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Still doing experiments and will update this thread soon!

In the meantime,thought I'd share this link, neat info on the spirit body we all haveSmile

(09-09-2013, 10:39 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Still doing experiments and will update this thread soon!

In the meantime,thought I'd share this link, neat info on the spirit body we all haveSmile
I like the quote from Einstein, and I like the video so far (A long one).

Thanks for sharing it.


glad you like the video.

Okay, time for an update. I have been experimenting with radio waves with the elf generator. I am sad to say, this machine does not work to keep these entities away, however, I can say, I do recall more "dream memories" or out of bodies.

The good news is that radio waves penetrate the astral realm and the astral bodies. Its much stronger and you can hear the pulsing waves per second and feel the radio waves like little electrical shocks running through out your astral body. The entities hate it, but unfortunately, can withstand it.

Then, I got a subwoofer to experiment with acoustic sound waves (amplified by a speaker). I would expose myself to the subwoofer only, for ten minutes once it was hooked up to my elf generator. The subwoofer turns the radio waves into sound waves which cause a vibration. I had luck the first night as it had sparked an out of body. The vibrations ran through out my entire body and heavy waves came over me. Finally after an hour of lying there, I was purged by the last wave out of my body!

Guess what, a female entity was attached to my soul! Not a surprised. I had all of my senses and she tried moving me. I knew I needed to get her separatedSad from me. I tried and tried to pry her off, but she was strong and fought it. I woke up due to a thunderstorm lightning strike!Angry

anyway, They just get smarter everytime. I did this for 4 nights and have not had the same luck. I feel like the waves can make me hear the realm a little better. I always hear the spirits on my left side if I'm awake in this world but both ears when I'm in the astral dimension. SO something is going on with the left side of my brain that gets hypersensitive to the spirits.

They still latch on to me and take me out of the space! Oh by the way, you guys need to know, Every Body IS DOING IT NOW!

I am talking about the astral interdimensionals hopping into bodies of dreamers (you and me)! I knew it was a forbidden taboo but now, its a freakin' trend!

There is two ways, remember, one is combining souls(yours and theirs) and the other is hopping into your body. So your body is housing 2 souls.

I was in a room full of females, fat, skinny, young and slightly older. tweens-teens, and twenties. They were all talking about how their results were coming along and how they were indeed doing it to us. The girl was teaching the others how to take control of us in a dream state( typically, we are unaware when they approach us). Remember, there are several phases of sleep.

Also remember, these are unembodied, mortal spirits not dead people who lost their bodies to an accident on this plane we reside in. So living thriving light bodies that we all have and our DNA can literally be imprinted on these spirits when they incubate within us.
probably has something to do with losing and gaining electrons in our atoms and the DNA cell changes that take place per seconds constantly in our bodies.

I am severely disgusted with the behavior I have been exposed to. I am stressing to you here, this is very real. It matters because its not good for us! Its really screwed with my serotonin and HGH output and my melatonin is non existent.

I know some of you may or may not be targeted, but remember, all you have to do is become noticed by them in a dream state, and if they pay attention, they'll eventually find out you are indeed a dreamer. They will use you in any way if they want to.

I'm coming out with this now because, I feel like I have very little time to figure this out (a solution).I'm wearing thin here and yes, I have been suicidal off and on because of the aweful things I am experiencing and seeing. I'm inviting everyone to imput ideas on how to spark astral body travel to be aware in our so called dream states.

This is the only way we can become equals and defend ourselves from these predators.

Common things interdimensionals do to us in our sleep:

-Give us nightmares using a boatload of "magic." The shifting of objects and colors are often expressed in these dreams. Okay, big deal, hold on, there is more...

-The raping of dreamers as they take away our dreamtime awareness. Yes, many of you have been raped or taken advantage of and you thought you were dreaming (magic, tv, music is almost always used to distract the mind). Yes, believe it, they have tv ( and everything else we have) as it is a living parallel dimension.

- The trafficking of dreamers, all ages and types. Yes, they enslave us to sell our astral bodies. Its been a taboo underground for eons there and the authorities there, do nothing to protect us as we are considered "non entities" which means we can not be persecuted, protected, nor regarded as entities with real human rights. It is fairly common practice in Asia and middle eastern countries in the astral plane. Though it happens all over the world there. Anal and oral are big time requests.

We are being raped by entities who pay our traffickers to have sex with us. We generally don't even realize its happening. One takes the money and the other possesses the mind of the dreamer as they are being raped, repeatedly by God only knows who.

This can also happen with a group of young males and many are virginals tagging along with those who have done it. One always controls the mind while the others rape us.

-Many of your young children are being raped as well. Babies are a common target for the sickest men for oral sex, as babies have no teeth! You don't know how disgusted I have become knowing this and never telling anyone because people will think 'Im crazy. Remember, I was evaluated, I'm normal.

There is a medical term used in that world known as "tongue burn."
This is the result of repeated abuse of an entity (dreamers- ie you and I) when semen enters the mouth, we generally do not swallow as we are unaware, the settling of the seminal fluids on the tongue eventually cause a white coated layer and burning of the flesh.

-Drug trafficking. They use our astral bodies to traffic cocaine and meth and some other drugs I have never heard of. There are strange mixes of man made chemicals they came up with for drug use. They place the drugs in through the anus of the dreamer and if they get caught, the blame the dreamer often. Once the authorities take the dreamers in for questioning, they realize they are non entities and are clueless, they end up releasing them.

- They have the nastiest meetups where they take a dreamer and mimic scenes in Japanese porn. There will be a sea of men waiting to ejaculate on the dreamer and hold these meetups once a month which is like every ten days of our time.

- There are also males who are being raped (sodomy) without their knowing most of the time by males who are secretly gay or males that just want to torture them. I have had a young gay male teen who was a virgin, litterally shoving his penis up my ass ;( I was furious). I asked him why he did that, and he said to know what it felt like, he said he was gay. Lucky for me, my astral friend at that time grabbed him and tortured him when he found him in the bed with me.

- They like to feed us! Oh how I dread thee! They are disgusting. They will make you dream you are eating a pleasant dish, but you are really eating something else! I have had this happen to me often and to the point where I will literally vomit in my astral form from being fed something either poisionous or too much mystery food or literally human/animal excrement of all types. They like to say "time to feed the dreamer!" "Lets feed her," "have you fed her yet." "time to get her sick."

-Simply being lived through. Yes, they can do that as it is just another form of possession. They combine with you as one entity though, on the outside, its your form. They go on about their day and do as they please, sleep with whoever they want, be abusive with your body, the druggies are the worst! I have been lived through by drug addicts and they'd sell my body to get money for their drugs and when they shoot up, I would feel spiritually ill. So my astral body is in shitty shape from all of this. I know God will restore me in the end, but this is just so wrong.
So after being a heavy target for three years, I am drained, tired and I am nearing my end here. I just wanted to let all know this is something that has been a problem for a long time regarding us.

I imagine God is very angry. In the bible it says something about giving us longer days if we are good in our nature and I believe this is true. Over there, the time is faster, I feel like for everyday that passes here, its always 3 days that pass over there. They recently have noticed, their time is going even faster as their days are rolling over quicker than normal. They don't know why other than the sun is moving either closer to or further away from the earth. That's all I was able to find out. I know its November right now over there, as I was wished a happy NOV.7th birthday, the day before yesterday. The year, I don't know as I am constantly having my awareness being taken from me these days. All I know is after August (our time) of every year, time starts picking up hella fast over there. Then it slows down around February and actually, when lined side by side with our plane at its slowest, there is only a two hour difference between them I was told. So this time, many of us who are consistently possessed in our sleep time will not have much dream recall at all till the time slows down over there around February next year. I hate this time of the year!

I used to have pleasant, peaceful dreams and sleep with the occasional nightmare. But now its gotten so bad.
I'm sick of being an interdimensional slave. I'm sick of the girls too, rolling into my body at night and I can feel them and it takes forever for me to fall asleep. I always tell them its not worth it and its wrong, and they always say how worth it, it is. They have no regard for the dreamers of this world.

I had to rant.


Tibetan, "What you think about expands." To get your calm, and peace back and sleep well, just tell them NO, Trust HIS protection. Read Psalm. Several years ago I went thru very hard times. I read the entire Psalm. It saved me from agony and pain.

7 -Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
8- for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Peace be with you...

(12-09-2013, 05:59 PM)pom19 Wrote:  Tibetan, "What you think about expands." To get your calm, and peace back and sleep well, just tell them NO, Trust HIS protection. Read Psalm. Several years ago I went thru very hard times. I read the entire Psalm. It saved me from agony and pain.

7 -Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
8- for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Peace be with you...

Yes, I truly believe this Pom, I just am so drained, I have no patience left.
I had heard the last recent message from what I believe was from God: "you will be guided," was said to me when some serious out of body chaos was going on. I don't know if that is now or later that I will have a solution to all of this but, I have nothing left to give, my energy is down and I am so tired of saying my hail marys and our father's, they only seem to work on demons not these entities.

I wish I can just shove them out to never return, but they always return. I resent them for that. All would be forgiven if I could just drop dead!

Yh the complete no energy is my problem too I am not following nbe right now also like I said how I see myself is so up and down it's like I look in a mirror I'll see another face each time like my face and little of another face but there are at least 3 one is older than me one is a young teen please I don't believe I'm crazy but I believe in things that are spirit like I just know nothing about them or what it is a strange thing happened just at the beginning I woke up with a hand print bruise with thumb on the other side like a grabbing hand I would have remembered it happening it was dark black I have never seen anything like it before.

(12-09-2013, 06:21 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(12-09-2013, 05:59 PM)pom19 Wrote:  Tibetan, "What you think about expands." To get your calm, and peace back and sleep well, just tell them NO, Trust HIS protection. Read Psalm. Several years ago I went thru very hard times. I read the entire Psalm. It saved me from agony and pain.

7 -Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
8- for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Peace be with you...

Yes, I truly believe this Pom, I just am so drained, I have no patience left.
I had heard the last recent message from what I believe was from God: "you will be guided," was said to me when some serious out of body chaos was going on. I don't know if that is now or later that I will have a solution to all of this but, I have nothing left to give, my energy is down and I am so tired of saying my hail marys and our father's, they only seem to work on demons not these entities.

I wish I can just shove them out to never return, but they always return. I resent them for that. All would be forgiven if I could just drop dead!
Focus on Psalm, and nothing else. We want you vibrant and alive.

You think we can be raped by entity dreams I may have had that dream I'll try to explain I was kissing a beautiful woman in my sleep then I felt a man start to sex I sat up to look and the woman laughed i woke suddenly in the middle of the night for no reason it wasn't like dreaming of sex it was different I can't explain but like you said like being tricked and I don't wake upfrom dreams it would have been a good dream but something wasn't right

(12-09-2013, 09:54 PM)BonitaDDs Wrote:  You think we can be raped by entity dreams I may have had that dream I'll try to explain I was kissing a beautiful woman in my sleep then I felt a man start to sex I sat up to look and the woman laughed i woke suddenly in the middle of the night for no reason it wasn't like dreaming of sex it was different I can't explain but like you said like being tricked and I don't wake upfrom dreams it would have been a good dream but something wasn't right

Yes. That's exactly the type of shit I'm talking about. They are crafty with the magic on the mind and it can be very virtual reality type dreaming but you are really lying on your back when they take advantage of your soul. Generally, they do it in small groups. Thank you for paying attention. Pay more and you'll notice more.

Hi Tibetan,

How is it going? Do you have any updates? I hope things are well, or at least getting better!

Would you mind if I pm you about this topic? Get your advice about something that's been bothering me for a while?


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