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Lily, the brava girl!


so here i'm going to start my program page for my memory and motivation, and ofcourse for lots of support and encouragement from u kind people.

so technically today would be 8th day for me to wear brava. I don't have it on yet coz fo privacy issues right now but will put it on a little later may be not for long but just for 8 hours. I started it last thursday and if I dont count first two days then today would be the 6th day. so far the i'm satisfied with it over all i'm getting a good swelling of 1 and sometimes 1 and a half inches with it in the morning . I DONT know how much it lasts though as i take the domes off in the morning and go to work and by the time i come back ofcourse the swelling is all gone as it is just my first week on brava.

my measurements before starting brava are

underbust 27"
bust 30"
waist 25
butt 34
weight not sure exactly but not more than 93 or 94 Lbs
height 5.2"

basically I want my boobs to proportionate my body so i would be happy with a full B which i guess is not possible only with brava as the average gain with it if done consistently is 1 cup size and right now i'm not sure about my c up size too will tell in my later post, but i guess i'm a 32 A or AA. and if i'm AA then one cup size means i'll end up 32 A which is still small for my body frame.

anyhow right now i'm not sure what i'm gonna do beside brava. I'm really into using BO with that but get terrified of the thought of messing up with my reproductive system. Well already have two kids but who knows if we would like to have one more in the future not sure though but maybe.

anyhow so about brava things are going great so far i'm doing 12 to 14 hours not more than that coz of work

ONE THING i'm CONCERNED about it that on my chest i hardly put both the domes i've naroow large but even the narow domes rims take a lot of space and when i take the domes off in the mornign i can see the rim marks on my cleavage area n a little on my breasts too coz there is not much space they are sitting on the cleavage area covering my breast partially which means my breast is not pulled in that area n wont grow from there. would i have wide spaced breast then ? im not having any problems with suction or anything otherwise but this thing worrying me. would it kinda make my breast pulled long like tubes then Sad dont know if ur getting what i mean to say or not. would i be able to get full round boobs with that kind of suctiong where part of the rims are covering part of my breast Huh


Well, from my experience, when I get really large swelling (which happens only when I add pressure with my breath) then they are wide apart directly after taking off the domes, but they come closer together, there's no gap at all when they become soft again. But if I get weak swelling, they stay wide apart which is really annoying. For that reason I don't really know if they are getting wider or not, if they are growing in the centre too, sometimes I have a gap between breasts, sometimes not, just depending on how big the swelling was .

But since they do touch couple of hours later when I get larger swelling, I somehow think even if not the whole area of the breasts is inside of the domes,it is affected, couple of hours later they do widen, the part in the centre that was flat gets filled (and before brava, I always had a gap between breasts, they are widely spaced), but as I already said with smaller swelling it remains flat for ever.

I hope that would be true for me too coz if the whole breast will benifit with the suction the real benifit is just then. I also do the same as u do like few more inhales after the sporbox is done when first I put the domes on and mostly once again in the middle off the night. How many times ur doing this when u have the domes on?

so far the biggest swelling I'm getting is 31.5. I Squish the nipples a little and then take the measurements coz my nipples are pointy anyway and after suction OMG they look huge. I dont know whether taping them down is going to prevent them from getting huge or not but I will soon start taping them down. right now i dont have any tape to do that.

IN the morning girls look good reminds me of the time when i was breast feeding although they were more round at that time but the size was almost this much may be a little more. I was thinking would i be able to get bigger size that i got when i was breastfeeding coz thats not my goal size i was not a B cup that time may be in between a and b or a full a ... i was wearing 34 b at that time which was loose on me. I dont know that u can grow more than u already grew in ur breastfeeding time or not. anyhow the struggle is going and the thing that is keeping me motivated is the morning swelling. gives me hope that if it is possible for short time it will be possible permanently too. fingers accrossed.

I did many inhales with my breath, I get carried away easilySmile because the swelling is so good like that. When I make the highest pressure, after many hours I am filling the domes on all sides, they get really big and I am touching the top of the large domes, which would never happen with the pressure from the sportbox, BUT I damaged the domes. You should never let the silicon get into the domes, that is the beginning of the end of your domes. I didn't want to let it get into the domes, but I didn't manage to stop it either and I kept increasing the pressure. And now the silicon looks like crushed ice or I don't know with what I should compare it. I have to buy new domes and if the silicon didn't get into the domes I could still use the domes for many,many months. They were OK, but they got damaged in 2-3weeks.

I was happy with my swelling with the sportbox before I saw how larger swelling looks like, but as I said, you should never let the silicon rim get into the domes.

And yes morning swelling is great, just getting back to nothing is not that great, at the beginning it doesn't bother you that much,you do not expect results that soon, but with time,you want results and the progress is sooo slow.. I am very impatient to get to my first goal(B-Cup), then I would relax, I would still want more, but then I am not underdeveloped.

And off course you can grow bigger than you were before, it is just easier to get back to your previous size, it works better/faster then.
I read in your program that you used Bountiful Breast, did you get results with it? I am also using it now (3 weeks)

(13-10-2013, 19:54)rateset Wrote:  I did many inhales with my breath, I get carried away easilySmile because the swelling is so good like that. When I make the highest pressure, after many hours I am filling the domes on all sides, they get really big and I am touching the top of the large domes, which would never happen with the pressure from the sportbox, BUT I damaged the domes. You should never let the silicon get into the domes, that is the beginning of the end of your domes. I didn't want to let it get into the domes, but I didn't manage to stop it either and I kept increasing the pressure. And now the silicon looks like crushed ice or I don't know with what I should compare it. I have to buy new domes and if the silicon didn't get into the domes I could still use the domes for many,many months. They were OK, but they got damaged in 2-3weeks.

I was happy with my swelling with the sportbox before I saw how larger swelling looks like, but as I said, you should never let the silicon rim get into the domes.

And yes morning swelling is great, just getting back to nothing is not that great, at the beginning it doesn't bother you that much,you do not expect results that soon, but with time,you want results and the progress is sooo slow.. I am very impatient to get to my first goal(B-Cup), then I would relax, I would still want more, but then I am not underdeveloped.

And off course you can grow bigger than you were before, it is just easier to get back to your previous size, it works better/faster then.
I read in your program that you used Bountiful Breast, did you get results with it? I am also using it now (3 weeks)

oh really? did u buy new brava or it was used? i mean isn't it too early to damage ur domes in 2-3 weeks. IF that happen to my domes i wont be able to afford this journey. yes ur right i shouldn't let the rims go inside if they damage that way, but when u add do more inhales after sportbox is done thats what usually happen that the rims start to curl under. so either we live with the sportbox pressure or we damage the domes with more pressure huh don't know what to do. coz i want more and big results don't wanna stick with minor or delayed results. since i read the story of ur domes i'm bieng more carefull with my domes and if i feel the domes are curling under i stop adding pressure. sometimes i manage to add pressure without the domes curling under.

upto now the gap between the domes is not filling for me as it is doing for u may be its still early for me. and when after few hours all the swelling goes back i dont like it. i hope it start staying for longer pretty soon. i know i'm bieng impatient i just completed my second week of use actually if i cut the first two days out which i should then it means not even two weeks. so lets be patient lily.

the good thing about brava is as i was scared that i would have to sleep on my back strictly as i read for others, but I can sleep on my sides with brava and thats great so sleeping with that is not a problem for me at all . except for the occasional itchiness.


I had new domes, I bought them around 4 months ago, I didn't damage them in 3 weeks,they were OK for 3 months, only after I started putting more pressure they got damaged in 3 weeks, before that they were OK. That's why I wrote it to you, to warn you to be careful with more pressure. But I also increased the pressure a lot, it was not like just few inhales, if it curls just a little bit its not that bad, but I put much more pressure, as much as I could, because as I said , that way I am filling the large domes completely, till the top and also touching the walls on all sides which is great. With the pressure from the smartbox I am only filling the half and not touching the walls of the domes at all. I did damage them, but still not completely, I am still using them, but as I said the silicon looks very strange and the sides that come under the pit tare deformed, I mean they stay pulled inside of the domes even when I take them off (sorry don't know how to explain). I already bought new domes, but I will be using the old ones till they get completely damaged.

I wanted to test if increasing the pressure gives more growth (which is what one brava graduate claimed in archive), but this test doesn't work that well, because firstly I don't have enough time during the week to achieve that big swelling, I have only modest swelling on workdays and secondly my domes will get destroyed before I can have a measurable difference-what a pityDodgy Other than that, I could actually believe that its true, I don't know it, but my logic tells me, that bigger swelling could be better for growth.

And this archive brava user said that it is actually possible to keep the silicon rim from getting into the domes, we should hold it during pumping and after a few weeks they stop curling..whatever..I just didn't manage, with the next domes I have to, or I cannot increase the pressure, I don't plan to buy another set of domes in few weeks..

And please tell about your experience with Bountiful breast

(17-10-2013, 20:30)rateset Wrote:  I had new domes, I bought them around 4 months ago, I didn't damage them in 3 weeks,they were OK for 3 months, only after I started putting more pressure they got damaged in 3 weeks, before that they were OK. That's why I wrote it to you, to warn you to be careful with more pressure. But I also increased the pressure a lot, it was not like just few inhales, if it curls just a little bit its not that bad, but I put much more pressure, as much as I could, because as I said , that way I am filling the large domes completely, till the top and also touching the walls on all sides which is great. With the pressure from the smartbox I am only filling the half and not touching the walls of the domes at all. I did damage them, but still not completely, I am still using them, but as I said the silicon looks very strange and the sides that come under the pit tare deformed, I mean they stay pulled inside of the domes even when I take them off (sorry don't know how to explain). I already bought new domes, but I will be using the old ones till they get completely damaged.

I wanted to test if increasing the pressure gives more growth (which is what one brava graduate claimed in archive), but this test doesn't work that well, because firstly I don't have enough time during the week to achieve that big swelling, I have only modest swelling on workdays and secondly my domes will get destroyed before I can have a measurable difference-what a pityDodgy Other than that, I could actually believe that its true, I don't know it, but my logic tells me, that bigger swelling could be better for growth.

And this archive brava user said that it is actually possible to keep the silicon rim from getting into the domes, we should hold it during pumping and after a few weeks they stop curling..whatever..I just didn't manage, with the next domes I have to, or I cannot increase the pressure, I don't plan to buy another set of domes in few weeks..

And please tell about your experience with Bountiful breast

Thanks for such a detailed description of ur use and a useful tilp that we should keep holding the domes while adding pressure I will try that one from now on. I guess as i'm not adding that much pressure from 2 days now i didn't get great swelling today. also the domes look more narrow as the days are passing by means rim marks are on more part of my breasts now I dont know why is that happening its just a narrow oval shape on in middle part of my breast which is out of the rim marks. i dont know with that situation i can grow that much or not.

and yes I'm so sorry I totally forgot about ur question about BB while replying. Actually I didn't use BB for long it was hardly one month when I had to leave it for one and a half month coz of travelling n stuff and after coming back I didn't resume. and even in that one month i didn't take Protien shakes continually, so I dont think that my experience counts at all I didnt have any results. it takes atleast 3 to 4 months with Bo to start showing some results. But now as i started one thing for NBE I'm getting eager to do it all altogether to get faster results. I might start BO next month again as I still have 8 months supply. and maybe u start showing some results before i start BB. wish u good luck for both Brava and BB

So just started fourth week of brava today excluding the first week of use as they say. so far biggest swelling was 32 inches which was kinda hard to measure accurately with such a large pulled forward nipples. just started taping them down today. so i pulled them the hole last month don't know if I already made them bigger permanently, anyhow, that swelling doesn't seem a lot coz mostly my breast are pulled from center and not from all sides as much coz the rims partially covering the breast. if they had all swelled up from sides as well they would look much bigger as they look now. dont know how much benifit i'm going to get with this by the end.
fnally got the courage to include BO in my program 2 days ago.I Hope i stick with it this time and it give me great results. im taking one BB pill in the morning one in the evening. marine collagen 2 caps in the morning 2 in the eve. and one protien shake. want to take something for temps already have iodine but not sure about the dosage if anyone knows plz let me know or tell me some other great thing to raise temp. and if i need to add anything else to take with my program.

On weekend I did marathons of 20 and 21.5 hours sat, sun, and got the biggest swelling upto now which was 32.5. My breast really looked huge and i loved that. it was the fullness and the roundness which i loved the most which I was complaing about earlier that even though i went upto 32 inches still they were lacking in roundness, so I got that roundness with those marathons. I'M hoping i will continue doing the max hours on weekends now as i want to see my boobs that big again. I HOPE I can actually grow that big with brava and retain thatBlush


Lily, it's been a few months....are you still using Brava? Did you get good results from it?

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