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BustMaxx - Five month journey.


Day 11;
What a hump, doing well with the supplement. My computer was in the shop, so, very much sorry for the unexpected delay. Life happens, but my routine is still in tact. So, back on track...

There is a definite difference in how my breasts feel when I cup them, as opposed to before B.M., still no plumpness as an end result would possibly give, but different from where I began.

Eating foods that will compliment the supplement, such as dairy, starches, fruits and veggies, and also choice cut meats. This is broad so, no need for specifics for food. Unlike anorexics, food is definitely our friend here. Curve. Still doing breast massage whenever I can, it does help..

I currently do 6 sets of crunches at 20 reps per set.
I walk a mile every other day.
I cut my workout down to this because I am not fat, nor skinny. I am an athletic build, with soft curves and not muscle bound, but toned well. To describe my physical attributes, as my s/n and posting explains the rest. A flatter stomach enhances any results, naturally. I only want one cup size larger than where I am now, I do not share my current cup size because I feel that it inevitably compares me to others, which is not my intent. I want others to journey with me, and those who are I thank you for reading along.

Let us continue.

I realized working out (for me anyways), tends to decrease muscle, fluid and fat from my breast tissue. So, that decreases the overall size of the breasts, which defeats our purpose here. So, no further side effects from BustMaxx currently, and the few I did experience I've also treated naturally with water, fiber, vitamins
and rest.

My breast tissue is still softened and yet in what I now call the developmental stage of B.M.. I enjoy this so far, until my next well!

Day 15 and I am excited about this update. My breasts are filling out a bit more, I'll say that plumpness I complained about not having I am beginning to experience. Between yesterday and today is when I noticed and felt the change. So, I massaged my breasts in a way in which one does when checking for breast cancer (the same cycle of movements in that order) and I noticed a few areas that we lumping up, my hypothesis is this: as the breast augmentation complex is becoming regular in my routine, it can effectively increase the size of your breasts incrementally and through stages. I'll explain my own;

My left breast is taking to the complex better, so to compensate I've been massaging my left one (breast enhancing massages for my stimulation exercise) and that does help when one takes better than another. The lumps are aligned with how my natural tissue is set in my breast, to explain in detail the muscle, ducts, and natural direction of tissue are altering how a bicep does when a man begins working out (or woman) they often experience tightness and hardness occasionally due to the steady growth of muscle tissue due to the consistent routine to build muscle is a what I liken to my experience in day 15. With massage and continual usage, it for me, evens out which that part I liken to going to a Solon(man or woman), you don't want someone to see your hair until you know it's done. Such as this, do not take your first two weeks and get discouraged. If you're like me then you can sometimes see or hear something from someone, somewhere that makes you look down at your breasts and sigh or look down and say "ugh" or even just leave you with a lightweight worthless feeling which, none of us should feel or deserve to feel. You're beautiful, now we just want to be comfortable at our discretion. Let us continue...

As long as you do not freak out in the developmental part of progress, then you will be satisfied with even the results I've shared (knowing it does work at least). Not quitting now, as I am now SEEING change as opposed to FEELING the differences ad time goes on. At this steady pace of change on B.M., I know as they(my currently small breasts) grow, I now know that that initial feelings of slight changes will continue as I take B.M. followed by some growth. This change as I've observed will be cycle like, at this point taking more than initial dosage is NOT recommended by me (at this stage of the program), but for now I'm not complaining because when I lie down on my back my breasts do not just fall to the side and go flat on top, but they fall to the side and are not so "see my ribs under my small breasts" looking, to be direct. Lol, excuse my blunt frankness, but here is not the place for us to be shy, hold back or to not be honest as we are all here for SOME breast-related reason.

Exercise: same sets and reps for now. No changes in my diet, drinking less soda and that subsided the headaches. Caffeine may interact with B.M. I've observed in myself. Be cautious to this fact, please. Eating healthy, and high-protein, high-dairy and iron laced foods are a mainstay. Only weened myself the first week from over indulging, but not under eating as Fat (good fat) is good...and hydrating the body helps with not feeling like you ran a marathon in 90degree weather with a pressure headache. Water and good foods, still rat your snacks occasionally, this is NOT a lose weight plan I am on. It's more like an enhance-your-results program to accompany BustMaxx. See you guys after a while with more on my continuous journey to achieving decently larger breasts using B.M.

Day 23

So, as I've come to find...B.M. causes menstruation like water lol. Not cool, but tolerable with a change in absorbency in a particular product (I like Tampax, but to each their^.^). I've been drinking water and decaffeinated tea. No alcohol, haven't had a drink in months though before the product (so wouldn't know if it effects the product, just an f.y.I.).

Crunches, crunches, and more crunches... Lol. To humor my workout situation. :-) I've been consistent with what I've listed above. Once I hit the four week mark then I will switch up the routine almost completely. Still need more rest, will increase that as well as it is needed anyway to maintain overall physical and mental health.

Has anyone told you that you're beautiful today? You! Yeah, you. You're beautiful. Everyone has their own unique beauty, eye of the beholder... yes, and when I look in the mirror naked I accept what I see. I simply miss what I had. I had a 36c, and that was lovely for my frame. Sharing is caring, naturally I'll open up more with discretion. I love you guys and I don't even know you, because you share similar things in some way, shape or form. Moving on! Here's to self-love and world confidence!

BustMaxx overall is not disappointing, after a while paying attention to every detail becomes monotonous, but for my purpose I do not mind. We need to know these things and I wish I would've known I'd have flooding periods (my over exaggeration of a very heavy flow, for someone like me who normally uses a "normal absorbency" feminine product. I know heavy IS normal for some, but not for me. I realize we are individuals, so no need for such detailed separation as I like to humor myself and think of us all as one.). Apples, like 'em? I do too.. :-) I hate when my period's disrupted, but it's ending normally. Like three days of heavy then back to normal.

Moving on..
B.M. has not had any serious or minor adverse effects, outside of what I've already shared and what I've done to "treat" them. Already I am thinking of my next month's dosage, workout routine, food regime and the time in which I take the drug. Also, more detailed updates are expected in my "crystal ball" so expect more details in my progress and what it's doing to my overall body, as changes are happening but not in a bad way. Will follow up on that one another time as well, ;-)

So far, continuing taking the product and getting more rest too... :-)

(25-08-2013, 15:59)Zormad Wrote: background story, no pics and you're you claim to feel changes (albeit slight) in the first few hours...Dodgy

My guess? Very thorough spammer...

I would have to agree with you here. No starting stats, no goal stats, nothing.
You're simply here TELLING ladies it's working, where these women want PROOF before they believe a word you say. I would have to say this entrepreneur is trying to hock her wares.

But if it's actually working for you, good for you. But I personally wouldn't consider something unless I'm shown it works. And posting pictures or stats doesn't compare you to others, it allows others to see and celebrate your success. That's all.

(09-09-2013, 23:17)caitemh Wrote:  
(25-08-2013, 15:59)Zormad Wrote: background story, no pics and you're you claim to feel changes (albeit slight) in the first few hours...Dodgy

My guess? Very thorough spammer...

I would have to agree with you here. No starting stats, no goal stats, nothing.
You're simply here TELLING ladies it's working, where these women want PROOF before they believe a word you say. I would have to say this entrepreneur is trying to hock her wares.

But if it's actually working for you, good for you. But I personally wouldn't consider something unless I'm shown it works. And posting pictures or stats doesn't compare you to others, it allows others to see and celebrate your success. That's all.

I can definitely understand that caitemh, but discretion though. I'm not all for posting what should be private in that sense. I didn't have pics or this, when I decided to take it not so long ago. It works for me, but even though I have manage them well...I've had a few minor effects as I've also shared. Never said all is sunny, but that it's not so cloudy that I'll go inside just yet...

Thank you for your interest in my journey, I hope that you continue reading on as time progresses as I am in it for the long hall. I updated my profile as far as I'm willing and I've mentioned I was a 36c before losing weight through diet and exercise. I am enjoying my small "incremental progress", makes me feel optimistic about upcoming months. Self-improvement in a natural way. I'm for it! ;-)


Hrmmm... Yeah... I'm smelling something fishy here too and it's not coming from me even though I do seriously need a shower right now. LOL.

Maybe you're innocent in a particularly innocent way and are just perceiving successes where they most likely are not. This BustMaxx product does not sound very promising ingredients wise and that the amounts are withheld is very telling. Also that it has no reputable looking website of its own with any kind of liability trail...

I did some searching... Both on google and on here... And the results are very unfavorable.

Overall either you're lying, as a paid shill, or otherwise, or you're seeing things that aren't there just like so many other girls who've been taken in by this and similar products.

Time after time the proven results come from girls (and guys) doing personalized research and building programs from simple building blocks and not from any of these magic pills.

(29-08-2013, 04:31)SmallBreastedLady Wrote:  Day 11;
What a hump, doing well with the supplement. My computer was in the shop, so, very much sorry for the unexpected delay. Life happens, but my routine is still in tact. So, back on track...

There is a definite difference in how my breasts feel when I cup them, as opposed to before B.M., still no plumpness as an end result would possibly give, but different from where I began.

Eating foods that will compliment the supplement, such as dairy, starches, fruits and veggies, and also choice cut meats. This is broad so, no need for specifics for food. Unlike anorexics, food is definitely our friend here. Curve. Still doing breast massage whenever I can, it does help..

I currently do 6 sets of crunches at 20 reps per set.
I walk a mile every other day.
I cut my workout down to this because I am not fat, nor skinny. I am an athletic build, with soft curves and not muscle bound, but toned well. To describe my physical attributes, as my s/n and posting explains the rest. A flatter stomach enhances any results, naturally. I only want one cup size larger than where I am now, I do not share my current cup size because I feel that it inevitably compares me to others, which is not my intent. I want others to journey with me, and those who are I thank you for reading along.

Let us continue.

I realized working out (for me anyways), tends to decrease muscle, fluid and fat from my breast tissue. So, that decreases the overall size of the breasts, which defeats our purpose here. So, no further side effects from BustMaxx currently, and the few I did experience I've also treated naturally with water, fiber, vitamins
and rest.

My breast tissue is still softened and yet in what I now call the developmental stage of B.M.. I enjoy this so far, until my next well!

A few workout tips here. 1) crunches will only make your waist thicker, because you are using your body weight, and anything with body weight on the abs will cause them to GROW aka bulk. You might want to try something like the stomach vacuum or crunches that do not involve using your body weight. 2) what kind of exercises are you referring to when you said above "I realized working out (for me anyways), tends to decrease muscle, fluid and fat from my breast tissue. So, that decreases the overall size of the breasts, which defeats our purpose here."? Working out is a REEEEEEALLY broad category. Actually, you ARE working out STILL with your crunches! So, please re-define that. Thanks. With my weight lifting for my chest, I have noticed an increased cleavage (due to my chest muscle being built up!) but have not noticed any decrease in size of my actual breast tissue. But, if you are talking about excessive cardio, SURE you could potentially lose the fat off of your breasts...

hi am taking this drug bustmaxx for almost a week now.. i got a lump on my right chest and was scared cause it was my first time having a lump.. does ur lump subside too after few months or is it natural that we experience it when we are taking this drug?

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