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Outofstyle's PM moon cycle


(07-04-2013, 04:58)Outofstyle Wrote:  I think I am going to buy some (food grade) diatomaceous earth. I'm not going to get into what exactly it is right now.... should be studying, and I have already procrastinated waaay too much.

Only thing that sucks is that the bag that is the best deal to get weighs 22 kgs! That's $40.00 shipping for a $40 bag. Crazy!

I know! No matter what deal you get though, you're paying either more for shipping or the same amount for shipping, as you are for the stuff itself. It is crazy!

(07-04-2013, 04:58)Outofstyle Wrote:  I think I am going to buy some (food grade) diatomaceous earth. I'm not going to get into what exactly it is right now.... should be studying, and I have already procrastinated waaay too much.

Only thing that sucks is that the bag that is the best deal to get weighs 22 kgs! That's $40.00 shipping for a $40 bag. Crazy!

I hear that's such a good cleanser! I kinda always wanted to use it to flush my systems completely clean. But I ended up getting a Bentonite Clay Colon Cleanser instead. lol omg I'm procrastinating now, I got math and a research paper due...hehe

Quote:I know! No matter what deal you get though, you're paying either more for shipping or the same amount for shipping, as you are for the stuff itself. It is crazy!

DARNIT! I am so entirely sold on the stuff that I wanted to force my whole family into trying it! I am still going to buy it, I think I will wait until the fall though.

Quote:I hear that's such a good cleanser! I kinda always wanted to use it to flush my systems completely clean. But I ended up getting a Bentonite Clay Colon Cleanser instead. lol omg I'm procrastinating now, I got math and a research paper due...hehe

Yes I bought a whole body cleanse, I think it will be great because it contains so many NBE herbs in it too! It is for parasites... GROSS. But some people believe that 90% of the population has them.. I believe it too.

I definitely need the cleanse though. I have been eating like a health nut and drinking 8 cups of water daily for at least half a year now and my forehead is still getting fairly bad acne breakouts and past scars aren't healing, so something is keeping my body from properly clearing out toxins and/ or adding more toxins to my body than it can handle.

So anyways bought this parasite cleanse because I think I have them. That's what I get for a) drinking stream water as a small child (it was a mountain stream, and it was delicious water. Worth it.) and also b) wandering the cities of dirty mexico without shoes (you can get them through your feet).

I wanted to do a liver cleanse (Dr. Hulda Clark's), but it was suggested that anyone doing a liver cleanse first do a parasite cleanse, because if you flush any out of your liver that are alive, you may feel quite sick from the toxins released in that.

I have high hopes for these cleanses! I am trying to overcome anxiety that I have had since I was a child, and I am a very jumpy person. There is something in my body that is keeping my sympathetic nervous system highly sensitive and I need to flush it out! Enough is enough.

Fingers crossed!

The ingredient list of my cleanse if you are interested Smile :

Black Walnut 200mg
Wormwood 100mg
Cloves 100mg
Thyme 100mg
Garlic 200mg
Fennel 100mg
Cayenne 100mg
Ginger 100mg
Gentian 100mg
Hyssop 100mg
Milk Thistle 100mg
Marshmallow root 100mg
Pau D' Arco 200mg
Burdock 100mg
Elecampane 100mg
Fenugreek 100mg
Licorice 100mg
Barberry 200mg
Cascara Sagrada 25mg
Senna 25mg
Sage 100mg
Psyllium 200mg
Yellow Dock 100mg
Cramp Bark 100mg
Peppermint 200mg

I believe the cleanse calls for me to take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at night.

I have some fenugreek tea that I haven't been drinking (due to the taste......) So I think I will suffer through a cup a day of that during my cleanse also.

I got growth pains last night..... sooo painful!! On the plus side, my PC came yaay! I have started taking pm again. But going to go off it probably when my cleanse comes, and just use PC for the month.

I have two teas that I started drinking last week, the one I drink in the morning contains both peppermint and spearmint. The one I have been drinking in the evening contains spearmint. (Both also have some other tea leaves mixed in).


I am through waiting for that damn cleanse to get here! From tonight on I am just going to start applying progesterone cream daily while taking 1-2 PM's a day. I suck at remembering, so I am not going to worry too much if I miss a day for either. I will be rotating the PC around different areas of my body.

I will also continue to drink my teas.

As for my period, it's been all over the place, for different reasons, I'll elaborate later. So I really could not care less (!!!) about what my period decides to do. Screw it. I've had the mirena for about two months now also.

Still can't wait for my cleanse to come!! I think afterwards my body will finally be able to put some healthy meat on itself! Yaaay

What kind of BC is Mirena? Pills or implant or what? I'm always curious to hear from other people taking PM while on BC and how they cycle it since I just have no clue how to do that.... are you gonna use PC and PM at the same time or alternating?

Sorry about all the questions, good luck with the rest of your program and your cleanse! (I'd never heard of that kind of me interested in doing some sort of cleanse too at some point)

Hi Kati,

Mirena is an IUD, so its just inserted and left up there for a max 5 years. I think most women stop getting their period after having it for 6-12 months. Cycling is just so that you can follow your body's cycle of when your estrogen levels are higher and when your ovulation levels are higher. And also to keep your period normal.

I am still up in the air on what to take, and when. But I think for the first half of my cycle I am going to take 2 PM and use a small amount of PC and then for the second half I am going to take 1 pm and use about double the PC.

My cleanse got here today!! I will probably change up my regime after the cleanse, but for now this will be good enough.

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