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all information i've collected about pm,my latest pm Chiyomilk Routine starting from


Hi Lora, your program looks good. Sorry to hear BO did not yield results for you!

I feel it could have been your low BMI. How is your BMI now? Also, the antiandrogen is a must for your new program. I have used pygeum bark and peony root for this. I have then used SP lately and off of it now and will return on it again. This should give you plenty of E. I think you should start with a low dose of PM and then ramp up if you think you need to.

I have also used nu health's placenta as well and I had good results in six months taken with my UB program.

Good luck with it!

I agree your program looks good Smile You will grow just give it time and don't give up Smile

good luck girl!

Hey Lora:

Following was what I found on Ebay and it is true with many past NBEers here. Maybe you want to tailor to it to get best result. I started NBE since March but nothing has improved, hence, I now decide to revise my NBE plan based on the Estrogen/ Progesterone/LH/FSH 28 days cycle chart along with my own built breast pump system.

First 1-15 days: target the Estrogen (peak time), day 16-24(28-30): target the Progesterone level, maybe this would work for slow responders like me and you.

The trick to me, where to get the Good Quality Estrogen and Progesterone cream or supplements?

I am saying this because I'd tried PC 11 years ago for my excruciating PMS cramps and it would work within 5 minutes and last for 5-7 hours, now with the Source Naturals PC, it lasted only an hour and I have to put on again (I've endometriosis, cyst was removed). Everything now is about corp profits not about health benefits.


Herb Info:

1.) Wild Yam-is an herbal plant whose roots and tubers contain plant-derived female hormone called diosgenin, which is the precursor to Progesterone and DHEA...
This herb has many plant-derived estrogens which are normally produced by the human diosgenin which stimulates the body’s own hormone production.
2.) Milk Thistle- is rich in phytoestrogens that stimulate breast growth.

Breast growth is triggered by a precise blend of hormones. Everybody associates estrogen with breast growth, but the fact is, there are four hormones involved in natural breast enlargement
1. Estrogen 2.Progesterone 3.Prolactin 4.Growth hormone
Estrogen is the hormone most responsible for breast growth, but you can get too much of a good thing. Excess estrogen causes estrogen receptors in the breasts to shut down, which means they won't get the message to grow. The safest way to balance estrogen levels is through the use of phytoestrogenic herbs, such as wild yams

Progesterone is another important breast enlarging hormone. Your body naturally produces progesterone each month as part of the menstrual cycle, but it can also be increased through the use of natural progesterone cream, which is derived from soy or wild yam.

Prolactin is a breast enlarging hormone produced by females during puberty and pregnancy. Prolactin helps develop the mammary glands and increases fat stores in the breasts. Prolactin can be stimulated through herbs such as wild yams

Growth hormone triggers the growth of the entire body, including the breasts. Growth hormone peaks during puberty and declines after the age of 25, so it's important to boost it back up to aid breast growth. Growth hormone can be increased by sleeping at least eight hours each night and by getting an intense workout several times per wk...

Huh, that's strange. I'm doing well on Source Naturals PC...

(19-08-2013, 19:42)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Huh, that's strange. I'm doing well on Source Naturals PC...

I don't know, I am just telling you what I had used past and now.

I had very bad excruciating pms cramps that woke me up during the night and started screaming... like someone put their hands in my body and started twisting or pulling, cutting part of my body organ out, just to tell you how bad that was. Then 11 years ago, I came across some post so I bought one single brand that I no longer found it online anymore. It was a lot more granier than the Source Naturals PC that is way too smooth.

This is the part I said to myself in my next life, I don't want to be a woman anymore Angry

All of these went away when I had that ovarian cyst removed.

(20-08-2013, 01:52)CancerStrikes2 Wrote:  Abi,
I don't know, I am just telling you what I had used past and now.

I had very bad excruciating pms cramps that woke me up during the night and started screaming... like someone put their hands in my body and started twisting or pulling, cutting part of my body organ out, just to tell you how bad that was. Then 11 years ago, I came across some post so I bought one single brand that I no longer found it online anymore. It was a lot more granier than the Source Naturals PC that is way too smooth.

This is the part I said to myself in my next life, I don't want to be a woman anymore Angry

All of these went away when I had that ovarian cyst removed.

Yeoow! So sorry to hear about that!

About the PC... Again more oddness. I felt that the Swanson's PC was grainier than the Source Naturals, and DIDN'T feel like it was nearly as effective NOR absorbed half so well.

I wonder if maybe there was some other ingredient hidden in the other PC other than progesterone which was giving the "extra" benefit for easing those nasty cramps. Perhaps it's main carrier was that wood-derived solvent whose name fails me atm? It's known to be a very powerful local anti-swelling agent. Again, the exact terminology escapes me atm... it's getting late and my mind is starting to say screw you stop thinking time naow.

And arguably it's NOT being used could be considered a much greater health benefit than it being used... Too much of that stuff's known to be harmful after a while.

(20-08-2013, 02:04)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(20-08-2013, 01:52)CancerStrikes2 Wrote:  Abi,
I don't know, I am just telling you what I had used past and now.

I had very bad excruciating pms cramps that woke me up during the night and started screaming... like someone put their hands in my body and started twisting or pulling, cutting part of my body organ out, just to tell you how bad that was. Then 11 years ago, I came across some post so I bought one single brand that I no longer found it online anymore. It was a lot more granier than the Source Naturals PC that is way too smooth.

This is the part I said to myself in my next life, I don't want to be a woman anymore Angry

All of these went away when I had that ovarian cyst removed.

Yeoow! So sorry to hear about that!

About the PC... Again more oddness. I felt that the Swanson's PC was grainier than the Source Naturals, and DIDN'T feel like it was nearly as effective NOR absorbed half so well.

I wonder if maybe there was some other ingredient hidden in the other PC other than progesterone which was giving the "extra" benefit for easing those nasty cramps. Perhaps it's main carrier was that wood-derived solvent whose name fails me atm? It's known to be a very powerful local anti-swelling agent. Again, the exact terminology escapes me atm... it's getting late and my mind is starting to say screw you stop thinking time naow.

And arguably it's NOT being used could be considered a much greater health benefit than it being used... Too much of that stuff's known to be harmful after a while.

wood sourced? some type of cellulose most likely. I like to stay away from supps with added things like this. It messes up the absorption in my opinion.


(17-08-2013, 05:00)loverstilly Wrote:  I honestly think it sounds great and it will work. Give it time and have faith! Remember to take before and after photos, even just for yourself. Good luck xx
thanks loverstilly
i will never forget this stupid flat chest if i had any minimal growth Big Grin

(17-08-2013, 07:51)LilmsAA Wrote:  Wow! I'd like to tune in to your program Smile I am the same age as you are but turning 29 soon, 5'1 of height, my weight now plays around 103-105-107 lbs i was soo skinny before nbe 3 months ago like 95 lbs. Only, I have gone 2 pregnancies and after bfeed'ing my 2nd one my breasts depleted to a 30AA (super flat!!) not that they were huge prepregnancy but i was a small cupB then. My program is similar with yours only that i dont take placenta and saw palmetto and use atomizer. With saw, i dunno, maybe i was taking it over to the limit. I used to take 3x a day, roughly like around 1,200 mg a day that it made me nauseous and dizzy, i stopped and never put it back into my routine. I take Vitex 500mg in the morning (as they say it does make you active) on my 15th-22nd day of cycle (luteal) and put on a pea size prog cream one time a day during luteal as well. I notice that the pc helps me fall asleep on time and the pm helps to not disrupt it. As i had a pretty bad case of insomia. I never had my hormones checked but i took that test online and i might have low estrogen, low progesterone and estrogen dominancy. i just had my thyroid tested and it is doing fine. I also noogle and massage with flax. So far, from AA, i sometimes am a good A, at times a small B. I like my body now than before doing nbe. I was sooo depressed before i found this site and im ever thankful for finding it. And yes, thankful as well to AbiDrew, timarie, tibetan princess, Anastasia, and all the people who have been sefless helping out. i never posted my program as i am only on my 3rd month of nbe and still doing lotsa lotsa research on here and over the www. right now, im on stop with my noogle and massage routines as i got pretty much busy lately. Oh and one more thing, i stop tsking protein supplements as they really make me sick. I tried so many kind with sugar or without but they really make me puke ;( so i just try to eat more proteins in my food

I wish you all the success with your journey and hopefully to share your success with us Smile happy growing!!

thanks a lot honey Smile wish you all success in your journey

(18-08-2013, 20:53)tibetan113 Wrote:  Hi Lora, your program looks good. Sorry to hear BO did not yield results for you!

I feel it could have been your low BMI. How is your BMI now? Also, the antiandrogen is a must for your new program. I have used pygeum bark and peony root for this. I have then used SP lately and off of it now and will return on it again. This should give you plenty of E. I think you should start with a low dose of PM and then ramp up if you think you need to.

I have also used nu health's placenta as well and I had good results in six months taken with my UB program.

Good luck with it!

thanks tibetan, Smile
i was expecting better result too from bo , my BMI now is 18.5 .
but do you think that 320 mg SP per day is enough for me now or i need to increase the dose of SP or adding something like pygeum bark and peony root, I wanna kill my androgen .
and do you think with this BMI i don't have a good chance for growing with this program ?
oh my goodness i wanna weeeeeeeeeeeeight

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