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Outofstyle's PM moon cycle


Had a serious muscle spasm in my butt cheek muscle last night . Hoping it was the maca working some magic Tongue

Just a random sharing moment...... I've started studying Buddhism and the act of mindfulness, I Love it.

As for the boobies... nothing to report at the moment.

As for my love life.... sigh I really need a summer fling. Seriously. But I attach too easily, I could never end it after the summer. Blaaah. Just dreaming.

OOOHH also in my love life! : I had my first orgasm DURING sex!! But it was in a dream.. Thhhhaaannnkk yooouuu PM!! or Maca.... whichever it was. LOL usually in life AND in dreams I just can't make it over that final hurtle to actually have an O, I always just come so so close.

I spoke too soon!!!! I took my PM at 8pm last night, went to bed, woke up at 11pm and had SERIOUS swelling of my right breast. It was HUGE!!! Eeeek!! Only a bit of it stuck and now my right is a bit bigger (its always been my slightly larger one) . Gotta stop sleeping on my left side..........

Yay! just in time for my bday! Which is tomorrow.... I will be 22 (:

Weighed myself this morning. 114.2 pounds ........ Yikes! (This is a pound lower than when I weighed myself last week). When I was 17, I went backpacking through Mexico and dropped down to 110 pounds and lost my period for 4-5 months due to my weight being so low (Recall I am almost 5'8 in height...)

But today I was looking through the pantry for something to eat, stale oatmeal just wasn't cutting it, and I found a bag of walnuts. Apparently 1/4 cup has 30% of your daily fats!!! YES! Not a huge fan cause they are kinda dry tasting and I can't bring nuts to work, but hey it is something!

Made a smoothie also with lots of fruit, Homo milk (I drank a huge glass of homo milk this morning after weighing myself, my cleanse seems to have gotten rid of the minor lactose intollerance that I had developed months ago), greek yogurt, regular yogurt, ricotta cheese, and some flaxseed oil.

I would prefer to stay drinking almond milk over cow milk but the calorie count is just so low. Going to go have me a big chunk of chocolate cake now!

I have a confession..... I haven't been massaging like I should be. I am going to start back up but F it really is a hassle. I'm a big advocate of massaging though.

And I have a fitness goal: I want to be able to do one pull-up by the end of the year. This will be quite a lot for me since I can't do any pushups or anything and have never been able to do a pullup. But if there is going to be some crazy apocalypse in the next life, I need to be able to pull myself up from the cliff's edge. Now that is reality.

I think I have said this many-a-time, and later have always changed my mind, but I am saying it again..... I think I am going to do PM and PC at the same time, without cycling. I am worried that the weight I am trying to gain is going to my tummy too! So I am hoping if I add some PC (I haven't been using it much) more consistently, it will all just go to my boobs. Or hips. Or butt. Just not tummy!!

Oh and I fear that I am going to run out of PM before the end of the summer, so I am going to bring down my maca level and then if I run out of PM I will just ramp up the maca until I can take more. Gah. Why must NBE be so complicated.

I feel ya, about the massage. Its hard to fit it in. I really like Anastasia's advice about massaging and NBE in general - I can't remember which thread I read it in, but she said that you have to make NBE "part of your daily routing" because it takes to much patience otherwise its won't work as well. That's what I aiming for with the massage. Trying to do it when I brush my teeth or drink my tea/coffee, even for just a while, so that it becomes just like any other habit.

I used to have the problem of not being able to orgasm during sex, kegels really helped me get over that. You probably already do them cuz they are oooohh so amazing Winkbut if not you should give it a try!

Yeah I really need to get my whole routine together, I wake up in the morning with barely enough time to get ready and am always so rushed. I want to start meditating so maybe a good time for massage would be right before or right after.

I don't do kegals! I know how good they are to do but I just don't do them, I get worried that I am not flexing the right muscles, but I am going to look into them right now! I work at a desk job so I have all day to try them.

Thanks for the tips jsbelle!!

So I've got this book, Super Flirt. How to flirt like a pro, body language, etc. Have to take alot of it with a grain of salt, but one part I found particularly interesting and helpful. It talked about how to "properly walk" and for women when walking, it said you have to watch what part of your body you lead with.
Leading with your shoulders - you look timid
Leading with your chest/boobs - you look overconfident and pushy
Leading with your knees - you look like your legs are taking you places you don't want to go!

So what are you supposed to lead with? Either nothing, or your pelvic bone.

I've been doing this for about 2 and a half weeks now, and have noticed that my walk (I have entirely adopted it Smile feels natural now!) causes my hips to have slightly more of a roll to them, so even though my hips aren't volumptuous, I sure walk like they are! And the strange thing, the reason I am even talking about walking, is that I have noticed that more people are wanting to talk to me!

I work downtown, have worked at the same place for two years, and let me tell you that last year I did NOT have so many strangers saying hi to me as I went walking down the street! (I go on walks for my break) my skin hasn't entirely cleared up yet and I have not gained noticable weight yet so the ONLY thing that has changed is my walk, and I just have sooo many people talking to me!!! It must be my walk, I feel much more confident and sexy just doing it and I think it shows.

Thought that was interesting and wanted to share!

In other news, I bought a facemask with Glycolic acid (12%) in it!! Sooo excited!! This is one of the things that people do acid peels with (acid peel is with 30-60%). Can't wait, should be here in about 2 weeks.

Had growth pains today. Held off smoking a kretek on that reason alone. Wooooo!

Oh and I bought some Valerian root tea becase I have been having problems falling asleep, not sure if valerian would be beneficial to nbe but I certainly don't think it could hurt.

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