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Hi :)


I am eating 3 to 5 spoonfuls of flaxseed per day is that ok to take with BO? Someone please help. Also update i just added l tyrosine too and whey protein!

(03-08-2013, 06:22)HopefulD/DDs Wrote:  Really only a 36? i feel like thats so small but who knows. Because i wear a 32c in vs but sometimes its a little gappy and a 32b is alittle tight but I prefer it. I have just started massage up again i do 300 rotations in morning 300 in afternoon and 300 at night. I have been taking msm for like a month but no results Sad and just added bovine ovary. Does anyone know if thats ok to take together?? Also i rub flaxseed on when I can and mr twice or once a day. I am super interested in hypnosis if anyone has any suggestions. For now I thnk ill just youtube stuff instide of wasting money. Thanks for your suggestion about nb but the machine seems so big and expensive

Read as much as you can or else you'll be all over the place trying different protocols

(17-06-2013, 06:35)HopefulD/DDs Wrote:  I am also a bit worried. Am I too tiny/skinny to grow boobs? I am petitie, and athletic but there are definitley girls my weight and size who manage to have decent or even big boobs. Am I just wasting my time?

No one can tell, really. Everybody's body and chemistry make-up is different. I know a woman who can't be more than 4.5 feet tall. (I'm 6' 9" and I'm taller than her sitting down when she's standing up!), and, although she probably has a FEW extra pounds, she's still thin, but she's toting around at LEAST a set of D's!! On the other hand, I've known a few very hefty women that were on the tall side that probably weren't more than a B cup. It all depends on your body and what it has in store for you. As I've said at least once before here, some women stop growing in their teens, then, all of a sudden they make Dolly Parton look flat in their early `20's!!

(02-08-2013, 04:39)HopefulD/DDs Wrote:  So my under bust is like 29/30 ( I'm pretty bad at measuring). How big does my overbust have to be to get to a 32d or dd. or does it really depend on the person. In at around 35 right now and fit in a 32 b but kind of a 32c ( vs sizes though)

Well, from what I've just seen at, if you're 29", you'd be a 34! To get to a D cup, you'd need to be 38" across your bust line. Another 3".

(27-08-2013, 03:07)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(02-08-2013, 04:39)HopefulD/DDs Wrote:  So my under bust is like 29/30 ( I'm pretty bad at measuring). How big does my overbust have to be to get to a 32d or dd. or does it really depend on the person. In at around 35 right now and fit in a 32 b but kind of a 32c ( vs sizes though)

Well, from what I've just seen at, if you're 29", you'd be a 34! To get to a D cup, you'd need to be 38" across your bust line. Another 3".

The whole add 4 or 5 to your under bust rule is highly outdated. I'm a 28 under bust and 32's are big on me. She could actually probably even get away with a 30 band. I think for Bio males the rule is more applicable because your ribs seem to taper where ours don't....but that's a guess. She definitely shouldn't be in a 34 though.

But think about it HopefulD/DD's, you're in between a B and C at around 35", so another inch and you would be between C and D so maybe 1.5" for a full D and 2.5" (inches of growth) should suffice.

thanks for everyones input! I haven't measured in over a month( i used to do it alll the time so I tried to force myself to not stress about it). I probably should soon but I am worried because they look pretty similar and all my bras fit the same. Also could someone please help me with the bo and flaxseed. Are they alright to take together since flaxseed is a photoestrogen (i think I spelled that wrong). Sorry just one more question but I have been massaging 900 rubs a day however some people say that only 300 rubs takes around 5 or 10 minutes 300 rubs for me only takes about 3 I doing it wrong or are my boobs just too small (lol). Thanks everyone!

Oh btw for anyone who cares I have decided my final goal is in between a 37/38. might take me awhile but hopefully by at least December I will be at 36

So i am using Swansons raw ovarian glandular (which I have heard good things about). However I am only taking 250 mg per day. Should I ramp up my dosage? It has only been about a month and a half so I know it takes awhile to see results. Any suggestions? Again I am pretty tiny (about 107). On the plus side althought massage hasnt really made me grow anymore I have been pretty consistent with it and hopefully soon i will see some results! Smile

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