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New user...32 AA :( even after pregnancy with two kids


So I am a mom of two children and have very underdeveloped breasts even after two pregnancies. I was a 32A bordering 32B in high school. Now after my son who's almost two I'm a 32aa maybe even smaller... I'm so depressed... I've tried Natureday for a couple months, a few weeks of massage, and greenbush enhancement blend and just nothing has helped. I'm now doing 1 capsule 3 times a day of each fenugreek, saw palmetto, and red clover...any advice? I'm 5'9 and fluctuate between 120-125 I know I'm thin. Also is the chi massage hands going down the middle and up the sides in other words right hand on right breast clockwise when looking down and left going opposite? Ugh so frustrated some help be nice...

Welcome, all you can do is try different things. Keep a record daily or weekly of your activity. This is my second go around with nbe. This time I'm keeping track of everything. Just keep at it and read as much as you can and take notes. Good luck

You need to add some useful weight to right places. Try soy protein, it should add some to your weight. Keep having your FG.


Adding weight is nearly impossible for me which most people would love but I absolutely hate. I stay at 120-125 no matter what. I just can't get past it. Right now I'm drinking protein shakes with whole milk every morning and trying to eat more. It's extremely difficult also I have a very small appetite on a normal basis. I eat between 1500-2000 cals a day. I have a tiny stomach to go along with my tiny everything else. I also have Hashimotos which is the culprit to my no weight gain and crappy appetite among other things. Thanks for the advice though. Any other advice be great too!

Thanks all for your advice!

May the healing Light shine through your body.

I know how you feel coz I'm having the same dilemma as you. Before I was pregnant I was a full 34B and I was so happy during my pregnancy and breastfeeding period as it went from B to C/D. My bust started to deflate about 3 months after I stopped breastfeeding my boy for 16months.

It's been 3 years and hopefully I will regain my bust size with all of the oil + herb massages and supplements....fingers cross Big Grin


(25-05-2013, 05:03)Smkk624 Wrote:  Pom,

Adding weight is nearly impossible for me which most people would love but I absolutely hate. I stay at 120-125 no matter what. I just can't get past it. Right now I'm drinking protein shakes with whole milk every morning and trying to eat more. It's extremely difficult also I have a very small appetite on a normal basis. I eat between 1500-2000 cals a day. I have a tiny stomach to go along with my tiny everything else. I also have Hashimotos which is the culprit to my no weight gain and crappy appetite among other things. Thanks for the advice though. Any other advice be great too!

Thanks all for your advice!

Just did you find out your Hashimoto thyroiditis? My family has a history of thyroid disease so my dad and my friends are pretty concerned about my situation.

I guess I'm about the same height (5'8.5" or 5'9" depending on the measurement) and weight (between 118 and nothing more than 123 lbs). I eat 5 meals a day, but even so, I can't gain a single pound. Even though I'm not extremely flat-chested, you can see my chestbone imprints instead of my cleavage (it's so not obvious). That's extremely frustrating.


Considering elevated hormones didn't help you with size during pregnancy, you'll probably be a poor responded to herbal options as all they'll do is mimick pregnancy but even then, to a much lesser extent.

I would suggest either Glandulars like bovine ovary-pituatary substance-pig placenta and\or some mechanical intervention like a noogleberry.

Looking forward,

My breasts grew quite a bit during pregnancy. I went from my A cup to a C almost D cup before my babies were born and a D when my milk came in. It was just once I stopped breast feeding that my top deflated to a AA especially after my son was born. My daughters birth they didn't deflate so much I also didn't bf long with her. Just now they're like gone. I feel like a pre teen lol.


I ordered my doctor to test my thyroid antibodies. I had found out two years before that I had hypothyroidism. Just a simple thyroid panel test showed that. I just was convinced I had Hashimoto's cause I never have felt better even when the hypothyroidism was being treated and everything looked normal lab wise. My first pregnancy hypothyroidism became noticeable blood wise and my second pregnancy Hashimoto's showed up blood wise. Ugh no fun but good luck to you. Cutting out gluten has been my best Friend.


In that case, you should be encouraged that gaining back some size is possible.

Have you considered Emily's idea of a musclerub for when you massage. She seems to get good results from it and while massage, doing the hypnosis thing and listening to some type of tract.

Have you looked into Goat's Rue and alfalfa tea?
Did you consider trying a elevated natural cycle like what Chiyomilk does vs. The same formula all month long?
I would personally try single herbs and make my own vs. a vendors like greenbush. That way, you can tweak it after a few months ie up or lower or add something.

I personally feel, stay away from adaptogen's as they'll try and normal and bring down elevated hormones.

After your done breastfeeding, you may want to keep your elevated hormones to keep size and slowly lower them so its a drastic shutoff, there is some evidence that a quick stopping of breastfeeding can lead to fast loss in size.

Noogling seems interesting as well so I depending how things go for me post pregnancy, and when I'm ready to stop breastfeeding I may try and add noogling to see if helps retain any gains I get from my pregnancy.

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