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Hi, everyone. It's been one month since I started using the therapy cups suggested by Cancerstrikes. I should know the answer to my question by now since I've been at this for nearly a year and had been researching NBE even prior to actually starting this journey. The last several days, I've noticed tremendous swelling the morning. One morning, my breasts swelled up to 31.5" and didn't immediately deflate like when I was using the NB. The largest I got with NB was 30.5" and as soon I took off the cups, I'd lose the swelling. With these therapy cups, my breasts do not immediately deflate. However after taking a quick 10 minute shower, I would lose 1/2" and steadily lose the swelling until 8-10 hours later into the night, I'd be right back where I'm at. I don't know what's going while I have these cups on at night. Is blood being pumped to your breasts causing tissue growth? Does condensation inside the cups mean anything? I wear them at night for 6-10 hours. I've noticed the nice the swelling these past few days because I've been off work due to the Thanksgiving holiday so I could sleep in and wear them longer.

My question is has there been in any cases where swelling does not lead to growth? Or does swelling lead to growth always? How can I maintain the swelling longer? I get a lot of swelling, but can't seem to maintain it and usually within a few hours, I've lost most of the swelling and then I'm back to my old size, again, by night time.

When can I expect this swelling to turn into growth? I know with Brava, you have to wear it for a min of 10 hours per day for 10 weeks, I think to see growth, but you have to continue to use the system for a total of 10 months. I was told by the rep that anything you gain at the 10 month mark becomes permanent. Does that work the same with these therapy cups? I'm at the one month mark and these last few days have been the first where I'm getting this great swelling, but then, again, can't maintain the swelling. When I remove the cups in the morning, my breasts are heavy and taut. They aren't purple or red or pink, but very pale, even more so than my natural skin tone. If the theory is that these cups will cause blood flow to the tissue, shouldn't my breasts be pink? I hope I'm not causing more damage than good and I'm hoping the swelling will eventually lead to growth.

Oh, I also take PM 500mg twice daily, BC daily, MSM, MVI, use the Slim 3D and PM cream. I just used PG cream tonight for the first time. Should I add anything else? Should I take something to keep blood pumping to my breasts or to keep my breasts inflamed throughout the day? Maybe add FG or GR? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

From what I've read and discovered.... short term swelling is a by product of the process.... what creates growth is the negative pressure pulling the breasts outward and allowing a little bit of tissue growth to form.... each time you use it.... so cumulative growth is slow and gradual over long periods of time... Brava quotes 9 months to increase one cup size... my growth is more like a cup size a year since I don't use it as often as I should.... and the swelling is like tissue inflammation... same as when you get hit and it swells up.....

What are therapy cups? Are they Noogleberry?
Sorry for sounding so stupid.

V discovered them.... Chineese therapy cups.... here's her post.... they are like noble cups only with an air lock built in.... so you don't need to hook tubes up and continually pump... you can get them on amazon... they come in all different sizes...

(02-12-2013, 14:18)karren Wrote:  From what I've read and discovered.... short term swelling is a by product of the process.... what creates growth is the negative pressure pulling the breasts outward and allowing a little bit of tissue growth to form.... each time you use it.... so cumulative growth is slow and gradual over long periods of time... Brava quotes 9 months to increase one cup size... my growth is more like a cup size a year since I don't use it as often as I should.... and the swelling is like tissue inflammation... same as when you get hit and it swells up.....

Thanks, Karren, for the clarification. I've been using the pump/suction device method since January. I started using noogleberry at the end of January and started taking PM since April so I've been very patient and diligent with these methods. I just don't want to get any false hopes. I hope this is truly the answer I'm looking for and that I'll finally see results. Since I use them pretty much every day, do you think I can gain a cup size faster than a year? I know V got some great swelling that persisted throughout the day. My swelling goes away throughout the day, leaving me at square one by night time. At what point do you think I can expect the swelling to last longer like 10-12 hours? I'm still waiting to fill out the 32B bras I got from Victoria's Secrets:-/

This sounds like a good breaking point! Just keep going at it and keep us updated! Some swelling is much better than no swelling so it sounds like you're in the right direction. I get great swelling and I've had great growth. I was able to get swelling from pretty much the very beginning though. I have no clue what determines who will swell and who will have a harder time. I had some tissue to begin with so that may make the difference.

I read massaging and applying heat before you pump will give you more swelling longer but what your describing sounds like the norm. Applying heat, so taking a warm shower, after pumping can cause swelling to go down faster.

I find that I am lucky to get 1/4 in swelling and my growth is pretty slow. I have started doing massage before pumping but it's too soon to tell if that helps or not. Since noogling for 6 months I have got maybe 1/4 inch growth on each breast- I am now up to 8 (L) and 7.5 ® - hoping to get to between 9 and 10 for each as I think that will look more in proportion.

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