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Finally =)

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Alrighty then,

While I had every intention of starting my NBE back in didn't quite work out that way. Life throws me cannon instead of curve balls Wink I have, however actually started this time so yaaaay me.

I didn't go very deep into the ol' "about me" in my last personal program thread so here goes: I am a 24 year old Northern California native. While I don't much drink coffee or alcohol, I am a heavy pot and nicotine smoker, though I have cut the stoges down a bit this last month since starting NBE. While I have seen people have success with NBE without quitting...I feel like every time I massage I'm sending carcinogens straight to my boobs lol! My early boobage development, like my height, came all at once then stopped very early. I have been the same height amd bust size since fourth grade 5'2" 32B...=\ At about age 16 I had a non full term pregnancy after which my boobs swole with milk to about a 32DD/E then shrunk down to a 32A/AA. Although ever since I've been able to get them to produce milk if I squeeze my nip a certain way (wonder how/if this would affect NBE). I've always only worn a 34A which was always too loose in the band but cups usually fit so the size fluctuation is a guess based on my 28" underbust and how well I fit 34A cups.

Although I REALLY wanted to go the PM route, financially, it just wasn't an option...yet Wink Here are the herbs I ended up deciding on I'm still feeling out the doses so those won't be included:

Day1-5: Very Low Doses
Fennu Greek
Saw Palmetto

Day 6-12 Increase Estrogen
Red Clover
Fennu Greek
Saw Palmetto

Day 13-27 Increase Progesterone
Saw Palmetto

Day 28-30 Cleanse
Milk Thistle

I officially started NBE in the middle of my last cycle with a two week MT and Schisandra cleanse. I also started doing about an hour's worth of Chi massage on my smaller boob.

Visually, I maintained the same size until this year, this year was the first time though I've actually measured. Here are my measurements starting June 2013 and fhe updates thus far.

My underbust is a constant 28"

06/21/13: 32.5-24-33.5

07/02/13: 33-24-33.7

07/19/13: 34-24-33.9

Both the first and last measurements were taken during my luteal phase while the second was during folicular. I'm HOPING that none of my 34" is luteal swelling since I never get that but I think I may be in for a half inch shrinkage. But that would still be growth lol.

I'm gonna post pics taken today. I have some before pics but they're stuck on my crapped out computer til I get a new operating system (booooooooo!!!!). I wish I would have just posted em when I took em, nerves and all that (kinda weird for a sometimes art/nude model haha).

If anyone would be so kind as fo give input on their opinion on whether I indeed have undeddeveloped, tubular or just plain small boobs, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Oh and I used my phones front facing cam opt so in the front view pic my left boob is on the right and vice verse x)

Happy Growing Ladies!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

No matter what I do the frontal pic will not post upright =\ tried flipping it in my gallery but no go. Hopefully t'isn't too much of a prob x/

U look larger then an A to start with teehee

(20-07-2013, 02:54)ab101bab Wrote:  U look larger then an A to start with teehee

Yaaay for encouragement!! Lol!

Though I haven't posted I started lurking here again about a month ago, your posts are always so interesting and informative =) I'm glad to see your program is working for you. I'm considering adding beer after reading your thread. Not only could I use the extra calories, but if it does inhibit prolactin (I've yet to research that thoroughly) this may also help me FINALLY stop lactating o.0

(20-07-2013, 02:54)ab101bab Wrote:  U look larger then an A to start with teehee

She does... Looks like a middle to large B at least, if not a small to middle C.

Zormad... you do realize that like 90% of the time your underbust IS your band size in modern bras? Ignore what the mfg's say, they're lying to us.

Unless your bra stays completely snug and NEVER moves AT ALL all day, your band size is too big.

(20-07-2013, 14:04)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(20-07-2013, 02:54)ab101bab Wrote:  U look larger then an A to start with teehee

She does... Looks like a middle to large B at least, if not a small to middle C.

Zormad... you do realize that like 90% of the time your underbust IS your band size in modern bras? Ignore what the mfg's say, they're lying to us.

Unless your bra stays completely snug and NEVER moves AT ALL all day, your band size is too big.

*sigh* Yeeeaaaah lol. And given that my above breast measuremt in 29" my ribcage stays about the same size all the way up. I think that after thinking of myself as an A cup for sooo long, it feels like wishful thinking haha.

That's one of the things I dig about this site, I didn't realize how badly I had body dismorphia. It's nice to know/see how many people go through this stuff too. Funny how making your boobs/body bigger/ more appealing can make you appreciate what you have =)


Actually you look like a true blue A to me, mine were almost exactly like your when I was starting out also at an A. A bit more growth and I can see a B cup ya. Far spaced but not tubular, can definitely be corrected as your grow.

Will you be using any creams though? Topicals can be just as essential and they get into the blood faster sometimes.

I fit a 34A cup but not the band, 32s are loose but I'm still unsure whether a 28 or 30 would actually work as I can't try em on =\ but I'm more worried about the tubular vs non tubular aspect than size just yet so thanks Emily!

I'm almost positive my right breast is stuck in stage three, my left I think is waffling between the two lol.

I don't use cream (yet, I order in bulk and make my own) I opted for oil the first time around. Don't know why I only listed my herbs and not full regimine. I use a combo massage and I don't count my rotations or anything, I just rub til I get that achy feeling. I also use an array of oils. During my period I use fish oil. I will be switching to hemp because of its omega structure, but already had the fish. And the smell never stays past the first few seconds. During folicular I use soy infused with rhodiola (you are the only other person I've seen mention it but aside from the boob benefits, its great for the glandular system). And then for luteal I use canola that's been infused with rehmannia root, another important glandular aid that doubles as a phytoprogestogenic. Throughout the month I follow the initial massage with a rub down of boabab oil a good source of vit c, among other things.

I also listen to the estro and progest binaural beats and a hypnosis I got from one of the threads to witch I CANNOT remember the name.

As far as the booty growth goes, I've always had a bubble butt so weight gain is all that's required for that...but therein lies the hard part lol.

Bit of an update:

I currently do not have the resources to bulk up my diet the way I should for successful NBE. So I have discontinued (as of yesterday) ingesting my herbs until I can gain at least five pounds. I am still massaging (I love it too much lol) and listening to hypnosis and subliminals.

I feel like I am wasting my money and resources by taking them now when I KNOW I am not eating right...

I remember being able ro maintain a solid 125-130lbs in high school. Now I am lucky to break 105 =\ Ahh the good old days...mostly lol.

Your progress is great!Smile don't worry too much about weight. Your nutrition is whats most important. Try adding a multivitamin and increasing your protein intake. Good luck!!!

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