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going to give pm a try :)


(22-07-2013, 18:48)gordysbabe Wrote:  Hi Lora I used Nature's Bounty but I stopped because it was giving me a lot of acne.

Ok I know it hasnt been a full cycle yet but Im sooo excited that I wanted to update. It's the 15th day of my cycle and im just now entering into my luteal phase but what is so exciting is that I went shopping a couple days ago to buy me a unpadded 34C bra just so I can measure my progress and to my disbelief I almost completely filled it! I haven't noogled for 48hrs before that and it was still the follicular phase so I know its not luteal swelling. I read that it's easier to get back the size you had before if your breasts where already that size but I really didn't expect it to be this fast! I have no idea if it was the different brand of pm or that I started noogling with the pm serum but I must say im really impressed by pm so far Smile

PS I notice alot more aching and tenderness when I started adding the pm serum with noogling.

congratulation gordysbabe Smile i'm sooooo happy for you enjoy your progress Smile
but this mean i'll be more interested in every details of your program and i wanna do just exactly what you did ,
concerning noogleberry do you believe it's more effective than self massage ? and i saw 3 sizes of it on amazon , i don't know how should i choose the size suitable for me would you help me in that ?

i mean i was thinking if i wanna my breast to enlarge most so i should choose the large size of noogleberry or what do you think ?

and did you hear about the brava system ? which is better brava or noogleberry ?

that's not all, i'll ask more, take your breath Big Grin
so happy for you honey

did you change the ainterol pm ? didn't it work for you ?
i was planing to buy ainterol should i change the brand ?
collagen with arginine ? which brand ?
and what's the brand of progesterone cream and msm ?

oh god it's to hard to make my own routine , there is many product out there Dodgy

Thank you Lora! I know it hasn't been that long since I started my routine and I constantly find myself paranoid and thinking that one of these morning I'm gonna wake up and find all it is gone. I now that its possible that its all just temporary swelling and will go away when I get my period but I really hope that doesn't happen! Ive been a C cup when I was pregnant so that could of definitely helped me out. Also I have a kinda wide rib cage so C cup breasts dont look all that big on me. I originally wanted a D cup but I'm thinking for my breast to look like a D I will probably have to get up to at least a E cup Sad I would love for them to look as big as Chiyomilks! I think hers are something like an F or G!

As far as noogleberry goes I definitely think its more affective then massage. For me massage only made my breasts firmer but with noogleberry they swell almost half a cup size! Of course the swelling eventually goes down but I know I get some good blood flow to them Smile Again a believe that having a baby and breastfeeding might be the reason that I get that nice swelling since they have been stretched before. I read alot on this forum of girls first starting off with A cup and some of them have a hard time getting any swelling at first. I think its easier to get swelling when you use it with herbs such as pm although I never tried to noogle before starting pm because I didn't have my noogleberry back then. I wouldn't recommend the large for you because you might have a really hard time getting any suction and you wouldn't want to take a chance of causing damage to your breast by over pumping. You can over-pump using any domes but it would be much more chance of it if the domes are too large. I'm no noogleberry expert but I think it would be better to start with smaller domes and then move up to bigger ones as you grow. Maybe small or medium ones at first. here is the noogleberry website I used to figure out the dome size I need. I bought my noogleberry from them Smile And if you're still not sure about the size you can email Lucy at the noogleberry sales department at she is really nice and helpful Smile I don't know anything about the brava system so I can't really help with that one Sad

Actually I was originally going to go with siriporn pm but they where temporarily out of stock that's why I decided to try ainterol. the reason I didn't like ainterol was because their capsules come in 500mg and it was too strong for me. I kept getting headaches and dizzy. So I switched to siriporn and their capsules come in 100mg so it makes it much easier to regulate. But I must say at a mere 200mg a day siriporn is still extremely potent. I wasn't getting as bad of headache although I was still getting some so I stopped taking it earlier then planned. so it turned out I only took it for 7 days this month and still feel the affects of it. Come to think of it I don't know why I didn't just reduce it to 1 a day. I might try that next month.

I was taking ainterol collagen and I don't remember what brand the arginine was but I stopped taking it after a week. I just didn't feel it was important to my program so decided to try without it. The progesterone cream is Natural Progesterone Cream by Source Naturals that, if I remember correctly, I bought on Amazon. I used it for a month before starting my program and use it every once in a while in luteal phase.

I hope I didn't miss any of your questions Smile

I'm with you on the products. There is a whole ton of them out there! The thing is what works for one person may not work for the next because are bodies are not all exactly the same and most of us have different hormonal status. I think nbe is mostly based on trial and error and we all have to find what works for us because there are so many variable aspects that come into play that may be making one routine or herb work for one person and not the other. Like our lifestyles for example eating habits, health, exercise, weight, having breastfed before or not, etc. I believe it all in one way or another affects nbe. I wish there was already a potion type routine out there to help all the women! Smile

Just wanted to note, its the first day of my period and for some reason my breasts feel super sore today. I thought they are supposed to feel this way before the period and not during Huh they were sore for a few days before my period but not this much! I just started a new collagen yesterday, its the Mejji collagen from Japan. I wonder if it has anything to do with it... Also I didn't take pm as much this month as I did last month and I still had alot of luteal swelling. Just as much as last month if not more. I will update again when my period is over. Hoping this swelling stays Smile

(07-08-2013, 02:43)gordysbabe Wrote:  Just wanted to note, its the first day of my period and for some reason my breasts feel super sore today. I thought they are supposed to feel this way before the period and not during Huh they were sore for a few days before my period but not this much! I just started a new collagen yesterday, its the Mejji collagen from Japan. I wonder if it has anything to do with it... Also I didn't take pm as much this month as I did last month and I still had alot of luteal swelling. Just as much as last month if not more. I will update again when my period is over. Hoping this swelling stays Smile


You have come up with an awesome program it seems to me. Smile. I wish I were so brave...who knows, maybe I will be in time?

Are you still taking the pig placenta? Does it taste like anything going down or afterwards? Did it freak you out at first? I known I went off the prenatal vita due to the constant Cheerios reflux aftertaste & heartburn...I think it was the iron?

Sounds like C'milks special collagen may have helped with soreness/swelling. I hope it continues after the cycle into growth. Congrats on your successes so far & may you have many more!Wink


thank you Untigravity Smile I researched Chiyo's and Ginie's programs for at least 3 months before I decided to go with this. They both had amazing results!

Yes I still take the placenta. At first I was like Oh No! there is no way I'm going to be taking anybody's placenta! Its actually kinda gross if you think about it. But I just try not to think about what it is when I swallow and just get it over with Smile I'm just trying to fallow Genie's and Chiyo's routines as close as I can hence the placenta Smile It comes in small pill form and is actually pretty easy to swallow. Only tastes a little salty and I haven't noticed any after taste or anything like that. I'm still a little confused on why its important to nbe but I read in Ginies program that it must help with progesterone production and in Lora's program someone mentioned that it works on the glandular system. Maybe it's both? All I know is that far some reason after I stop pm for luteal phase something still makes me grow or swell or whatever it is but its making me look much bigger and I don't want to risk taking it out of my program Smile

And I just wanted to mention, today my breasts are even more sore than yesterday. And last night they where so sore that I kept waking up because they where making me uncomfortable. Thats never happened before.. if it's the new collagen then its definitely worth the money! Smile

So its day 7 of my 3rd cycle and my period is over so I decided to update today. Like I mentioned before I had my usual luteal swelling and sore breasts but on my first day of my period they where even more sore then before. They where so sore that I could barely massage them and they are still sore! and the weird thing is they didn't shrink much this time either. I don't really know what happened. I havnt noogled for 2 weeks now since my husband's work schedule changed and I don't have any privacy for a while. So I know that couldn't have done anything. I changed to siriporn pm for that cycle but I only took it for 6 days in follicular so I didn't expect much progress from it this month either... the only new thing is that I switched to meiji collagen the day before I got my period but I don't know how that could have made a difference so soon. So it looks like I did less for my nbe this month and still got some growth. I didn't get much more growth besides them filling out more and maybe just a bit bigger but considering I wasn't doing much I'm surprised I even got that this month. My 34Bs are even tighter. I havn't tried my unpadded 34C that I bought for measuring yet but I will as soon as I have a chance. I can fit a small padded 34C but I wont count that until I can fill the unpadded one Smile I did take a picture this morning and will try to post it with my starting picture.
So for my third cycle I'm going to stick with it and take pm for the full 12 days in follicular since I ovulate on the 14th unless I ovulate earlier this month of course. I still wont be able to noogle for another 3 weeks since I'm too embarrassed to tell my husband about the breast pump and have to do it when he is not around Blush So I will have to continue with my twice a day massages like I have been doing for now. I kinda like massages because my hubby has been helping me with those sometimes Smile
My acne has still been bugging me so Im going to try taking sp the whole time as well. and maybe add papaya enzyme.

I decided to post an updated routine since I took a couple things out and added some. So right now this is what I'm doing.
Follicular; pm cream, pm capsules, noogling/massage with pm serum, pig placenta, ha, meiji collagen, msm with vit c, sp, massage
Luteal; vitamin e capsule, pm cream, pig placenta, ha, collagen, msm with vit c, sp, noogling/massage with pm serum

trying to upload my progress pictures and its telling me that the file is too big Dodgy anyone know how to resize pictures on an iphone 4?

I dont know about iphone 4Sad I just ordered ainterol drops to add to my BO program. I am doing follicular only though every other month. I may eperiment with it internally again. I had not much luck doing this months back, but I am trying it in a different way. I love chiyo's program. I would love to full on try it one day after another year of BO.

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