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V's BIO and NBE program


Hello everyone,

I am a newbie to this board. After being belittle by my new Mexican neighbors on my fragile petite frame, I decide to improve my image.

I stumbled into this website couple weeks ago while searching for something to boost my flat chest and to gain back my previous weight.

More than a year ago, I had a bad T-Bone accident that ending up with 3 major surgeries last year. Broken ribs and lived by self, the cracked rib broke after I took a nasty fall after fainting in the bathroom. Late last year, I went to remove an ovary cyst that my doctor thought I had Ovarian cancer which turned out it was Benign Endometrioma.

Sex: F
Race: Asian
Age: 45 (3 days ago)
Height: 5'2
Weight: 87 lbs (was 76 lbs a month ago, 105 over year ago - went from size 2 to size 00, sadly the gain lbs went to my belly and my butt/thigh connection area)
Cup: 32 AAAAA (32 A over year ago - was under-developed and left smaller than the right, but I was content) Ribcage is so easy to see. My doctors were worried for my weight.
Under Breast= 28"
Over Breast= 30
Waist= 28
Number of children: None

Any physical disorders or abnormalities: Benign Endometrioma, hypothyroidism (gone last year- Normal now), back pain due to pinched nerves (waiting for another surgery this year)

BC: When I was in 20's, early 30's, stopped at 32
Cortisol = 12.3
FSH= 15.9
Estradiol=9 (doctor said my hormone was normal!)


Morning: Mult Grain Toast with 2 slice of cheese for morning 210 calories, 1 Ensure Milk 240 calories (alternate sometimes with Orgain Vanilla Milk Shake or Boost milk), 1 glass of Soy milk (120 calories)

Lunch: Salad (or small cup of rice) with Grilled Salmon/Chicken/Basa Fish, 1 bottle of Ensures per day, 1 glass of Soy Milk

Dinner: Salad, Watercrest, Argula leaves (or small cup of rice) with Grilled Salmon/Chicken/Basa(Tilapia) Fish, or Grilled Shrimps. 1 bottle of Ensures per day, 1 glass of Soy Milk

Meat: Twice a month I have NY Steak to fix my cramps

Snack: Pistaschio, Almonds, dried cranberry, yogurt, slice of cheese, apple, 1 32 oz bottle of Gatorade, 1 32 oz bottle of Almond milk

I can't drink a lot of water due to the profession I was in, bad habit (semiconductor)

Refined & simple sugars: Very rare as my body can't stand sugar, this is why I got buzzing noise in head and fainting couple times a year.

Caffeine: None
Alcohol & tobacco: None
Chocolate: 1 bar per month
Exercise: Chest expansion and abdomen push up.

Acne: During period only
Skin: Fairly Clear (Maca helps me)
Hair: Thin, improved a lot by Maca now (over a year, my hair fell apart like there was no tomorrow. Wake up hair on my pillow, in Shower I can pull out easily, my floor was flooded with hair)
Sleep: Normal (prior this NBE, I slept only 4/5 hrs a day)

Previous NBE in Feb 2013: 6 FG per day, 2 Maca per day
Massage in Counter/Intercounterclockwise with WY, FG, Estrogen, Heating pad for 20 minutes Morning + Dinner
(swelling in 3rd week & gone within 5 days, turned out it was water rententer at the end). No cycling at all. All 30 days.

My current NBE (start in March 2013):

Morning: 2 FG (610mg), 1 Maca (500mg), 2 Femunique (900mg)
1 PM (100 mg with DIM from nature's answer)
Massage for 5 minutes, 20" heating pad, 10" suction
I took pills along with foods as I can't swallow pills by self. However, 5 days ago, I read from here that it was better to take with empty stomach. Turned out it hurts so much.

Lunch: 2 FG (610mg), 2 Femunique (900mg)

Dinner: 2 FG (610mg), 1 Maca (500mg), 2 Femunique (900mg)
1 PM (100 mg with DIM from nature's answer)
Massage for 5 minutes, 20" heating pad, 10" suction

I am thinking of revising my NBE routine. I am so impatient Smile) I am thinking of adding BO from Swanson brand, MSM, Progesterone cream and changing the PM brand... Any recommendation for my condition and health background? I was so happy I gain the weight faster than I thought I could but unfortunately it did not go to the breast. **sigh**

Thank you for reading my post.
Have a great day guys,


Let's see if I can grow boobies on my petite frame or not... Smile I know it is a long process but seeing my brother got his 6 packs within a year, I know I can do it too.

Here is my current BO program. I feel a lot fuller on my breast as it has some tissues there instead just ribcage Smile I tried FG + PM for a month but I felt I was in a wrong program and switched afterward.

2 BO (250 mg) (on 5/4, increased to 3 BO)
2 Vitex (400 mg)
2 pituitary (80 mg)
2 Saw Palmelto (540 mg)
2 Borage Oil (on 5/4, I switched to Flaxseed+Fish+Borage oil combination)
1 Protein Shake (a glass of Whole Milk ~ 8 g + 20 g whey protein powder)
1 Ensure bottle (240 calories)
Breakfast (cheese toast or oat meal)
Massage 5" on Flax Oil, NG (2 hr) MR prior going to work

2 BO (250 mg) (on 5/4, increased to 3 BO)
2 Vitex (400 mg)
2 pituitary (80 mg)
2 Saw Palmelto (540 mg)
2 Borage Oil (on 5/4, I switched to Flaxseed+Fish+Borage oil combination)
1 tyrosine (500 mg)
1 Protein Shake (a glass of Whole Milk ~ 8 g + 20 g whey protein powder)
1 Ensure bottle
Lunch grilled chicken or grill fish

2 BO (250 mg) (on 5/4, increased to 3 BO)
2 Vitex (400 mg)
2 pituitary (80 mg)
2 Saw Palmelto (540 mg)
2 Borage Oil (on 5/4, I switched to Flaxseed+Fish+Borage oil combination)
1 L'tyrosine (500 mg)
1 Super L'Arginine (900 mg)
1 Sheep Placenta (5/3: 2 pills per day - 2nd cycle)
1 hyadro Acid (100 mg) (5/3: 2 pills per day)
1 Protein Shake (a glass of Whole Milk ~ 8 g + 20 g whey protein powder)
Massage 5" with Flax Oil, NG for 6 hrs, applied MR prior going to sleep.
1 Ensure Bottle (been skipping 2 days, getting sick of the taste)
1 Multi Vitamin

Kelp every other day (1 pill / day). 5/3, Once a week now...

Ok, finally got enuf courage to post pixes... here are the pictures I took when I first started with FG+PM for a month in 3/19/2013, cleansed a week and then switched to BO program since... Pictures took several hours after the Pump +MR but the pump marks were still there. I don't see much different Sad(

The measurement is the same... Sad but my bra got tighter and fuller.

Undercage 27.5"
OverBust 30"
Waist 28"
Butt 30"

5'2", 90 lbs

Any suggestions for changing my routine? Thanks,

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

U have pretty nice figure for a starting point n Ur measurement for under bust n over bust are same as mine. Never measured my butt though how we suppose to measure thatSad

U are massaging with flaxseed oil I m not sure abt that, can we use flXseed oil with BO as it has phytoestrogens in it. I thought we r not suppose to take any phytoestrogens with BO ?

(09-05-2013, 20:20)Lilylittle Wrote:  U have pretty nice figure for a starting point n Ur measurement for under bust n over bust are same as mine. Never measured my butt though how we suppose to measure thatSad

U are massaging with flaxseed oil I m not sure abt that, can we use flXseed oil with BO as it has phytoestrogens in it. I thought we r not suppose to take any phytoestrogens with BO ?

I think you should document the butt and the thighs for future reference as BO will make u gain more weigh in these area. Just measure at the biggest bump Smile

It is true that Flax seed is phyto-estrogen but it also helps to increase SHBG, and a great source of omega-3 fatty acids... If you don't consume enough in your daily meal, I think it is OK to take it extra.

Anyway, I have the problem that I m only able to gain fat (water retener instead) on the belly and it is easy to be gone literally next day if I skip 2 meals so even I try the Fat Transfer massage, it did not work for me. Without gain some fat, I will have serious problem to grow my breast I think. I technically gain weight through my ensure milk not with the whole milk + protein powder at all. My doctors and trainers many times gave up on me. I have to re-train my body to consume Rice, Bread, Milk and Ice-cream, etc.

I think my car accident and the surgeries messed me up. I really need to gain more on my butt & ribcage. I took Maca before try this BO program it helps to gain weigh and toughen out my hair (used to fall apart badly).

BO seems alread mess up my mense. It is already 35 days... arrrghhh... Steak for dinner, here I come.



No sign of the mense for my 2nd month into BO... 10 days past already and I m very regular on the mense prior into the NBE program Sad

On sat 5/11, I noticed my right boobie felt very sored, it seemed to be swell but no mense in the forecast... I got a nasty cold for 2 weeks but I feel lucky that my weight was still the same.

I also notice I now can peg my boobies like men do to their chests Smile I guess that means I gain some muscle underneath...?

My left boobie is not growing Sad

I am thinking of adding the IGF-1 to my routine. The protein shake seems only helping me to keep the constant weight than growth.


10 days late for the mense in this BO program. Although no sign of mense but my breast seems to be swell but not sore. I haven't pumping for couple days due to stress, working on the case.

On top of it, the Acnes yet are all over the places @my chin and nose line area. I had the Deposition today and the lawyers kept saying "what happened to your face!" well, actually they kept staring at me. It is so wrong when these young female lawyers got perfect SKIN... Nothing seems help to get my cyst acnes to go away.

I also notice, when I take BO +Pituitary together, I got a pain sharp on my breast (but funny thing it is only on my right side, where I actually need the left one to respond to this BO but it's yet not). Arrghhh...

No increase in measurement at all but definitely my pushup bra is tighter. Come on, why can't it grow faster, sucks Smile)

After 2 wks of having a nasty cold and lost a great deal of appetite, I am so lucky for not loosing any substantial weight.

13 days late into cycle 2 of Mense for this program, my Acnes are all over the place. 3 days ago, I decided to stop taking Vitex, Oil Supplements, Sheep Placenta, Hyadro Acid, L'argintine. It seems it subsides the acne epidemic episode Smile Mayb too much my body could not handle it? However, due to my so called lean protein diet, I should add the Fish/Flax oil supplement back to my routine.

Last night I felt bloating after gulfing down 50g protein shakes at 8pm. Could not sleep well.

Today I felt a back pain, hopefully the mense is coming soon. Seeing some spotting earlier too.

BTW, I gained 2 lbs for past couple weeks but it appears it goes straight to my thighs area than the breast. I also lost an inch on my butt (Arrgghhh)...

I ordered IGF-1 last week and hopefully I could add in my routine once my mense starts on cycle #2 to boost up the growth?

So impatient lately... Sad I will keep trying BO for 3 months and revise with mixing PM and BO in luteal & follicular phases.


(18-05-2013, 03:07)CancerStrikes2 Wrote:  13 days late into cycle 2 of Mense for this program, my Acnes are all over the place. 3 days ago, I decided to stop taking Vitex, Oil Supplements, Sheep Placenta, Hyadro Acid, L'argintine. It seems it subsides the acne epidemic episode Smile Mayb too much my body could not handle it? However, due to my so called lean protein diet, I should add the Fish/Flax oil supplement back to my routine.

Last night I felt bloating after gulfing down 50g protein shakes at 8pm. Could not sleep well.

Today I felt a back pain, hopefully the mense is coming soon. Seeing some spotting earlier too.

BTW, I gained 2 lbs for past couple weeks but it appears it goes straight to my thighs area than the breast. I also lost an inch on my butt (Arrgghhh)...

I ordered IGF-1 last week and hopefully I could add in my routine once my mense starts on cycle #2 to boost up the growth?

So impatient lately... Sad I will keep trying BO for 3 months and revise with mixing PM and BO in luteal & follicular phases.

You can't take 50gms of protein that way! thats dangerous! That's too much on the body at one time. I think you would literally waste your kidney function doing that as the limit for most people in one sitting is 15-25gms max. Split up your 50gm dose into 2 or 3 in one day.

If you have acne already from bo, I wouldn't take pm with it as It can make acne worse. Your e levels may be higher than your progesterone and/ or e is converting into androgens. PM can very well do the same as it is a phyto and there will be no effect since you're most likely overloaded with e.

You'll end up with hirsuitism if that's the case. You may even end up with shrinkage. Wait till acne ceases at least before even thinking of combining the two. Add an anti androgen with you bo regi. See how it goes with bo first.

Sounds like your a bit too anxious. Been there and have made things worse that way. Continue reading up as much as you can about hormones and possible herbal remedies for androgen control.

Your thighs are thick cause you are most likely e dominant. So your breast won't gain much if they do.

Acne is common with nbe especially with bo and is a usual indicator of higher estrogen/ androgen levels.


(18-05-2013, 04:33)tibetan113 Wrote:  You can't take 50gms of protein that way! thats dangerous! That's too much on the body at one time. I think you would literally waste your kidney function doing that as the limit for most people in one sitting is 15-25gms max. Split up your 50gm dose into 2 or 3 in one day.

My gainning weight process seems stall after several months into Ensure Milk due to several surgeries from a bad car Accident. The trainer gave me a new protein diet schedule -as I can't consume fat calories(!). I do 2x following every day past 2 weeks (2 lbs gain):

2 scoops of Protein powder (32 g total)
2.5 cups of 8 oz Whole Milk (20 g)

I work out during lunch break and doing 5" sit up prior going to sleep.

I have a high protein diet for the past 18 yrs so this yet seems the only way for me to gain & maintain the current weight.

Thank you for your advice, Tibetan, I do think you are right about E.D suspicion but my hormonal test said normal, the doctor said that over and over which I dont believe her (ran twice the test and both said normal even my body signals that I might not).


Have something to share today. With BO, it gave me a lot of Acne cysts, so to battle it, I had facials and saw my Dermatologist to deflate these acnes. However, turn out, after I removed the Fish/Flax/Borage oil supplement to Borage oil & vitex, it seems acnes are now in containment, no more burst out (yay). I also use Aloe (straight from the tree - you can buy them from Lowes' or Home Depot) slice them and stick these slimey pieces in your face until it dry out. I think it is better than use the Cucumber. Aloe helps to cool down my face's hotness and oily skin.

My breasts continue to be tenderer but no sign of mense (15 days Huh ). The right breast seems to react very well with BO pills but not the left one (smaller size). It continues very sore and tingle pull pains now and then. Overall, I don't think they'd show much difference on the tape measure (right posture to measure is not hard) but visually, they definitely have more definition (between breasts) and feel a lot fuller (it can bounce). My Bf said it was hard and felt bigger (mayb due to the fact that he has not seen me past couple weeks- nasty cold). I put up update pix so you guys could help me to see if it grows or not.

Anyway, based on my current measurement, I should be fit with 32 band but it seems it is too tight for me, aint that weird ???

Tibetan thinks I should add more antiandrogen but the amount I took with SP is - 6*540 mg per day, should I lower or increase the dosage?

Just lost 2 lbs I just gained a while ago, down to 90 lbs... sucks. I just finally fit in size 00 and now it is so looseSad Not good.

Bought Red Clover, Hops, IGF-1 for future... Smile

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