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4 Months, 2 Cups and Still Growing...

(27-02-2013, 01:35 AM)blueeyedblogger Wrote:  That's awesome! Do you think this would work for me if big breasts don't run in the family? And if I'm still "growing"?

Every body grows differently. So what works for me might not work for everybody (although it is a good first program for people to try, as many women seem to grow off of these herbs). So if the first thing you try doesn't result in growth, you need to keep trying until you find something that works. The results are beyond worth the effort, even if you never get to grow "large".

I don't think it matter too much whether or not big breasts run in the family, as long as there isn't an underlying condition that may be preventing your breasts from growing (my friend hasn't been able to grow this entire past year because of her hypothyroidism). And NBE is best tried on someone who is already finished growing. Those still in the growing process may disrupt their natural hormones by trying to use NBE herbs (it's best to begin at 20 and up). I hope you research NBE some more and decide whether or not you want to give it a try!

Hi doll, so I am going to try your program (using fenugreek, maca) but is there any herb I can replace hops with and will using red clover or alfalfa hurt my program or help it?

(18-03-2013, 01:27 AM)Bs to D's Wrote:  Hi doll, so I am going to try your program (using fenugreek, maca) but is there any herb I can replace hops with and will using red clover or alfalfa hurt my program or help it?

Hello! I actually switch off between using hops and using red clover extract every few months. It seems to help me grow to keep my body guessing. However, if you're opposed to hops for whatever reason, using just red clover instead will still help! As far as alfalfa, I've heard of people getting great results with it, so it's worth a try. However, I tried it once when it was on sale, and even at the lowest dose, it gave me the most upset stomach, and I had to return it. This doesn't usually happen to people, although since it does cleanse your digestive track a little bit, I would suggest starting out at a low dose and slowly ramping up. Some people experience digestive problems at first, but they aren't severe and go away within two weeks as your body adjusts to it (my reaction was more severe and didn't go away, that's why I stopped). Good luck with your program!

PM didn't work out for me. Not even a little bit. So right now I'm cleansing, then onto a new program. :/

Not sure if I should make a brand-new thread for my brand-new program, or just continue it here.

I'm going to try Natural Curves. I was iffy on it before because it has very low doses of herbs. But it DOES have a lot of herbs that I wouldn't be able to afford individually. Plus, what really got my attention, is their ingredient Bioperine (I think that's how it's spelled). It helps the other herbs absorb a LOT better than just taking them alone. I think that's why the women who try this supplement usually claim fairly good results. I'm still going to stick with my PC, and might supplement a few of my current NBE herbs alongside it, just because my body is used to higher doses at this point.

I was really looking forward to a full 34DD by summer, but I'm starting to doubt this will be possible. Hopefully a change in programs will help spark some kind of growth. :/

I'm also going to be hitting the gym harder this month, and taking protein every day, so that might help my results.

Currently cleansing.

Anyone with tips on creating my next program, let me know. I'm open to new suggestions.

I'm sorry PM didn't work out for you... I ended up changing how I was using PM and am getting a MUCH better response using it on my nipples than I had internally. I got great results internally too, but now I'm growing faster! A LOT faster!

I'm still using estradiol sublingually, of course, but you're genetically female, you have estradiol already naturally while I had almost none.

Good luck with that Natural Curves product... It sounds kind of interesting. Especially the one ingredient that attracted your attention.

Currently I'm researching options for trying to boost prolactin to add cyclically. So far everything I'm coming up with it's debated if it actually even works, and is often active in other, undesired ways.

Maybe once I try Natural Curves, I can try to make a lotion out of my leftover PM and see if that helps any (that way I could switch it off with my PC halfway through the month). I think PM was just an overwhelming amount of estrogen for someone who is also low in progesterone. No matter how much PC I used in the second half of the month, it could never make up for how much estrogen PM was pumping me up with during the first half of the month.

Natural Curves seems to be designed to level out hormones better, something I can't seem to achieve with individual herbs and creams. So I'm hoping it will help.

I feel like back in the day before I ever went on birth control, when my body produced basically NO estrogen, PM would have been the perfect cure for me. But taking birth control and then taking all these phytoestrogens now seem to have reminded my body that it should start making estrogen. I've noticed that the more estrogen I use on my body, the more my body starts to do it on its own. :/

Not sure how long I plan to cleanse, but I want to do an extra-long cleanse this time to really clear my body out. Unfortunately, my breasts are already shrinking a good bit. I barely fill out my 34DD bra right now (it's actually got removable padding, so it's not really that big on the inside), when just last week, I was almost swollen enough to need to take the padding out finally.

Le sigh. All this NBE is making me crazy.

to your earlier post, you said it would be too expensive, did you see that vitamin shoppe has a sale right now/

its buy one get one 50 percent off and i've stocked up so i probably have about 3 months of supplies for about 80 dollars

Hey guys, sorry, I'm bran-spanking-new and I have a couple quick questions. How exactly do you space your doses out, Miss Doll? In your first program, I mean. And how does one go about doing a "cleanse"?

Sorry to bother I'm just a babe when it comes to NBE and seeing your results, like everyone else, I want to do your program. Just had some quick questies if you would be so kind...

I have been on a program for alittle over a month. When I am hot my breasts seem to swell and I think they look bigger, but then if I get cold they shrink back to the normal size. Oh and all my bras fit the same..grrr I am getting discouraged, I really wanted to go up a cup size or two by summer ( btw my program is first two weeks after my period I take pm plus collagen and the next two weeks I take maca fenugreek alfalfa red clover saw palmetto plus the collagen and ginkgo bilibo. help please Sad

^ How long have you been on your program? It usually takes at least 3 months to see changes in your breast size, sometimes longer. Also remember there is no one-size-fits-all plan for NBE, and if you continue your program for at least 3 months and don't see a difference, you may want to try a new program. PM did not work for me, and actually probably slowed my progress. Your body may be different in your results.

(27-04-2013, 03:20 AM)RoadsGHarper Wrote:  Hey guys, sorry, I'm bran-spanking-new and I have a couple quick questions. How exactly do you space your doses out, Miss Doll? In your first program, I mean. And how does one go about doing a "cleanse"?

Sorry to bother I'm just a babe when it comes to NBE and seeing your results, like everyone else, I want to do your program. Just had some quick questies if you would be so kind...

I usually take 2-3 doses throughout the day (3 is best, but 2 is easier if you're like me and not home enough). The idea is to keep the pills constantly entering your system, which is why taking them at the exact time every day may help results (although with some pills, that may cause you to get a little nauseous if you end up missing a dose or waiting too long). So just do whatever's easiest for you. Smile And usually taking them before meals helps with absorption (although, again, may make you nauseous).

For my cleanse, I usually use Milk Thistle (and Niacinimide recently) for one week every 3 months. However, in order to cleanse properly that way, I need to overdose on MT. So if you're taking the recommended dose on the bottle, it may take up to a month to get a real good cleanse. So far, I haven't experienced any negative side effects of taking such high doses for a week. But research it first just to be on the safe side (I ran out of MT this month and haven't bought more, so I don't even remember how much I usually took, haha).

Not really updating. Just letting y'all know I still haven't got my period. I'm...two weeks late now? I think? Way to go, PM. Way. To. Go.
I already bought Natural Curves, so I'm so anxious to start on them.

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