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echapman's program. :)


(12-09-2013, 12:56 PM)echapman Wrote:  Now, back to something Abi said... do you really think I'm high estrogen? I always assumed I didn't have enough. I went and had my hormones tested and my doctor told me normal, but I didn't know enough to ask about my actual percentages. Maybe I should take one of the online tests.

Not quite... Necessarily. What I really think is that you're probably low progesterone and maybe high testosterone and with normal to high estrogen.

Only mildly, mind you, not anything a doctor is going to warn you about having any health implications cuz there just aren't any for the very slight difference I'm talking about... But even the slightest imbalance can greatly impact the way our bodies develop.

EDIT: And agreed with timarie. Again. LOL. Those online tests are pretty terrible. Took one for body type and shape that asked all kinds of questions that had nothing to do with either a while ago as well for giggles... No matter how I fudged my answers it ALWAYS kept saying the WRONG THING, and the EXACT SAME THING too mind!

Now the hormone balance questionaires aren't THAT awful, but they're still extremely subjective and inaccurate. And since I'm talking about an extremely tiny imbalance it really wouldn't be able to tell.

So, my period came and I went off everything cold turkey since I knew the PM was coming in. My plan was to start taking it Friday, but it didn't come in until today so I will start in the morning. I am also back on the pill so I probably won't cycle it unless I notice it screwing me up.

In other news it is supposed to be the coldest winter in TN in a decade, so my fiance and I decided to move up the reception which was November 2nd since we were having a barn reception and I didn't need to have a bunch of grandma-cicles walking around. Our ceremony and reception were two different days since the ceremony was private and my cousin from out of the country wanted to be there yada yada yada.... everything is now in 26 days. Which means I only have to fit into my wedding dress once... which means my nbe is full steam ahead! I will be adding heating pads, more massages, etc. on top of the PM.

I am just hoping that stress doesn't kill my progress. I didn't seem to lose much despite not massaging or taking supplements during my period. They might be smaller, but they are still full looking. However, things are getting crazy and I am barely sleeping now... (PERSONAL RANT TIME. FEEL FREE TO SKIP AHEAD.) I am getting married in 26 days, which is stressful enough. The fiance and I chose to go on a trip to Scotland and skip a wedding. We were fine getting hitched at the courthouse. Mom says no, we should make it special. We decided on a small private ceremony and a pot luck style get together in November with maybe 60 people. My mother, God love her heart, takes it and runs with it. Next thing you know she has a venue booked that includes plates that were nearly $15 a person not counting the price to rent the place and clean up and decorations. I panicked, because my parents do not make that kinda money and I had already hired my photographer. It almost ruined my dad and I's relationship because he is a super tight wad (just found out he "borrowed" $100 from me without letting me know, another added stress bonus) and he thought that I was being spoiled despite me not wanting any of it... although I WAS thankful. I just knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy it knowing what was having to go into it. Luckily my uncle's wife had just put together a wedding for her son at this cute old dairy barn that her sister owned and my uncle talked to her and she said we could use it for free since we are related through marriage. Yay! I also got rid of my photographer for the reception which made the whole shin dig pretty cheap. The place needed some work still, but it was perfect. She is renovating it to make it a wedding venue and was already booking weddings, so when we talked on the phone I told her I would help her with some photography work. She agreed and all was well, but she did say if we needed help decorating she would have to charge us. I told her it was fine, that we had what we needed and we weren't planning anything elaborate. So, fiance and I were talking the other day and discussed how it wasn't worth the risk waiting until November... I mean the whole back of the reception area is open... Sunday I message the woman and she says we can work it out to have my ceremony and reception the same day. Lucky for me, for whatever reason my fiance got it in his head that we had to go check out the barn with my mom that day. If he hadn't we would be SOL because it was like as soon as my aunt's sister saw my mom her whole demeanor changed. She started bragging about all these weddings and throwing in how organized the brides were and how long they had been planning, which I thought was a jab at me because I am horrible at this and I am not going to obsess over a damn wedding. Then she starts saying how she has to be there, and she has to decorate since she needs to impress my friends... aka for advertisement so they will want to use her. Only the thing is she will have to charge us $500 that we don't have to spend. She completely back-peddled on everything we had talked about and the decorations that we had no choice about were things that were not us at all. I am talking huge chandeliers and "fabulous material from Europe". Now, I am not one to take advantage of people but this was too much to throw on us literally last minute. Had my fiance not insisted we go out there I don't know what we would have done. Now I am having to try to pull it together in my aunt's back yard and between all this and my school being in the ghetto and them basically trying to steal money from me I am having anxiety attacks left and right. Haha okay, I feel better now. Sorry y'all!


So, here are my measurements as of right now.

Across my nipples- Almost 34 inches
Under- 30.5
Waist- 29 Sad Yay stress eating! also I am super bloated from Mexican food earlier.
Booty- 38.5

I am determined to flatten my belly by hula hooping. I have also found that the weighted hoop really shapes my sides and gives them a nice dip. I plan to listen to the 15 minute loop of rockmelon while hooping with my 5 lb and then using my "trick" hoop for at least 30 minutes a day. Starting right after I post this ;p

Okay I just thought I would pop back over and say if anyone takes up hooping as a way to shrink their waist... don't be a dummy like me and use the weighted hula hoops for longer than a few minutes starting out. I hadn't used mine in months and used mine for like 20 minutes because I kept getting distracted, and the next day I was literally covered in bruises and couldn't use my dance hoop at all.

However, I can already tell a big difference in my tummy and my sides are gaining their little dip back.

Also since I am mentioning my stomach, can someone help me with something? I am noticing that I bloat like crazy every time I eat. My stomach is pretty flat in the mornings, but by dinner time I am so bloated sometimes I can't suck it in and it hurts. This isn't even from eating anything particularly bad or heavy. Also I feel like no matter what I eat it gets gripey and hurts. Could I have some sorta allergy? I thought maybe a wheat allergy from what I was reading, but I'm not sure. Hopefully it's something I can change.

(20-09-2013, 12:59 PM)echapman Wrote:  Also since I am mentioning my stomach, can someone help me with something? I am noticing that I bloat like crazy every time I eat. My stomach is pretty flat in the mornings, but by dinner time I am so bloated sometimes I can't suck it in and it hurts. This isn't even from eating anything particularly bad or heavy. Also I feel like no matter what I eat it gets gripey and hurts. Could I have some sorta allergy? I thought maybe a wheat allergy from what I was reading, but I'm not sure. Hopefully it's something I can change.

Maybe you don't think you're eating anything bad but are?

What's your typical diet look like every day?

My diet varies, but even at my healthiest diets I still would bloat like I was pregnant.

I do not eat a whole lot, even less now that I am on birth control... if it could make me not be nauseous, that would be great. At least this time I haven't thrown up my first week taking it.

My diet is usually an apple and peanut butter or oatmeal for breakfast, lunch is a chicken wrap or something along those lines, and for dinner it's usually meat, taters, and veggies. Very rarely fried, usually baked or grilled. I don't snack very much. If I do it is a bowl of cereal or popcorn usually. Once or twice a week we go out for Mexican food or we have pizza once a week.

I have always had a sensitive stomach though. One time I ate some blackberries and the next morning I had heartburn so badly I could not stand up straight. My mom thought it had to do with the seeds.

All of this worries me because I have just found out that in our family history several people have been killed by bleeding ulcers :/

Hmmmm. Sounds like your body might be grain intolerant. Cut the taters and as much grains as you can. Taters tend to make grain intolerant people feel bloated too.

And where you can't CUT the grains, switch to something more wholesome, like rye, or barley or buckwheat or... Just no more corn or wheat-based! At all!

Long time no post!

Life has been crazy hectic here... I got married! Then I spent a little time in Scotland with my new husband. NBE took a backseat to the craziness of life, but I am slowly getting back into it.

When I left for my honeymoon I accidentally left my PM behind, and tried to restart it a few days after I returned. I started my period a few days later, which was last Friday. I am still on it. Very annoying especially since I was also on it on my honeymoon (which was when I was actually supposed to be on it), so I am leaving it alone until the end of this cycle.

I have also started using Booby Stacked, which I bought from a lovely lady on here. I LOVE it. I am seeing progress without even taking supplements and I still haven't really gotten back into massage. In fact my boobs have been killing me all day. In other good news I seem to have not lost what I gained from starting my nbe program, even with taking breaks. While I have not gained any cup sizes, they look wider and fuller. Yay!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and I am glad to be back!

(04-11-2013, 04:54 AM)echapman Wrote:  Long time no post!

Life has been crazy hectic here... I got married! Then I spent a little time in Scotland with my new husband. NBE took a backseat to the craziness of life, but I am slowly getting back into it.

When I left for my honeymoon I accidentally left my PM behind, and tried to restart it a few days after I returned. I started my period a few days later, which was last Friday. I am still on it. Very annoying especially since I was also on it on my honeymoon (which was when I was actually supposed to be on it), so I am leaving it alone until the end of this cycle.

I have also started using Booby Stacked, which I bought from a lovely lady on here. I LOVE it. I am seeing progress without even taking supplements and I still haven't really gotten back into massage. In fact my boobs have been killing me all day. In other good news I seem to have not lost what I gained from starting my nbe program, even with taking breaks. While I have not gained any cup sizes, they look wider and fuller. Yay!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and I am glad to be back!

Glad to have you back, echapman! I hope you had a very enjoyable honeymoon. Scotland sounds amazing!!

And question! How long have you been applying the Booby Stacked, and how often? Intrigued...

And about the hula hooping, it's an amazing cardio when it is not weighted (so really any cardio would give you the same result), and when you use the weighted hula hoop, it is cardio + some muscle toning, which is why you are seeing a little tucking on the sides. Be careful not to use too much weight though or to go overboard with it, as doing too much weight with the waist can cause it to eventually bulk. Actually, I personally would recommend staying away from weighted exercises for the waist altogether to avoid that risk but you might be able to be successful with it in moderate amounts.

(04-11-2013, 06:58 AM)timarie Wrote:  
(04-11-2013, 04:54 AM)echapman Wrote:  Long time no post!

Life has been crazy hectic here... I got married! Then I spent a little time in Scotland with my new husband. NBE took a backseat to the craziness of life, but I am slowly getting back into it.

When I left for my honeymoon I accidentally left my PM behind, and tried to restart it a few days after I returned. I started my period a few days later, which was last Friday. I am still on it. Very annoying especially since I was also on it on my honeymoon (which was when I was actually supposed to be on it), so I am leaving it alone until the end of this cycle.

I have also started using Booby Stacked, which I bought from a lovely lady on here. I LOVE it. I am seeing progress without even taking supplements and I still haven't really gotten back into massage. In fact my boobs have been killing me all day. In other good news I seem to have not lost what I gained from starting my nbe program, even with taking breaks. While I have not gained any cup sizes, they look wider and fuller. Yay!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and I am glad to be back!

Glad to have you back, echapman! I hope you had a very enjoyable honeymoon. Scotland sounds amazing!!

And question! How long have you been applying the Booby Stacked, and how often? Intrigued...

And about the hula hooping, it's an amazing cardio when it is not weighted (so really any cardio would give you the same result), and when you use the weighted hula hoop, it is cardio + some muscle toning, which is why you are seeing a little tucking on the sides. Be careful not to use too much weight though or to go overboard with it, as doing too much weight with the waist can cause it to eventually bulk. Actually, I personally would recommend staying away from weighted exercises for the waist altogether to avoid that risk but you might be able to be successful with it in moderate amounts.

Yeah I have actually been mainly using some homemade trick hoops which are roughly around two pounds I think. Not nearly as brutal as my 5 pounder. I asked my husband for an LED hoop for Christmas (what can I say, I love a good rave lol) which is actually lighter. I need to get back into hooping! I saw great results right before the wedding, but like nbe I have been too busy for it.

Also as for the booby stacked I apply it in the morning and at night. I have been using it for a little over a week now and maaaan the girls have been sore. I really like it because it only takes a small dab for each breast. I put it on my badonkadonk too because I read that somehow helps with breast growth. When I do it in the evenings I exfoliate first in the shower and then apply it. My husband hates the smell (fenugreek + cake batter), but he likes watching me apply it hahaha.

STILL ON MY PERIOD. *sets everything on fire*... this is getting very frustrating and I hope it's not caused by the booby stacked since it does have PM in it. It's been over a week now and I see no signs of it slowing down. I am going to see about going on the shot.

Damn! But hey! Grats on getting married! Smile

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