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Okay. This is something I wasn't sure to share but I feel that I must as someone else may be going through something similar and I feel I may regret not sharing....

We are all beings in existence in many dimensions. Okay we all know that. Now, since we all are trying to change our bodies, we all have hormones that help us do that with energy filled nutrition and sleep to regenerate our cells to change at night although they change throughout the day. Okay, we're all aware of this of course. Now ...

The utmost annoying thing about these other planes of existence, is that there are entities that reside there of the human genome like us, but don't have this physical dense body that has been generated for US! These little prick bastards I caught (during one of many of my out of body's-from sleeping) were talking about "stealing my growth". Apparently they knew of my boobie growing project. These were a group of spirit teen females.

Now I know what many of you are thinking that im nuts or paranoid. But i m not. My head has been checked. I've seen and Dealt with the spirit world for a very very long time. Its something in the family...

Any way. Many of the spirit entities are living and many people do not understand this. That's okay. But I can tell you from experience, they can do more than drain ones energy. But to not veer off the important subject matter at hand...

This is what some are doing to me... these spirit teenage girls are literally rolling into my body at night when i sleep. The idea is that the HGH and hormone production surges my physical body produces, feeds my etheric body which is known as our copy or soul body. These two bodies are seperate functioning platforms but are conjoined by a type of "cord" and is severed at death.

Any who,
The brain sends signals to the etheric body and restores and regenerates the being as a whole or homiostasis if you will. Now they know this and so much other stuff. Their goal is to combine with the etheric body( our copy that receives the signal from the host body I.e. physical body) and latch on to the HGH and hormone production that allows us to grow and change our bodies.

By doing this, their etheric bodies recieve the signal (that was meant for our etheric body and mind you, the feed back to the host body that's supposed to happen) to grow and change!

I know it sounds bizarre and trust me , I did not want believe that they can do this. But they can and do. Now just because its happening to me doesn't mean its happening to you.

I am still learning on how to ge them out of my body while I sleep and detach them From my etheric copy.
This has been going on for two months. I can tell you... I have not really grown and my cycles have late for the third time. I've hit a stall. I have also been told by one of the girls that " you haven't grown because you're giving to me." And then she laughed. I have no idea if there is any truth to this but if it wasn't working for them, they would have left me sleeping in peace by now. I know pestering soul types. Apparently these girls
ARE growing from me. There's 5 of them that I know of yet. They all take turns. Some are barely noticeable and gentle while others are very draining while doing it. I am sometimes not able to fall asleep as they litterally drain the energy from me. I can feel "multiple heart beats" vibrations in my upper chest. I can feel them heaving back and forth for a span of hours. its like a ran a marathon and hopped into bed. Sometimes i get hot from them like body heat all over. And I have literally had sleepless nights from the angry ones when I tell them to leave my body. But now, they are very subtle. I just have weird controlled dreams they give me while they co their sessions. Since the energy from our physical bodies are so strong on A vibrational level, the etheric entities are highly affected. Talk about the ULTIMATE glandular therapy. Like treats like on all levels. I have heard from etherians that this is a type of therapy they do. Supposedly, the host body Eventually recovers its HGH cycle. But that is for the healthy ones. What about about the rest of us!
These self entitled entities roll into growing thriving changing bodies and get the benefits from it.

Now the question is, how does it actually affect us? Do we just grow slower? Do we hit stalls more frequently from an unnoticed glandular drain? Do we not grow at all? Do we still grow but they grow along with us? No matter what, I dont like being used and abused this way!

Do you live in a haunted house Smile ? Believe me, I understand what you said. Couple years ago, I lost both of my late parents back to back. I then dreamt so much of them that many times I thought I heard their footsteps around the house, their presence next to me when I felt sad, seemed like they touched my shoulder, patting my head, blowing an air kiss, etc. and they did not even live with me Smile None of my siblings had it but well, they moved on a lot faster than me. I even spent time to go back to Law School (just basis stuf as lawyers refused to take the case, one of them even scammed me for huge money) to sue the Health insurance. I was obsessed to get the Justice done for my late Mom.

Anyway, I dont feel such things anymore. To me, I think back then in my subconscious mind, I wanted to believe they were still around me, still be with me cuz i missed them more than willing to let go, the thought... grieving is a strange thing... Obession is the worst...

So in my conclusion, perhaps when we consume too much time in one subject, it might drive us to such dreams, strange feelings...

Stay healthy and peace my friend.


(06-05-2013, 20:24)CancerStrikes2 Wrote:  Do you live in a haunted house Smile ? Believe me, I understand what you said. Couple years ago, I lost both of my late parents back to back. I then dreamt so much of them that many times I thought I heard their footsteps around the house, their presence next to me when I felt sad, seemed like they touched my shoulder, patting my head, blowing an air kiss, etc. and they did not even live with me Smile None of my siblings had it but well, they moved on a lot faster than me. I even spent time to go back to Law School (just basis stuf as lawyers refused to take the case, one of them even scammed me for huge money) to sue the Health insurance. I was obsessed to get the Justice done for my late Mom.

Anyway, I dont feel such things anymore. To me, I think back then in my subconscious mind, I wanted to believe they were still around me, still be with me cuz i missed them more than willing to let go, the thought... grieving is a strange thing... Obession is the worst...

So in my conclusion, perhaps when we consume too much time in one subject, it might drive us to such dreams, strange feelings...

Stay healthy and peace my friend.


No. Its not haunted on that level. There are souls everywhere. I've counseled the dead as well as learned so much from them. I even wrote a book about it. Often times, the spirits who left this plane stick around more often cause their loved ones aren't ready to move forward. So I do know this.

But I am taking about entities that have never been In the flesh like you and me. They have lives and a completely different mentality.
Trust me , I am not obsessive or even on the boobie subject that often. I've grown quite bit and am not at all worried about my potential future. Plus ive been growing boobs off and on for years and have never had this problem until some spirits noticed i was actually growing ... and maybe thats why. I am also writing a novel which has nothing to do with boobs. I know entities and what they are capable of. Most people aren't as sensitive to their surroundings that's all. As far as dreams. I can tell for the most part when its not coming from me. I can hear them talk and cough. Its very strange.

One time I dreamed I was getting ready a and my mom was telling me "we need to leave"

I said "hang on, just need to get some shoes on." I looked in the mirror and my body was dismorphing so I kept changing attire to look decent and it was happening again. I over heard a man with a Brit accent telling another woman with a Brit accent how he was totally fucking with me. Going to her about how my butt is big and so he would make it disform. Mind you, I have. No issues with my phanny. She got up from sitting and said" let's see what I can do," with a smile. So I woke up And realized these spirits were screwing with me In My dream state. Happens all the time. Objects morph magically Into other things usually implemented by outside sources.

I've got stories for days.

You can keep them out, I believe in you. Mind over matter.

Your energy is within a physically exisitng entity, you are stronger than them. Or at least you have the potential to be. Sounds like there are just so many that have their claws in you..

Thank you OutofstyleBig Grin

I'm working on it. One of them was In me this am from sleeping. I was just a tad drained. Thankfully nothing to overwhelming...

If I can just keep growing in semi peace, I wont worry about it too much. They are crafty lil bastids!

How funny that you should post this, my friend and I were just talking last night about ghosts and demons and the like. She gets bruises in her sleep as if something's grabbing her legs and trying to drag her out of bed. I've seen how bad they can get sometimes, and it's frightening. It goes a lot deeper than that, but that fact alone is frightening enough. Also, lately my sister's ghost has been trolling me and flickering the lights and computer at night.

I also used to get regular visits from my missing dog's spirit in my sleep. I started having dreams about just playing with him in the yard, simple things, the day he went missing. When I wasn't home and had NO IDEA that he was even missing (I didn't find out until a week later, when I'd been having the dreams almost every night). And it wasn't like I was just dreaming of him (I rarely have dreams), but I FELT his presence, felt like we were together playing, just like a casual day. SO I FULLY BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU'RE SAYING.

That's SOOO crazy, I never would have imagined something like this could possibly affect NBE! Haha! So you probably experience these things because you're more in-touch with the spirit world? I've been really wishing I was more in-tune, especially lately. I feel guilty that when my dog died I wasn't able to see, feel, or talk to him unless I was sleeping. As strange as that sounds (he truly was my best friend, my baby).

I wonder how many of us are also affected by the same types of problems, and can't get the most out of our NBE! I'd love to learn more about this sort of thing (and I'd also love to read your book!) So, these entities don't have physical bodies but are stealing your NBE results? What a hard concept to grasp! ^^;

I'm so curious to research more about this sort of thing, especially after my conversation with my friend last night! Haha!

Have you considered the idea that maybe you're just slightly more in-tune to "listen" to the spirit world? Even though we may not be mediums, some of us can still be more tuned-in to spirits. I feel that I may be one of those people (probably because I've always believed and wanted to be in-tune with them). Maybe that's the reason when my grandmother was comatose on her deathbed, completely unresponsive to outside stimuli, when I said goodbye to her, she started to move slightly, and looked like she was trying to talk (given the idea that someone in that situation is in the process of entering the spirit world, and resides on both planes). Yes, focusing your mind on something a lot CAN cause people to have dreams and feelings like you. But sometimes that isn't all it is. Wink Be glad that you were the one who was able to feel your parents there when no one else could. It's like getting another chance to say goodbye, some extra closure.

"How funny that you should post this, my friend and I were just talking last night about ghosts and demons and the like. She gets bruises in her sleep as if something's grabbing her legs and trying to drag her out of bed. I've seen how bad they can get sometimes, and it's frightening. It goes a lot deeper than that, but that fact alone is frightening enough. Also, lately my sister's ghost has been trolling me and flickering the lights and computer at night."

The energy is easy to move through electronics. That can be same for the human body. We are vessels and can be penetrated through easily! If they know you are from this plane, they will totally fuck with you. There are just too many of them!

"I also used to get regular visits from my missing dog's spirit in my sleep. I started having dreams about just playing with him in the yard, simple things, the day he went missing. When I wasn't home and had NO IDEA that he was even missing (I didn't find out until a week later, when I'd been having the dreams almost every night). And it wasn't like I was just dreaming of him (I rarely have dreams), but I FELT his presence, felt like we were together playing, just like a casual day. SO I FULLY BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU'RE SAYING."

Yes, animals and all living things for that matter have etheric copies of themselves, existing throughout several dimensions. I love quantum physics, I just wish more people would give their attention to it as we are all affected by it on so many levels. We are not spiritually free people. If you understand this, than you are in tune. I hate the fact that we are slaves in a sense, doing this routine way of surviving and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it until we wake up. My perspective on everything has changed completely over the years. I would have never thought how blind we really are.

"That's SOOO crazy, I never would have imagined something like this could possibly affect NBE! Haha! So you probably experience these things because you're more in-touch with the spirit world? I've been really wishing I was more in-tune, especially lately. I feel guilty that when my dog died I wasn't able to see, feel, or talk to him unless I was sleeping. As strange as that sounds (he truly was my best friend, my baby)."

Oh yeah, pay attention, you'll begin to develop that sensory. They seem to stick around for a while and then leave. Its what happen at least with me and my lab. The experience is so overwhelming, its too real to deny.

"I wonder how many of us are also affected by the same types of problems, and can't get the most out of our NBE! I'd love to learn more about this sort of thing (and I'd also love to read your book!) So, these entities don't have physical bodies but are stealing your NBE results? What a hard concept to grasp! ^^;"

You'll be surprised at what truth really lurks around you. You can't see it but stuff is going on alright. As far as nbe Yes, they can benefit from it as "like treats like" makes this thing they do, glandular therapy on all levels. They don't have a host body like us, but they can easily find one and adapt to the rhythmic patterns our brains produce. They won't hop into sick suffering bodies. They already painful feelings are so great on their level, its almost impossible to experience. They don't like it. I have had etheric cleanses done on me. My understanding is that the signal from the etheric body also transcends to the physical host body. Through kirlian photography, a woman's womb filled with a baby was seen. The energy was noticeable and is first established before the host body begins to develop physically, but they, I believe develop at the same time. But one jumpstarts the other. The story was, that the woman had know idea she was pregnant. As if the pregnancy test couldn't quite pick it up yet.

This host body we have is a true blessing and awesome thing we get to experience life in. Its like "Bonus!" Some souls are just very jealous and want to experience certain things through you or even in this case, take it from you.

Body builders are also prime targets, if they know you are body hauling in any way, they will use you.There fuckin' lazy and will do whatever it takes to get it, immorally. As far as nbe. OMG, I am sooo sick of it. These teens are like 14 and know how to rig a human body. Last night was a terrible for me. One of them up'd her anty by doing this deep heaving thing where it sends vibrations per second throughout my whole upper body. It makes it so hard to sleep. I got like 4 hours. She's claiming that she and the others are stealing it from me. She "steals it" by some how re routing this signal my body/brain is sending to grow to her from me. Its a bit of a heavy feeling. They do this consistently for hours at a time. Mind you, the time over there goes faster. So if I sleep for 8 hours, that's like 24hours over there! There are two amongst others claiming how its done wonders for their body in such a short time. I overheard one say to the others that it takes 10 days to notice the effects. They rub it in my face all the time. UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE!

I have to wonder, my cell division changes in my breast that happen here, are they soon to be affected? Or is it just my etheric body that gets robbed from all of the current changes it should be going through because the entities are rerouting it to themselves?

And if this is the case, does my etheric copy send that signal back to my host body and what happens from there? Because I know for a fact, the two minds of the etheric and physical (on this level anyway) align to send and receive signals to eachother. Signals of change, signals of what brain waves to produce, signals for hormonal output, etc. That's how it is our genetic copy in the first place. When an adult dies, there spirit is an adult, not the baby it was or child it was years before. These cell changes are recorded with in the etheric body.

What if this signal of "no change" is sent back to my host body? Does my host body stall in future nbe? I would imagine the host body may change slowly because of weak energy and/or consistently send the signal to the etheric body and it will eventually catch up to match the changes of the host body. But as long as the gals are "stealing it" from me, it may be a very, very long time before I can be in homiostasis.

So they'll keep benefiting from it, but I may be growing slowly and my etheric copy will be in waiting status to catch up.
I know its not in their best interest to prevent the cell changes and hormone output because they won't benefit as much, but unfortunately, it will still give them growth as this form of therapy (being in/aligning with a physical host body) is like ten times stronger to them on the atomic scale. In order for them to adapt to my rhythmic pattern and grow, I have to grow. So these changes are happening, I just don't know how its going to effect my nbe progress in the end.

Now... the two gals are charging a small fee to other high schoolers to use my body so that they can grow. Selling my body for therapeutic booby sessions! I have experienced some crazy-bizarro things over there! Plus the most sick and disgusting things one could ever imagine.

"I'm so curious to research more about this sort of thing, especially after my conversation with my friend last night! Haha!"

Cool, if you ever get bored, you can read the first part of my novel: Adventures of the B Plane Girl; Child of Vision, Part 1

Its based off of my experiences, though placed in a fictional setting. I just self published this baby. I would love to know opinions from you and anyone who reads!
It should be free. Let me know if its readable or not.

Have you considered the idea that maybe you're just slightly more in-tune to "listen" to the spirit world? Even though we may not be mediums, some of us can still be more tuned-in to spirits. I feel that I may be one of those people (probably because I've always believed and wanted to be in-tune with them). Maybe that's the reason when my grandmother was comatose on her deathbed, completely unresponsive to outside stimuli, when I said goodbye to her, she started to move slightly, and looked like she was trying to talk (given the idea that someone in that situation is in the process of entering the spirit world, and resides on both planes). Yes, focusing your mind on something a lot CAN cause people to have dreams and feelings like you. But sometimes that isn't all it is. Wink Be glad that you were the one who was able to feel your parents there when no one else could. It's like getting another chance to say goodbye, some extra closure.


For those who don't believe this strange phenom is and can happen, consider the dream breast system for instance, this hypnosis thing taps into the brain to release certain hormones for body cell regeneration. This is a lot like how the entities send and receive signals and through us.

I have been having entity interference for a long time but this is rather a new one. I hope to remedy the problem with an ELF device. I want to get the most out of my sleep and have spiritual peace. I am wondering if this can work for my problem, I will find out.

I never considered the device for nbe till now! I really hope at the least, I can get the best nbe results from it as well as healing my glandular system (Which is what it claims to do). Talk about the Ultimate Dream Breast System!

I have already talked to the guy who makes these. I am really angst to get one. I am sending the shit next day air if I can get it.
So I have been saving for the longest time to get one of these babies:

I'll post on this thread to let you all know how it all goes!

I understand what you are saying Tibetan. Those entities you are talking about are non-organic that`s why many people can`t see them.Currently I`m practicing "Interuniversal Mysticism". Our bodies can be possessed with these entities. In fact all of us are possessed but it`s laughing stock for many people coz they don`t see them.
There`s a way to help them to leave our body( by body i mean all the levels including emotional, astral...) if you`re interested I can explain it in later posts


(11-05-2013, 07:16)kmkm Wrote:  I understand what you are saying Tibetan. Those entities you are talking about are non-organic that`s why many people can`t see them.Currently I`m practicing "Interuniversal Mysticism". Our bodies can be possessed with these entities. In fact all of us are possessed but it`s laughing stock for many people coz they don`t see them.
There`s a way to help them to leave our body( by body i mean all the levels including emotional, astral...) if you`re interested I can explain it in later posts

Omg! Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about. I hate the possession. I'm nearly suicidal because of it. No one around me seems to understand. Im possessed in my sleep every night. I welcome anything you have to say. Posting it here is just fine and or Pm'ing me.

Laughing stocks! Oh boy! Are we the butt end of the joke here? Yes. So many of us are clueless walking around, believing we are "living the life" but really we have been robbed and raped. Its a nightmare what I have been going through for nearly three years!

The two main girls were with me from bed time to wake up this morning. The main one(let's call her Doria) she was mean to me at first with the heaving, draining me of my energy on my chest area. I think she was mad. It is an ethereal style attack that leaves the recipient rather weak. Later this am. I found mysoul lying with the two practically spooning as separate entities. It was peaceful. I wasn't being possessed by them or conjoined spirit body to spirit body. I hope that we can all just get along. The girls were then getting ready for school in their world. I can see them adjusting to their knew found cleavage spAWNED FROM ME.

they are b cups now! Doria kept saying "this is your world"
She was so happy to show me er breasts. I was shocked what a months time in my world could do for them. The other girls name is Christina.

14 and getting boobs!

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