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Outofstyle's PM moon cycle


(29-05-2013, 01:09 AM)Outofstyle Wrote:  So I've got this book, Super Flirt. How to flirt like a pro, body language, etc. Have to take alot of it with a grain of salt, but one part I found particularly interesting and helpful. It talked about how to "properly walk" and for women when walking, it said you have to watch what part of your body you lead with.
Leading with your shoulders - you look timid
Leading with your chest/boobs - you look overconfident and pushy
Leading with your knees - you look like your legs are taking you places you don't want to go!

So what are you supposed to lead with? Either nothing, or your pelvic bone.

I imagine leading with "nothing" would be extremely difficult... But what do you mean by leading with your pelvic bone? Just, thrust your entire pelvis forward? That doesn't sound right to me...

Quote:I imagine leading with "nothing" would be extremely difficult... But what do you mean by leading with your pelvic bone? Just, thrust your entire pelvis forward? That doesn't sound right to me...

Yeah I didn't understand how to lead with "nothing" either lol. Unless you walk straight as a board, everything perfectly aligned. Seems like it'd be a stiff walk. Hmm how to explain leading with pelvis.... you don't really thrust it forward because that would be unnatural. Okay here is my best go at explaining it:

You want to stand tall with good posture, back in line properly without sticking your butt out (I used to be so bad for that, did it for years making my spine into an S and didn't even know I was doing it until a physio doc told me) and your shoulders drawn backward and down, not back to the point where you are thrusting your chest out but back to the point where you'd imagine that they are directly below your ears, resting but alert. I think it is called squaring them?

And now when you step forward with your left leg, just imagine that you are leading your step with the left side of your pelvis, and then same with right, your right step is lead by the right pelvis bone. This will slightly exagerate the roll of the hips. This is MUCH easier to first get the hang of in heels, even if they are just little kitten heels. And then once you have it in heels you can see that you can also do it without heels. Also, if you are having difficulties understanding the motion/ not sure if it is the right motion, you may want to do some belly dancing moves just to loosen your hips/pelvis up Wink Specifically, the figure 8. You basically just draw a figure 8 with your hips (I'd maybe youtube it if its something you want to try, it's hard to give a written belly dance lesson lol) anywho, this figure 8 is a very exagerated motion of what your hips should be doing as you walk while "leading" with your pelvis Cool

For me, it really was an amazing help just to imagine that I am leading with my pelvis, it sort of just pulled me into the walk. It's kind of like doing a catwalk, like a victoria's secret angel, with a bit less of an exagerated hip roll (of course, you can exagerate the hip roll more or less to however you like, but if you just imagine the pelvis lead your walk will look and feel very natural and sexy).

But yea just give it a try! You'll see what I mean, unless my instructions are horrible..... hopefully not........

OOH! OK. This is basically how I already walk, though I do forget to keep my shoulders back sometimes.

Yeah! It is just a correction if you have one of the other walks that were listed above. It really is shocking how your walk affects how others react to you though.

I bought a bra today, a hanes bra. It does NOT have an underwire but shapes me nicely like a normal tshirt bra. I think I am really going to enjoy it, underwire bras leave purple marks below my boobs, they are probably cutting off my circulation.

(30-05-2013, 01:36 AM)Outofstyle Wrote:  Yeah! It is just a correction if you have one of the other walks that were listed above. It really is shocking how your walk affects how others react to you though.

OMG YES! First time I wore a pencil miniskirt I was SOOOOO uncomfortable and it translated into the way I was walking and yeah. It was SOOOOOOOO not good!

I've gotten much more comfortable in them now... But that first time was just YIKES.

Awh yea Abi, rock it! ;p

I am kind of excited for my ainterol to run out (few months still) because I think I am going to next buy one of those Thai brands that have never been heard of . Just cause (: I still question ainterol's strength......

And I am saying SCREW IT!! To that boring massage routine. I read a looong while ago about a bunch of guys talking on some forum(?) I dunno some comment board thing, and many of them were saying that they would massage their gf's breasts every day and one guy even said he got his (ex) gf from a b to an e... I don't think someone would lie about the size they got their (ex) gf to and then go on to say how she broke up with him a little while later. Right? Doesn't make sense to talk someone up who dumped you so I think it's truth.
So ya, no more boring massage, I am going to do whatever feels good, not some circular routine. Still going to follow the same flow of direction, just going to add in a bit more squeezing and such, man handle these puppies a bit Cool
My ex bf told me that my boobs would get bigger during sex. So it is a truth I have experienced that when you are turned on, you increase bloodflow.

Let's just put it on record now, I don't need no man. Wink

Oh and I tried searching for that board today but could not find it. But there were like 4 guys at least, claiming that they had achieved results for their girls, and many more that were going to start giving it a try.

I am feeling flustered. F-ing people tryna push me into situations that I don't want to be in!!!!! (a threesome). I hate it when you tell people exactly how you feel about something and they start trying to feed you bs that they think you want to hear! Not going to work.

(02-06-2013, 08:04 PM)Outofstyle Wrote:  I am feeling flustered. F-ing people tryna push me into situations that I don't want to be in!!!!! (a threesome). I hate it when you tell people exactly how you feel about something and they start trying to feed you bs that they think you want to hear! Not going to work.

Ugh. Seriously? Well... at least you know they both think you attractive... lol.

But gosh. What is it with people and trying to push their own sexual choices on others? That's such BS. You're welcome to it. Go find someone willing. This person? Nope. Not willing.

Oh, and BTW! Totally with you on this. I'm a one-guy-only kinda girl. Till I meet Mr. Right it's nothing at all for me!

How's everything else going?

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