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Someone help me.. I'm so depressed


Wow thank you so much for all the encouragement!

I have been okay, I'm getting better. I ignored my boobie issues the past couple of months, thinking that if I keep myself positive and happy then maybe it'll grow. But recently, I have finally told my boyfriend about my insecurities, how I wanted surgeries, and how I feel uncomfortable with showing him my boobs. Well he knew about how i'm very insecure about it before. But I actually opened up completely and told him everything. Because I was afraid to open up, thinking that he might think its less attractive (just like BlueDreamer said). And I try not to, I don't really show how much I hate them in front of him. I mostly think about it when I'm alone.

He always says that he loves them and he thinks its sexy, but I still don't feel sexy at all. And when I thought talking about this with him would at least make me feel more confident about my own body (since he loves my body, why don't i?) but instead it just made me feel how much I still want boobs.

He has this girl with nice boobs (she's wearing a shirt but like a cropped top, with just her thongs) as his laptop's wallpaper background. And I know its stupid to think of this, but sometimes it makes me think that I can't give him what he wants. I asked him one time, when we were just playing around, he wanted me to take off my bra and I didn't let him. then he kinda got frustrated and he said stop being self conscious, I wanna see them.. and i said "are you boob deprived?" in a jokingly way, and he said "well ya!" and i said "I'm sorry, I can't give you whatchu want cause I don't have them" and he said "I'm only deprived because you never let me see or play with them! I like them"

And I realized that I guess I have to stop being so self conscious about them or I'm going to push him away, I'm scared he might get frustrated and I can't make him happy because I'm always so insecure about them. I'm trying my best to be confident in my own body now. Everytime I feel insecure I just think positive things about myself and appreciate what I have. I still think about it everyday, but at least I'm getting better.

And thank you so much for all your lovely comments, it made me smile, I know I can always count on this forum Smile


Even though, I've realized with all my NBE effort, my boobs still haven't grown. Its been the same.
I take MSM & Biotin once everyday. Then SP twice a day everyday.
I've been taking PM & estrogen creams 2x a day on days 1-14.
Then days 15-28 I take Wild yam 2x, progesterone cream 2x, Red clover 1x, and L-Arginine.
On top of that I'm still on my bc pills (Alesse).

I massage them twice a day in the morning and at night with the creams, but sometimes every now and then I wouldn't have time for it and I do it once in a day.
I'm also using NB and it has done nothing so far (its been 3 months), except to leave (Seemingly) permanent ring marks on my chest.

And I'm not sure what made my nipples so dark, I think its the combination of all the pills I'm taking maybe? My mom said I need to be careful she's getting concerned of my health since I'm taking so many pills and I think it gave me some anxiety attacks (i've never had them before)..

It's weird. Sometimes I think of stopping and giving up, but part of me don't want to. I wanna keep going, seeing all these success stories from this forum encouraged me. But I'm not getting results... Ahh. Dilemma.
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Here are some pictures. If you compare it to my first post, the size hasn't changed. The nipples colors are darker, and the ring marks are so visible (maybe not in the picture, but in person) thanks to NB.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Well I think they HAVE gotten a little bigger so you should be happy! Keep at it. Noogle and massage as often as possible. I think that's what really helps the most.

Are you sure you're getting good circulation? Drink a ton of water and that should help the rings disappear quickly. I drink hot tea all day (literally) and believe I have good circulation because of this. I can noogle for hours and the rings will go away within 15-20 minutes I'd say.

I personally think you look a bit bigger and I'm not just saying that to up your confidence I'm saying it cause it's true. I am concerned though on how many things you are taking. I read less is best. Look at this blog she is wonderful and may even help you out. You can ask her all sorts of questions and she has tons of NBE articles:

You're very lucky to have the guy you do and yes he loves you very much and loves you for you. All of you.

I think they do look rounder and fuller.

I have felt exactly like you most of my marriage - especially when I was young. I didn't feel attractive with them and having them looked at/touched made me self conscious.

But after all these years, I had a realization that he married ME and is it fair that if he's to be faithful to me, he will basically never get to touch a pair of boobs? I think they'd rather play with a woman with small boobs than have a woman and not get to see or touch any at all.

While you are waiting for growth, learn to be sexy with what you have. Act so enticing with them, that he won't even notice what you personally feel you are lacking. ;-)

Also, I'm not sure how old you are but they do change too with age, weight, and pregnancies/breastfeeding. Before I had my first baby, I was probably a 32AA.. and while I was breastfeeding her, I was a 34C.. and they do shrink some when you aren't lactating anymore but they never went back down to AA.


Let me tell you. You were lucky! My boobs shrank from their full A status to a 32AA after breastfeeding my son. I got up to D when my milk came in and was up to C right before my son was born and after I stopped breast feeding for a while.I did however only breastfeed him for a month. He couldn't keep anything down so we had to put him on a broken down formula. It was so depressing to see them shrink so bad! I had nice B's for up to 6 months after his birth but now AA's!

Did you lose any weight? I don't know if you are like me, but I have nursed for years and years between my kids and I got used to them being a nice full size fwhile lactating. It took about a year for them to go down. Then they shrank, and my left one in particular got very flat and like the bottom of it disappeared and looked dimpled, like a deflated balloon or something. But at that time, I also lost weight. So, I started massaging with flaxseed oil and muscle rub, eating healthy fats, drinking milk, and now I've added in some supplements and I am seeing improvement. Yours might perk right back up. It could be change of hormones that shrank them.

(23-05-2013, 18:30)jdjdjlmj Wrote:  Well I think they HAVE gotten a little bigger so you should be happy! Keep at it. Noogle and massage as often as possible. I think that's what really helps the most.

I agree you have gotten fuller. However, remember that boobs are mainly fat and not muscles. The muscles are underneath to support them like a foundation. Take a daily amount of soy protein and Maca, it will add weight to the right places, that is good fat. The fashion trend is not the natural way of body's form, and it deprives the body of proper nutrition. Both extremes are not correct-skinny or fat. The gauge ought to be "Hourglass". Be well...

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