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rateset's hardcore programme: Brava+ Bosom Beauty+Swansons BO+Volufiline+Biovea cream


congrats on ur gradual gains I hope everyday ur adding into nbe get u some more gains. BTW what is ur underbreast size as u were using wide domes before and now ur using narrow why is that? is narrow giving u a wide filled look too? or it is covering part of ur breast more. I know u told me before that at first when u take the domes of they look wide apart n then start coming closer, but is it still doing the same with narrow domes. As I have narrow domes n even after taking them off they dont come closer. I dont know whether its depending on the breast shape or what.
As for BB I just started it 2 days ago Wanted to know what r u taking for temps or u dont need anything for that. I bought iodine for it back when i first started BB but couldn't find out how much should i take so never took it. just wondering if u know anything.
One more thing how did u ramp up BB dosage what is ur body weight and height n why are u not very hopeful with BB?

The only reason I am using narrow domes is that I only found the narrow ones, I heard that it's hard to find the XL domes, so I was happy that I found XL domes at all and I thought with a size up they will be a bit wider too, so actually the same width as wide L domes-but they are not, they are around 1cm narrower. That is not good for me, the wide ones suit my chest better. I have a wide rib cage 80cm, which would correspond to a M body size, but actually I am XS, my rib cage is simply too big for my body, I am around 121lbs and 5 ft 8 1/2 inch, my BMI is around 18, so very thin.

At the moment I have a sore on one side, so I cannot put maximum pressure, I didn't want to make a break, the thought of going backwards terrifies me, so I just try to press the sore less. Actually I cannot tell you for sure if the narrow ones are wide enough, but I think they will be in the sense they will also cause the swelling that is big/wide enough for the breasts to come closer, I will tell you that after my sore has healed. And bigger cups are better for bigger swelling, the pressure is much higher, I was filling the large domes and that makes the pressure weak, they get bigger with XL domes. I am still using one L dome, it is still not completely damaged, but actually it is too small for me when I reach my biggest swelling, but I thought it will get completely destroyed soon, so I am using it till it falls apart. As for you, if your swelling is so big that you touch the walls of the domes on all sides they should come closer, especially if your bust is narrow.

And for BB, well I don't feel anything, no other pills worked for me and I read again and again about people who tried BB for 9months and had zero results. But even if that is so with me, I will not know it till I stop brava, which is crazy, doing it for 9months and not knowing if it works?! So what should I do after I stop brava, buy another supply of BB or try something else? But I will decide that when I get that far. I am taking 3pills, not taking anything for temperature, the last time I measured it was high enough.

Brava 5 Months update 2inches!!

As for the measurements it's the same story as the last two months, my rest swelling 12h after the session is somewhere around 91cm and I am not quite sure if it is so and if its stable. But I never measured 91cm 12h after the session before, so there is some improvement. The new cm is not a permanent gain, so that's why I call it the rest swelling. I believe in order to make a newly won cm permanent it takes a month or two. So the pace - a cm pro month - is really good, I hope it won't get worse, but the thing is, as I set my first goal at 93cm it was based on the swelling with that curcumference where I have much more fullness so it looks very different. I get fullness with the swelling and it lasts really long till 8h its great, 10h later its still OK, but 15h later the swelling from the center of my chest is pretty much gone and then then they look a lot smaller. So I think even when I reach the 93cm it will not look as expected, because I will have less fullness.

Reaching the 91cm I have grown or whatever we should call it 2inches which is great(started with 86cm), but because I started out very small I am still small. I expect when I reach the 93cm it should be easier,since I will have more tissue to work with and it should also be more fun-cos they should start looking good, because now I was making progress, but it still didn't look good, I got a new cm every month, but it didn't make it much prettier, the beginning is the hardest. When you get to a B the difference between sizes is supposed to be an inch, but before reaching a full A it takes a couple of inches. And I need XL wide domes, I hope I will get them soon, narrows are too narrow for me. Another problem is trying to position the domes lower on my chest, somehow they climb up again and then I get too much swelling on top and not enough on the bottom. Besides that, I got a sore at the beginning of the month so I tried to put less pressure on that breast, but often it resulted in loosing pressure on both sides, so there were quite a few not very effective days what slowed me down.

BB - Bountiful Breast
Still taking 3 Pills a day, no idea if its all worth anything.

Volufiline - Biovea PM Cream
I use Volufiline Platinum on smaller breast and PM cream on both

I just wanted to say that i really like to read your posts, they are really encouraging. I guess i'm going to copy your program (without another pumping system). We seem to have quite similar conditions.

good thing that u keep on growing, slow and steady wins the race. I hope u find wide domes for urself pretty soon. how many hours are u doing brava now usually.
r u continually taking protien shakes with ur BB?

(28-11-2013, 08:51)Lilylittle Wrote:  good thing that u keep on growing, slow and steady wins the race. I hope u find wide domes for urself pretty soon. how many hours are u doing brava now usually. r u continually taking protien shakes with ur BB?

Well if I grow 1cm pro month it wouldn't be slow to me, I really wonder how the things will develop further. Somehow I can imagine to grow faster with more tissue, but also to stall. I hope as long as I can get the swelling that is at least 2" bigger than my size theoretically I should be able to grow more. Couple of days ago I started using my new smartbox and it is much stronger, with it I get big swelling, no need to suck the air out manually, so I really hope it will help me get decent swelling during the week-cos that was very long my problem, marathons and huge swelling on weekends isn't enough. I will see how the things work next week-fingers crossed. So if I manage to fix my problem with the weak swelling on workdays and get the wide XL domes it would be sooo perfect!!! The things would be really getting going.

I do 10-12h sessions during the week and marathons of 20-30-even 40h on weekends. I am not taking any protein shakes, I try to eat right and take collagen and oil pills, if I don't take enough through food.


Brava 24 weeks update
It's not quite 6 months update, because I update every 4weeks and a month has 4,3 weeks, so now it makes a difference. Well, I seem to have reached the 92cm. Another good news is that I got Wide XL domes-yeah! I just find it hard with the new domes in the first week. They try to curl in inside of the domes and the silicon rim digs into my skin and makes a lot of pressure especially on my sternum. My sore got even bigger and is painfull, so I cannot put the maximum pressure again,even the pressure from the smartbox is too much. I try to put different pressure on both sides, that doesn't work too well, I hope the sore will get better soon. My new smartbox is a lot stronger, If I have a perfect seal some time in the night the pressure gets too high and I have to leave some air out so that I can sleep, I can just let it work, even if I don't suck the air out manually I get a lot of swelling. Its just the sore that is my problem at the moment. I get around 96cm swelling directly after taking off the domes during the week and around 98cm on weekends after marathons. The wide XL are also much longer, so I hope it will help me get more swelling on the bottom boob. That is one thing that the suction made worse for me, I get much swelling on the top and not enough on bottom, before pumping I didn't find my bottom boob smaller than it shoud be. I am happy I got the wide XLs, the narrow ones were too narrow for my chest, it wasn't enough for the side boob, I hope to see them get wider now, somehow with the narrow domes they have widened only towards the center of my chest and the side boob didn't really change. After my sore has healed (I have it for soo long and now it even hurts againSad ) it will be easier to say how many weeks it takes me to get a further cm, because I have more or less the same pressure every day with the smartbox, but as I said after the sore has healed, I cannot leave the smartbox work at the moment.

BB - Bountiful Breast
I am taking 4 pills a day, still no sensations.

Volufiline - Biovea PM Cream
I use Volufiline Platinum on smaller breast and PM cream on both, but it happened to miss some days

I'm currently taking BB and have experienced some growth but no sensations. I worry that you might be taking too much since I've read that that can cause you to stall.

(21-12-2013, 06:50)prettylily Wrote:  I'm currently taking BB and have experienced some growth but no sensations. I worry that you might be taking too much since I've read that that can cause you to stall.
I understand your worry, but you say you stall if you have grown and then stopped growing, if I have never grown in the first place I have nothing to loose and its not called stalling. I've been taking BO since July, fist Swanson than BB since October, so it was enough time, I started with low doses. People who are taking BO from other companies (Swanson etc) normally do take larger doses than 1g, also from other pills, medicines and stuff I often need higher doses. How much have you grown?

It is too early to say, since I still have the sore, but I think with WXL domes I don't feel the pull like with the narrows, or maybe the smartbox got weaker, but somehow I think its because of the domes. But I can say for sure after the sore has healed and I use equal pressure on both and not lose suction for several hours. Other than that, they are sweating like crazy the last couple of days and have extreme conical form, which used to worry me, but a forum member said that they seem to get that form when they are growing and later they get round, that might even be the truth in my case too. We'll see.


You know your body best! The only reason I spoke up was because I'd read that you were unsure if the BB was working because you are also pumping and that you were relying on the breast sensations to determine if there was an effect.

I've gone up an inch around the bust and have definitely noticed more fullness. Good luck!

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