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NBE (& more) Program


This is my second week using PM cream (Biovea) and I'm feeling some tenderness and things feel firmer, but nothing visible yet. Tomorrow I will start taking 500 mg capsules in addition to the cream.

I chose to start on the last day of my period. Last summer I experimented with PM cream and capsules but I was a little too excited I guess and ended up screwing up my cylce After about 3 months taking PM I wound up with a period that lasted over 2 weeks. I did go from a 34AA to a small 34B but...... a period that lasts 17 days is NOT worth it Dodgy

SOOOO...this time around I'm doing more research and hopefully can find a system that allows me to keep my normal cycle. Since it seems that taking some smaller amount of phytoesterols on a permenant basis is needed to maintain the breast tissue, and since I'm still young (haven't had my babies yet!) its really really important to me that the process isn't too hard on my body - especially all the baby-making stuff.

I will also be started a Noogleberry program tomorrow too. Last time around the growth I saw was 100% from the PM, since I was so inconstant about the pumping anyways. Hopefully I will have the commitment to keep it up this time around! All you ladies are such an inspiration to me, thanks so much for the strength and encouragement Big Grin

-- I know people like pictures. I'm a little shy about my "little ladies" but I'll try to upload soon (deeeeep breath!)

Hips - 95cm
Waist- 72 cm
Bust - 83 cm
Underbust (band size) - 77 cm

Hips: 90 cm
Waist: 65 cm
Bust: 88 cm

Everybody's all up in arms about this "women are all wearing the wrong bra size" (GASP!!!!) so let me just say that *technically* I wear a 30-B, US sizes. But anyone who has ever shopped for bras can tell you, this size does not exist in stores so I wear a 32-A (which is a larger band with the same cup volume). I am loosing weight so I expect that my band size will change but just to avoid being too complicated, I basically want to be a 32-C. Though I'm sure it will really be like a 28-DD or something silly like that!

So here's the PM "program" so far:

Days 1-4 monthly visit from Aunt Flo -- 0 mg
days 5-12 500mg PM increasing to 1000mg
days 13-15 Nothing (ovulation)
days 16-28 500 mg PM increasing to 1000 mg

+ 1000 mg Calcium/ daily

I *really* want a normal cycle, so I am sure this will require some tweaking, but its a start.

I also used NB for about 30min today. First time pumping in 8 months... Let the conditioning phase begin! So I'll be doing that for about 30-60 min. at least 5x/week.

I'm looking into adding biotin, or something else for hair/nails to increase collagen production. I have read that taking collagen supplements does zippo for you though because the body can't absorb and use collagen in this form. I'd really LOVE to hear what sorts of supplements you all are using because I don't want to spend a bunch of $$ on stuff that doesn't work!!!
Advice?? What supplements are your favorite? Also any advice about cycling PM is very appreciated -its so confusing with so many different options. Thanks!

(15-03-2013, 03:50)jsbelle Wrote:  ...
Everybody's all up in arms about this "women are all wearing the wrong bra size" (GASP!!!!) so let me just say that *technically* I wear a 30-B, US sizes. But anyone who has ever shopped for bras can tell you, this size does not exist in stores so I wear a 32-A (which is a larger band with the same cup volume). I am loosing weight so I expect that my band size will change but just to avoid being too complicated, I basically want to be a 32-C. Though I'm sure it will really be like a 28-DD or something silly like that!

I understand your pain. I wear a 28F. However, the size does exist! Funny you mention wanting a 28DD cuz that's the size I started at. Anywho, here are some links:

Herroom: You'll have to do the search for 30B yourself. I couldn't get the premade search link to take.


The Little Bra Company:

Good Luck! and don't suffer with ill fitting bras! Before I found my size was actually made I gave up on bras and wore overbust corsets because I couldn't stand having to constantly pull my band down and my straps up. I have purchased from both Herroom and Figleaves. I know other friends who have purchased from TLBC. Also, don't forget to check ebay.

BeneGesserit, Thanks so much for the links! I actually knew about The Little Bra Company. Those bras look amazing, hopefully I won't need to buy such a little one once I get further into NBE Wink

Some Stufffff:

About the PM: guess I am progesterone deficient as I stopped taking all PM about 2 days ago, so I could ovulate but I'm bleeding today (Idk if its spot bleeding or period...) It's frustrating but its the first month so I'll stick it out at least for this cycle and maybe one more, to see if I adjust. If it keeps up, I may consider progesterone or fenugreek....yet MORE research needed.
I haven't told my boyfriend about starting NBE yet, but if I can't get my cycle straightened out soon I'll have too. I don't think he'll mind really, but he might be worried about the cycle messing up. And so am I honestly! But men don't know jack about female reproduction I've learned so they get freaked out easily Tongue lol

The whole thing is frustrating enough, but add to it the fact that I've also lost all the swelling I had from the first 2 weeks, dang. Huh

So the (& more) portion of the program:
I WANT GORGEOUS SKIN! I don't have acne really, just blemishes and uneven tone. My solution so far:
no more than 1 cup of coffee/day
4 cups of stong green tea/ day
4x 8oz water/ day
yoga for circulation, mostly inversions & backbends, everyday

This is good video on improving circulation
Youtube: Yoga Poses for Glowing Skin
I love the yoga! What can't it do really? Flexible, strong, toned, relaxed, energized, and better skin and hair too!? hmm...yes please.

I will be adding a collagen-enhancing supplements soon too....for skin and hair. I'm still research them. Tips are welcome and appreciated!

What?! How long exactly did you take to go from 34aa to 34b???

Thats alot of growth for such lil girls! Im jealous. What brand and how much were you taking when that happened, did you keep the growth?

Ive been on pm since december with NO cycle changes at all thank god. I start on day 5 at around 300 and increase up to 800mg by day ten. It looks like this: day 5 around 300, days 6-7, 500-600, then days 8-11 I ramp up. I stop at day ten or 11, always when my temp drops. This has helped me.Try to respect your bodys normal hormone levels, and dose accordingly.

Hey Mistress, I'd say it only took me about 4 months of PM to get to that size. Buuut, I was not using this lovely forum at the time so I was basically doing it all wrong. I used "perfect curves" which comes straight from Thailand. The directions on the bottle say to start on the last day of your period and continue the whole month, stopping only on your period (that the way the Thai women use PM, I guess). But it wasn't really ideal for me.
Especially since the bottle didn't list what dosage was in each pill. I now know that I was taking a realllly high amount 1500-2000 mg. But that's what the bottle said to take!

Basically, I got a lot of growth, but I became estrogen dominant (i think, I wan't tested) and ended up having a period for about a month Huh After that I stopped PM for about 6 months and I am just now starting up again.

I didn't use any other supplement, not even a vitamin at that time. I did use a pump (noogle), buuuuut I was so inconsistent with that whole thing, that I'm positive the whole growth was due to PM

OH and yes, I did lose all the growth when I stopped. Dodgy
Many women who keep their new size take reduced amounts of PM (or whatever herb) for several months after in order to maintain the addition.
From what I've read the growth-dosage is around 750-1000mg, whereas the maintenance-dose is more like 250-500. Pumping is supposed to help with the maitenance too -- IMO that all that pumping does.

But, I'm a newbie as this whole thing, that's just what I can infer.

With everyone's body being so different and there being so many unknowns in this process of NBE, the one certainty seems to be that lasting and satisfying NBE will take lots of time & patience and probably a lot of using yourself as a human experiment!

Well, this is my second attempt at NBE and it looks like I'm going to take a break for about a month or two. Mostly to focus more in depth on losing those last 10 lbs... I know, i know but it shorts and dresses season, come on! Smile Also, I'm in the process of ordering some PC and collagen supplements. Which means I'll be altering my breast enhancement regiment quite a lot.

Happy growing to all you, and thanks so much for sharing your experiences. You've made this a far more positive process for me! Hope to talk to you and hear all about your progress in a couple months!

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