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Hi, how important is human growth hormone in NBE?


Answering your question about which one to take: amino acids or human growth hormone, they are all pretty much the same thing. For you HGH spray, it is not literally HGH in a bottle. Rather, it has in it a bunch of things that are known to be stimulators of HGH ,like the list we mentioned earlier. The HGH spray (like other HGH supplements) will probably have the amino acids in there as well as GABA and deer velvet and all the things that are known to stimulate the production of HGH.

(04-11-2013, 14:18)lora Wrote:  tim i used all my life to eat egg, milk and meat with very very high amount and actually in my country we have the best of the best of natural pure meat and egg with no hormones or chemical in it at all, i think not found in any area in the world , Big Grin
however all of this didn't help me at all with my HGH, it's extremely low and i'm been on whey protein for about 5 or 6 months, i take it 2 times daily with no result in HGH too ,
i knew that bountiful breast (b.o) is supposed to increase hgh too, but it didn't do anything for me in that too with using it 9 months ,
i knew also that i need very large a mount of specific amino acids ( l arginine at least (2 gram if i'm taking protein drink and more if not taking protein ) and l tyrosine at least 2gram )
so i think the amount found in whey protein is not enough to satisfy my purpose .
i'm so lazy too for exercise, i know it helps so much but i'm just lazy .
tim do you think that the amount of vit b in emergen-c msm is enough ? i'm afraid of b toxicity if taking additional b vit with it .

Ok, so to give me a better understanding... you said you are very low in HGH, specifically 0.5 (normal range up to 10). What is the minimum that is considered to be in the normal range? A "range" usually has a minimum and a maximum value. And is this ng/mL? If you give me the unit of measurement then I could at least understand your "0.5" in some context.

What did your doctor say about this deficiency? When a doctor finds something like this in your blood test, it is their responsibility to lead you to the next step in fixing your situation.

And you already now why BO did not work for you. Regardless of it having HGH or not, you still have a hormonal imbalance with a progesterone deficiency and too much estrogen. So who knows. Maybe once you balance out your hormones, the HGH in the BO will help you this time.

This is what is involved in the production and use of your HGH: your pituitary glands and your liver. "Somatotropin, is a simple protein made up of a single chain of 191 amino acids. It is released by the pituitary gland, starting in childhood and continuing into old age. It moves from the bloodstream to the liver, where it is converted into somatomedin-C (also known as growth factors), which are messenger molecules that carry hGH’s message of growth into other parts of the body." Your doctor should help you look into the possible causes for your HGH deficiency, because (I don't recall your age atm) but I don't think you are old enough yet to blame it on aging. I really don't think that there is a huge chance of another HGH supplement in your diet to help your case if none of the others did. Supplements are meant to ADD to what you already get in your diet, and it is strange that yours is still so low considering all the HGH supplements and foods you have taken/eaten. So your doctor should really try to help you to see what is going on to make your HGH levels so low.

I did not realize that you do not exercise. You will not get the most out of your protein shakes if you do not exercise! As for not thinking that you get enough of those amino acids in your shakes: I doubt it. Well, how many shakes do you drink in a day? I drink two a day usually, and in one of my shakes I get about 10 grams of arginine, crystine, tyrosine, histidine, proline, and glutamine/glutaminic acid combined (in that order). I am sure that I get enough with two shakes, not to mention that you can also get these amino acids from your diet as well, remember (Arginine: red meat, nuts, spinach and lentils, whole grains, seafood, eggs; Tyrosine: eggs, soy, avocados, almonds, seaweed, parmesan cheese, fish, turkey). So, you are probably getting enough of those aminos as well. It is important to remember that these are CONDITIONALLY ESSENTIAL amino acids, which means that they are NOT essential. Why? Because your body can make this amino acid on its own.

As for the Emergen-C packs, you will get 10mg of vitamin B3 in a pack which is 50% of your daily value, so taking two packs a day should give you more than enough. You should probably check your multivitamin and add them up to see how much you really get on a daily basis, and then again, you are probably getting much in your diet as well as these foods are abundant in it: fish, chicken, pork, liver, peanuts, beef, mushrooms, peas, etc. So, my guess is that you are already getting enough. So yeah, you probably won't need to take any extra supplements for it.

So, bottom line is this: you are clearly getting enough from your diet to have a healthy level of HGH, so something else must be the cause of your deficiency. I would talk to your doctor about this, or whomever helped you get your HGH levels tested, as it was their responsibility to begin with and they kinda dropped the ball on that.

(05-11-2013, 03:17)LookingForward2NBE Wrote:  For nbe, that short acting gh won't do much if anything for nbe but the exercise component could have a very negative impact if you don't consume more calories then burn off in a given.

You don't see marathon runners or female bodybuilders with natural c cup+ breasts. Its definitely the rare vs common occurance. Most women with naturally large breasts typically carry weight on waist upper cheast legs and arms. Hour glass figures are naturally more prone to larger breasts then athelete builds.

Right. I don't think anyone should exercise without eating enough. But the amounts that are required to be eaten when exercising actually is better than the amounts required for those who don't (you get much more of the nutritional values that you need on a daily basis), so in this catch I think comparatively it is still better. I think people who do not exercise should still eat way more than what caloric needs their body requires without exercise. People need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, and when not exercising, this could easily make someone gain too much weight.

As for marathon runners and female body builders: true, but that is also based on the assumption that we have every kind of possible body shape there is jumping into these sports and all coming out looking the same. Meaning, we definitely cannot assume that the sport is the cause and their boob size/figure is the result. I honestly think it works the other way around. I am an example (even though I am no professional body builder at all by any stretch of the imagination). I have rarely ever met a big chested woman to say hey, I really aspire to be a marathon runner/ body builder. I honestly think breasts larger than C cups deter women from working out significantly past the comfort zone. I mean, I cannot imagine how much more difficult it would be to run all that distance with those big floppy things in my face. Girls with big chests. For me, my breasts are not tiny because I lift. They were tiny before I started lifting! So, it is more likely that my figure resulted in my desire to workout. I think tiny breasts look better with a fit body than with a body that is out-of-shape, so in order to improve my overall appearance, I workout. Girls with big chests may be possibly less inspired to do so because of 1) the extra discomfort their breasts cause them while exercising (my breasts NEVER get in the way!), and 2) they are more content with their overall body appearance because of their larger breasts than someone like me who is more compelled to work around improving my figure with a tiny bust. Make sense? I think small breasts are more likely to result in exercise, not the other way around. So this phenomenon that we both notice, I think, is more likely to be caused this way than the way you mentioned above. The rare and occasional big busted women who dares to exercise strenuously I have not noticed a bust decrease in them as of yet (although not saying that doesn't happen, as I am sure there are cases in which it does), but again, most of the people I know who exercise strenuously had C or smaller breasts before they began working out. And nothing changed for them (bust size wise).

Also, I am slightly confused by this statement: "Most women with naturally large breasts typically carry weight on waist upper cheast legs and arms. Hour glass figures are naturally more prone to larger breasts then athelete builds." Because in the first sentence, you described an apple, not an hourglass. Also, you compare hourglass builds to athletic builds as though they are different body types. One is a body SHAPE and the other is a body TYPE (assuming that by "athletic" you mean "mesomorph"). My point in this? They are not opposing, as every shape/type combo exists. Body shape is about where one places their fat when they gain fat, and body type is how easily they gain fat and how easily they gain muscle. Ectomorphs have difficulty gaining both, Mesomorphs have ease gaining both, especially muscle, and Endomorphs have so much ease at gaining both (especially fat) that they actually have a difficult time getting it OFF. There are many hourglass mesomorphs. So, I am just confused by the point you are making here, since it doesn't really make complete sense to me.

(05-11-2013, 03:20)LookingForward2NBE Wrote:  Don't get me wrong, exercise is a key to a healthy and long but equally as important is getting long sustain sleep and low stress low cortisol.

Once a nbe'r is pleased with her gains, then she can slowly add exercise back.. 6-12 months shouldn't make a significant difference to your health if your taking care and eating clean.

Yes, sleep is important and is difficult for many of us. I get enough sleep, but I get tired and before I know it I am asleep. I fall asleep with the lights on and the computer on, so that is my set back. Dodgy

6-12 months... are you saying of no exercise at all? I don't care how clean someone is eating, daily exercise is necessary for an individual (granted sure, they won't DIE without it, if that is what you're saying--but it is necessary for their HEALTH). It is this mentality of NBE that shames me at times to be apart of it. Anyone who willingly compromises their health for boob growth is........ .
I want to be healthy, which will give me an overall more attractive appearance, and breasts secondarily. If I had boobs and did not work out at all, I would not look so great. A healthy body without boobs is better than an unhealthy body with boobs. It is at this point that I will say that boobs have become seriously overrated. But again, I am not sure if you are saying 6-12 months of no exercise at all, or if you are just speaking of high intensity workouts.

But, even if you were speaking of 6-12 months of absolutely no high intensity workouts: this honestly shouldn't be that detrimental to breast growth, considering the women who I know who intensely workout and do not lose their breasts. There is truth to it, but probably on an extremely small scale. This is NOT to include those who lose their breasts from going catabolic (which is really why anyone might possibly their breasts "from exercise"). One can go into catabolism without exercising, so to be clear this is an issue controlled more by diet than by exercise. So, people should not be afraid of exercising. People should be afraid of not eating right/enough.

Sorry, ignore this extra post.

Answering your question about which one to take: amino acids or human growth hormone, they are all pretty much the same thing. For you HGH spray, it is not literally HGH in a bottle. Rather, it has in it a bunch of things that are known to be stimulators of HGH ,like the list we mentioned earlier. The HGH spray (like other HGH supplements) will probably have the amino acids in there as well as GABA and deer velvet and all the things that are known to stimulate the production of HGH.

Thanks Tina.
I found the spray you speak of and it was homeopathic too including some for of HGH so was all excited. Im 36 BTW so maybe at that age where my HGH has potentially declined. Anyway went to buy now only to find out HGH is a banned substance over here. Also gaba for that matter. I don't know what's wrong with my country Sad So yes have to build my HGH up other ways. Deer Velvet is another story and I never knew about this so I will look into this! Thank you Smile

(05-11-2013, 11:43)timarie Wrote:  6-12 months... are you saying of no exercise at all? I don't care how clean someone is eating, daily exercise is necessary for an individual (granted sure, they won't DIE without it, if that is what you're saying--but it is necessary for their HEALTH). It is this mentality of NBE that shames me at times to be apart of it. Anyone who willingly compromises their health for boob growth is........ .

I disagree. Europeans and Americans are big in gym vigorous Exercise but no, not Asian world. My late Dad at early adult age, he had bad diet and he ended up with one bad disease then he changed the way he ate (no more raw meat + fishes which was very popular in Asia). He never worked out but he lived till the age of late 80's. Samething for my late grandparents who lived to late 90's. Tai chi or Yoga is different than American Gym exercises due to we Americans consume too much calories daily. This is where Japanese people longevity rate are a lot higher than Americans...

To me if you are active (not a TV couch potato + Xbox player) and eating proper diet, you will be fine without exercising.



I did say not to exercise but simply no High intensity workouts that would be required for GH release. I stand by that. A lack of vigorous exercise for 6-12months won't do anyone harm unless you someone with a type of preexisting condition ie type2 diabetes, high cholesterol etc. Then again, if you have those, nbe with the use of herbs could be an issue by manipulating the your baseline hormone balance.

Walking, non power yoga, light bike rides, intercourse, orgasims etc all help get your heart up without burning too many calories. Going for 2-3 light walks vs 1 power workout etc.

Easy with the hostility, I didn't say anything controversial or personally attack anyone. No wonder so many educated helpful members have stop posting and left.

The simple fact is, comparing a person who is naturally gifted with C+ breasts with a slim waste to someone with A-B cup breasts are trying to outdue your natural state and put on additional glandular extensioning and fat disposition is just a poor argument.

All us NBE are trying to trick our bodies to put on breast growth.. Being catabolic, decreasing your natural test to testosterone ratio is simply a harmful appraoch for the gains we trying to get.

Its important to be excess calorie state, maximize estrogen and progesterone, keep test low, get sufficient sleep.

Your best chance of putting on breast tissue IMO is not to do rigorous exercise.. Go ahead if you want too but don't be confused as to why you are not seeing results or results are slower then what you hoped for. You can work on body later and get to a balance between breasts and fitness.. And I'll almost guarantee you when do start to be active you'll probably lose breast more quickly then from your waste and hips unless you are digilant with massage.

They're are so many fallacies regarding gh out there its ridiculous.

(05-11-2013, 19:18)CancerStrikes2 Wrote:  
(05-11-2013, 11:43)timarie Wrote:  6-12 months... are you saying of no exercise at all? I don't care how clean someone is eating, daily exercise is necessary for an individual (granted sure, they won't DIE without it, if that is what you're saying--but it is necessary for their HEALTH). It is this mentality of NBE that shames me at times to be apart of it. Anyone who willingly compromises their health for boob growth is........ .

I disagree. Europeans and Americans are big in gym vigorous Exercise but no, not Asian world. My late Dad at early adult age, he had bad diet and he ended up with one bad disease then he changed the way he ate (no more raw meat + fishes which was very popular in Asia). He never worked out but he lived till the age of late 80's. Samething for my late grandparents who lived to late 90's. Tai chi or Yoga is different than American Gym exercises due to we Americans consume too much calories daily. This is where Japanese people longevity rate are a lot higher than Americans...

To me if you are active (not a TV couch potato + Xbox player) and eating proper diet, you will be fine.


Careful, your logic goes against the billion dollar industry of how to be fit yet we live in the most unfit nation the world. Its amazing people have still not woken up the fact the healthyist people (who die of old age 90+, centarians etc. almost always never hit a gym, never watched sooooo closely what they ate, typically don't get sick, don't have ache etc.

General easy rule of thumb to be healthy and live a long life is simple:

Eat whole foods, avoid all processed food (tradition meal preparation)
Eat organic meats - avoid modern hormones laced, avoid modern sterile dairy
Eat way less then a normal north American - usually a third.
Live a low stressed life
Sleep lots
Active in the sense of being outdoor and walking and interacting with people

The gym is one the least healthiest you can do for your health. To prevent osteo, all you need to do is bodyweight lite excerises daily like walking, a hop to your step etc. The compression effects solidify bone. But why you want to walk when you can drive and that bs calcium pills that are poorly absorbed, lead to coronary artery disease. To not gain weight, remove all processed food and eat less calories then you use. Eat a variety of natural unprocessed foods.

But where is money in that lol

(05-11-2013, 19:34)LookingForward2NBE Wrote:  Careful, your logic goes against the billion dollar industry of how to be fit yet we live in the most unfit nation the world. Its amazing people have still not woken up the fact the healthyist people (who die of old age 90+, centarians etc. almost always never hit a gym, never watched sooooo closely what they ate, typically don't get sick, don't have ache etc.

General easy rule of thumb to be healthy and live a long life is simple:

Eat whole foods, avoid all processed food (tradition meal preparation)
Eat organic meats - avoid modern hormones laced, avoid modern sterile dairy
Eat way less then a normal north American - usually a third.
Live a low stressed life
Sleep lots
Active in the sense of being outdoor and walking and interacting with people

The gym is one the least healthiest you can do for your health. To prevent osteo, all you need to do is bodyweight lite excerises daily like walking, a hop to your step etc. The compression effects solidify bone. But why you want to walk when you can drive and that bs calcium pills that are poorly absorbed, lead to coronary artery disease. To not gain weight, remove all processed food and eat less calories then you use. Eat a variety of natural unprocessed foods.

But where is money in that lol

We live in a fast dollars and material world, so you can't expect not to have someone comes up with some ideas (milking, bilking of some sorts) to make money out of some one or some countries?!!

Anyway, the Human Growth Hormone is definitely important for growing your boobies period. Mainly cuz you try to force your body to be out of its comfort zones to grow Extra layer.

Same principle applied to men (that we women should try to apply to our NBE program too), a lean define skinny chest ie David Beckham, he probably consumed Protein **prior** working out. The fatty large chest as Chris Hemsworth (Thor actor), then he probably eats more protein after his work out routine. Many of my guys friends have tested such theory.

My 2 cents.

As long as your pituatary is functioning well (hence why its added to some pills), gh will naturally be produced for any growth stimulation that's caused from nbe as long you are not in a healing crisis. See below what I mean by that.

Think of a broken leg, you do nothing different and still heal without any intervention other then mobilization to allow delicate cartlidge matrix to be laid down for calcification.

The htpa (hytothalmus, pituatary axis) is very robust at dealing with growth when needed such as injuries. Trying to boost that is fine, but vigorous exercise cause micro damage which your body will take as a priority as its a critical function like muscle repair, ligament support, osteofication of bones, lung clearing of localized micro edema for increased respiration.. All those are critical life factors that need repair immediately.. Not laying down basements of breast tissue.

Like most of nbe, there is no proof either way regarding gh. What I feel is important is to give yourself the best shot at success cause its such a time and mental commitment to the nbe process that the above makes way way way more sense then working out hard enough to cause a gh transient spike and decreasing your estrogen-test ratio, getting into a state of fat loss when you want to be putting on fat..

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