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tibetan princess's program

I have noticed that the girls are feeling heavy. I feel like they went from mallowy to in between swollen and heavy feeling. This is the second time I have ever really felt heaviness in the breasts. Though I have felt this somewhat before, it has never been to this extent.

Also, I am starting to see these little green veins! Its a first for me! I remember Cheryl saying she too had her veins start showing after a while.

I am roughly 5 days into luteal. This is good so far. I just may have something stick!

Measuring 35. 5/8" and have not pumped in what will be two days this evening. I will pump tomm. though.

I tried to capture the veins in the pictures. They've never shown up like this so I know something is happening I guess the blood is flowing in that is good.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Hello tibetan princess, thanks for the detail input about the BO tonic, that helps a lotSmile.

Do you have any before pictures?

Your welcome littlebra!
Thanks @eva! I am fuzzy on whats real growth and whats luteal and pumping swelling at the moment. I do have a before pic somewhere in this thread. I dont rememeber which page but it certainly isnt the first page.

I am 4 or 5 days away from AF so I am excited and nervous to see whats left over. Im still only measuring 35.5" at the most so crossing fingers here.
Other than that, I seem to be having activity in the areloa nipple region. There are tiny lil knots or beads that are sensitive to the touch behind them. I massage them and when they swell with pumping, the nipples enlarge in width which is what I am hoping for! So there are def changes happening. I am on high raw diet and cooked protein paleo right now. So maybe this is effective for nbe.


Today is the day I am going grain/gluten free!
I've had it with this damn autoimmune disease! I swell all over my face and I hate my skin. It seems to be "healing" then all of a sudden, its back to the nasties. I hate this idea that our food is no longer pure in this world. I am only into fruits, veggies, red grass fed meat and certain nuts and seeds as I am allergic to some.

I have no Idea how this will longterm affect NBE or sustaining results at least as I am not going to be able to do whey or any sort of dairy. Butter may only be the thing. I am sad, but I'll have to get over it!

Ive just ordered my SP thytrophin, I hear nothing but good things about it. And many seemed to have kept their hashis in check. I hope to be off meds after a while and actually use my thyroid function with out a problem.

Note to myself:
Symptoms today are

candida flareups
dry skin with lumpiness
bloating in stomach some days
hard to lose fat midsection
swollen, scalloped tongue
whiting, dry hair
swelling in the face
thick, drooping eyelids
weird bulbose nose tip and widening of the bridge
round moon face
under eye hollows more apparent
beginning of eyebrows have always been missing as well as the outer portion
libido is down most of the time
back acne

I'd like to be without all of this if at all possible in the near future.

On a lighter note, the gals still look good! I'm surprised. I cannot imagine what my results could bring if I actually had a functioning thyroid and adrenals.

Backed down my BB dose a bit to 40-50 drops a day. I think its good stuff. This is only my second month on it. I have slightly lighter areolas. I hope it doesn't go away for a while.

(05-07-2013, 04:42 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Today is the day I am going grain/gluten free!
I've had it with this damn autoimmune disease! I swell all over my face and I hate my skin. It seems to be "healing" then all of a sudden, its back to the nasties. I hate this idea that our food is no longer pure in this world. I am only into fruits, veggies, red grass fed meat and certain nuts and seeds as I am allergic to some.

Ive just ordered my SP thytrophin, I hear nothing but good things about it. And many seemed to have kept their hashis in check. I hope to be off meds after a while and actually use my thyroid function with out a problem.

Note to myself:
Symptoms today are

candida flareups
dry skin with lumpiness
bloating in stomach some days
hard to lose fat midsection
swollen, scalloped tongue
whiting, dry hair
swelling in the face
thick, drooping eyelids
weird bulbose nose tip and widening of the bridge
round moon face
under eye hollows more apparent
beginning of eyebrows have always been missing as well as the outer portion
libido is down most of the time
back acne

I'd like to be without all of this if at all possible in the near future.

Dang girl! Your ladies look niiiiice. Seriously, excellent progress!

Have you tried alkalizing your diet before you go too extreme and cut everything out? The American diet is the most acidic diet in the world,(not exaggerating) and this leads to an endless list of problems many of which you described. I'm by no means saying what you're doing is wrong; admittedly, its probably one of the best lifestyle choices to make.
Just wondering if you've ever tried it.

And could you clarify what you meant about your skin healing and getting "nasty" again?

I have a similar problem. My skin will look fantastic: clear, even tone, and my pores are smaller. Then BAM! I get these dry itchy patches on my cheeks and acne. Its totally hormonal, I just haven't pinpointed what "it" is. Freaking hormones. Dodgy

"Thyroid hormone underwrites transcription and assembly of glycoaminoglycans. These "water magnets" are building blocks for collagen. Without intracellular glycoaminoglycans, cells can't retain water. Clinically, this manifests as dry, wrinkled skin, lusterless hair, brittle nails and the painful joints of osteoarthritis. Inability to hold water inside cells also results in fluid leakage into extracellular space. This presents as a rounded face, sub-orbital edema, leg edema, and a swollen/scalloped tongue.
Thyroid hormone assists insulin in moving glucose from the blood into cells. When thyroid levels are low, more insulin is needed to maintain normal glucose. More insulin means more fat cell hyperplasia, which shows up as increased fat deposition, especially around hips, thighs and abdomen (truncal obesity), all of which point to suboptimal thyroid levels.
Thyroid hormone is responsible for the strength of cardiac contractions, which, in turn, determines how much blood makes it down to the extremities. Low contractility manifests as a palpably reduced temperature in the feet and hands. The concomitant low oxygen state in the toes facilitates fungal overgrowth in nails and between toes."

this explains a lot why many of those who try and be does not work or works very slowly. I truly believe if you are hypothyroid, you will not be able to metabolize or utilize collagen very well. we so desperately need this for be. so this leads me to ask what my results really are. Maybe my prolactin has shot up but I have no real growth. Because I've noticed in the past, every time I'd stop my regimen, I would lose my gains 3 months later. But when I would go back on the herbals, I would get my gross back. But then again, I don't make any hormones beside the androgen. So I believe, this is a really important factor or factors to consider for someone like myself doing be.

The conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A is dependent on thyroid hormone. In a low thyroid state, conversion stagnates and beta carotene builds up, causing a yellow tint in palmar and plantar surfaces. The lack of immune-boosting vitamin A may lead to chronic respiratory, nasal, pharyngeal and ear infections.
Myxedema, the turgid accumulation of glycoaminoglycans, fat and extracellular water in the legs and arms, is pathognomonic of thyroid disease. This sign is only present in hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

If you see it, there's a thyroid issue, plain and simple."

(06-07-2013, 03:10 AM)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  
(05-07-2013, 04:42 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Today is the day I am going grain/gluten free!
I've had it with this damn autoimmune disease! I swell all over my face and I hate my skin. It seems to be "healing" then all of a sudden, its back to the nasties. I hate this idea that our food is no longer pure in this world. I am only into fruits, veggies, red grass fed meat and certain nuts and seeds as I am allergic to some.

Ive just ordered my SP thytrophin, I hear nothing but good things about it. And many seemed to have kept their hashis in check. I hope to be off meds after a while and actually use my thyroid function with out a problem.

Note to myself:
Symptoms today are

candida flareups
dry skin with lumpiness
bloating in stomach some days
hard to lose fat midsection
swollen, scalloped tongue
whiting, dry hair
swelling in the face
thick, drooping eyelids
weird bulbose nose tip and widening of the bridge
round moon face
under eye hollows more apparent
beginning of eyebrows have always been missing as well as the outer portion
libido is down most of the time
back acne

I'd like to be without all of this if at all possible in the near future.

Dang girl! Your ladies look niiiiice. Seriously, excellent progress!

Have you tried alkalizing your diet before you go too extreme and cut everything out? The American diet is the most acidic diet in the world,(not exaggerating) and this leads to an endless list of problems many of which you described. I'm by no means saying what you're doing is wrong; admittedly, its probably one of the best lifestyle choices to make.
Just wondering if you've ever tried it.

And could you clarify what you meant about your skin healing and getting "nasty" again?

I have a similar problem. My skin will look fantastic: clear, even tone, and my pores are smaller. Then BAM! I get these dry itchy patches on my cheeks and acne. Its totally hormonal, I just haven't pinpointed what "it" is. Freaking hormones. Dodgy

yes I have more than been ready for the longest time. I have already dropped wheat soy dairy and now I will be dropping the corn. I've had years to do all of this but for some reason I just needed more time I always fell off the wagon. And now that my face has changed its features it has scared me straight.

here is an interesting excerpts from an article I came across about how hypothyroidism affects the physical features.

Thanks for the comp Kaitlyn!

"Thyroid hormone underwrites transcription and assembly of glycoaminoglycans. These "water magnets" are building blocks for collagen. Without intracellular glycoaminoglycans, cells can't retain water. Clinically, this manifests as dry, wrinkled skin, lusterless hair, brittle nails and the painful joints of osteoarthritis. Inability to hold water inside cells also results in fluid leakage into extracellular space. This presents as a rounded face, sub-orbital edema, leg edema, and a swollen/scalloped tongue.
Thyroid hormone assists insulin in moving glucose from the blood into cells. When thyroid levels are low, more insulin is needed to maintain normal glucose. More insulin means more fat cell hyperplasia, which shows up as increased fat deposition, especially around hips, thighs and abdomen (truncal obesity), all of which point to suboptimal thyroid levels.
Thyroid hormone is responsible for the strength of cardiac contractions, which, in turn, determines how much blood makes it down to the extremities. Low contractility manifests as a palpably reduced temperature in the feet and hands. The concomitant low oxygen state in the toes facilitates fungal overgrowth in nails and between toes."

this explains a lot why many of those who try and be does not work or works very slowly. I truly believe if you are hypothyroid, you will not be able to metabolize or utilize collagen very well. we so desperately need this for be. so this leads me to ask what my results really are. Maybe my prolactin has shot up but I have no real growth. Because I've noticed in the past, every time I'd stop my regimen, I would lose my gains 3 months later. But when I would go back on the herbals, I would get my gross back. But then again, I don't make any hormones beside the androgen. So I believe, this is a really important factor or factors to consider for someone like myself doing be.

The conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A is dependent on thyroid hormone. In a low thyroid state, conversion stagnates and beta carotene builds up, causing a yellow tint in palmar and plantar surfaces. The lack of immune-boosting vitamin A may lead to chronic respiratory, nasal, pharyngeal and ear infections.
Myxedema, the turgid accumulation of glycoaminoglycans, fat and extracellular water in the legs and arms, is pathognomonic of thyroid disease. This sign is only present in hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

If you see it, there's a thyroid issue, plain and simple.
(06-07-2013, 03:10 AM)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  
(05-07-2013, 04:42 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Today is the day I am going grain/gluten free!
I've had it with this damn autoimmune disease! I swell all over my face and I hate my skin. It seems to be "healing" then all of a sudden, its back to the nasties. I hate this idea that our food is no longer pure in this world. I am only into fruits, veggies, red grass fed meat and certain nuts and seeds as I am allergic to some.

Ive just ordered my SP thytrophin, I hear nothing but good things about it. And many seemed to have kept their hashis in check. I hope to be off meds after a while and actually use my thyroid function with out a problem.

Note to myself:
Symptoms today are

candida flareups
dry skin with lumpiness
bloating in stomach some days
hard to lose fat midsection
swollen, scalloped tongue
whiting, dry hair
swelling in the face
thick, drooping eyelids
weird bulbose nose tip and widening of the bridge
round moon face
under eye hollows more apparent
beginning of eyebrows have always been missing as well as the outer portion
libido is down most of the time
back acne

I'd like to be without all of this if at all possible in the near future.

Dang girl! Your ladies look niiiiice. Seriously, excellent progress!

Have you tried alkalizing your diet before you go too extreme and cut everything out? The American diet is the most acidic diet in the world,(not exaggerating) and this leads to an endless list of problems many of which you described. I'm by no means saying what you're doing is wrong; admittedly, its probably one of the best lifestyle choices to make.
Just wondering if you've ever tried it.

And could you clarify what you meant about your skin healing and getting "nasty" again?

I have a similar problem. My skin will look fantastic: clear, even tone, and my pores are smaller. Then BAM! I get these dry itchy patches on my cheeks and acne. Its totally hormonal, I just haven't pinpointed what "it" is. Freaking hormones. Dodgy

yes I have more than been ready for the longest time. I have already dropped wheat soy dairy and now I will be dropping the corn. I've had years to do all of this but for some reason I just needed more time I always fell off the wagon. And now that my face has changed its features it has scared me straight.

here is an interesting excerpts from an article I came across about how hypothyroidism affects the physical features.


Thank you for that article! Thyroid problems run in my family but when I get mine checked I'm told its operating as it should, but who knows. Rolleyes

I'm not sure where my issues are steaming from but I do know that anything can be remedied with proper diet. I'm going to try to alkalize my diet and see if that helps... otherwise it looks like my relationship with food is taking a new direction.

BTW- you mentioned only eating butter in your post.. you can buy organic grass fed butter. I haven't looked into it as much as I should, but from what little Ive read its supposed to be beneficial for you. You can find it in some stores or local markets.

(06-07-2013, 08:48 PM)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  Thank you for that article! Thyroid problems run in my family but when I get mine checked I'm told its operating as it should, but who knows. Rolleyes

I'm not sure where my issues are steaming from but I do know that anything can be remedied with proper diet. I'm going to try to alkalize my diet and see if that helps... otherwise it looks like my relationship with food is taking a new direction.

BTW- you mentioned only eating butter in your post.. you can buy organic grass fed butter. I haven't looked into it as much as I should, but from what little Ive read its supposed to be beneficial for you. You can find it in some stores or local markets.

I eat grass fed occasionally. I am hoping land o lakes isn't too bad. I haven't had any reaction to it yet.

You should go by swiss standards on thyroid range numbers. US standards are bogus in hypo ranges and consider them normal! I don't know about Canada however.

I'm trading my BB tonic as it may contain traces of gluten Sad I hear distilled spirits are gluten free but honestly, its just cautionary.) I don't have any notable symptoms that would make me think gluten reaction but. Its just something I must do.

So if any ladies would like to swap BB for BB tonic, PM me asap. Ill even consider selling it but we all know how pricey it is. 4.5 months for 4.5 months. Batch brewed in Dec. Of 2012 so she's ganky potent!

Btw, I'm still measuring 35.5". I shall pump tomm.

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