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Outofstyle's PM moon cycle

Oh and I keep forgetting to mention this but I switched from olive oil to grapeseed oil about 2 ish weeks ago

Haven't updated in awhile so here it goes:

I had my mirena removed upon discovering it was likely what was causing my skin to break out. Doc put me on Yaz to clear it up/ as my birth control. I'll likely get the copper IUD soon so I can go off of yaz in a few months.

Still taking Ainterol, my breasts are always tender. Full Bs.

Slacking hard on all other supplements, I am in between a move to res so it's difficult atm.

And I will now be regularly hitting the gym! FFF it's going to be hard to put on a few pounds.

I lost my ipod a couple weeks ago Sad for real this time Sad Sad

it had all my nudy pics! My starting pics Sad at least I have a decently strong password on it if someone finds it, and I had cracked the screen badly so it wouldn't be worth their time to somehow get it unlocked.

Sooo I guess I will take some new pics with my laptop webcam. I've grown about 1/4 cup maybe? So I am pretty much still at the beginning of my nbe journey :b

Tomorrow I hit up the gymm! and start working my booty!! So excited .

It's nice to have my boobs busting out of my 32B's (for the longest time I was in denial and was purchasing 32C's, which fit decently then as I was a small 32C, then I went down to a regular 32B and now I am back to a very large 32B/small 32C) anyways as I was saying, it's nice to be busting out of my 32B's because when I feeling self conscious about my skin which is not up to par yet, at least I can have my tatas looking perky as hell! love it <3

So my new PM (Siam Natural brand) is on its way!!!
I also have MSM powder on the way!
And I have a maca root liquid extract on the way!

Soooo excited. My dorm is going to be overloaded with packages coming to me, its going to be like an early Christmas Big Grin that I paid a lot of money for....... I do love having a healthy addiction. Totally better than my non-healthy addictions Wink

So I'll post my new current measurements soon as well as my supplement plan.


Clearly I am in a good mood tonight *kisses*

(12-09-2013, 04:20 AM)Outofstyle Wrote:  Clearly I am in a good mood tonight *kisses*

LOL! Clearly.

Grats on the boobage! And yay for everything else?

awe thanks Beautiful! (:

All I have been doing is studying, working out (booty focus) and eating! I've been having to up my calorie intake so I don't lose weight while working out but it's hard because I have been trying to eat a more alkaline diet - high amounts of fruits and vegetables and lower amounts of meat and breads, but meat and breads are what seem to be easiest to pack on pounds with.
I've got a high-cal yogurt I love though, the brand is Krema. It has 270 calories per 175 grams. The closest that any other brand comes to that is 190 cals per 175 gr.

And I bought the Boost Calorie plus (except president's choice brand knockoff, waaay cheaper than boost brand).

I really dislike working out. But now I finally see how looking at inspiration photos can help, I am more motivated with an image of what I want in my mind.

OH and I have started doing a Sexy Mirror Ritual .

Cause I've got issues hehe :p - don't we all!
It's a really good ritual though I am starting to feel like being sexy is apart of who I am in a sultry seductress full of positive energy type of way. Like I am growing into the Woman I was born to be. I started it only two days ago so I cannot wait to see what changes it will bring by the end of the month. I am keeping a journal as I go through the month.

Also on that website is a lot of great butt workouts. Those are what I am using for my bootay, I have been wanting to go to the weight equipment at the uni gym but I have been being a chicken letting all the muscly guys intimidate me from going over to the weights section - my ritual should help me out with that! Wink so I've been doing the stair machine and a bike on a high setting but I think that can only get me so far, plus it is considered cardio equipment and I do not want to lose my pounds!!! Gotta get it together and not let no man scare me away from my future ass.

(13-09-2013, 04:53 AM)Outofstyle Wrote:  OH and I have started doing a Sexy Mirror Ritual .

Cause I've got issues hehe :p - don't we all!
It's a really good ritual though I am starting to feel like being sexy is apart of who I am in a sultry seductress full of positive energy type of way. Like I am growing into the Woman I was born to be. I started it only two days ago so I cannot wait to see what changes it will bring by the end of the month. I am keeping a journal as I go through the month.

Also on that website is a lot of great butt workouts. Those are what I am using for my bootay, I have been wanting to go to the weight equipment at the uni gym but I have been being a chicken letting all the muscly guys intimidate me from going over to the weights section - my ritual should help me out with that! Wink so I've been doing the stair machine and a bike on a high setting but I think that can only get me so far, plus it is considered cardio equipment and I do not want to lose my pounds!!! Gotta get it together and not let no man scare me away from my future ass.

Haha before I even clicked on the hyperlink, I knew it was from Lo.... LOL! So you like that, huh? It's good to KNOW that you are sexy. It helps in everything you go to do! It makes you confident and, like attracts like. If you KNOW you can accomplish something, you will.

As for Lo, her exercises are a couple of many! I use her website mostly for ideas, haven't used any of them (specifically the way she does them) yet. I like reading her articles though. It's always great to read things from different trainers. There's always so many new things to learn! Are you a paid customer of hers, or do you just use the free exercise samples she provides on the website?

And YEAH you're gut is right about staying away from access cardio, especially if you want to gain curves. Cardio will not only burn off your fat, but also your muscle. Since you are trying to gain both (right?), stay away from cardio!! Please please! If you want to gain curves, you need to: 1) focus on doing your leg exercises to the point of exhaustion (yeah, I am the pathetic girl who winces her eyes and grinds her teeth and moans on her last set... embarrassing, but believe it or not, people in the weight section of the gym respect that! Guys come up to me all the time just to say, "miss, THAT was impressive!" or "excuse me miss, are you training for something?"), AND 2) you know you need to increase those calories and protein in your diet. I am currently at fault with my calories. I eat 7 times a day but in such small portions and am such a healthy eater and still have such a pathetic appetite that something tells me that my calorie count is still too low for my basal metabolic rate. Since I have gotten back from my break, I wanted to try to minimize calories as I maximized protein (because I was tired of doing the yo-yo routine of maxing out on calories and then going on a lean diet for my waist, and then calories again and... you get the picture. Losing the weight off my bum when I'd go on my lean diets made me feel like I was regressing! So I figured I'd stay on a low calorie diet, but...) and I have seen gains in 5 weeks but not as much as I am used to. I used to really pack on the calories: it's amazing how much that aids in muscle growth as well! Just, if you want to make sure that it goes to your muscle instead of being stored as fat, this is the most recent trick I have learned: pack your calories in by eating foods that have low glycemic index. I am going to start that soon (once I finally sit down and actually do the math of how many calories I am taking in now), but it should work because my ex went on that diet and has maintained all of his big muscles YET lost 5 inches off of his waist, and has a little 6 pack now (of course, now that we're broken up! go figure Dodgy ). So, it SHOULD work and I am excited to start! You should try it, too! BTW how is the Boost Calorie Plus working for you?

What exactly about the men in the weight lifting section of the gym intimidates you? Men love it when they see women in that part of the gym, especially when they look like they know what they are doing! They have mad respect for us if we gather the courage to go "over there" lol. As long as you are not on the machine they want to use. Rolleyes haha

(13-09-2013, 06:58 AM)timarie Wrote:  Haha before I even clicked on the hyperlink, I knew it was from Lo.... LOL! So you like that, huh? It's good to KNOW that you are sexy. It helps in everything you go to do! It makes you confident and, like attracts like. If you KNOW you can accomplish something, you will.

As for Lo, her exercises are a couple of many! I use her website mostly for ideas, haven't used any of them (specifically the way she does them) yet. I like reading her articles though. It's always great to read things from different trainers. There's always so many new things to learn! Are you a paid customer of hers, or do you just use the free exercise samples she provides on the website?

And YEAH you're gut is right about staying away from access cardio, especially if you want to gain curves. Cardio will not only burn off your fat, but also your muscle. Since you are trying to gain both (right?), stay away from cardio!! Please please! If you want to gain curves, you need to: 1) focus on doing your leg exercises to the point of exhaustion (yeah, I am the pathetic girl who winces her eyes and grinds her teeth and moans on her last set... embarrassing, but believe it or not, people in the weight section of the gym respect that! Guys come up to me all the time just to say, "miss, THAT was impressive!" or "excuse me miss, are you training for something?"), AND 2) you know you need to increase those calories and protein in your diet. I am currently at fault with my calories. I eat 7 times a day but in such small portions and am such a healthy eater and still have such a pathetic appetite that something tells me that my calorie count is still too low for my basal metabolic rate. Since I have gotten back from my break, I wanted to try to minimize calories as I maximized protein (because I was tired of doing the yo-yo routine of maxing out on calories and then going on a lean diet for my waist, and then calories again and... you get the picture. Losing the weight off my bum when I'd go on my lean diets made me feel like I was regressing! So I figured I'd stay on a low calorie diet, but...) and I have seen gains in 5 weeks but not as much as I am used to. I used to really pack on the calories: it's amazing how much that aids in muscle growth as well! Just, if you want to make sure that it goes to your muscle instead of being stored as fat, this is the most recent trick I have learned: pack your calories in by eating foods that have low glycemic index. I am going to start that soon (once I finally sit down and actually do the math of how many calories I am taking in now), but it should work because my ex went on that diet and has maintained all of his big muscles YET lost 5 inches off of his waist, and has a little 6 pack now (of course, now that we're broken up! go figure Dodgy ). So, it SHOULD work and I am excited to start! You should try it, too! BTW how is the Boost Calorie Plus working for you?

What exactly about the men in the weight lifting section of the gym intimidates you? Men love it when they see women in that part of the gym, especially when they look like they know what they are doing! They have mad respect for us if we gather the courage to go "over there" lol. As long as you are not on the machine they want to use. Rolleyes haha

I'm not a customer of Lo's, I came across her site a couple of days ago. Yea I want to be a confident person, it's been shaken a bit over the years due to my questionable choices in boyfriends.

I got my corsets today (for use while studying for good back posture) and they make me look so thin. I don't like it. I want some volumptuism but wearing it has been reminding me to eat all day haha. Eating healthy for weight gain is expensive!
I checked out a glycemic index table, and I think a lot of the foods I eat are low glycemic, but they aren't a large calorie intake. Guess I should just double up. As for the Boost drink, I do really like it - it isn't a very big bottle and is vitamin-packed. Sometimes I mix some of my protein powder into one just to double up the protein and raise the calories even more. And they actually taste okay too!

If I was on the stair machine and just going very slowly on high resistance would that be less of a cardio workout?

I am scared to go over to the weight section because I don't know how to use the equipment all that well (some of it is easy to catch on to what you do though) and I don't even know what is over there. I guess first thing's first I need to just walk through it and actually check it out. I just don't want to get onto a machine and only be able to last 5 minutes on it.
I really want my killer bod though..... Next time I go to the gym I am just going to say to hell with all the guys working their sexy muscles and check it out! I want sexy muscles toooo.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed, because I am beginning to realize that I have to work out all of my muscles, not just my ass and thighs. That seems like a lot of work, and I'm currently a weakling :s .

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