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@ Tibetan,
Thank you for explaining in such great detail. I suppose anything is indeed possible. I don't want to believe this craziness for the sole reason that I don't wanna get boobie robbed in the night! lolz Tongue
But I believe you and what you are experiencing can be taken into your own hands and resolved. I hope you can take back your body and your restful sleep. Best of luck, dearie.

(27-05-2013, 07:54)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  @ Tibetan,
Thank you for explaining in such great detail. I suppose anything is indeed possible. I don't want to believe this craziness for the sole reason that I don't wanna get boobie robbed in the night! lolz Tongue
But I believe you and what you are experiencing can be taken into your own hands and resolved. I hope you can take back your body and your restful sleep. Best of luck, dearie.


I know its crazy. Every time I say my prayers I ask to see what is really happening. Its always the same.

I know this is really going on. I talked with doria early this am. I didn't attack and she told me she was sorry for the way she treated me. She thanked me again on her gains from me. Its funny cause I never gave her permission and she knows it.

I don't see the other one anymore. Doria wants me to grow more so that she can achieve the same results. She tells me to grow to my pumped size.She really wants a d cup. She's now on BC. Their version of BC Is far more effective. They have a type specifically made for balancing the body's hormones to achieve a perfect womanly figure! Just like we have one to rid acne.
Wouldya believe...

Anyway. I had a young girl that I thought was a boy conjoined with me when I had the chance to pull her out from me. I yelled at her and she cried. The weird thing she said was "I'm tired of looking like a boy. " this was yesterday morning. Not to mention, she ran conjoined with me to point of exhaustion. I felt cramping in my abdomen and soon before I realized I was possessed, she started vomiting. And of course, I had to feel some of that. I woke up. But she came back and that's when I pulled her out. She was husky with broad man shoulders and chest. She had a pretty face though. Androgens were clearly her problem

So more and more I am starting to see why souls do this. They. Clearly get something out of it. If you are ever in that dream world and suspect someone's conjoined with your being, reach for your legs and pull yanking them out. Just imagine its their legs not yours. You won't have to worry about who's legs they are.

It took me years to figure that one out. If you see a yellow gold or white cord or any cord attached to you from them.that means they are controlling you And possessing your thoughts. You NEED TO BREAK THAT CORD.

You may not even see it. Just feel where that tugging sensation is coming from and imagine it detaching.


(27-05-2013, 07:54)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  @ Tibetan,
Thank you for explaining in such great detail. I suppose anything is indeed possible. I don't want to believe this craziness for the sole reason that I don't wanna get boobie robbed in the night! lolz Tongue
But I believe you and what you are experiencing can be taken into your own hands and resolved. I hope you can take back your body and your restful sleep. Best of luck, dearie.


I know its crazy. Every time I say my prayers I ask to see what is really happening. Its always the same.

I know this is really going on. I talked with doria early this am. I didn't attack and she told me she was sorry for the way she treated me. She thanked me again on her gains from me. Its funny cause I never gave her permission and she knows it.

I don't see the other one anymore. Doria wants me to grow more so that she can achieve the same results. She tells me to grow to my pumped size.She really wants a d cup. She's now on BC. Their version of BC Is far more effective. They have a type specifically made for balancing the body's hormones to achieve a perfect womanly figure! Just like we have one to rid acne.
Wouldya believe...

Anyway. I had a young girl that I thought was a boy conjoined with me when I had the chance to pull her out from me. I yelled at her and she cried. The weird thing she said was "I'm tired of looking like a boy. " this was yesterday morning. Not to mention, she ran conjoined with me to point of exhaustion. I felt cramping in my abdomen and soon before I realized I was possessed, she started vomiting. I woke up. But she came back and that's when I pulled her out. She was husky with broad man shoulders and chest. She had a pretty face though. Androgens were clearly her problem

So more and more I am starting to see why souls do this. They. Clearly get something out of it. If you are ever in that dream world and suspect someone's conjoined with your being, reach for your legs and pull yanking them out. Just imagine its their legs not yours. You won't have to worry about who's legs they are.

It took me years to figure that one out. If you see a yellow gold or white cord or any cord attached to you from them.that means they are controlling you And possessing your thoughts. You NEED TO BREAK THAT CORD.

You may not even see it. Just feel where that tugging sensation is coming from and imagine it detaching.


Tibetan did you say you astral travel at night? I can't go through this thread, but I started studying Dharma, which is the Buddhist teachings, about a month ago, and one of the teachers on my audio Dharma talk sessions said something that made me think of your issue.

He said that one of his teachers, an old old OLDD Buddhist Lama (a spiritual leader) from a retreat he had been on in Thailand had made a statement just sort of as an afterthought to an opening talk he had given to "Never do anything that brings you out of your body." This really resonated with me. I wonder if this is how they have gotten into you...... Just a thought.

Sorry I can't read through the posts. I just feel strongly that it would be detremental for me to do so, so I have to respect that feeling.

(29-05-2013, 01:26)Outofstyle Wrote:  Tibetan did you say you astral travel at night? I can't go through this thread, but I started studying Dharma, which is the Buddhist teachings, about a month ago, and one of the teachers on my audio Dharma talk sessions said something that made me think of your issue.

He said that one of his teachers, an old old OLDD Buddhist Lama (a spiritual leader) from a retreat he had been on in Thailand had made a statement just sort of as an afterthought to an opening talk he had given to "Never do anything that brings you out of your body." This really resonated with me. I wonder if this is how they have gotten into you...... Just a thought.

Sorry I can't read through the posts. I just feel strongly that it would be detremental for me to do so, so I have to respect that feeling.

I really have to quite agree with the Buddhists here. Even though I often don't. It's OK to go deeply into yourself, but leaving yourself is NOT good. Spending too much time deep inside yourself can also be detrimental though... In a different manner.

But yeah. The evil spirits out there just LOVE coming across a body that's being left behind. I don't recall tibetan ever saying she intentionally practices astral projection, but if she does... I'd third that warning.

(29-05-2013, 01:38)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(29-05-2013, 01:26)Outofstyle Wrote:  Tibetan did you say you astral travel at night? I can't go through this thread, but I started studying Dharma, which is the Buddhist teachings, about a month ago, and one of the teachers on my audio Dharma talk sessions said something that made me think of your issue.

He said that one of his teachers, an old old OLDD Buddhist Lama (a spiritual leader) from a retreat he had been on in Thailand had made a statement just sort of as an afterthought to an opening talk he had given to "Never do anything that brings you out of your body." This really resonated with me. I wonder if this is how they have gotten into you...... Just a thought.

Sorry I can't read through the posts. I just feel strongly that it would be detremental for me to do so, so I have to respect that feeling.

I really have to quite agree with the Buddhists here. Even though I often don't. It's OK to go deeply into yourself, but leaving yourself is NOT good. Spending too much time deep inside yourself can also be detrimental though... In a different manner.

But yeah. The evil spirits out there just LOVE coming across a body that's being left behind. I don't recall tibetan ever saying she intentionally practices astral projection, but if she does... I'd third that warning.

I've been wanting to stay more in my body. But they can roll into your body and combine with your soul to possess just as much when they do it outside of you body. My problem is recognizing when they roll in and getting them out .

I've decided to pump my bigger breast instead of my smaller. I am on break and they know that but I figure why not have one large juicy breast for them to have. They'll have to leave me alone eventually

Then I can really focuzd on lefty later or get a fat transfer done. I told dori as friend Christina, (she's back or never left) to leave my body alone. Its draining and I gave her no permission to do so.
She says " there's no problem with doing what she does" and " we can grow together" crap. She looks at me with a type hate/envy like I owe her something!

Quote:I really have to quite agree with the Buddhists here. Even though I often don't. It's OK to go deeply into yourself, but leaving yourself is NOT good. Spending too much time deep inside yourself can also be detrimental though... In a different manner.

Yea I'd agree with that. One has to give their own thought to life, can't just follow someone blindly, even if they believe themselves to hold great wisdom.

Yea Tibetan you are the most knowledgable of your own body so I am sure you will figure it out, some day it will just come to you (:

I've got to be honest, this scared me as I first started reading, but I do believe that a lot of what happens to us is because of demons. I notice when I am not very social, when I get in a funk, when I get obsessed over things, I feel my body draining, I feel completely depressed and not myself, although I have no contact with spiritual beings, I do believe they are to blame for our state of mind, and what state your mind is in can completely change who you are, how your body functions, and I even believe it can affect the struggles life brings to you. I don't know if you believe in God, but I will definitely pray for you. He is my rock, and he helps me in everything I do, and I think my desire to change my breasts was not a vain thing, but his way of telling me that there is something to be fixed. I believe its to one day be able to feed a future child I may have. Pregnancy is so beautiful and being able to take care of a human being all on your own is absolutely beautiful!! My desire to change the appearance of my breasts has now become a desire to make my breasts the healthiest they can be! But before I felt that way I got really depressed, I hated myself, I could not find beauty in myself. And that has lead me to be mentally and physically drained and I know demons are to blame for that. I let them get into my head by obsessing over things that do not matter. They are all distractions from seeing and aiming for the one true thing we should all be going for. I think we are all so beautiful. Look at women like Natalie portman, mila kunis, look at adele, kim kardashian, they are all beautiful, yet so different. Don't let obsessions take over your mind and don't think that changing yourself is your only way to be beautiful. THESE ARE FALSE DISTRACTIONS. They are not your voice and your mind! They are indeed spirits, demons, whatever you want to call it. Every day you wake up tell yourself your boobs are beautiful, that you are energetic and happy. That you are not mentally and physically drained, you have the power to be whatever you want to be!!! Tell your body every day that it is going to get healthier and healthier, and tell those teenage girls they are not allowed back into you, that you will not share your youth and energy anymore! Distractions of any sort can cause stress, and stress causes health problems. If you can see spirits can you see the good ones as well? Angels? Ask them to protect you....I'm sorry if this post got too carried away, I don't personally know any of you women but it breaks my heart to hear anyone struggling. We all deserve happiness, but I definitely think you won't achieve happiness without demanding it from yourself! This forum and my goal for my breasts have become another distraction for myself, and I am currently trying to calm down from it all, its hard when it consumes my mind 24/7 but I am trying every day to change my state of mind....those spirits definitely had ahold of my mind for quite some time and I watched myself worsen. But not anymore, I'm done with that!!

Much agree! I believe in Jesus and God. I just hate how entitled these bastards are! It interferes with my peace and sleep. I hate the pointless dreams they give just to keep me in their possession hold. Again. I heard a female voice say to another, " every ten days"

They should be punished for this as its against my will. I tell them to leave and never return! I have much anger now since it affects my sleep. It feels like an extra heartbeat on top of mine. Like they are not insync. Two souls conjoined in one body is just too overwhelming. I say my prayers but they have yet to work for them. I think its because theyrd just foolish souls that have the right to carry out their petty greedy wills! I notice if prayers are said for the demonic natured entities, they often( though not all the time) get stripped away from my being. But these unembodied punks.... nope. I guess God will deal and judge them later...
They are so happy that they will get gains from my hard work and efforts that were meant for MY BODY! Leave me in peace and my will and body sacred! Dammit!
(02-06-2013, 23:02)kelsitree Wrote:  I've got to be honest, this scared me as I first started reading, but I do believe that a lot of what happens to us is because of demons. I notice when I am not very social, when I get in a funk, when I get obsessed over things, I feel my body draining, I feel completely depressed and not myself, although I have no contact with spiritual beings, I do believe they are to blame for our state of mind, and what state your mind is in can completely change who you are, how your body functions, and I even believe it can affect the struggles life brings to you. I don't know if you believe in God, but I will definitely pray for you. He is my rock, and he helps me in everything I do, and I think my desire to change my breasts was not a vain thing, but his way of telling me that there is something to be fixed. I believe its to one day be able to feed a future child I may have. Pregnancy is so beautiful and being able to take care of a human being all on your own is absolutely beautiful!! My desire to change the appearance of my breasts has now become a desire to make my breasts the healthiest they can be! But before I felt that way I got really depressed, I hated myself, I could not find beauty in myself. And that has lead me to be mentally and physically drained and I know demons are to blame for that. I let them get into my head by obsessing over things that do not matter. They are all distractions from seeing and aiming for the one true thing we should all be going for. I think we are all so beautiful. Look at women like Natalie portman, mila kunis, look at adele, kim kardashian, they are all beautiful, yet so different. Don't let obsessions take over your mind and don't think that changing yourself is your only way to be beautiful. THESE ARE FALSE DISTRACTIONS. They are not your voice and your mind! They are indeed spirits, demons, whatever you want to call it. Every day you wake up tell yourself your boobs are beautiful, that you are energetic and happy. That you are not mentally and physically drained, you have the power to be whatever you want to be!!! Tell your body every day that it is going to get healthier and healthier, and tell those teenage girls they are not allowed back into you, that you will not share your youth and energy anymore! Distractions of any sort can cause stress, and stress causes health problems. If you can see spirits can you see the good ones as well? Angels? Ask them to protect you....I'm sorry if this post got too carried away, I don't personally know any of you women but it breaks my heart to hear anyone struggling. We all deserve happiness, but I definitely think you won't achieve happiness without demanding it from yourself! This forum and my goal for my breasts have become another distraction for myself, and I am currently trying to calm down from it all, its hard when it consumes my mind 24/7 but I am trying every day to change my state of mind....those spirits definitely had ahold of my mind for quite some time and I watched myself worsen. But not anymore, I'm done with that!!


I will be praying for you every single day.... This angers me that you deal with this and you will not be dealing with this forever. I promise! God is stronger than all of us! You just need more prayer. Do you keep a Bible in your home? Maybe keep it by your bed every night? Maybe wear a cross necklace? Maybe take a break on trying to grow your breasts? I know you may not believe they are beautiful the way they are but that is only because you were not born with what is shown to be perfect in the media. If hollywood and movies did not photoshop their stuff, didn't have every woman with implants in their videos, and added women with all different types of breasts, we would not even be on this forum because we'd know that all are just as beautiful! Have faith that God will bring you the desires of your heart, because he will! I am currently just trying to make my body healthy with foods exercise and adaptogen herbs. I trust that God knows whats best for me and I am no longer taking herbs specifically for breast growth. This was a very hard decision because I did not like my breasts sooo much Sad Focus on him and nothing else in this world and you will achieve everything you want

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