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Brittany's Personal Program


Height: 5'8''
Weight: 123 lbs
Bra size: 36 A
Bust: 33 3/4 inchs
Under bust: 32 inchs

My name is Brittany I'm 24 years old, Married, with two boys. During both of my pregnancies my breast never grew until I developed breast milk and soon went back to nothing. Huh I have been taking Breast Actives (pill and cream) for about 2 months now and haven't seen much change at all. So I started taking Fenugreek and using Flax Seed oil for massage at least once a day I try for twice daily. I just ordered a lot of new herbs and I started them yesterday. Here's the list please tell me if I'm taking the correct amounts.

Fenugreek 610 mg 4 pills 2X daily
Mexican Wild Yam 500 mg 2 1X daily
Fennel Seed 480 mg 1 3X daily
Red Clover Extract 2 1X daily
Saw Palmetto 540 mg 2 1X daily
Fish oil 600 mg 4 2X daily
Breast Actives 2 1X daily

Breast Actives cream (first)
Flax Seed Oil (massage for about 10 mins 2X daily)
Vitamin E lotion
After the massage i use saran wrap (press and seal) and leave on for about an hour with a heating pad on some some of the time.

Any advice??

Did you mean inches for your bust and underbust?


You're mixing a whole lot of different things there, and one of them is a mixture of things already.

It seems Red Clover is the strongest estrogen you're using and you don't seem to be using any strong progestin... you are using two galactagogues...

It looks very much like a newbie program devised by someone who hasn't studied a whole lot yet... Sorry... Just being honest with you.


So... in the quest for simplification... do you find yourself having excessive androgen problems? Even if yes, saw palmetto isn't usually helpful at all to a genetic woman, and often isn't as helpful even to the guys as it is for others of them.

IFFF you DO... swap that for some spearmint leaves.

And drop the Breast Actives and wild yam and fennel altogether. They just complicate the program and compete with other things you're using anyways.

You might also consider trying a stronger phytoestrogen such as hops or pm... And when you do, using a pc.

But let's let the simplification of your current attempt have a chance first.

Just my opinion, mind... But it's a fairly prevailing one atm.

Thanks for your response.Yes inches not cm.. What is pm? I also drink spearmint tea as well. Your right I have no idea what I'm doing lol. If you don't mind me asking whats your regimen?

(11-07-2013, 02:28)bromano Wrote:  Thanks for your response.Yes inches not cm.. What is pm? I also drink spearmint tea as well. Your right I have no idea what I'm doing lol. If you don't mind me asking whats your regimen?

My regimen doesn't matter... it's my regimen... lol. No seriously. We're all individuals and if I told you to do what I do I'd be doing you more harm than any good. Seriously.

Part of that is that you're already female. Genetically. Biologically. Functioning everything. I'm not. I'm an MtF transsexual. So I have things I need to worry about that doesn't concern you in the least.

That said... you didn't answer my question about androgens!

And now I have new ones!

What spearmint tea are you drinking? I hate to say it, but most packaged "spearmint" teas have very precious little if any actually biologically active spearmint in them. MOST are packaged with other teas, like black, grey, or green... (IE: Plantation Mint) Many others are combinations of mints AND other herbs... (IE: Mint Medley) And even those that claim to be ONLY Spearmint tend to have at least a little bit of other herbs and aren't particularly strong and the directions don't tell you to brew it nearly long enough and...

It's honestly a lot less fuss just to eat the leaves or take the capsules from Swansons.

PM is pueraria mirifica. It is the strongest known plant source estrogen. It is EXTREMELY potent. Almost too much so for SOME women.

Just in case, to head off the question if you were going to end up asking, PC is shorthand for progesterone cream.

Just wondering why you use saran wrap after you massage? The kind of wrap you described (oil + saran wrap + heating pad) is what people normally use to lose inches!

I haven't heard of people doing that for breast enlargement...just wanted to bring that up in case you get the opposite effect!

how can you tell if you have excessive androgens? From the small amount of research I've done I think I do. As for the Spearmint tea it's brand is ALVITA and all that's listed for ingredients is Spearmint leaves. I had know idea that wrapping and using a heating pad would decrease size i figured it would help let the oils soak in better!

(11-07-2013, 17:02)bromano Wrote:  how can you tell if you have excessive androgens? From the small amount of research I've done I think I do. As for the Spearmint tea it's brand is ALVITA and all that's listed for ingredients is Spearmint leaves. I had know idea that wrapping and using a heating pad would decrease size i figured it would help let the oils soak in better!

That tea should be OK then... You MIGHT want to use more than one tea bag, or less water, and steep for a lot longer, with the water kept boiling for at least 10 minutes WITH the tea bags in.

Eating leaves or taking capsules really would be a lot more convenient, for the future...

As for how you tell... usually the best indicator for most women is bad breakouts on their face and arms. If they have the acne bacteria, with acne. If not just nasty greasy whiteheads and blackheads pussing some serious grease.

That's just the most easily detected and detected for if it's cleared up or not... there's plenty of other problems excess androgens may cause.

Another easier way to tell is body hair growth patterns. If it's excessive and/or almost sort of like a male pattern, you have excess androgens.

I'm very lucky with never any acne problems at all. As for the estrogen I don't think it's in excess. I don't have any hair growth anywhere it shouldn't be lol. After I finish with the tea bags i have I'll look into getting it in it in capsule form (that would be easier). Thank you for your help! I truly appreciate it!

(12-07-2013, 18:36)bromano Wrote:  I'm very lucky with never any acne problems at all. As for the estrogen I don't think it's in excess. I don't have any hair growth anywhere it shouldn't be lol. After I finish with the tea bags i have I'll look into getting it in it in capsule form (that would be easier). Thank you for your help! I truly appreciate it!

Eh... you probably don't need anything at all then... TBH. Anti-androgens are only important if your androgens are high. If they aren't, you don't need them, and they might actually possibly get in the way.

Spearmint has plenty of other uses though, so if you like it, then go ahead and enjoy! Just don't think you NEED to have it. You probably don't. Most girls honestly probably don't. At least, not for hirsuties/excess androgen.

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