance, lest he be dictated by the man.

I am considering swanson's thyroid glandular as an OTC supplement to see how that treats me. I really do want to try this. Although, I am nervous to start so many things at once. I really want to know how each is effecting me.

The saw palmetto is AMAZING for me so far. My skin is the biggest teller of how it's effecting me. It's not oily and there are almost no new pimples (only scarring and pigmentation from old ones yuk)! My skin looks way more healthy and toned. I am very happy about this!!!! Acne and oily skin has been so persistent in my life for over 12 years!

My boobies are at 34.5" but have been swelling about .75"-1" after pump and release noogling, which lasts for maybe an hour or so. They look nice and full to me though, not larger, but fuller.

Oh, and on another note.... My cycle was very short and sweet this time around. It ended on day four pretty abruptly - no spotting. It usually carries on for a while. Saw Palmetto???



(25-12-2013, 03:06)BonitaDDs Wrote:  If you have 32 under bust I don't think a 36a is doing good for you try 32c or 34b should help
The traditional measure method of adding 4 inches is far wrong with most modern bras because of the fit and more stretch so if possible use the band size closest to you under bust measurement.

I totally agree..... that and vanity sizing of womens clothing has changed everything over the last few years.... making old measuring rules out of date....

(27-12-2013, 16:26)MzHoney Wrote:  It goes over how doctors read the labs, not the patients, and it's not proper. He says the most accurate way to diagnose these hormonal imbalances is by symptoms and feelings - not by lab reports. Well, then, I could assuredly say that I am hypo.

Yes that is the problem, Honey. Most doctors just check whether the TSH is within the range and many labs work with old values. Some years ago the upper range of TSH was decreased (in many countries in Europe). Before it was from 0.3 to 4 or even 4.5 and now it goes from 0.3 to 2.5 in most of the labs. Which indicates that if your TSH is above 2.5 you can be hypo already. My TSH value was always around 3 and I felt bad. Since taking meds the TSH is now around 1 and I feel much better, more alert, not tired anymore.

Doctor should also check free T3 and free T4, but most of them only check the TSH value.

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