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Spotting while only on a topical with progesterone in it?


So I started the Breast Advance cream on Nov 21 and had my period Nov 23-27 and it was normal and everything. Now today I am having some spotting. I am wondering if it is from the progesterone that is in this cream? I don't normally spot in between my period but herbs and such lately have taken a real toll on my body. I also have Hashimoto's disease.

Before I started this cream I took a 6 week break from NBE due to some lengthy mid cycle bleeding that started 2 weeks after I started PM. I have had aches with the cream but no signs of growing. I am really wondering if the progesterone from this cream is making me bleed. Does anyone have any advice, similar stories, suggestions, etc?

Thanks for all!

I want to commiserate with you here. I started PM and a high dose of SP. I was doing fine with this until I thought that I might as well finish off some red clover I had. Then came the light spotting right before my period and the crankiness! I was so cranky, I was miserable. I couldn't even listen to my favorite songs. Everything just grated on me! It was awful. I quit it after a few days and I was fine by the next day. Good job listening to your body and good luck!

We'll for now I'm still doing the cream I'm just wondering if this is normal or if anyone else has had this experience....or if others think I should stop...

Well, I don't know if you should stop, but perhaps an adjustment of some sore is in order. I removed the RC because I had read a little about estrogen dominance on the threads and I realized that my body was drowning in hormones when I started spotting about a week before my period, then stopped because I stopped RC. Lol. Then I started in earnest about three days later and it was a short period that is just tapering off. As far as I know, growth happens with more balance. I also stopped massaging with flax seed oil in the day time because I read that it competes with PM. So, this is a journey and luckily our beloved forum offers some road maps!

Yeah all I am doing is the breast advance cream twice a day and when I shower I use the Natureday soap. I'm not taking any internals after my fight with PM. I was only putting on the cream once a day before like the product said and had no problems, maybe the cream even twice a day is too much for my body. They did say you could put it on twice a day for faster results though. Not entirely sure. Maybe I should go back to once a day and see what happens...

Thanks for talking with me about this! My problem is too I get really impatient. I haven't used a certain product for NBE for more than 2-3 months and I'll just give up. I've been trying different things for almost 1 year and have had no sign of growth. I really wonder if my thyroid is killing everything I try...I can't even gain weight because of that thing and let me tell ya I hate it. My top half of my body looks anorexic and the bottom half looks normal. I definitely think I probably have estrogen dominance and low progesterone. Ah the joys of being a woman! lol! The only time I loved my body was when I was pregnant. Had great C's the whole pregnancy! Now they're deflated AA's!

Gladly, my dear. I too wondered if having had certain thyroid issues had contributed to a certain body shape. I definitely have well developed below the waist! Hahaha. It is like 18 inches between waist and booty. Finding pants is an adventure.
I also learned that the thyroid is a delicate organ. But I think that the body works better when we appreciate it, though that can be a challenge. I am still learning how not to mess with my thyroid. That organ controls almost everything in the body, so I try to send it good love and vibes. For example, no milk thistle when taking MSN. Careful with my calcium intake. I must say no to black cohosh when taking other herbs in certain ways. My, my.
And I am Aries, so I know about impatience at times too, but I learn better when I practice patience. Because I am patient, I have found out a lot of what I found out. Pshew!

I might just go back to only black cohosh as my enhancement supplement. When I was taking it I was taking it for hot flashes...yes hot flashes that I've had since I was 17 and it seemed to help a lot I do remember noticing that while taking it my breasts looked fuller. I should think about going back to it. I don't want to pump yet and really don't have the time or money with two lil ones hanging around. I think I'll do breast advance for a total of like 3 months and see if I get anywhere and if nothing happens I am going back to just black cohosh. PM gave me weird symptoms, Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto, and Wild yam seemed to do nothing, and so I think black cohosh it is! I'll also be working on taming my thyroid too.

For now just topicals and massage.

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