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Help me?


Hello everyone! Big Grin

I'm a 16 year old girl and I think my breasts are pretty much done growing (Got my first period when I was about 13). I'm almost a 34B I think, it really depends on a day, but I want to be at least a C cup. My mom is a D cup and my sister is a C cup and then there's me who's barely a B cup Sad I've tried drinking fenugreek tea and it did kind of make a little difference but it also caused bloated belly and a bit of depression so I stopped drinking it. I've just bought Eveline push up cream and it seems alright.
I'm 167 cm tall ( 5' 6 ) and I weigh 55 kg ( 121 lbs ), I've lost 4kg this summer and I didn't notice any big change in my breast size although I tend to gain weight in my upper body ( except breasts sadly ) so I want to lose 3kg more but I'm afraid that I'll lose all of my breasts..

So can any of you help me how to grow my breasts naturally, doesn't matter how long it takes?? Any recommendations?

Thank you!! ^_^

You are still pretty young. Massage, or possibly suction, is your best and safest bet. Try to stay away from anything herbal, you might do more damage than good while you are still developing, try to wait atleast until 19-20. Best of luck!

That's right! At LEAST wait `til you're 21 to 23.

You shouldn't get too thin I think 120lb is ideal for your height if you go underweight very bad for breasts and you started your period quite late you could grow more naturally herbs aren't reccomended until 18 try massage that's going to be the best for you its free and you could grow fast with just that or bovine ovary is a possibility bountiful breasts says its good as long as you have had a period for a couple years.

untilxxi, I think I read something on a blog the other day that might help, but I won't give you the direct link. I will on the other hand give you the link for the blog itself whare you can search it up on your own (you'll know it when you see it).

How about you enjoy being a kid??? You barely started your period 3 years ago. You are most likely a late bloomer into your 2o's.

Sure you can take BO, but you are more likely to gain weight with it. If you don't want to gain weight, wait till you are 19 or 20 to when you are an adult and have your BMI before thinking about doing any nbe.

You are still changing. You may have a crappy diet. Change that. If you eat healthy, you are on the right track to fully developing.

(21-10-2013, 04:29 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  How about you enjoy being a kid??? You barely started your period 3 years ago. You are most likely a late bloomer into your 2o's.

Sure you can take BO, but you are more likely to gain weight with it. If you don't want to gain weight, wait till you are 19 or 20 to when you are an adult and have your BMI before thinking about doing any nbe.

You are still changing. You may have a crappy diet. Change that. If you eat healthy, you are on the right track to fully developing.

Yeah, that's another thing, just be a kid for a while longer. TRUST me, in a while, you'll wish you WERE still a kid!!
Having big tits isn't the answer to everything, you'll get them eventually. Let what you HAVE finish growing, first, THEN you can start doing things to make them bigger.

Thanks everyone for replying and useful advices. Blush

I know I should be enjoying my life and that I'm too young to worry about such stuff, but I just can't. .. and I do completely agree with you that I should stop worrying about my breast size etc but it's even the worse when you're 16 because it's such a great pressure to have big boobs in my age... so I don't really want to be pressured anymore and have 1000+ complexes and because of that I want to do something about it. And I'm on a healthy diet too, I just exercise regularly.

Anyways thank you a lot, I hope I can kinda stop worrying too much and enjoy life and of course wish you luck with your NBE program!! Big Grin

(22-10-2013, 01:24 AM)untilxxi Wrote:  Thanks everyone for replying and useful advices. Blush

I know I should be enjoying my life and that I'm too young to worry about such stuff, but I just can't. .. and I do completely agree with you that I should stop worrying about my breast size etc but it's even the worse when you're 16 because it's such a great pressure to have big boobs in my age... so I don't really want to be pressured anymore and have 1000+ complexes and because of that I want to do something about it. And I'm on a healthy diet too, I just exercise regularly.

Anyways thank you a lot, I hope I can kinda stop worrying too much and enjoy life and of course wish you luck with your NBE program!! Big Grin

Hun, EVERYONE'S tits grow differently! You may not have big ones right now, but in the near future they may get so big you'll surpass everyone else! Besides, YOU'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!! In 2 years, are you gonna see any of those girls again??? I've been out of high school for a LONG time and I'm here to tell you, I doubt I've seen more than 3 of my schoolmates since then!!
On top of that, LOOK who's making such a big deal of tit sizes! A BUNCH OF LITTLE GIRLS!!!! You should NOT let them bother you!! If that's THEIR hang-up, that means they are PLASTIC!! In other words, superficial!! They care WAY too much about meaningless stuff than what really matters!! Do you REALLY, SERIOUSLY WANT to have friends like them???? If they were TRUE friends, they'd like you no matter how you look!! Besides, they've got YOU worried about your tit size!! Do you WANT to be like that? YOU need to take control of YOUR life and tell them to stop worrying about YOURS so much!!
There's a National Lampoon movie from a few years ago starring Paris Hilton as an uppity, snooty college girl in command of her sorority house and she and her clique of wanna-be Barbie dolls are rushing a few new girls in the house. Paris and her clique torture and belittle the hell out of the new girls!! But those girls get the better of Paris and her friends in the end. One scene that I thought was over-doing it, was rush night, the new girls were lined up and Paris looked them over and wrote things about their "flaws" on them with a black magic marker. One girl that was at LEAST a B cup had written on her chest (by Paris), "Flat as board!!" In the meantime, Paris hardly even has a set of AA cups!!
It's like smoking, all your "friends" think it's really cool and grown up to smoke, right? Yet, years from now, some of them will WISH they never let their "friends" talk them into smoking!! It's called, BULLYING"!! You're "friends" are bullying you into feeling inadequate because, right now, you don't have big tits! Are you going to cow tow to these BULLIES and let them make you feel bad because of something you don't exactly have control over? Or, are you going to run your life the way YOU see fit and tell them to fuck off if they can't accept you the way you are??
Also, you're 16!!!! You'll graduate in a year or two, right? Chances are you'll never see most of them ever again and, even if you DO try to grow your tits bigger now, it's very likely you won't even see any results for at least a year!! And, how will you know if the growth you DO get in the next few years was natural or helped?
Just some things for you to think about, hun. I hope you make the right choice. Like someone else just said here today, "MY body, MY rules!!"
Ask your mom or other older female friends and relatives what they think about some of these ideas. Chances are, they'll tell you the same things I just did!
Take care, hun!! I wish you ALL the best!! :-)

On top of EVERYTHING else, you're GIVING them the power to bully you by listening to and doing what THEY say!!

Also, thank you for your good wishes to me!! :-)

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