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I found another herb that can possibly contribute to fat storage. It does appear to also have some effects on estrogen, but I am still researching how. -

I wonder how strong of a phyto it is.

It is used in several beauty products and a few breast enhanement creams. Of course doing this topically would be the only way to go, and maybe spacing it out would be safer.

Commipheroline is an extract from the Guggul plant (Commiphora mukul), a myrrh plant found primarily in India. The gum of the Guggul plant has been used in India traditional Ayurvedic medicine since the 6th Century B.C. for promoting metabolism.

Commipheroline is a new trend in cosmetics technology for its super plumping effects. Commipheroline is capable of stimulating lipogenesis (fatty acid synthesis), resulting that triglycerides are formed, which deposit in the adipose cells (fat cells) of the skin. and the adipose cells are enlarged.

Therefore, Commipheroline is used in topical breasts products to enlarge adipose cells in breasts tissues. A subject study with women aged between 18 and 43 showed an increase in bust measurement by 2 cm on average after 6 weeks of daily application of Commipheroline.
And also as Commipheroline enlarge adipose cells and pad out the wrinkles from underneath, resulting that the skin becomes plumper, small wrinkles disappear and deeper wrinkles are reduced.

Commipheroline is used in advanced skin care."

Thanks angel Wink

I am using a cream by Collistar (the bust cream for night use) which contains commipheroline. I am around halfway or three quarter through the tube and still I am not noticing any effects AT ALL. It could be different for others/ingested though.
But the cream is a bit expensive so I thought I'd add my 2 cents

(04-11-2012, 23:08)elaine Wrote:  Hi,
I am using a cream by Collistar (the bust cream for night use) which contains commipheroline. I am around halfway or three quarter through the tube and still I am not noticing any effects AT ALL. It could be different for others/ingested though.
But the cream is a bit expensive so I thought I'd add my 2 cents

Interesting, it has volufiline in it too. So far I've been pretty happy trying the zhi mu + borage + emu oil. I figured that was healthier than mixing it with the hydrogenated polysorbate like volufiline. I think its helping, but it has only been a week or 2 so its soon to tell. I did get the guggal extract though so I will likely mix that in maybe once a day or every other day. I like to mix my own so I know the quality and dosage of each herb I am getting.

I dont think that the guggal would work the same way ingested as far as the lipofilling goes, though I did read that it activated estrogen receptors so it may work other ways. I'm going with topical only since Im doing PM and robust though.

Would this Guggul liquid extract contain Commipheroline?
Its 1:4 Guggul resin extract to alcohol to preserve the extract

thats 25% concentration, would work better than 1% Commipheroline cream? , if mixed with an essential oil and skin penetration agent?

Ordering some today to mix with Biovea PM Cream which i currently use, will see what happens, if nothing at all!


hi everyone. ive become majorly slack with the noogle but havent wanted to put up with deflated breasts. I found commipheroline and after trying volufiline, i can say without a doubt this is working better for me. my breasts are definantely plumped. ive been using it probably 6 weeks and apply it diligently twice a day with plenty of massage. it works! so maybe your all wondering what my source for the cream is?? yes i know commipheroline products are so hard to find!! i remember when i first heard of it i was so itching to try it and searched all over the web to find someone selling it. I found monde bio, a bust cream called lift argan, a different brand then the one im using now, and no joke, it was more than $50 a bottle (including shipping but still! and only a months supply!) Smelt divine and had a great texture but i couldnt afford to keep it up and the results were negligible.. i didnt reorder... that was sometime ago now. this time i bought cattier bust serum instead, same website- this one is waaaay cheaper and works alot better. Im paying about $25 AUS per bottle including shipping, a bottle is lasting about a month. Link:

i love the idea of creating my own commipheroline cream cause $25 a month is still more than i wanna pay for plumper breasts. But im happy with the result! If anyone has any success please share your cream making method!! PM cream has given me an even better result actually, but i find PM cream tricky cause when i use a lot of it it plumps me up even more than the commipheroline, and affects the shape of my breasts in a better way too, but its addictive, i wanna use heaps of it and its hard to hold back, but then i end up with headaches! PM is very strong on your hormones. i got a hormonal imbalance with too much estrogen anyways (like most women of child bearing age....)

kinda annoys me how PM companies always claim PM is good for hormonal imbalanaces, what a crock of poo, maybe its good for menopausal or post menopausal women, whose estrogen has taken a plummet!! Makes no sense what so ever that taking an extremely strong estrogenic herb would be good for a very strongly estrogen dominant hormonal imbalance! Apparantly almost all women of child bearing age have too much estrogen in their system... too much sugar caffeine, not enough excercise, stress, late nights and so forth cause our bodies to create a surplus of estrogen... not to mention all the artificial substances in our food and environment! They are known to stimulate too much estrogen production too! Its the very rare woman of child bearing age who is estrogen deficient.

Anyways end of rant;.... for the above reasons i am pretty pleased that commipheroline works so well for me... cause it isnt estrogenic. that said i have ordered another PM topical... cant help myself, and i am helpless PM boost addict. But perhaps with the added boost of commipheroline i can have more hope of taking it easy with PM topicals and using it sparingly.

o and to the last thread- asking if the resin extract would work- well on checking the ingredient listing of the cattier cream which has definantely worked for me- the ingredients include - commiphora mukal resin extract- which im thinking is the same resin extract that youve seen online? so probably would work i guess! woo hoo way to go finding the source. would love to know how you go with it... the cattier cream also includes Kigelia africana, which is apparantly good for skin firming but didnt read anything about it having any plumping actions... cholrella is mentioned too as an active ingredient, and while i know this is a very healthy supplement and easily obtained i have no idea what it can do for your breasts topically lol


It's been years haha, but would like to know if anyone else has tried this Commipheroline method?

Looking for new ideas in fat increasing breast growing creams. Searching old threads with forgotten ideas is not a bad thing I figured Smile

Is anyone up for trying a DIY version of this?

I won't be adding a new cream for the next 3 months, just to see if the other ones work (I am more of a, one thing at a time, person).
That way when I write about my experiences here on breastnexus, it is a fair review that will help you out.
(I am doing a Zhi Mu + Aloe Vera DIY creams at the moment, that is basically the volufiline).

But meanwhile I hope someone else is up for a little DIY NBE project and pick this up! Big Grin

I figured that if we work together, we can generate some great new affordable NBE ideas

I think Commipheroline is a Portugese or French name for Guggulsterone.
The latin name for the plant is: Commiphora mukul
Commipheroline contains two markers: Commipherol and Commipherine.
And it is the resin/wax of the plant that has the ingredient we are looking for.
I think that a percentage of Guggulsterone of 1% to 2.5%, would be fine, in your home made cream.

So I would search for Guggulsterone extract, I saw it is easily available.


P.s. Ingedrients are often found on Ebay, Amazon (USA, UK etc) or Aliexpress (mobile app of aliexpress often gives you about a 40% reduction in price).

Oh and is there anyone who speaks Portugese or knows a Brazillian person, would like to translate this one small page?^^

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