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Dreams can come true,,,


...It can happen to you.

Dear BreastNexus,
Thank you for confirming what I have always wanted to believe: herbal applications and human intention can have true cleansing, nurturing and healing effects on the human body. I have been researching natural breast enhancement for about 6 months now and have been using breast massage, fenugreek, red clover, and saw palmetto regularly for about a month. I have noticed my breasts filling with more tissue, glands becoming larger, and general puffiness in the surrounding tissue that I have never had before. There is definitely science behind what all of you are doing. Joining this forum, seeing before and afters, and doing it myself has convinced me that this really is freaking REAL!!! I am grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences and ideas with all of you throughout my journey towards big, full, perky breasts. Smile


P.S. I am knowledgeable in many medicinal herbal applications, nutrition, supplements, burning fat, building muscle, weightlifting and general fitness. I hope I can be a positive contribution to this forum!

Hi, that's great you have noticed results so quickly! what size were you starting? I'm on fenugreek, wild yam and saw palmetto but not results for me unfortunately. The more I read on this the more I wonder if my programme is effective at all. I'm wondering what role the wild yam plays in all of this as Im taking it orally which I've read has no hormonal value unless its in cream form. You couldn't shed any light on this could you? I hate to think I'm doing all this in vain! Thanks

I started at a B. I think I'm still a B but more full, like I am slowly approaching C territory. I don't know about Wild Yam, I have never tried it, however a medicinal herb supplier I like has a disclaimer regarding skewed info regarding Wild Yam in it's product description which leads me to believe there may not be too strong of a case for Wild Yam. However, to be sure one would have to stop taking it for a week or two, get baseline blood-work done, take "therapeutic" doses multiple times a day for a few days, then go get blood-work done again to see the results of Progesterone levels. You might even need to take your menstrual cycle into consideration when analyzing the results. I'm poor, and I can't afford to buy herbs that aren't considered a "shoe-in". I usually choose herbs that have been proven for thousands of years, which I can read numerous success stories online and (usually) science backing them up.

I'm taking whole herbs because tinctures and extracts are fine, but when you are playing with hormones you don't want to YO-YO. The more level you can keep your hormones, the more consistent your results will be. Whole Herbs are digested and broken down completely, and slowly in your digestive tract, Tinctures shoot right into your system (especially when taken as a sublingual). Teas (not so strong), Infusions (stronger), and Decoctions (strongest) are also fast-absorbing. I buy bulk organic herbs because I'm poor, but Organic is important. Let's make sure we aren't eating pesticides!

I like to boil filtered (distilled is best to protect medicinal quality) water and pour it over the WHOLE fenugreek seeds first (I like 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp) let that cool a while, after it is done steaming I add a bit of milk and the ground red clover (I like a few spoonfuls), and ground saw palmetto (I do 1/2 tsp). This is my time to watch cartoons or something that makes me laugh and rub my boobies for +/-15 minutes and sit with a heating pad pressed over them for 10-20 minutes (VERY IMPORTANT)... As a matter of fact, I chew up the seeds, drink the tea and take a nap with the heating pad!! The more Growth Hormone we release the more our boobies will grow with the herbs (which I try hard to take twice a day). Ever since I read that Orgasms release Prolactin, you bet I help myslef to a few (or as many times as I can) before I massage my boobies, every little bit helps, right? If a little is good, a lot has got to be better!

**As a side note I also take ground horsetail grass for nails, hair, bone, and joint health. I'm taking Cissus Quadrangularis, and a Green Power Blend Powder supplement for nutrition and anti-inflammatory effects. I smoke MMJ to help the osteo-arthritis in my right foot, which was crushed sideways (a very unnatural way) in 2011 by a 1200lb Strongman Tire. Bad times. The MMJ keeps the arthritis at bay and I find it also helps the cartoons. Wink I work in a workplace surrounded by women all day, so I may have external forces working in my favor! The power of a high estrogen workplace is no myth, the air positively crackles with it. It's science!

Could you tell me why the heating pad is very important please? I am new to all this and doing massage but never use a heating pad. I have one of those microwave pads would that be ok? How does it aid the growth please?

It simply increases circulation of the blood and lymph system, from what I've learned the breasts depend on both systems. Also, if you are using any topical applications, I would recommend a heating pad for increased absorption and circulation as well. I'm sure the microwave pad is ok, I have one too, I'm just afraid of the radiation 'cus I'm a nutcase according to my boyfriend hehe. I prefer a heating pad if I can afford it, or a hot shower of constant or intermittent massage.

[quote='cherrymennos' pid='86337' dateline='1381562516']
I started at a B. I think I'm still a B but more full, like I am slowly approaching C territory. I don't know about Wild Yam, I have never tried it, however a medicinal herb supplier I like has a disclaimer regarding skewed info regarding Wild Yam in it's product description which leads me to believe there may not be too strong of a case for Wild Yam. However, to be sure one would have to stop taking it for a week or two, get baseline blood-work done, take "therapeutic" doses multiple times a day for a few days, then go get blood-work done again to see the results of Progesterone levels. You might even need to take your menstrual cycle into consideration when analyzing the results. I'm poor, and I can't afford to buy herbs that aren't considered a "shoe-in". I usually choose herbs that have been proven for thousands of years, which I can read numerous success stories online and (usually) science backing them up.

I'm taking whole herbs because tinctures and extracts are fine, but when you are playing with hormones you don't want to YO-YO. The more level you can keep your hormones, the more consistent your results will be. Whole Herbs are digested and broken down completely, and slowly in your digestive tract, Tinctures shoot right into your system (especially when taken as a sublingual). Teas (not so strong), Infusions (stronger), and Decoctions (strongest) are also fast-absorbing. I buy bulk organic herbs because I'm poor, but Organic is important. Let's make sure we aren't eating pesticides!

I like to boil filtered (distilled is best to protect medicinal quality) water and pour it over the WHOLE fenugreek seeds first (I like 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp) let that cool a while, after it is done steaming I add a bit of milk and the ground red clover (I like a few spoonfuls), and ground saw palmetto (I do 1/2 tsp). This is my time to watch cartoons or something that makes me laugh and rub my boobies for +/-15 minutes and sit with a heating pad pressed over them for 10-20 minutes (VERY IMPORTANT)... As a matter of fact, I chew up the seeds, drink the tea and take a nap with the heating pad!! The more Growth Hormone we release the more our boobies will grow with the herbs (which I try hard to take twice a day). Ever since I read that Orgasms release Prolactin, you bet I help myslef to a few (or as many times as I can) before I massage my boobies, every little bit helps, right? If a little is good, a lot has got to be better!

**As a side note I also take ground horsetail grass for nails, hair, bone, and joint health. I'm taking Cissus Quadrangularis, and a Green Power Blend Powder supplement for nutrition and anti-inflammatory effects. I smoke MMJ to help the osteo-arthritis in my right foot, which was crushed sideways (a very unnatural way) in 2011 by a 1200lb Strongman Tire. Bad times. The MMJ keeps the arthritis at bay and I find it also helps the cartoons. Wink I work in a workplace surrounded by women all day, so I may have external forces working in my favor! The power of a high estrogen workplace is no myth, the air positively crackles with it. It's science

oh to be able to buy bulk herbs! you just cant buy these kinds of herbs in my country and all the pills are just that, silly pills, finding out I could buy tinctures and get them into my country had me over the moon, as far as seeds and raw herbs go we just cant get them or bring them into the country. mountain herbs looks amazing - gosh what i'd do to move to overseas and be free to buy what I want with no restrictions like here! you have a good system going. im just sticking to the 3 from greenbush although I have ordered some dong quai to try. I just hate the idea of bombarding my body with all these herbs!
and re your workplace , I work with all men! maybe that's why im not soo big Wink testosterone overload..
good luck to you anyway, hopefully il experience some growth soon too !

Ah. I see... Just trying to create a way to follow :]

Welcome! Love your positivity. Glad to have you here. Smile

You could get one of those cold packs with blue gel in it (don't know what it's called) and soak it in hot water for a few minutes if you don't have a microwave.

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