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How long do herbs stay in your system?


So I used to have migraines in high school that would usually occur right before my period. Until about 2 months ago, I hadn't had a full-blown migraine in about 2 years. Lately, I've been having them quite frequently, always around the same time in my cycle. I've realized it was most likely from the Red Clover and/or Fenugreek since I didn't experience them when I started PM over two months ago.

Anyways, I looked around the site and google searched as well but couldn't find an approximate time-line for how long herbs stay in your system for? I stopped all herbs about a month ago but am still experiencing the menstrual migraines. Any info would be much appreciated!

I've read a forum entry about switching herbs and someone suggested to detox for 3 months liver and kidney. but that's all I've seen, i know fenugreek didn't last longer then 1 week in my system(my armpits stopped smelling like syrup) and pm I've only been off of for a week so i am unsure. some products like pc build up in your system but i tjink it is all evened out after the second cycle if i remember right.

Okay, good to know! This is my first cycle off of all herbs, so I'm hoping by my next one--or the one after that--my hormones will go back to normal.

Even if the herbs are completely out of your system by a week, I would assume it would take a little longer for your hormones to regulate right?

If someone has to go into hospital for an operation they are always told to stop taking any herbs 2 weeks beforehand. Hospitals seem to think that 2 weeks would be plenty long enough for any herbs to clear the body.

is that all herbs or just relaxation herbs like valerian root? i read if you get put on anesthesia while on valerian use within 24-48 hrs it can cause coma lol scarey. i also read something about st. johns wart with surgery causes bleeding out. anyway to answer your question, ypur hormons should start to level after your first full cycle then after your second period you should be fine from there look up menstrual cucle hormone chart on google it will explain how your bodys release of certain hormones are

Herbs are good for health and have so many benefits. i always prefer herbal things for any treatment. Herbal medicines are good and have no any side effect.

(26-07-2013, 12:32)Denzel Wrote:  Herbs are good for health and have so many benefits. i always prefer herbal things for any treatment. Herbal medicines are good and have no any side effect.

Uh. NOT TRUE! PLENTY of herbal remedies come with a SLEW of side effects... And the side effects can even often be much more varied than with synthetics just because of the variety of chemicals that are involved in each plants effects.

Take licorice root for one very big example. Too much, and it really doesn't take much at all, is out-right poisonous because of what it does as a side reaction to your aldosterone and cortisol/cortisone paths.

(26-07-2013, 12:32)Denzel Wrote:  Herbs are good for health and have so many benefits. i always prefer herbal things for any treatment. Herbal medicines are good and have no any side effect.

This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard! I just don't know how people can b so simple. Just because something is 'natural' or a herb does not just make it 'good'. Hemlock is just a root vegetable- and an incredibly deadly poison. Bella Donna is just a plant- and a deadly poison. Jipsom is just a plant that makes you feel like your face is melting off. Hell, Heroin is just some extract made from oozing out of a pretty flower. Cocaine is just some alkaloid found in a pretty green leaf.

I can go on and on and on, but if you don't get the point then I doubt more examples would help you. Plants often develop substances that effect bodies of animals TO MAKE THEM SICK OR KILL THEM SO NOTHING WILL EAT THEM! Finding a nest of poisonous vipers in the backyard is natural to pleanty of people. And a snakes neurotoxic venom is also 100% natural AND sterile- but I wouldn't recommend you sweetening your herbal tea with it either.

I'm so sick of people equating 'natural' with 'universally good' and chemicals and modern medicine 'bad'. Often even the amazing herbs that you speak of may be great in small doses, but they also can be really dangerous at higher doses. And many many many many of your herbs do have side effect-actually most of them do. Plus in the us they do not have to be evaluated or even tested to make sure what the bottle says is actually in the product!

Get a grip. Sure, many man made drugs do have issues. But we also live in a world today where you are lucky as hell that you can go around thinking that 'parents shouldn't have to put live their children' and don't have to go to bed each night hoping that they don't contract and infection or burn up with fever. It's not been too long- not even a century since it was just concidered a GIVEN that you were likely to lose 1/2 of your children. And that was in a time where people had on average 6-10 kids- so it's not that you would have to go through that horror just once- but over and over and over. And it still is that way in countless places. Hop on over to Africa and tell some mothers watching their babies die slowly in their arms and ask them if they would like an echansia herbal tea to give the child or would she like antibiotic or AIDS drugs? We cannot even imagine the horror that people went through before we had modern medicine. Not at all. So for the sake of all of those mothers who have lost their children or children whom have watched their parents die just because they couldn't get antibiotics in whatever land that God forgot or simply doesn't care about.

I was on PM for around 7 months and decided to detox so I could get sexual function back. It took about a month and a half before I was back to normal.

(26-07-2013, 12:32)Denzel Wrote:  Herbs are good for health and have so many benefits. i always prefer herbal things for any treatment. Herbal medicines are good and have no any side effect.

If used wisely. MUST check for any problems with existing Meds a person might be on as well.

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