I had an amazing shake that I put two heaping tablespoons of flax in, and I have alot of little pain and activity. This happened the last time I slipped flax in my shake. I was careful with it and havent used it much because I was cautious about adding it to my program. I think I will try it now.
I love this red clover breast balm and switched back to it after a few days of boobystacked. I think I react better to it even though I wanted to loove boobystacked. I did like it but I just think I am reacting better to the balm and I wanna go with that feeling. I also took a ginseng that had honey and royal jelly ( 2000 ginseng, and 400mg) I am not sure if this will help but I am adding it as well. Still on wy, fg, and sp from greenbush but I wanna ramp on the sp and wy a bit. Im stopping soy milk because I was not aware it should be fermented, but I loove soy! So Ill just order some organic fermented powder in a few weeks
Also ramping up on mothers milk tea to 4 bags a day
So now I am going to do this:
Wy- 3 capsules from greenbush
Sp- 4 capsules
Fg- 4 capsules
Red Clover Breast Balm with massage
Flax at least two heaping tablespoons a day for now
Ginseng and RJ liquid supp
Spearmint tea at least two strong pots a day
PC- gotta get back to that
Hypnosis- Gotta get back to that after this crazy weekend
I was considering of sticking with pm for a few months this year and then maybe hops, but I like how I started getting results with my random program I made up for my break. I am thinking now if I should start taking RC internally soon instead of going back to pm. Ill keep it like this for now.
Phew, that was long!