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I'm Lost


fairylikelady , You are awesome. Thank you for speaking up too. And So nice to meet another Christian on here. I do believe we need to speak up, don't be afraid of what others think, but feel confident in what you say. The Lord hears you speak and is with you and is so very proud of you...

(19-05-2013, 04:10)fairylikelady Wrote:  Feeling the way you have in he past and still are today, are lies of the evil one. I will be praying for you.

The depression and feeling wrong for feeling female are the lies of the evil one.

As someone who's been through similar, you can't pray away the trans any more than you can pray away the gay. What you can do is pray for the strength to do what you must. Whatever that is.

As a trans, that's generally start living as your real gender. Not your biological one.

It ain't a fix-all, in fact, it's harder than you can possibly imagine... But it's infinitely better than killing yourself.

Thanks for all this console girls *_* luv u all ;*

Thats the point.
Isnt a male genes xy and a woman xx? So, a woman isnt something complete while a man is half woman and a half other thing?
At bible, i didnt read all yet, almost finishing to read, im on Paul, Paul is the most machist and the one who said that feminized men wouldnt go to heaven and judeged a lot of other people, but wasnt Paul who chased Jesus's disciples? Who baptized Paul? He was auto baptized? So, he still have authority or moral to judge?

Woman paid for our kick out of the paradise, but, seems with all the pain that women felt and feel, that they learned to be more sensive, while man started to be more arrogant with his power and knowledge.

Society, a lot of times, lacks with respect and good will, there are a lot of other injustices on earth. While the stadiums are full of ignorance dividing people, there are people starving on lot of places; as its write "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.", and as we see on facebook, figths and figths, so, people are each time more stressed or they start to ignore the others.

This is the world that i see, male are females but are too afraid to admit. Since they dont admit they start to act with ignorance trying to feel as The Male, on truth i say, male and female are the same, so if its justice for a woman to be as a male, why a male cant be as female? Isnt the best thing raise our childs side-by-side? Breast-feed? Feel their love, treat them with the best? So why male have to stay out gaining all the cash to raise his female for the female raise the childs? Many women spoke about male's position on society, but, all male position usualy comes with a lot of responsability, i'm not talking that women dont have responsabilities, for me women paper is amazing, but, usually the male stay with the math and finance (well there are computers nowadays for this right?).... i feel alone Sad
I talk this because of my mom, she says she is a Jesus folower, but, she spoke bad of my father to me a lot of times, and still dependent of him. Isnt it a shame?

SpelunkerWoman, Tinytots and Fairylikelady: Thank you very much, im resisting hard to it, because i feel that if i surrender to this, im going to loose something precious, very precious, and i will remember of you on my blessings.

AbiDrew85: Its nice to find someone that thinks like me. But im divided, i dont know, its like if i choose to be a transex i will loose the control of my life, and there is the fear of being excluded and end up on a street... The abomination of isolation that i feel for being diferent, the past that i dont have courage to speak openly with people; people make good friends because they share their life (past), so, basicaly if i dont share my life with others, i will end up not knowing what a true friend is... I will remember of you on my blessings.
Jesus came for the sinners not for the pharisees. So im happy to be a sinner because i know that Jesus is for me, and i Love Jesus and pray for he accept me the way i am and let me be happy and show me the way to hapiness, so i will follow him wherever he will go.
Being a trans, isnt being male nor female, so the laws arent aplicable for trans, right?
So, we need new laws and a new light. On bible says "i am what i am.", alpha to omega, so how would we ignore our past? Did the holy book ignored that Paul chased Jesus? Or that Tamar prostituted to Juda to have a child, which some believes that is a far parent of Jesus? And why Juda used to go where prostitutes where? Its all common things, isnt it? Wasnt Oseas ordered by God to get a prostitute to have childs? If those things where so wrong, so it should be excluded from bible to not give bad ideia, right? But they are there. Isnt our flesh a gift? Why would we gain a life if its not to chase happiness? Its also write "The LORD is what gives and takes life, brings down to the grave, and it does make up", Ana said.

GOD BLESS US ALL AND EVERYONE ELSE. We all are God's creation, every living creature, every construction and every matter, everything is a little part of the Eternal Father. And for all his creations and for all his glory and for all his love i wish from the deepest of my heart that everyone be blessed with the most holy name of the L-rd of the Lords.

(20-05-2013, 02:06)vitoria2013 Wrote:  This is the world that i see, male are females but are too afraid to admit. Since they dont admit they start to act with ignorance trying to feel as The Male, on truth i say, male and female are the same, so if its justice for a woman to be as a male, why a male cant be as female? Isnt the best thing raise our childs side-by-side? Breast-feed? Feel their love, treat them with the best? So why male have to stay out gaining all the cash to raise his female for the female raise the childs? Many women spoke about male's position on society, but, all male position usualy comes with a lot of responsability, i'm not talking that women dont have responsabilities, for me women paper is amazing, but, usually the male stay with the math and finance (well there are computers nowadays for this right?).... i feel alone Sad
I talk this because of my mom, she says she is a Jesus folower, but, she spoke bad of my father to me a lot of times, and still dependent of him. Isnt it a shame?

I really do love this paragraph. I often, many times, have contemplated on this very issue. What I came to understand is this: unfortunately, although we all have masculine and feminine sides to us, men are shamed upon when they associate with their feminine side because somehow, oddly, being feminine is being weak and it is for that reason that women are allowed to associate with their masculine side (because that will make them stronger), but why would men want to appear weaker? I personally despise this perspective. Just because we are physically less strong on average than men, does not make us weak over all. We are very strong in the love, care, and support that we have to offer, so much more than the average man does. But, for some reason, this strength is only seen as another weakness, making us more vulnerable since we are more aware of and connected with our emotions. But, I am sure as all things seem to come down to the same primal past, love is not what made the fittest survive. It was their physical fitness that determined survival and so, to this day this idea lies embedded in the primal male brain that the physically strong (men) are the better and stronger sex. This is why women are allowed to try to "bring ourselves up" to men's level because, after all, it is understandably desirable to want to be "as good as" a man... while it is socially forbidden for men to "stoop down" to the level of females.

And to address your passing comment about why men still seem to do most of the math? Well I think men tend to have less connection to their emotions and therefore have more strength in the field of math (or course, I am speaking very generally here as there are many brilliant women in the field of science... I am just addressing your point of "usually the male stay with the math and finance"). So I believe it is this reason which accounts for the "usual" occasions of which you speak. I do not know where you live, but in the Western culture, it is really no problem for the woman to take care of the finances and for the man to stay at home to take care of the children. I have many friends and extended family members who live this way. It depends on whatever works best for the individual couple, depending on their own individual strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am not so good at cooking and nor do I enjoy it... while my boyfriend loves it so much that he does it for his profession. So, guess who does the cooking when we eat? It would be rather silly for me to cook just because of some simple conventional beliefs. This is not so uncommon in the developed countries of the western hemisphere, and I believe Europe as well. I cannot speak for all cultures here as I am not familiar with all cultures. Maybe if you shared where you live, it would help us to better understand what you are dealing with in regards to your mother and why she talks about your father the way that she does. But I see this is something that you are considering as you are discerning which path to choose, as you dislike the pressure and disrespect seemingly placed on men within your culture and do not wish this disrespect of pressure for yourself.

(20-05-2013, 02:06)vitoria2013 Wrote:  So, we need new laws and a new light. On bible says "i am what i am.", alpha to omega, so how would we ignore our past? Did the holy book ignored that Paul chased Jesus? Or that Tamar prostituted to Juda to have a child, which some believes that is a far parent of Jesus? And why Juda used to go where prostitutes where? Its all common things, isnt it? Wasnt Oseas ordered by God to get a prostitute to have childs? If those things where so wrong, so it should be excluded from bible to not give bad ideia, right? But they are there. Isnt our flesh a gift? Why would we gain a life if its not to chase happiness? Its also write "The LORD is what gives and takes life, brings down to the grave, and it does make up", Ana said.

In regards to this, you will just need to be careful when reading about some things in the bible. There were many things, especially in the Old Testament, that were not what God really wanted despite the fact that God ordered it to happen. Recall in Matthew 19:8 "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning." This is just one example of the many ways in which God's desires and wishes for men of the earth to live according to God's ways were curbed before Jesus' coming. I am no Theology Major but I do have a Minor, and although it has been a while since I had studied anything of the Bible, I do know that God was more lenient with rules during the "before Christ" era due to expecting less of them. God expects more of us now because we are given more: we now have Christ, unlike those before His time. Therefore, for this reason, I do not take much of the ways of living in the Old Testament to be an example for my life today. And, honestly, according to Christ Himself, we were not put on this earth for the purpose of pursuing our own happiness; rather, we are put on this earth to serve God and in this we will find not earthly happiness but true happiness in following God. So, it is important for you to know that it is not what immediately brings you gratification or happiness that is what is "right" but more what is what God wants for you and, if you pursue this, this is what will make you happy in the end (although it will almost never bring you happiness from the start, since following God is almost always difficult). Yes, our flesh is a gift, and not all that brings us pleasure is bad! But it is important to know that our flesh is a gift in which we were brought to this earth to serve God and to be who God wants us to be. Only YOU can know who God wants you to be.


I read your thread, and I was very moved. However, after reading your writing, it appears to me that you are looking for more than just a nice pat on the back and warm words of someone telling you that you are great the way you are... because I can see that you are tormented by being between two grounds. You feel inclined to both, and also torn from both. You described your feelings and situation so very well that I think I might be able to help you, perhaps, sort out your thoughts and feelings. I also want to tell you that I have my degree in Psychology, and that I come from a very religious household and so not only do I understand where your thoughts are coming from as far as religion is concerned, but I also can understand what is going on with your current feelings in relation to your past happenings.

I cannot GIVE you the answer to what is going on with you, but I can most certainly help you to understand what is happening to you better, and from there maybe if we are fortunate enough we can figure out what you will need to do to be truly happy. Is this what you would like, to understand what is going on to understand your course of action? That is how it appears to me, like you are unsure of why you are this way, and therefore who you really are. I personally think your only cure to healing is to understand why you have pain, why you feel both conflicting feelings that you feel, and to make a conscience and well informed decision on a path to take.

Please write if you are interested in discussing this with me, as I am here to help if you want. I am very religious, and I also consider myself to be very understanding and reasonable. Feel free to send me a private message if you would like to continue discussing this topic. Good luck and God bless!

Seems like everyone has responded with everything that I felt to say, just wanted to let you know that your post touched me. It made my heart hurt for you and I wish that I could give you a big hug. God loves you very much, remember that when you wonder what God thinks! Also, he can turn any situation completely around. With God, all things are possible. I pray strength, healing, peace, joy over you, that Jesus makes all things new inside of you! I pray that Jesus helps you to surrender your heavy burdens to him and to let them go, that he melts your troubles away and comforts your weary heart! I pray protection and clarity of mind over you and ask that God sends his angels to be like a hedge surrounding you, that they battle against any forces of darkness or any bad spirit that tries to touch or enter your mind. In Jesus' name, amen. Don't give up!! Will keep you in my prayers if you don't mind. I believe in the power of prayer.

(28-05-2013, 16:51)BongoGirl1 Wrote:  Seems like everyone has responded with everything that I felt to say, just wanted to let you know that your post touched me. It made my heart hurt for you and I wish that I could give you a big hug. God loves you very much, remember that when you wonder what God thinks! Also, he can turn any situation completely around. With God, all things are possible. I pray strength, healing, peace, joy over you, that Jesus makes all things new inside of you! I pray that Jesus helps you to surrender your heavy burdens to him and to let them go, that he melts your troubles away and comforts your weary heart! I pray protection and clarity of mind over you and ask that God sends his angels to be like a hedge surrounding you, that they battle against any forces of darkness or any bad spirit that tries to touch or enter your mind. In Jesus' name, amen. Don't give up!! Will keep you in my prayers if you don't mind. I believe in the power of prayer.

Thank you very much Bongo, i would love a big hug *_*

Things are changing for sure, this month things appeared to be working better, i`m feeling more sociable, last day I’ve talked with a friend of university and talked about of some of these things, its good to talk in forums like this, but, in reality appears to be much more stronger the feelings.

I would never give up, either, being male or female i want to be victorious Big Grin
I`m aiming to make everything what the Holy Lord awaits of me.

God bless you and I will remember of you on my blessings Smile

Feel free to talk with me Smile

You are quite welcome! I'm so glad that you are feeling better Vitoria and that you have someone there to listen to you!! Mindset is everything - "where the mind goes, the man follows" so its very important to keep the positive attitude and to continue thinking good thoughts. I understand about having someone in person to talk to. There's a lady here that I call my spiritual mother and I tell her all of my worries. That poor woman has to listen to a lot from me, but I appreciate her so much!! lol Also, Almighty God is a very good listener too and cares for all things. Ty for considering me in your blessings! If you need an "ear" to listen somewhere out in the world, feel free to pm me anytime! Big Grin

(20-05-2013, 02:06)vitoria2013 Wrote:  Isnt a male genes xy and a woman xx? So, a woman isnt something complete while a man is half woman and a half other thing?

Oh, no honey..."XY"...scientifically speaking, the Y chromosome is an incomplete X chromosome. They are called X and Y because that is their shape! So the Y is "missing" a leg to make it an X shape, see?

Some sexist women have even claimed that this means that men are inferior because they lack complete DNA. Of course neither gender is inferior, just different...but I had to clear up the science for you because you were thinking the opposite.

I know this thread is kinda old.

Its true, we aren't here on this earth to persue our own happiness, but to please the one that created us. Because you can have everything in this world, but its so superficial and if you don't have God and Jesus or your spiritual peace, you will feel unfulfilled. I know too many people who don't have their spiritual peace but have everything they have ever wanted out of life, but that something was missing.

Why is it that the small things matter so much to us??? I am so baffled by this. I get so down of the thought of not reaching my nbe goal to be perfectly balanced from top to bottom. Like it really fucking matters. While some of you genetic males are struggling to find that perfection of physical balance of both male and female characteristics! It all doesn't really matter!!! At all!

I read my Bible nightly and it is consistent in saying, these things of the flesh are not true happiness. And its true. Its the first thing that is stripped from us; our bodies, material things of this life. While its understandable that its sought by all of us to enjoy it while we have it, we need to get over ourselves! We have for centuries been imbedded with ABOMINATED GENES! We are not what we are supposed to be; what God had originally intended us to be because of all the nasty things we put into our bodies and therefore it starts in the womb from generation to generation and then the abominating exposures in our upbringing. So some of us come out like this, that and the other and a mix of all sorts.

We are blessed we have our minds and not paralyzed and confined to seat. We are so worried about how we are portrayed, accepted and how we feel about ourselves. Its getting ridiculous (speaking for myself here). Now I'm annoying my damn self with these superficial goals.

I wish I could turn back time, knowing what I know now, I'd be putting only the purest things in my body. For those who struggle with their gender bending identities, I'd say accept yourself internally and choose A SEX for your outside. Its easier that way. God made a man's body beautiful and a woman's body beautiful, its what was intended unless you truly are a Herma. Why feel like you have to blend the two. Dick and tits, it just seems so complicated with knocking down T to get more fem, but not so much to the point were it shrinks your testes or kills your libido. Wouldn't it just be easier to fully transition to the opposite sex or stay the way you are and find someone who accepts you for your ways and your feminine heart?

If your fem (identity speaking) go all the way, if its what you really desire and have no ill feelings about that part of you. I'd say go with the dominating gender sex. Don't feel like you have to physically blend the two as you are IT anyway on the inside, spiritually.

Sometimes I feel like its a test. I had a visit recently from Satan (I get these every now and again), and he brought up the fact that I wanted my breasts to grow a certain size(my desire), that basically, I would be getting shit for that by GOD. I thought it was strange that of all things, that's what was brought up. Almost as if, if I were really serving God, I wouldn't be so concerned and obsessed with my breasts! Before, it was the fighting with my mom, but since then, things have been good between us so Satan doesn't talk crap about that any more.

So yeah, that comment about Paul in the bible is most likely true, I believe. You have to really think about it. Why would someone that is superficially attached to their gender identity not get into heaven? Because its just that, superficial, thing of the flesh. Like those who love and live for money, like those who adorn themselves with jewels and cant give them up (extreme coveting, lol!). Its petty and ridiculous, but that's just it, you are not a Holy Spirited being if you are imbedded in superficial things and superficial behavior.

I know, it sounds sooooo narrow minded!

That is what that is- and that is for both male and female. You don't have to be feminized male or a masculine female. You just have to be superficially tied to the things of the flesh. One may call it a personality trait but its not, its a displeasing habit to God (according to the bible), because spiritually, we are genderless. Its hard to fathom, that is what I'm getting from the Bible and what I have also heard others say.

I feel like I have an inner male and have made peace being fully female on the outside and biologically. Shit gets complicated when you start to alter mother nature's plan and God's intention for us thriving as human beings (for those of you who believe in Christ's teachings)

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