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Hey Tibetan, thanks for putting this up as there are lots of us probably in the same boat. Sadly because our logical minds do not want to perceive something is true, does not deny its existence.

I have often felt how you feel and I have put it down to some serious traumas that I suffered, and also to the fact (that I am more than certain on a cellular level) that I was almost miscarried in the womb, later confirmed by my mother's many miscarriages and cot deaths that I later learned of.

But yes there are very odd things that cannot be explained logically that have also happened in my life too, but I never thought of spiritual attack or anything like that. I wonder who is trapped inside me, because sometimes the heaviness of feeling or sense of blockage is so severe it stops me in my tracks!

kmkm do let us know how we cant stop this, it will benefit many of us.

ps not that bothered if anyone thinks I am nuts, I am openminded enough to not care about that!


Do you practise grounding and shielding? if you dont already, it should help. I do believe in this stuff, but im 99.9% positive i have a spirit guide when i need them. but i rarely do these days. I used to be so scared when spirits fooled with me, but it really is "mind over matter". The less scared i became, the more i shield and grounded, the less they bothered me. I personally believe spirits like that feed off negative energy which turns it into a vicious circle making you negative also. The fact that she laughed at you, making herself known, just makes me think she NEEDED your reaction. Chin up, you"ll grow just fine if you block them out :-)

I get the feeling many of us have these experiences so often, we don't think much of it at all. I know we all have that mechanism within us of being in tune. We just don't separate it from our daily living to disect and anaylize what it really is or means.

I know when those that don't get to full term to be born in this world can continue their life in the neighboring world through living in their etheric or astral body. The question is, if they have been granted it or not. Sometimes its not up to us. Sometimes we can come back into the womb and get born again.

So who knows what is causing your heaviness. Sounds like you have something around you often. Which is rather common.
I really want my machine now. Any clarity is worth gaining. Its over a grand. Ive tried so many exercises.reiki. meditation. More visualization techniques. Hypno therapy. Sought medical opinions. Got my head checked even. Prayer and still praying. Gioin in for sleep anaylisis next. And will see a catholic priest before I leave this world if I don't find a REAL solution. I am sick of ppl saying I need God. I already have Him. Its like saying those women locked up in that mans basement for ten years wouldn't have had to go through that hell if they had God. Think about that poor little girl who's father raped her mother. These are circumstances she and those women could not help. There were other men in that house keeping those girls. I'm sure some if not all were saying their prayers every night that this torture would end.

Its BS. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Its time for all of us to do something about our spiritual freedom and evolution.

Sorry for the rantcapade... I welcome anyone who is spiritually confined to chime in.

I had TeRRIBLE dreams last night of a bad "spirit" either trying to get into me or kill me i can't really recall entirely what was going on but i remember waking up around 4am scared!

(11-05-2013, 06:51 PM)ab101bab Wrote:  I had TeRRIBLE dreams last night of a bad "spirit" either trying to get into me or kill me i can't really recall entirely what was going on but i remember waking up around 4am scared!

I wouldn't doubt it was really some entity wanting to torment you. Just pay attention and what ever you do don't piss them off. They are usually ten steps ahead of you.

Since we aren't trained spiritually, its almost impossible to defeat them but it can be done.

I just wish there was more proof of knowledge of what we experience. Sometimes a prayer can work. I said prayers like hail Mary and the our father and have literally felt these bastards be pried and stripped right out of me.

When saying these prayers, mean every single bit of word said.

(11-05-2013, 07:22 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  I just wish there was more proof of knowledge of what we experience. Sometimes a prayer can work. I said prayers like hail Mary and the our father and have literally felt these bastards be pried and stripped right out of me.

When saying these prayers, mean every single bit of word said.

You honestly don't even need to say anything in particular, just so long as you reach fervently for God's aid, he WILL help you to send them away.

Often when I'm being effected by evil spirits I have so very little power left to me that it's all I can do just to reach for God without any real articulation at all.

As you said though. You have to mean it. You have to really truly wholly be seeking God's help or he won't help you.

My answer to all these things I cannot explain, is to believe in angels. Archangel Michael protects me day and night and Archangel Raphael heals me. I add Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Uriel so I have all corners covered as I sleep. And a cocoon of wings from each to enclose me.

It helps me just to visualise these and keep me in light.

I have had reoccuring 'dreams' of being affected by a spirit. A sensation comes over my body while sleeping, like an all over tickle/trembling sensation that is hard to bear. I know a dream like that is about to happen when I go to turn a light switch on in my dream and the switch won't turn on and the room is dark. Then I feel taken over by a spirit. Sometimes it's hard to breath. I will say over and over, "I love Jesus.. Jesus is king" etc.. anything I can say about God or Jesus and the spirit leaves. I wake up and it feels like my body is vibrating on a cellular level and it actually takes time while awake for that feeling to slowly dwindle away. I have attributed this to panic attacks. If it really is a spirit, it must not like God.


As of lately, Ive been having dreams in which there are places and things that I do not recognize at all. When I was a child and young teen, this happened to me but I was not worried, I felt in my heart that they were indeed my dreams, maybe old memories, but I wont go there. These dreams lately though, do not feel like they belong to me at all. I am not scared, but I am a bit worried. Im glad I could let this out. I dont know what to do. I am usually good with protecting my spiritual energy, Im not sure what the hell is going on.

Tibetan I have a rather far out question. I've had times in the past where I could not get out of bed even though I was awake. I mean like I can see and hear but my body is literally paralyzed and cannot move. It would then stop or whatever but it was very alarming. This happened to my brother as well many times. Any ideas or advice or anything on what the hell that was. This thread made me think of it. I am soo glad it hasnt happened in years.

Is that what is known as sleep paralysis Mistress George?

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