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Building an effective NBE program *Tips Welcomed*


It might be helpful to add.. if any of the veteran members have an idea from looking at a lot of programs.. what they think the AVERAGE rate of growth is. Rolleyes I think newcomers (myself included Blush ) get all hyped up reading the "x Cup Sizes in 1 MONTH!!" kind of threads, and then have crazy expectations.

kelsitree- I was actually about to respond to your message haha, I don't mind specific questions like that, it's the common sense ones that are asked non-stop that are annoying. I actually think the reshaping for me came more from massaging than from noogleberry. The chi massage technique really helped.

christinaaah- we've all been there hun. You see ads for NBE products that claim 3 cup sizes in 2-3 months then get depressed when in 3 months you may have only grown 1/2 inch or nothing at all, been there done that. Then you go on forums like this and see some girls growing as you said X cup sizes in one month... I'm not talking down anyone, but without proof other than them saying so... don't always believe what you hear or read. The thing about the internet is anyone can be anything on the internet... I could easily change my name and picture and be the Queen of England, doesn't make it true. I'm not saying people are lying in the claims of true growth, I'm saying take it with a grain of salt. I'm a slow grower but I retain what I gain. Some girls grow quick then lose it when they stop too soon. So there are all types. There is really NO average, so that's too hard to call. Everyone is different, their body type, their growth potential, their hormones, their motivation, their persistence, etc. etc. etc. So honestly, there's like I said no set average of how much you will or should grow. Just do you and don't worry so much about how this other girl did the same thing and went from a B to a C in a month yet you did it for 4 months and haven't went up in cup size yet. I know it's hard to not compare, but it's the first step in effectively doing NBE. Learn to love your own body first. And then any growth you get is just icing on an already delicious cake.

I would also like to add don't get too obsessed and let it take over your life. For me I felt like it did take over my life for a while, but I have vanity in my genes. Ideally it should be a bit like working out - you have a plan, stick to it and reassess it after a certain period of time. I just found that I kept looking and looking on the web expecting to find a magical answer just for me. Of course I didn't Rolleyes

I forget what I was looking for originally - but I stumbled across this website by accident:

It's about challenging society's obsession with larger breasts - but what I found most interesting was the gallery of normal breast pictures, and that women's happiness with their breasts didn't seem to be related to their size. I realized that it's actually quite rare to see breasts that don't belong to a model, actress or body double. I don't mean to say that people shouldn't be doing NBE, but it can give you a different perspective. It has made me feel less pressure about the results - it would be nice but not the end of the world...

Anastasia, THANK YOU! I keep re-reading your post.. that's exactly what I needed to hear. Rolleyes This should be a scrolling banner on this forum or something. Tongue

(09-05-2013, 06:39)Anastasia916 Wrote:  I know it's hard to not compare, but it's the first step in effectively doing NBE. Learn to love your own body first. And then any growth you get is just icing on an already delicious cake.

And CHD, I have been there with obsession.. At least for me, it was less about vanity and more about suddenly being able to have control over something I thought for so long I had absolutely no control over. It sort of liberated me.. AND consumed me.


*Is upset because she thought Anastasia was the Queen of England burns union jack in protest

Thanks Anastasia! You are so right about the chi massage!!!! I already see a difference, most of it might be my period coming but they've never looked this round! They feel firmer by the end of the day, too. And I couldn't agree more with you guys!!!Not only does the media put pressure on us to have the perfect chest, but also give young men the idea that anything but that is weird and ugly. Which can really ruin a girls self-esteem, but the more I see normal chests on here and the internet, the more I prefer,that more natural look, even an undesired look, they all have something pretty and unique! My fiancé always told me to look at the positives only about yourself and you'll soon learn to love every part about you. And NBE is totally like a workout routine, it's improving yourself not changing yourself!


(10-05-2013, 15:21)Babakins Wrote:  *Is upset because she thought Anastasia was the Queen of England burns union jack in protest

Haha. Yes. ^^

A very helpful thread. I always recommend this to those who ask "what is NBE??"

Me too ! Smile

(10-04-2013, 00:01)Anastasia916 Wrote:  I sooo wish there was a "like" button on here.

I agree completely with what was said here by Emily. I have been involved in NBE off and on since I was 18, I'm now 25, so a little over 7 years. (My birthday is in September). And I can't tell you how many PMs and emails I get on a constant basis that are EXACTLY like she's describing. It's freaking annoying. I'm getting to the point where I will respond with a copy and paste message to the effects of, that if I'm paid X amount I will walk them through everything. That usually stops them.

90% of the PMs and emails I get are "I'm new, what do I do" "I want boobs, how do I get them?" "I saw your amazing progress, how did you grow your breasts???" Hmmm... so they took the time to scroll through my picture/program page but DIDN'T take the time to read what I took or did. So annoying. I usually just reply back with the link to my program page, and they usually reply with something idiotic like "yea, I saw your pics, how did you grow like that". *facepalm*

Now when a girl has a specific question and is shy and would like to PM me, I have no issues with that. For example and I won't name names, but someone said their breasts were similarly shaped like mine and was curious about tuberous breasts and what they could do to help reshape them. That is a specific question and those are welcomed. I have tuberous breasts, I was diagnosed with it by doctors (that's more than one in case you aren't paying attention) and I understand how frustrating it can be to have this type of shape. So I am always here for support. Most doctors will tell you the only way is surgery. Mine are not perfect, but they are better than they were when I started, so I'm thankful for that.

Sorry to get off topic there, just wanted to give more examples of Dos and Don'ts.

I definitely have to agree and reiterate the importance of reading. When I first started I stalked the forums, I read and read and googled and researched and read and read everyday for HOURS and this went on for at least a month or two before I decided what I wanted to try and do. This was when I first found the forums. Before that I was blindly trying a product and it didn't work for me and I got discouraged for a little while. But after those hours and hours of reading I finally found things that worked for me. So, basically the moral of the story is, STOP BEING LAZY! We all know you want boobs like yesterday, we've all been there. But NBE is not that type of solution. If you want instant boobs, there's surgery. This is not something that happens overnight. I've said it time and time again but, puberty is a 7 year span, NBE is like recreating puberty, you cannot expect it to work in a day, a week or even a month. Yes there are some very lucky ladies that grow 4+ cup sizes within 1 year, others like myself it was slow go, it was finding what worked and didn't. And through my patience and persistence I achieved what I wanted to (well until I got greedy lol).

So yea, if you didn't read everything I just said, please just read this:

The keys to NBE are... education (reading and researching on here or google), patience (it takes time), persistence, consistency (you can't half-ass it), and a positive mental attitude, PMA for short (being a miserable negative nancy will get you nowhere).

On a side note about PMA, I work in the sales industry, and it's all about PMA also. If you are negative and down you will not sell, period. Same thing with NBE, you can't expect your body to grow and function properly while being negative about it. Hypnosis works by enforcing PMA.

Is there any way this thread or some type of reading such as this be FORCED for people who first join to read?
I agree to an extent but the thing is is that i am a "newbie" and i am looking at others programs like cheryl1989 and emily lorettas and i will try theirs and see if it works for me and if not then i will do something else.... but i really would appreciate any tips that you experienced ppl have Smile..... i have pm'd a few ppl and no wonder i havent gotten a response lol i know why Smile

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