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Triactol Breast Enhancement - Anyone Heard of It?


I stumbled upon Triactol while researching Pueraria mirifica and simply the google results for it set all my alarm bells ringing. It seemed impossible to find a genuine review. Sure, there were lots of "My triactol experience" blogs with glowing praise but they were all so obviously fake it hurt. Triactol also seem to be experts in covering up negative reviews and creating fake profiles on pages like this.
Results in 7 days? BS. That is not how the human body works. Clinical study? One of the trials was done internally, as in, by the producing company itself and the sample size was 16 women, which is not statistically robust. The trials were neither placebo-controlled nor double-blind and there is NO evidence of these trials being registered anywhere official (which real clinical trials are). If any real person has actually had success with it, I'm glad for them, but I sure as hell will stay far away from it.
(Sorry to dig up this old thread but I just felt I had to say something about this foul Triactol business)

Seems like there are some mixed results when it comes to Triactol. I for one have not tried it but I have been told by some people who HAVE used it say it does work. Will I consider using it? Possibly but I'd like to weigh up my options. For something that can potentially affect your body and the shape of your breasts, it does seem like a cheap option that may actually work.

Yeah, it IS VERY expensive and I've heard wonderful things about it, and I've heard terrible things about it, but that goes across the board, it seems. So far, EVERYTHING I've ever heard of to grow tits has horror stories. I think it's either just that they each work differently for various people or, some people just have wild stories when they weren't anywhere near that bad. A few weeks ago, my sister went to look at the summer home we used to have, my dad's family built it in the countryside back in the `30's and we ended up selling it in the late `70's. She came back telling us hoe awful and run down it is and how the yard is completely overgrown with weeds so badly they couldn't even get to the creek anymore!! It ran about 75 feet away from the house. Then she sent pictures she took and, it doesn't look all that bad to me!! There's SOME weeds and they're only waist high, if that, but most of the yard is still mowed lawn!! So, it all in people's perception of how bad or good things are. I've heard bad things about PM, but I've also heard wonderful things about it, so, who should you believe?
If I could afford the stuff (Triactol OR PM), I'd take it!!

(05-08-2010, 09:44)lucyjohanzen Wrote:  They even give you 60-day money back guarantee, which means you can easily return it in case you do not get the desired or promised results.

I've had that 60-day thing on other stuff that didn't work at all, problem is, it takes a LOT longer than 60 days for it to work! I can't speak about Triactol, in that sense, though, because I've never used it, but, why only 60 days? If it really works in a few weeks, okay, but, like with the other stuff I tried, it takes MONTHS to get ANY results, IF you get any, so, 60 days isn't even CLOSE to enough.

A couple of videos y'all might like to see about Triactol. Both are by the same woman. I'm not touting it or putting it down that's your decision. I just thought you might like to see these and, like I said, make your own judgments.

well it seems to me triacatol is just Topical PM with a massive price tag... i guess they claim their pm is in nano particles making it more effective?? who knows how much the nano particles affect things... ive used ainterols extreme atomiser, which is about $65 AUD a bottle and lasts probably 2 months i guess.. and yes it works, for me anyways, alot more fullness and a little size increase...and yes id say i started to notice a difference with it very quick, pm can be like that, im sure alot of you know. Its the most estrogenic substance in the planet!!! im guessing triacatol does the same. topical pm- especially when its a very strong one like the ainterol extreme atomiser, can really do wonders- just for the time your actually applying it though, and a little while after you stop. I got headaches from it though- PM does often have side effects... triacatol is not some miracle- its just PM we all know about PM.

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