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Induced Lactation/Adult Nursing Relationship


Why would you add Chasteberry? This REDUCES prolactin levels.


Emily as your probably aware, you don't need to flood your body with hormone inducing herbs to start a lactation response or nursing relationship. Hand expressing or Pumping for a couple days should initiate the letdown response and bring in milk. You can also perform the marmet technique and produce milk rather quickly.

Each of our period cycles conditions and prepares our milk glands for lactation so your glands have matured already so they use of herbs are usually only when there is a physical reason for lack of milk flow or quantity increase vs. attempting to initiate lactation. If anything, it could be counter productive as lactation isn't soley about prolactin.

I think following the KISS principle (keep it simple) in the case is probably ideally suited to your goal.

(23-08-2013, 16:04)LookingForward2NBE Wrote:  Emily as your probably aware, you don't need to flood your body with hormone inducing herbs to start a lactation response or nursing relationship. Hand expressing or Pumping for a couple days should initiate the letdown response and bring in milk. You can also perform the marmet technique and produce milk rather quickly.

Each of our period cycles conditions and prepares our milk glands for lactation so your glands have matured already so they use of herbs are usually only when there is a physical reason for lack of milk flow or quantity increase vs. attempting to initiate lactation. If anything, it could be counter productive as lactation isn't soley about prolactin.

I think following the KISS principle (keep it simple) in the case is probably ideally suited to your goal.

BTW: Thanks, I'm gunna go clarify that point now!

I completely agree, the combos are for people who are lacking in certain things. I wouldn't expect someone to take all the supplements listed, just what they need to give them a boost and in small amounts of mg too.

@Zormad, that's an add for women who need to mature their mammary glands. Once mature, she can stop.


Emily, how do you intend on continuing the lactation once you start?

Do you plan on solely pumping a few times a day or do you or looking for a partner to nurse?

This may sound odd to some, but what do you plan on doing with the produced milk if your solely pumping? Reason I ask as there is a couple of communities of people that would like the milk, even though I believe wet nursing is illegal to sell your milk: sensitive babies who can't tolerate formula, premies especiually for new mom who hasnt had her milk letdown the 1st few days, cancer patients etc. could all benefit from the milk.

Have you started trying to induce lactation or are still working up to it?

Also, i believe most human breast milk banks have to pastuerize their milk so its not a healthy option for the very people that need raw whole milk for disease states or premature infants etc.

(06-09-2013, 17:24)LookingForward2NBE Wrote:  Emily, how do you intend on continuing the lactation once you start?

Do you plan on solely pumping a few times a day or do you or looking for a partner to nurse?

This may sound odd to some, but what do you plan on doing with the produced milk if your solely pumping? Reason I ask as there is a couple of communities of people that would like the milk, even though I believe wet nursing is illegal to sell your milk: sensitive babies who can't tolerate formula, premies especiually for new mom who hasnt had her milk letdown the 1st few days, cancer patients etc. could all benefit from the milk.

Have you started trying to induce lactation or are still working up to it?

Also, i believe most human breast milk banks have to pastuerize their milk so its not a healthy option for the very people that need raw whole milk for disease states or premature infants etc.

Well I would like a partner but to be honest I don't see this happening in the near future so yes I will be donating my milk. I know the bank director here at my hospital so I'll donate here. Once my milk comes in of course. The banks have to pasteurize the milk to kill viruses and bacteria. A good majority of the healthy components remain though.

Or I've seen there s a breast lotion you can make a girl posted on here a while ago using breast mill for breast enlargement I think I was from a Russian forum she posted up some of the tips from it on here in English if you can find it maybe that's something to try before you make enough to donate I'd be interested if it works.
Think this is it

If your on medication to block prolactin (pituitary tumor) can you induce lactation? or is it impossible without prolactin secretions?

(08-09-2013, 17:39)karren Wrote:  If your on medication to block prolactin (pituitary tumor) can you induce lactation? or is it impossible without prolactin secretions?

I would imagine that wouldn't even be safe. You'd want to avoid your prolactin getting out of range if pituitary tumor is a concern. Also, I'm pretty certain, you need prolactin to be high enough for lactation. I wouldn't want to mess with that if it were me. Id say google it.
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