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Soy milk


I read online that soy milk helps enlarge breasts.
Is it true? Has anyone here tried?
Would it be safe for someone under 18 to drink soy milk? I don't know anyone who drinks it or knows anything about its effects... So I thought I'd ask here, you may know something. Smile

Soy should only be consumed in the fermented and organic form. Non-organic is GMO which can cause cancer.
It will raise estogen and can act as an endocrine disrupter. The unfermented milk is highly processed, contains high levels of aluminium, blocks mineral absorption from the high phytic acid, and inhibits thyroid function which could make you fat, tired & depressed amongst other effects. Google; soy side effects/dangers before deciding to consume it.

(13-04-2013, 22:28)Irina Wrote:  I read online that soy milk helps enlarge breasts.
Is it true? Has anyone here tried?

I would say that it's probably true because a friend of mine assures me that when she drinks soya milk her breasts seem to get bigger. Note that she wasn't drinking soya milk to get bigger breasts, she was just drinking it because she likes it and she noticed this unexpected side effect that it made her breasts bigger. It doesn't last though as the unexpected effect always wears off, so I suggested to her that maybe she should drink it more regularly. Until I said that to her I don't think it had occurred to her that the effect could ever be permanent.

Thank you for your replies. Smile

I googled about the side effects, and wow..
I think I'll look for another way to enlarge my breasts, this just doesn't sound like the solution for me.

I've also heard of the negative effects of soy milk and it sort of makes me reluctant to drink it. I usually drink soy milk as opposed to regular milk, but I've noticed that when I drink a lot of soy milk in a day, I get a headache and actually feel depressed. Sad I wish it helped with breast enhancement without the negative side effects...

You are in luck, being under 18 Smile

If you want something to drink, there is fennel or fenugreek tea (bulkbarn in canada now carries fennel tea bags). If you were wanting to avoid those herbs, you could go for peppermint tea.

Or, another option is snack on alfalfa sprouts or mung bean sprouts. Alfalfa sprouts are good in sandwichs, mung bean sprouts taste amazing just on their own. So incredibly easy to grow on your own in a jar, too. These sprouts are very high in protein too, which is nice. You'll want to get your fill on healthy protein.

Just wanted to note that it looks like the poster may not be from the US, and from my 20 min of Google research, the GMO soybeans largely come from the US. And even in the US, there are Seattle companies like Thanh Son Tofu that supply the Asian supermarkets (even chains like 99 Ranch) here, that use certified non-GMO soybeans. I'm not sure about non-fermented vs. fermented though.. couldn't find much on that.

I'm with with goldy! Only certified organic, non-GMO, fermented soy has shown positive benefits on human health. My breasts grew a cup size (about 1.5 inches) after consuming 2 cups of soy milk a day over a two month period but when I discovered the negative health implications this had for me I cut it out of my diet.

Here's a fairly in-depth article that discussing soy:

When you cut out soy milk, were you drinking fermented non GMO? Have you decided not to drink that either? Can you get it in that form where you live? An American lady posted on another site that she can get it in that form. I'm in Australia and haven't seen it here.

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