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New to Forum and Excited to Start NBE Program


I'm glad the fat scooping is working for you! Sounds like you'll have a good increase just from wearing the right bra.

Side after fat scooping


I really hope it works for me! I'd love to have maybe just a little bigger than what I got from today.

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Today has been partially an exciting day and a pain. Well it started with excitement. Last night I did the fat brushing massage, well I actually did a very long full body massage starting with the fat brushing from my thighs pushing it to my butt. I already have a bit butt but I hate my thighs and saddlebags. They are the only thing standing in the way of a nice shapely tush! I'd like more lift too! I figure I can always lose it if it gets too big or I can brush it up to my boobs! lol Then I did my stomach massage for fat burning to prep for my cleanse. And then I did my rotations and a few other breast massages with coconut oil before doing the fat brushing to my boobs. I ended it with putting one of my fuller coverage bras and scooping the fat from my back and sides into the bra as much as I could. And then I put my fat burning cream on my tummy with a tummy tuck garment until I went to bed.

So I woke up this morning and I thought it looked like my armpit boob was a little smaller. My breasts didn't look any bigger or rounder but it seemed to fill my hand about 1/8 of an inch more so I got my measuring tape out. To my discovery my measurements had all changed! Here's my start and today.

waist:27 1/2
upper hip: 34 1/2
butt: 39 1/2
bust: 36 1/4 leaning: 37 1/2
underbust: 27 1/2
top bust: 32 1/4

waist: 27
upper hip: 34
butt: 39 3/4
bust: 36 5/8 leaning: 37 3/4
underbust: 27
top bust: 32 7/8

This was all very exciting! My breasts are sore too from last night's chest and shoulder workout. My legs are killing me from my leg workout a couple days ago as well. I got so lazy around Thanksgiving and put on 4 lbs and nearly an inch pretty much everywhere so my signature start measurements are skewed. I'm trying not to get too excited though because I DID just start my period today and my boobs always get bigger. But is it just a coincidence that my tummy is a whole 1/2 inch smaller in only a few days? I usually can only lose 1/4inch in a whole week! I'm trying to drink more water and stop eating so much junk food. It's tough being a chocoholic around this time of year. I didn't measure my legs to see if they had lost anything but I may do that tonight after my breast massage. If they did get smaller I think I can be sure the fat brushing is really working. I don't think my period ever affects my legs. If it is working maybe in a month or two I'll look like this again.


Me when I was a barely B


My BO and Kelp came in today. I was excited about that even though I can't start taking them yet! I'm still waiting on my cleanse to arrive. I think by time I finish that I'll already be a few days into my luteal phase. I was surprised that Swanson sent me a 2nd bottle of Kelp that I hadn't ordered so I should be good on that for a long time!

I found a page for creating your own Chiyomilk program so I think I have a pretty good idea of what my program is gonna look like and I have most of what I need. The herbs I don't have I will add in down the road once I see what's working. I started reading Tibetan's program as suggested. I didn't get the whole way through but I saw at one point she was cycling PM and BO so I think I'm gonna try that and see if it works for me, even though she stopped. She mentioned that PM stops menses and BO will start it I believe. If that's accurate and I understood correctly, it could really be beneficial for me. When I'm not on b/c I've been known to miss a whole month or have it every 2 weeks at times. It's crazy! So the revised program looks like this.

breast cream w/massage

Saw Palmetto
breast cream w/massage

Again I will be slowly adding these in and increasing dosage as necessary and a few others I want to research and consider down the road are wild yam, red clover l-argenine and l-tyrosine.

Ok so the last thing on my mind today is the Bradelis dilemma. So I did my measurement again and looked at the chart and I'm actually a 32G! 3 cup sizes bigger. This is whether I use their method or my normal measurements. It's crazy to think I'm that big but everyone seems to say they are surprised of the size and when they actually do fit! I haven't seen a single bad review so I'm thinking I do want to invest in one but the size just turns me into a huge nervous mess. LOL I don't want to have to return it and wait for it again. Plus out of all their Step 3 bras, I could only find 1 in that size and it was in red. I'm not big on red. I want purple or blue. I guess I'll just go with my original idea of buying a full coverage 32DD bra and trying to stuff that until I find one I like!

I think that's it for now. I'll update at the end of the week or if I have more exciting results!

I've been doing massages with coconut oil on my breasts stomach and legs the past week at least 1-2 times a day. For my breasts I've been doing 100-400 rotations per day, depending on how my arms are feeling. Along with that I have been doing the fat brushing massage from my stomach sides, back and arms to my breasts. I've also tried it on my legs brushing the fat to my butt. For my stomach I've been doing a massage I found to help with digestion. After I'm done I put on a full coverage bra and scoop the fat from sides and back into the bra. I received my Bradelis Step 1 bras on Thursday the 19th and have been wearing those afterwards since. I was surprised to find that I am a 32F/32DDD after scooping the fat!!! They do look pretty big after I must say. For all I know I might not even need much NBE if all the fat really all migrates into my breasts. I wear my prettier more comfortable one during the day and my fuller coverage back smoothing bra after the massage. For my stomach I apply a thermal fat burning cream and a tummy tuck/girdle to suck in my stomach. I apply a cellulite serum to my thighs also. I wear the bra and tummy tuck until I'm ready to go to bed. I have been noticing less "armpit boob". My over bust has grown quite a bit also. They do feel fuller and fill my hand more. Hopefully by the end of the 3 months my breasts will no longer look like a ski slope but more of a nice mound.

I started my colon cleanse on Tuesday the 17th along with Kelp since I read it is also great for weight loss. Also, it can't hurt to raise my temperature even if I'm just doing massage. Since I started I have noticed an increase in energy and a flatter tummy. I've gotten out to workout all but one day where I was too sore to workout. After my workouts I take a protein shake. This shake actually tastes amazing! It's EAS Lean 15 Chocolate Fudge and is only 100 calories with 15g Protein. Plus I take it with skim milk for another 9g protein.

I think that's about all I've started this week. I received my PM, Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto and Collagen today. I also ordered milk thistle and a parasite cleanse, which I should also be receiving today. Since I am basically going to be doing a complete body cleanse to enable full ability to absorb the herbs I probably won't get started on my full NBE program until the end of February or beginning of March I figured out. I am very creeped out and scared about the parasite cleanse but it seems to be something that needs to be done and everyone should do in order to get the best nutrition and feel better. I never would've thought about it if I didn't read about it on another thread. I don't think I'm going to start that until after New Year's so seeing as it is supposed to make you feel very sick when the parasites start dying and releasing toxins into your body. I also want to get my diet in check to have the best results.

I think I might still start on my collagen and maybe the saw palmetto in order to lower my testosterone. I can't really afford to order a hormone test but according to the quiz I took online it seems I have progesterone deficiency and am estrogen dominant. Since I've done more researching I have discovered that I can only doing BO or Fenugreek with Saw Palmetto in my luteal phase, not both. So while I'm doing my cleanse I'll have to research what seems to be the better option to start with for me! After 3 months I'll do another cleanse before I switch to the other.

So here are my results after one week. I hope every week is like this even without supplements.

Bust: Start -36 1/4/leaning 37 1/2 Current- 36 5/8/leaning 37 5/8
Underbust: Start -27 1/2 Current- 27
Overbust: Start -32 1/4 Current- 34
Waist: Start- 27 1/2 Current- 26 1/2
Upper Hip: Start- 34 1/2 Current- 33
Lower hip/butt Start- 39 1/2 Current- 39 1/2
Thigh: Start- 20 1/2 Current- 20 1/4
Weight: Start- 146.6 Current- 145

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