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(06-08-2013, 01:54 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Hey all! I know its been quite a while since I have updated the this thread.
I have to tell you, this is still happening and to be frank, its going mainstream amongst the entities to do this to us while we are sleeping.

While all of you are not going to be targeted, many of you eventually will (those who are with nice curves or achieving them in time).

I hate to have to know this is even possible! But after all, we are talking about the 4th and 5th dimensional bodies here. The laws of nature are quite different and unfortunately, the laws allow this to be possible. Though this doesn't make it right.

I need you all to know, they know themselves that inhabiting our spirit and physical bodies are bad for US! Yet they feel entitled to do it and know we can't do squat about it.

Christina and Arias (finally found out her name) are still till this day, doing this to me. After seeing the results on both of them (the changes to their bodies over a 4.5 month period which is like a year over there) made me cringe in sickness!
I was ill to my stomach, knowing that they inhabited my being for so long which takes away my spiritual freedom to dream peacefully as well as drain the fuck out of me, just to achieve their dream bodies!

Now I am no ectomorph ( thought I was here is a pic below), I think I am a mesomorph body type (now) and have broad shoulders, tiny waist and large butt, I am small in height but it still, an hour glass shape. These two decided that after all of this that they have achieved so easily, its NOT ENOUGH! They want more! They have boobs and a butt with thighs and now are going for my my facial and body bone structure! I find this disgusting as it is but this has gone out of control!

arias is very short so she wants my everything and Christina is obsessed with ditching her (black heritage as she is going for my latin look) She is black and white. I see her trying to straighten her hair to soften her curls as mine and they both massage their faces to promote the cell changes!

I see many female entities in my dream state and they wait till I fall asleep (there is no avoiding this) to get into my body and steal me!

I see them talking about their bodies and how they are changing so I know this is happening to some of you girls here, you just don't realize it.

Please pay attention to voices and vibrations. pay attention to how much quality sleep you are actually getting and pay attention to how long it actually takes you to fall asleep. It should not take you 2-3 hours.
If they are brutal, this will happen. If they are gentle, you may not even notice it. Its just a low vibration that can be recognized in the upper half of your body (if they are just going for the chest) and the whole body (if they are going for the whole body). You can feel this vibe in the back of your spine that's how deep the penetration is. remember, its internal and spiritual not physical,so take your heart beat and compare (this is a good way of knowing if an entity is in you).

30 D wow what do you attribute your great success to.


You look fantastic. Don't worry about them stealing from you. You still have plenty and are absolutely gorgeous.

Hey all! I know its been quite a while since I have updated this thread.
I have to tell you, this is still happening and to be frank, its going mainstream amongst the entities to do this to us while we are sleeping.

While all of you are not going to be targeted, many of you eventually will (those who are with nice curves or achieving them in time).

I hate to have to know this is even possible! But after all, we are talking about the 4th and 5th dimensional bodies here (we also have these bodies within us). The laws of nature are quite different and unfortunately, the laws allow this to be possible. Though this doesn't make it right, it is a MAJOR SIN.

I need you all to know, they know themselves that inhabiting our spirit and physical bodies are bad for US! Yet they feel entitled to do it and know we can't do squat about it.

Christina and Arias (finally found out her name) are still till this day, doing this to me. After seeing the results on both of them (the changes to their bodies over a 4.5 month period which is like a year over there) made me cringe in sickness!
I was ill to my stomach, knowing that they inhabited my being for so long which takes away my spiritual freedom to dream peacefully, spiritually advance as a human entity, as well as drain the fuck out of me; just to achieve their dream bodies!

Now I am no ectomorph ( thought I was here is a pic below), But I am actually a mesomorph body type (now as I look like my avatar) and have broad shoulders, tiny waist and a large butt, I am small in height but it still, an hour glass shape. Though, I am not Sofia Loren, I am an easy target they know exists and looked at as a threat to some as the male entities like to rape me and their girlfriends find out and get pissed (this includes all you too as dreamers).

So these two decided that after all of this that they have achieved so easily, ITS NOT ENOUGH! They want more! They have boobs and a butt with thighs and now are going for my my facial and body bone structure! I find this disgusting as it is, but this has gone out of control! I cannot get any quality sleep! Though cell changes constantly take place, there is a feedback mechanism in the body's physical brain (brain wave phases) that when it receives these vibrations from that 4th dimensional body, it keeps the physical body from going into rest and full regeneration mode. So its a physiological effect on the body and stresses it out and over a short period of time, the body's nighttime hormones are all out of whack!

So yes, this is very bad for us!!!!!
bs6.jpg (35.13 KB)

The hispanic girl, Arias is very short so she wants my everything (she's even come on to me quite a few times) and Christina is obsessed with ditching her (black heritage as she is going for my latin look) She is mixed black and white. I see her trying to straighten her hair to soften her curls like mine and they both massage their faces during the "sessions" to promote the cell changes! Apparently, over a long period of time, if an entity of that dimension incubates within another's body ( from the 3rd dimension), they eventually start looking like the person to a "T" though, I notice the melanin is the only thing that doesn't really change a whole lot or it is the last to change. I would think it would be one of the first as its part of the hormonal system. I was once again, utterly shocked when I overheard this.

But the changes that take place the quickest seems to be in the order of: fat & muscular, lymph, and then skeletal (bone structure and height).

I see many female entities in my dream state and they wait till I fall asleep (there is no avoiding this) to get into my body and steal me for their sick, selfish needs!

And now more than ever, I am being beaten up and tormented by these females. There is alot of malicious and jealous beings out there and then they steal you to take that imprint of yours to make themselves "beautiful" and boast in your face once the time comes in their accomplishments. You don't need to be gorgeous, just better looking than them and an easy target.

I see them talking about their bodies and how they are changing so I know this is happening to some of you girls here, you just don't realize it.

So now, I could care less of reaching my goal to have my top match my bottom measurement. I just want to have peace! I want to have real sleep. I want to wake up and feel like I have actually rested! I am tired and drained. I am not healing my hypoadrenia - that requires quality sleep amongst other things.

Please pay attention to voices and vibrations. Pay attention to how much quality sleep you are actually getting and pay attention to how long it actually takes you to fall asleep. It should not take you 2-3 hours. If they are brutal, this will happen (aggressive and hasty ones)

If they are gentle, you may not even notice it. Its just a low vibration that can be recognized in the upper half of your body (if they are just going for the chest) and the whole body (if they are going for the whole body). What I have also noticed is that this can often produce small amounts of internal heat generally with the more aggressive and hasty ones. This is different than anything I have ever felt as its almost electric.

You can feel this vibe in the back of your spine that's how deep the penetration is. remember, its internal and spiritual not physical, so observe your heart rate and compare (this is a good way of knowing if an entity is with in you).

So now, I really am in need of some intervening, don't give me this " you need to say prayer and you need Jesus stuff" because I already am in touch with the Holy Son and Holy Father.

I was at my wits end one night and said "I've had it! I'm going to just have to kill myself to be done with all of this!"

Guess what?

He heard me. I was in pure honesty with myself, without fear or hope. My soul truly gave up its will as I was so drained from all of this and do not have the energy anymore. I abruptly received a message (from the Holy Father) saying, I WILL BE GUIDED. It came from a different dimensional realm.

I know this was HIM and no one else. You know when God is speaking to you. This was also not the first time, so I know when I get a message from the the Great one.
I can't say for sure if the guidance will be in this life(3rd dimension) or in death(4/5th dimension) because I have some other spiritual things happening along with the body coveters.

But I feel this is of major importance to let the people know this is really happening to us and so many other awful things like spiritual enslavement. Please wake up guys, we are in need of spiritual upgrade. We are all here in the third dimension for a reason. We need to be in full control over our destinies.

(06-08-2013, 02:05 AM)Summerglow Wrote:  You look fantastic. Don't worry about them stealing from you. You still have plenty and are absolutely gorgeous.

Thanks Summerglow, unfortunately, I'm not sleeping because of this. Its a nightmare. I'm very sensitive to them, but when I hit that sleep phase I'm out and there's now hyper awareness to defend myself most of the time.

Wow! So today I purchased in else generator. I am so ecstatic, I am going to see if this does anything to entrain my brain for healing my endocrine issues while I sleep, and making my brain more aware psychically. I will keep you all informed on what I find with this device as far as helping me with this interference of spiritual entities.

I cannot believe I am reading this thread! Reading this thread on this forum. Tibetan, thank you for sharing your story with us, Dear. DIvineb Love and Divine Light to you! Muches!
I am a Mystic. I don't even know what I believe some days. I study more often than practice, it seems :} But, I believe there are many things that maybe not everyone understands and/or experiences in the same way and/or believes.
I was so excited, I haven't even finished reading this thread and I had to answer....
Okay... back to page 2 of this discussion Big Grin

(10-08-2013, 08:22 PM)char Wrote:  I cannot believe I am reading this thread! Reading this thread on this forum. Tibetan, thank you for sharing your story with us, Dear. DIvineb Love and Divine Light to you! Muches!
I am a Mystic. I don't even know what I believe some days. I study more often than practice, it seems :} But, I believe there are many things that maybe not everyone understands and/or experiences in the same way and/or believes.
I was so excited, I haven't even finished reading this thread and I had to answer....
Okay... back to page 2 of this discussion :D

Haha! Yes strange indeed! I am hoping more and more become aware. I feel really sorry for those who train every single day, those who are bodybuilders for profession those that cannot sleep because of this and they don't even know why. And I think this is one of the reasons why many who are supposed to be so healthy taking supps and are active find themselves extremely drained and become very much ridin with depression and anxiety plus from being tired all the time and then the hormones that become out of whack on top of that, drive them to suicide!

What I meant in my last post was elf generator not "else."
Stupid droid.

I had one male entity recently drag my soul within hisand when I tried pushing him out, he explained to me that there were girls there that were very very mean, and that they were not good for me to be around. He also mentioned that those girls were "cheating their boobs!" Which meant using dreamers like us to grow their boobs.

How'd ya like that! I worry for serious growers like Bonita and Emily Loretta. These are gems to them!! Spirits are everywhere we go, sooner or later they will be taken home by some of us.

I'm planning on expirementing with accoustic sound waves to align the chakra centers to promote strengthening, healing of the dimensional bodies and awareness. I bought several books about all sorts of neat stuff having to deal with quantum physics and Natural Sciences of course.

I welcome anyone with brains to contribute their opinions, ideas and experiences!

saying that I have felt so drained recently like I could just fall asleep any time and I get the stranger dreams
I have not lost growth I have 44inches to measure but its the way my body appears different to me every time i look in a mirror its different almost hmmm

Hey Bonita!
We won't lose growth I have found out. Its just a term they use (stealing one's growth) to say what they take from us when they inhabit our bodies. Without us, they cannot get what we have (lazy bastards). Its just they will parasitically drain us in the process of this therapy they do using us to grow their boobs or develop their bodies like ours (cloning cell glandular therapy).

So stalling or hormone imbalance occurs, but def not lost growth, Thanking God! But the spirits keep telling me, this ages us as well. So I think it has a lot to do with the regeneration process they interfere with. GH gets affected is also what I was told.

I'd say look out for hard to fall asleep, tired spells, drainage, sleep but not quality sleep, internal vibrations of any kind that you normally don't have, internal heat and thirst when they get hasty and over do it (not feverish or hormonal night sweats or flashes), voices of course, thoughts, virtual realities that are not yours.

Test for wonky cortisol levels and pituitary malfunction, melatonin and serotonin imbalance , so basically all of your sleepy time hormones. This is what mainly gets affected which in turn, damns our health.

I'm practically used to it as its so often and happening for a year, but when they leave my body, I swear, I feel this release and I am so calm, I cant even feel my heart beat. I can rest until the next twat comes in and does the same thing. That's how I know.

(10-08-2013, 11:45 PM)BonitaDDs Wrote:  saying that I have felt so drained recently like I could just fall asleep any time and I get the stranger dreams
I have not lost growth I have 44inches to measure but its the way my body appears different to me every time i look in a mirror its different almost hmmm


I welcome anyone with brains to contribute their opinions, ideas and experiences!

Do reading on how to banish a spirit. Blessings...


Oh boy! I had received the extremely low frequency generator about 3 weeks ago! I did not update right away because I wanted to journal nightly on it.

This device as mentioned earlier somewhere in the thread, puts out radio waves (frequencies) per second.

It had on the first couple of nights, given me some awareness in my dreams to the point I knew where I was (out of my body with all of my senses). frequency 40hz did this often.

But when the entities started manipulating the space, the radio waves were no longer helping me. I have found, they hate this device as it is pulsating electrical like shocks per second through their astral bodies.

So that's where the manipulation came in. They can reroute that radio wave to another direction. Sounds weird but they can do it. They would also withstand these penetrating waves for about 15 seconds to remove my astral body from the space, that's when the awareness is no longer from the device. So now I have to go back to the drawing board and figure out another way.

So yeah, unfortunately a radio wave does not stop them. I am however, pleased to know it is stronger in the astral realm, you can hear the radio wave and feel it pulsating through you loud as it emits from the antenna.

So this does tell me something. That whatever is done in the space, is indeed stronger in the astral realm, that these dimensions do overlap like I thought before.

As for these possessors, they are there every night! Non stop, I have new onesAngry

I have a damn escort doing this through me now (combined spirits operating as one). Shes shopping for new bras and pannys, charging 500-600 to her male clients, Shes tall and thin, pale with black hair and shes going for my boobs and ass apparently.

Also, dreamers like us are commodities in sex slave trafficking over there, so if any of you have "dreamt" of being a hooker or sold in a parking lot, car or alley, it may be really happening in the astral plane. So this gal has two reasons to hijack my soul at nightAngry

I saw one of my possessors face to face this morning. Shes the one who is going for my face apparently. It takes months for the changes to be apparent and I can tell what she's taken from me. Angry Her name is Cordelia (black and hispanic looking) I have argued with this girl and told her time and time again in my thoughts (when trying to fall asleep), its a major sin. She hates me for it because I wont shut up about it. She looked real guilty faced when I saw her next to her friend. I just stared at her and when she spoke, I recognized her voice. I'm gettin real sick and tired of this!!!

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