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Hi, how important is human growth hormone in NBE?


thanks, I just wondered how important a role HGH is after reading it is important in new breast growth and also reading on one poster who said they are low in it and as a result cant grow :s how would you know whether you were low in that or not? TIA

OK ive found the answer to my own question by doing a search on here on HGH and have found the following. It seems human growth hormone is VERY important if we want to grow, especially us ladies in our 30's, I had read this also in the "boost your bust" programme but guess I had forgotten this info. there's soo much to remember and retain while trying to grow, simply overwhelming and exhausting I might add :s

Growth Hormone
Growth hormone, as the name implies, triggers the growth of your body. It also plays a special role in breast development. Growth hormone is so important that it is one of your body’s most plentiful hormones. It is produced by the pituitary gland during the first two hours of sleep. Almost immediately after it’s secreted, growth hormone is converted in the liver into a new, more usable substance known as Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF). Growth hormone could be thought of as your body’s “Master Hormone” since it regulates every other hormone you’ve got. Growth hormone is produced in massive amounts during puberty, promoting the growth of cells, tissues, and organs. Without enough growth hormone, your body - and your breasts - simply wouldn’t grow. As an adult, growth hormone is involved in tissue repair and cell replacement. Unfortunately, growth hormone levels start to plummet after the age of thirty. By the time you hit sixty, your growth hormone level could be 75% lower than it was when you were twenty! Low growth hormone levels are directly responsible for the aging of the body. Breast enlargement requires a lot of growth hormone. You had a ton of it at your disposal during puberty, but if you’re over the age of eighteen, you’re going to have to boost it back up in order to get your breasts to grow again.

yes it's a must, i'm struggling with no breast growth till now and thinking it's just my problem , i mean leaking of hgh

(03-11-2013, 14:44)lora Wrote:  yes it's a must, i'm struggling with no breast growth till now and thinking it's just my problem , i mean leaking of hgh

hey lora Smile
so when you say "until now", you mean you are now taking some form of HGH and you're now noticing a difference? I tried to buy a homeopathic hgh but we aren't allowed to bring it into my country Sad so ive ordered some gaba, but I hate the thought of adding MORE into my programme.
what are you using that you have found helpful Smile ?

Wait, so what are natural HGH foods and herbs?

(03-11-2013, 21:01)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Wait, so what are natural HGH foods and herbs?

Ah the million dollar question lol.
Well I read there are 3 amino acids that make up or promote hgh , exercising boosts it (I have no time for that :p ) or gaba?? I need to read up more on gaba. But if your in the states iherb have a homeopathic hgh spray but I couldn't import it here :'(

Im sure some1 has more alot more info on hgh that me though, still a newbee! But yeh jen the more I read I remembered most of the websites all said you need hgh to grow :s

This post is from my thread here ...

ok now i noticed that there will be no breast growth without the growth hormoneand i realized that i've very low level of growth hormone .at rest (not after exercise): 0.5 (normal range up to 10)of course i know that this hormone is normally diminished after the age 25 ,but i've no way to grow without it, so i'm digging deeper to know all the effective ways to increase it,and tell now i found those ways .
L arginine
 L tyrosine (2g)
protein intake
intensive short workout.
less carb and sugar in diet
fasting one day in a weak
sleep well (by turning of all the artificial lights early (including TV, and computer ) to allow the secretion of melatonin ) and with the help of hypnosis to .

Ok till now just doing intensive short workout, protein and sleep well ,But i'm interesting in what you said about hgh spray . It's the first time i hear about that , it will be nice to try such thing

(03-11-2013, 23:58)lora Wrote:  This post is from my thread here ...

ok now i noticed that there will be no breast growth without the growth hormoneand i realized that i've very low level of growth hormone .at rest (not after exercise): 0.5 (normal range up to 10)of course i know that this hormone is normally diminished after the age 25 ,but i've no way to grow without it, so i'm digging deeper to know all the effective ways to increase it,and tell now i found those ways .
L arginine
 L tyrosine (2g)
protein intake
intensive short workout.
less carb and sugar in diet
fasting one day in a weak
sleep well (by turning of all the artificial lights early (including TV, and computer ) to allow the secretion of melatonin ) and with the help of hypnosis to .

Ok till now just doing intensive short workout, protein and sleep well ,But i'm interesting in what you said about hgh spray . It's the first time i hear about that , it will be nice to try such thing


(04-11-2013, 00:05)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(03-11-2013, 23:58)lora Wrote:  This post is from my thread here ...

ok now i noticed that there will be no breast growth without the growth hormoneand i realized that i've very low level of growth hormone .at rest (not after exercise): 0.5 (normal range up to 10)of course i know that this hormone is normally diminished after the age 25 ,but i've no way to grow without it, so i'm digging deeper to know all the effective ways to increase it,and tell now i found those ways .
L arginine
 L tyrosine (2g)
protein intake
intensive short workout.
less carb and sugar in diet
fasting one day in a weak
sleep well (by turning of all the artificial lights early (including TV, and computer ) to allow the secretion of melatonin ) and with the help of hypnosis to .

Ok till now just doing intensive short workout, protein and sleep well ,But i'm interesting in what you said about hgh spray . It's the first time i hear about that , it will be nice to try such thing

Thanks lora Smile ok was just googling up on gaba too and stumbled across a site saying its prohibited to bring into my country Sad guess my order will be destroyed when it reaches my country.

Will look at upping the amino acids but may I ask did you use individual aminos as you have just posted or did you use an amino acid complex? Txs so much

(04-11-2013, 00:11)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  Thanks lora Smile ok was just googling up on gaba too and stumbled across a site saying its prohibited to bring into my country Sad guess my order will be destroyed when it reaches my country.

Will look at upping the amino acids but may I ask did you use individual aminos as you have just posted or did you use an amino acid complex? Txs so much

Amino acids can simply be found in any protein source. Protein IS amino acids! Save yourself the money from buying extra amino acid supplements and just increase your protein intake Wink There are different ways to do that too, so it shouldn't be too difficult to work out for yourself.

But, since this thread's main purpose is for increasing HGH specifically, see here:

HGH (or, Somatotropin) is found naturally in animal carcasses. So, any kind of meat (and eggs) would work for this.

In addition to the accurate information that lora posted above about stimulators of the HGH, there is also: androgens, estrogen, niacin (vitamin B3), arginine (which also is found in meats and dairy products), nicotine (not really gonna recommend that one, btw), L-DOPA (to which Tyrosine is a precursor, and Tyrosine is also found in high-protein sources such as meat and dairy products), and clonidine (which actually is a prescribed medication). So many of the above listed stimulators are SOOO easy to get! One doesn't really need to buy expensive supplements. And Vitamin B complex is important to have in your diet, anyway. So, if one makes sure they are getting their Vitamin B's and are getting enough animal proteins, they should have no problem with getting enough HGH. It additionally is important to remember sleep and exercise also, as lora mentioned. And then of course there is also GABA which has been reported by one study to increase HGH . It is an amino acid found in plants, most abundantly found in tomatoes!

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