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Kelsitree's program and progress!


Ok so I thought it'd be easier to update on how I'm doing on a separate thread! I started about a month ago with small steps. I started the chi massage twice a day with cocoa butter and eat two tablespoons of flaxseed almost every day. The massage alone had given me more fullness and then I added progesterone cream during luteal phase. The progesterone cream made me feel amazing! And made my breasts dwell a lot! I have an A size (left one) and a B size(right one). After a few days of the cream left was a full B and right was I'm assuming a small C! After my period came left went back to an A and right stayed a full B when before it could fit in an A bra also. Now I definitely have to wear B bras. Appearance hasn't changed much though. I'm actually getting labs done today and will base my program off the results!

Well I am super pissed about the lab stuff. My doctor ordered my thyroid, testosterone levels, and FSH and LH levels to be checked based on symptoms of fatigue when she made the order. She said that she has to put fatigue on so it would be approved my medical insurance. I originally got them done because I've been depressed, tired, and very moody all the time. My periods were also pretty irregular which lead me to believe I have a hormonal imbalance. I asked for progesterone and estrogen to get checked later on, but because she didn't order it I might have had to pay for it, so I cancelled that order. Does anyone know if fatigue will be approved by AHCCCS insurance to cover the costs of hormone tests? After I got my labs done I called my insurance and they said they usually only cover for symptoms of anemia. I was like WTF! I might have to pay for these!? Can doctors make an order for that but not know if you will have to pay for it or not? I don't have the money for that, I don't know why they wouldn't tell me a price for it and still go through with the procedure. I assumed when my doctor made the order that she knew if it would be covered by my insurance. I needed to post this to ease my paranoia...

OK wow what a pointless thread so far. I decided to go ahead and start a program regardless of my results. I am fairly healthy and have never been diagnosed with any health problems. If i start slowly with gentle herbs and keep a close eye out for any side effects I think I will be just fine. Please let me know what you all think, if you've had any success with a similar program, or just any input at all! I am not only starting a program for myself, but I really want to start something that may help others as well so I can be helpful in giving other women more motivation! So please, if anyone can help me, I may one day be helpful to someone else!

Days 1-7 (period):
nothing. I hear its better not to take anything during this time, but if I don't see any improvement then I will do the same thing I do during the follicular phase.

Days 8-15 (Follicular phase and estrogen rises):
fenugreek 2400 mg
fennel 1300 mg
wild yam 850 mg
grape seed extract suggested amount (for blood vessels and hopefully support for collagen production)
alfalfa suggested amount on bottle as well.
nettle root extract suggested amount but two capsules a day not three. I am using this to block androgen production.
I also take vitamin B complex, vitamin C (double suggested intake), and fish oil tablets. I eat ground flaxseed a lot! Had no idea it helped with boob growth, obviously not much for me though.

days 16-23 (Luteal phase and progesterone rises):
Natural Progesterone cream yayyyy! I love this stuff and definitely think I need it. Noticed a difference when using this, but I believe the change wasn't permanent because my period began AND I had no extra estrogen added.
And also everything else.

days 24-30 (hormones balance out and get ready for period):

Every day I will try to drink spearmint tea, eat lots of protein and good fats like chicken, eggs, nuts, milk, yogurt, etc. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, get lots of nutrition, exercise lightly to maintain my weight I'm at now, and do the chi massage with cocoa butter twice a day. Also, maintain positivity, happiness, and low stress.

I have underdeveloped breasts and uneven as well. I remember during puberty I was a depressed kid who had poor nutrition, hated growing up, hated growing boobs, and ate nothing but junk. Then during first year of high school I ate 1,000 calories WHILE doing sports! Because I was chunky and hated it. I assume this has lead to poorly developed breasts and my need for progesterone. I added weak estrogens because I feel they are needed for development and I am feeling myself again, assuming my hormones are balancing out


I'm interested to hear your results. I also have uneven breasts and am also using nothing at the beginning of my cycle, then Fenugreek during follicular phase (days 5-14), then prog. cream during luteal phase (days 15-26). I take the grape seed extract daily all month because it helps with some autoimmune stuff. I do massage and use the Bradelis bra after the massage to hold everything in place. Good luck!

Oh awesome, seems like we're doing a similar routine! Have you noticed any different feelings? I'm thinking about lengthening the progesterone cream to the last two weeks instead of just luteal phase.

(22-05-2013, 14:59)kelsitree Wrote:  Oh awesome, seems like we're doing a similar routine! Have you noticed any different feelings? I'm thinking about lengthening the progesterone cream to the last two weeks instead of just luteal phase.

Uhm. I thought luteal was basically the last two weeks? Give or take just a little depending on your particular actual cycle length. But "normal" cycle length would put the "normal" luteal phase at the last two weeks.

Oh that's right. I get confused because that last week of luteal phase some women don't take anything right before their period. But I want to use as much as I can so there's enough in my system

Ok so I get reactions fast to things and after first couple days,of fenugreek, fennel, and wild yam, I got super dizzy, tired, and ridiculous amount of cellulite on legs and butt! I'm thinking it's probably just bad water retention because I couldn't possibly gain weight that fast lol. It upset my stomach the second I took them and my sweat smells like them hahaha. That's my affordable way to find out my hormones still aren't balanced!! Lol so I'm going to do maca and progesterone cream for the next couple months. A lady who was estrogen dominant got big boobs from these two. With maca I felt so tired at first, but if I exercise right after taking it I'm energetic so I hope I'm getting good effects from it. When I took maca then used progesterone cream last month my boobs got huge instantly. It was all swelling but the mix is obviously a good one! I'll keep you all updated. I need a gentle herb that keeps testosterone down if anyone has suggestions from experience

Still smelling like maple syrup from the fenugreek hahaha. Overdosed on maca today and got bad cramps. Cellulite on my legs, not sure if it was from increase in estrogen from those herbs, or from the maca. Weight increase but no growth in inches, must be retaining a little water which happened shortly after fenugreek. Still not sure if maca is going to do me any good, I feel better and notice when I have a bad night of sleep it helps me take really good maps! And pumps me up when I'm active. After one day of using my nipples we're tender and breasts felt SLIGHTLY swollen when normally they feel deflated lol Sad but good sign. I feel like I mess myself up with added estrogen. I really hope I can achieve breast growth without estrogen. They are underdeveloped and all I want is roundness so I can fill out my bras! Sure wish I had more ppl to discuss results with on underdeveloped breasts :-( I also noticed really dry skin after increase of estrogen, anyone else get that? It almost looked wrinkly, but I'm 20 so it was like dried out skin to the max! Lol well hope everyone is having success!

Good luck with your program, I am curious to see how it goes! So your plan is to do maca and PC? My pueraria is going to run out in a few months and I am unsure if I should get fenugreek or just do pc so I hope this works for you, so that it will work for me too! Tongue

Also about the dry skin, I was reading about menopausal women awhile ago (there isn't much info on younger women using PC) and a few sites had mentioned dry skin and that PC will help with that so I think you are on the right track!


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