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Roads's Road to a Bountiful Bosom (Hopefully)


Hello everyone ^^. Roads here. I've been lurking on this site for, oh, I dunno, bout' three months now? Anywho, while reading all of the great information here and looking at so many inspiring tales, I figured it's about time I make a beautiful, bountiful, bosom. I never really cared about my breasts until, well, I got a man and someone besides me and the person in the mirror actually saw them skivvy. Go figure, right? And before some of you freak out (I know you all mean well) I'm not doing this for my lover. We've been together over two years and he loved my body even when I was twenty pounds heavier. So! Let me tell you about me, my ladies, and my diabolical plan. (wahahahaha!!!)


Age: 21 (Just turned)
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 4 inches
Weight: 126.4lbs
Body Fat: 24.21%
Waist: 26
Hips: 38
Thighs: 22.5

Boobie Stats!!!

Upper: 31.5 inches
Bust: 33 inches
Lower: 28 inches

(Basically a large 32A cup/ small 32B cup)

32D /32DD

I’ve actually gained an inch already from doing chi rotations and a little bit of the famous Chiyomilk massages. So originally I was a 32 inch bust. I’ve lost about twenty pounds since April of 2012 and my ladies deflated a tad in the process (so did my boom boom, but that’s another gripe for another time) so it’d be nice for them to fill up/round out. I still plan on working out, eating right, and losing a bit more weight, but I’m sure if I do it at a steady and not a 7lbs-in-7days kind of thing, my breasts won’t suffer too much. Fingers crossed, anyway. Onto the actual plan!

(Note: This plan is based off of Doll’s program. I take no credit for coming up with it, thinking of it, dreaming of it, nothing! Natta! Zip! All of the kudos and compliments need to go to Doll. Thank yoooou.)

Boobie Making Plan

8 Fenugreek (4 morning, 4 night)
3 Saw Palmetto (2 morning, 1 night)
2 Red Clover (1 morning, 1 night)
1 Maca (1 morning)
Olive oil infused with two broken FG pills and two SP pills (Day 1 through 14)
Progesterone Cream (Day 15 through 28)
Chi Rotations (20 minutes; 10 minutes per breast – or at least going to try)
Exercise (6 days a week)

I’ll probably start in two days, reason being Miss Red is going to attack me by then, and I’ll start taking the pills then. Obviously I will slowly ramp to the amounts mentioned above, and I also wanted to mention I plan on taking a break for the duration of my periods. Just like Doll. Just not this time because it’s the beginning. I’ll probably post a picture on that day (eek!). So there you have it. Any thoughts, concerns, anything would be appreciated. I plan on giving updates weekly. ^^

Ugh, okay, here are my breasts. Like I said, large A small B. My left beast is a little less, uh, awesome, than my right. Not the best shape nor quite as big. I’m right hand dominant and my right breast is bigger. That aside, I wanted to go a bit more in-depth about my diet, workouts, and massaging.


Before when I lost weight, I did it through working out but mostly calorie restriction. I am at the point where calorie restriction sucks. I got down to 116lbs and still didn’t look that good, pretty much the same as I do now, and have since made the painful discovery and decision that I need to build muscle and lower my *gasp* body fat percentage. Right now I have gained somewhere between 5 and 10lbs of muscle. I’m just having a hard time getting the fluff off and, in the end, it’s my diet keeping me from doing that.

That being said, back in May my family went to the casinos for my 21sy birthday (crazy family, I know) and in between gambling, my parents watched some documentaries in their hotel room. Among them were “Hungry for Change” and “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”. If you ever get the chance, watch them, they’re awesome. But basically it was about how unhealthy our food is, how we aren’t really eating “food” anymore, and how we really need to start eating more vegetables and fruits. And you can do that in a very easy way, called juicing. So recently my family and I have started juicing. It’s hard to get used to, but using the machine is always fun and the drinks usually don’t taste half bad. Some are actually friggin’ delicious. So I’m trying to eat a mostly organic, mostly plant-based diet. So far in the last couple of weeks I’ve lost about a couple pounds just from starting to incorporate juices and (Dear God!) salads and homemade soups. So that’s that. And I do cheat occasionally, but I don’t usually drink alcohol and I don’t actually drink pop or coffee (hate coffee). So when I am bad, it’s fatty ice cream or meat or something. That’s not terrible, right?


I love Jillian Michaels from the biggest loser. I’ve used her workout videos in the past to get to my current size and right now, I’m still using them. Currently, the videos I’m using are from her “Body Revolution”. I’m on workouts 7 and 8, which kill by the way, and instead of doing a cardio video on Wednesday and Saturday, I just do a short pilates video (Windsor Pilates) focusing on my thighs and butt. I’m not that much of a wimp, I promise, I’m just afraid that too much cardio will make me too hungry and my body will start eating my muscles for fuel. Which it does first sometimes instead of eating fat(damn you body!). I also usually play volleyball all day Saturday with friends and my boyfriend and I are lil trouble makers, so it’s not uncommon for us to be climbing up onto rooftops or running around playing laser tag all night long. So yep, that’s my workout-ness.


Just a quick “oh yeah” about this one. When I don’t use the infused olive oil, I use coconut oil. I meant to pick up unrefined but I was in a hurry and grabbed the refined version. So when I run out, it’ll be unrefined next. And when I do rotations, I know chi is supposed to be done in a certain direction, but I’ve also heard that the other direction helps fill you out on top, which is what I want. I’ve also heard that going the opposite direction than chi will make them shrink, so I do both lol. Chi to make sure I don’t shrink and the opposite to see if it’ll help me fill out on top.

Aaaaand I just realized I didn’t post my goal for my body…

Goal (Body)

Weight: 115 – 120lbs
Body Fat: 18 – 19%
Waist: 23 – 24 inches
Hips: 35 – 36 inches
Thighs: 19 - 20 inches

So that’s that. Haven’t started yet. Miss Red is taking her sweet time but I’m sure by tomorrow she’ll visit. On a side note, I plan on doing this program for about six months before changing anything. The only thing I may add is MSM powder or Muscle Rub. I’m interested in Noogleberry, but that’s a little scary for me so I’m going to see how this program works first. I’ll let you guys know when I’ve started.

Hi, I see our stats are very similar so I'm excited to watch your progress!

As for noogleberry, I would deffinetly recommend it. Its a quite inexpensive form of NBE and you seem like you would respond well because you lost some weight.

(27-06-2013, 04:55)babydoll029 Wrote:  Hi, I see our stats are very similar so I'm excited to watch your progress!

As for noogleberry, I would deffinetly recommend it. Its a quite inexpensive form of NBE and you seem like you would respond well because you lost some weight.

Hi there! How exactly would my losing weight mean Noogleberry would be good for me? Just curious, I barely know anything about the system. Is it something about being able to, well, make and store fat?

Its more about your skin has already been stretched so it is possible that you can be a faster responder. How noogleberry works is that it uses pressure to pull on the skin which increase blood flow and will cause swelling. Eventually that swelling will turn into growth tissue.

Oh okay. Gotcha. Thanks for the info! I really am interested in it, just the pictures I've seen of breasts in the cups looks... uh... very uncomfortable and kinda scary. Maybe three months into my program, depending on how things are going, I may add it.

Update: Red days are here. Started pills this morning. Has anyone noticed worse periods since they started massaging? My cramps have been horrible since I started.

(27-06-2013, 18:20)RoadsGHarper Wrote:  Oh okay. Gotcha. Thanks for the info! I really am interested in it, just the pictures I've seen of breasts in the cups looks... uh... very uncomfortable and kinda scary.

Actually its not uncomfortable at all.... just kind of firm and tightness... definitely keeps them from moving around..... depending on how much pressure you apply.... not scarry once you try it..... imho...

(28-06-2013, 00:44)karren Wrote:  
(27-06-2013, 18:20)RoadsGHarper Wrote:  Oh okay. Gotcha. Thanks for the info! I really am interested in it, just the pictures I've seen of breasts in the cups looks... uh... very uncomfortable and kinda scary.

Actually its not uncomfortable at all.... just kind of firm and tightness... definitely keeps them from moving around..... depending on how much pressure you apply.... not scarry once you try it..... imho...

That's good to hear. I will definitely consider it within the next couple of months then, for sure. Thanks guys!

Monday Weekly Update: So I'm going to start updating every week on Monday and then I'll post pics at the end of each month. Nothing very new in the breast department. Holding steady at 33 inches and loving the fact that massages seem to be making them perkier and a lil more rounded. In the body department though, I've dropped 1.8 pounds and seem to have wiggled 1/2 an inch off my butt. So at least something to report. Hope everyone has an awesome Independence Day! Happy growing!

following this thread! i feel our goals and current size are pretty similar, starting to lose hope although i know im being impatient i started almost 3 months ago maybe grew one inch.. wish it was more!
im using BB daily and massage Smile

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