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timarie's waist-is-small-and-curves-are-kickin' program


Your workout routine is beyond impressive.

I'm happy with my arm and chest workout, as my goal is only to get toned, but I need to actually gain muscle on my leg/butt area...I will definitely by trying some of this (at much lower weights lol)

I saw your general diet plan, but how many calories a day would you say you take in?

Men have suchhh dirty minds. I would never work-out panty-less...that's a yeast infection just waiting to happen.

This whole thread is so detailed and helpful Big Grin

Lower Body Routine Update
Not last Wednesday but the Wednesday before, I walked into my workout routine with the goal in mind to make myself sore after this workout (as I have not been sore after a Wednesday workout since probably the fall!). I had a difficult time the previous week targeting my glutes with my usual routine, so I isolated my legs for the Leg Press, halved the weight (bringing it down to 180lbs), and placed my left leg at a different angle to my body (with foot placement on the mat differing) from my right leg. I also played with 70lbs on the Deadlift (purposefully starting low to work on perfecting my form first). I did not expect to get any results from my deadlifts from this workout just yet. Finally, I did my Walking Lunges at the end of this routine just because it is awkward to do a down set when you do your legs individually. The 100lb barbell felt lighter at this gym than at the gym where I workout on Sundays Huh Won't be doing that at my Wednesday gym again...

So, awesome news! The next two days, my upper, outer left glute was killing me! Unless I pulled it somehow (which I doubt since I did not lift any unusually heavy weights), I am going to assume that it was from isolating each leg for the leg press, and that the left leg placement was effective. I do recall that my right quad was burning immediately after my sets were over. So, I will be doing the Leg Press alternating legs at the placement in which I used my left leg last Wednesday, and I will slightly increase the weight, and see how I feel! I am a really excited about this because, usually when my glutes hurt from walking lunges and the V-Squat, it is the center, more towards the upper half of my glutes, and even the inner glute. This is the first time where the outer glute was effected! But again, I don't want to get ahead of myself, and I will just wait to see how I feel after tonight's exercise!

Last Sunday I was able to target my glutes during my lunges more than ever before. It was a great feeling.

This past Wednesday, I was not able to get the 100lb barbell up on my hips for the hip thrust, so I decided to do the Glute Bridge and just got the barbell to the floor and wiggled my way under it Tongue It was a great glute-targeting workout (to lift with heavier weights than my previous 60lbs, that is)! My butt hurt the whole night. I also did the Leg Press with one leg at a time, but was unable to "go deep" with 200lbs. I always knew the glutes were targeted more when you go deep in hip-extension (squat-like) exercises, but I always thought that EVERYTHING was put under more tension: glutes, quads, and hamstrings alike. However, this is NOT the case, as I recently read. Check out this interesting article: . After reading this article, I became convinced that if I cannot go deep enough due to heavy weight, I should lighten the weight to where I am able to go very deep because clearly how deep I go will give me more the results that I want than if I do only a 90 degree angle or less than that with my maximum possible weight (I usually do something a little deeper than 90 degrees). I need to do the maximum possible at deep. So, I lightened the weight to 100lbs! I felt, crazy weak Tongue And I was not hurting the next day. Oh well, I will work on my deeper form first, and then when I get good at it, will focus on increasing the weights. I will probably also need to lighten the weight for my V-Squat for this same reason. I also tried the Kneeling Squat (to replace Deadlifts, as this author says it is the best for targeting the glutes from the group of hip extension exercises: ). It did not impress me as it only seemed to really hit my lower quads! But, I will give it a try for a couple more Wednesdays I guess. Or I will seek advise from a bodybuilder lol.

WARNING the second article I posted in this post PLEASE remember that he is writing with the focus on strengthening, not building. They are completely different things. So, where he writes negatively about lunges and squats, please keep that in mind and also that he is focused on what exercises activate the glutes more, not necessarily builds them more. Exercises like squats and lunges are fantastic (if you can master the art of targeting the glutes during the exercises) for building because they release testosterone and growth hormones into the body which are necessary for building muscle (see ). It is important to have both kinds of exercises--glute isolation exercises AND compound exercises--in your workout, so that you may 1) focus your "mind-muscle connection" on your glutes and 2) pump testosterone and growth hormones through your body which are necessary for building!

Upper Body Routine Update
I have found that going to the gym 6 days out of the week is a little too demanding of my time, and I realized this as I have been going later and later, leaving not enough time for my workouts. To avoid this, I will be combining both my back/bicep routine and my pectoral/tricep routine, so that I will have only 4 weight lifting days as opposed to 6. Other days at the gym will be optional, and I will do light cardio on these days, and light ab workouts on these days and my upper body days.

(01-05-2013, 04:39 PM)ariel Wrote:  Your workout routine is beyond impressive.

I'm happy with my arm and chest workout, as my goal is only to get toned, but I need to actually gain muscle on my leg/butt area...I will definitely by trying some of this (at much lower weights lol)

I saw your general diet plan, but how many calories a day would you say you take in?

Men have suchhh dirty minds. I would never work-out panty-less...that's a yeast infection just waiting to happen.

This whole thread is so detailed and helpful Big Grin

Hey Ariel! So glad to have another workout buddy on board! Big Grin And yes, I agree, definitely DO NOT NOT NOT start at the weights I lift! I worked up to these weights! Do whatever you can do at say 8-12 reps (if you can do more reps than 12, increase the weight) without hurting yourself or losing form. Then you can gradually increase the weights and decrease the reps whenever you are able! Remember, though, that the heavier the weights you lift without losing proper form and without losing your ability to properly execute, will give you more chances to build! It is always better to increase your weight and decrease your reps. And this is, of course, what you need to do to GAIN. Which is not the same as your upper body routine! I share the same upper body goal as you Wink

I am so glad that you find this thread helpful! I am always trying to learn more, so anything that you would like to add is always welcome! As for how many calories I consume in a day, I am not much of a calorie counter (protein counting is enough for me! trying to count calories AND protein overwhelms me). My current diet, I think, brings me to anywhere from 2100 calories to 2800 calories in the course of a day, depending on which meals I have to eat. Of all of my mini-meals, my bag of nuts has the most calories, totaling 910 calories for an amount that totals 24 grams of protein! I will probably need to make my own mix from now on, though, because that is way too calories for me to eat in one sitting and I believe the cranberries are likely coated in sugar... The mini-meal with the least amount of calories for an amount that totals 24 grams of protein is my tuna or salmon, as that is 400 calories with an avocado (the tuna/salmon itself is only 140 calories). The hydro whey shakes are only 140 calories each, and the casein is only 110 calories (but I do not really consider these "meals" so-to-speak although they are... they are just not well-rounded meals).

For those of you who are interested in my ab exercise of keeping the TVA muscles contracted throughout the day, or as much as possible (discussed in post #13 of this thread), there is actually a name for it! I just discovered it yesterday, and feel pretty silly that I did not know this before. It is called the "Stomach Vacuum." So if you want to check it out, you can look it up by this title! Good luck!

And I was just about to attach some recently taken photos when I realized that my camera is missing! There seems to always be a reason for me to never getting around to get these photos up lol. I am hoping it is in the rental car I just returned today, otherwise I have no idea where it went...


The reason for all the !!! above is because this update is pretty crucial to my routine. I am going to go "off season"--or take a break-- starting today, which means I will be giving my lower body a break for 4 weeks (haven't made up my mind on the length of this yet). I will continue to do my cardio lower-body resistance training, as well as start up my new upper-body routine this week, but I will NOT be doing any rigorous lower body workouts. With my diet, I will be cutting out one extra shake (and maybe more... the idea is to consume less protein and, since I am currently consuming somewhere around 160-170 grams per day while in my workout seasons, I will be taking significantly less protein during my break [aiming for about 120-130 grams of protein a day]).

During this break, I am aiming to work on developing good sleeping habits by getting to sleep by midnight every night. I know to most people this is *duh* but for me this is the most difficult thing of all-- and, it is probably the biggest set-back to my gains. I am hoping that this will be an easier habit to develop as I will be eating a bit less and exercising less (two contributors to my going to bed late most nights), and by the time I am ready to do rigorous weight lifting again, I will hopefully have made a habit of going to bed at a decent time and will be able to stick to it. I am hoping that both my lower body routine and my NBE will benefit immensely from this change I plan to make.

Measurement Update!

So here are my updated measurements:

Underbust/Bust: 29"/36"
Waist: 25.5"
Hip/Butt: 40.25"

So, I have been fluctuating a bit in the bum measurement and just recently since I have changed my diet my measurement has been more frequently 40.25" than 40.5". This is not too surprising, since I am consuming less. But my waist measurement! It keeps shrinking. When I started this thread, I started with 27" on my waist, and now I am down to 25.5"! I have been better at keeping up with contracting my TVA muscles throughout the day (see post #13 of this thread), although still not as consistent with it as I used to be in the past when I did it years ago. But I will get there! Here are two helpful and informative videos about the Stomach Vacuum for those of you who are interested in seeing how it is done, how it works, and how it is beneficial! It is described as the natural corset (for those of you who like the idea of waist training with a corset!). Enjoy Smile (LMAO the guy on the left just standing there...)
and with Elliott! Lol the writing on the board: "The Iron Guru says: crunches suck!" So true...
and I actually never noticed that I work my pelvic basin when I do this exercise, but I notice it now after hearing him mention it... whoa, the benefits!

I REALLY REALLY recommend this exercise! I mean, I always knew that it worked for me, but always thought it was a self-discovered quirky thing that worked for me... it is awesome to see that there is actually a name for this, that other people use it, and that it is explained how and why what I used to do years ago actually worked to keep my waist small.

Also, my camera WAS in the rental I returned last week, so I will be posting the photos soon as I collect it from the rental company!

Yep, stomach vacuums exercises work. My hubby did them while he was losing weight and got his tummy super flat. He got to the point where "holding in" his belly was natural and normal and he couldn't like relax it and push it out anymore. I might eventually convince him to post his before and after pics on here to show you ladies what all he accomplished. I try my best to do what he did as far as holding in my belly, just gets hard to remember to do it sometimes.

Just a little up-date but my up-date is not on anything new Wink I'm still on my break and am in the middle of my 3rd week. I am missing the gym soooo much! I finally finished car shopping this past Wednesday, but my sleep schedule went WAAAY off whack because of it Huh After car shopping, I continued to fall asleep immediately after work, not waking again until 3 or 4am. So obviously I have not done any cardio! But now that I have had the weekend to catch up and the holiday is over, I will start tomorrow. And I will be getting my camera back tomorrow (if I remember Rolleyes ) so photos coming soon...

I know I am going a little crazy on this topic, but I just cannot get over how I had never heard of it before (although I have done it before) and it is so underutilized yet so effective! For those who have Diastasis Recti from their pregnancy(ies), contracting the TVA (otherwise known as doing the stomach vacuum) is the safest and most effective way to tighten your stomach wall and allow healing for your separated abdominal muscles to gradually come back together as the tightening effect pulls them inward. Read this short article: and more here

(20-05-2013, 07:14 AM)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Yep, stomach vacuums exercises work. My hubby did them while he was losing weight and got his tummy super flat. He got to the point where "holding in" his belly was natural and normal and he couldn't like relax it and push it out anymore. I might eventually convince him to post his before and after pics on here to show you ladies what all he accomplished. I try my best to do what he did as far as holding in my belly, just gets hard to remember to do it sometimes.

Thanks so much for sharing, Anastasia! What an awesome testimony. I'm crazy happy to see someone else with success with this! I would love to see his progress photos Smile And yes, as effective as it is, I find the hardest part about it is just remembering to do it! Tongue But it's true that the more you do it, the more it becomes a habit, so this is on what I am depending!

Contracting your transverse Abdominal muscles will not only pull your stomach inward like a corset and make your stomach firm and flat, but may ALSO help to burn off the fat adjacent to it while contracting it! See: I like to keep my TVA muscles contracted WHILE I do my cardio, and this may be an alternative better tailored for those of you, like me, who don't want a bulky six-pack but just a firm and flat tummy. So, wherein this link the author suggests working your outer abdominal muscles with crunches and whatnot (keep in mind that he intends his audience to be men, not women), you can replace these abdominal contracting exercises with the stomach vacuum! As far as further warming up the area, I have been wanting to buy a lifting belt anyway for my squats so I can just use this and kill two birds with one stone. I just need to find a good one. But it is good to have finally found the answer to my question, that the belts do NOT need to be neoprene or rubber. Just an extra thick layer to warm the area is enough. Also, before anyone gets too excited about the apparent weight that they lose from wearing something to heat up the location while doing cardio: almost all of that weight you observe is water weight you're losing. The fat loss achieved by this method would be noticed only OVER TIME of repeated and correct use. Additionally, if it is better for you to go without a belt, there is a product called Sweet Sweat which helps to dilate the blood vessels in the location of application and so it is effective in that way by drawing the blood to the location. But, so I want to address the point of doing a fasted morning cardio. I am not sure about exercising first thing in the morning without eating. I have to be at work by 7am, the gym opens at 5am, and I am not a morning person! Even if I was to be exercising at exactly 5am and I did it for the recommended hour (I wonder if a half hour would be just fine Huh ), I would not have enough time to get ready for work and be there in time after the drive back from the gym. Who knows, maybe someday Shy when I finally get a new job! I would probably have to shower at the gym, though.

And finally, here are the couple photos I took. The first two are from last year and the year before, all before I started my program. I included a photo in jeans (August 2011) and in yoga pants (February 2011). The following two (in the following post) are from a month ago, also shown in a pair of jeans (taken May 2) and in yoga pants (taken April 21). I apologize as the lighting sucks because I could not use the flash as I was taking the photos in a mirror Tongue and the lighting in my room is not great. I'm sure you ladies know what I'm talking about... And the last photo I took at random during the first week of my break (May 15). I love the way a butt looks from under a babydoll top! All of these photos are taken without flexing, and I tried to get photos showing a straight side angle for more accurate comparison.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

...and here are my recent photos as discussed in my previous post. Blush

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I can really see a difference! It's hopeful to see others successful in accomplishing a more attractive figure.

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