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NakedVenus bio and nbe program ** Already Grew .5" in 2 Weeks**


NakedVenus Bio and nbe program
been here since 2/15/2013 on Breast Nexus

I‘ve been here for a few weeks reading this wonderful forum! I decided to journal my experience for personal growth and for love and support from this nbe community! In the past I had great success with BB and now ready to jump back into nbe! Already I Grew .5'' across bust in TWO WEEKS!!

I gained insight from my first post here, thanks to tamaire, I found out quite a few things about my breasts. On the Tanner Scale I fit the stage 4 underdeveloped category, with areola forming a mound not contour to the skin. And I have flat nipples, I don’t think they’re inverted, just flat. Thanks to Doll and sharing her discovery of supple cups, I learned a little about the underdeveloped, stunted growth of the nipple. So I ordered supple cups to extend them and they should arrive any day! Emily Loretta’s blog has also been inspiring with her success with muscle rub and other oils just from message alone so I’ve been doing this till I figure out my nbe routine. So Far so Great!

My Bio: 2/22/13
Sex: Female
Age: 21, no children
Height: 5’4’’ small petite frame
Weight: 105lbs lately It’s been my lowest due to stress, usually I’m 115-118 lbs, high 124lbs
Upper breast: 30’’
Across nipple: 30.5’’
Under breast: 28”
Waist: 25”
Hips: 27’’
Booty: 33.5’’
temperature: 98.2

Currant medication: I’ve been taking an anti-depressant 20mg of Citalopram , one a day for a month now, will lean off starting April to 10mg a day if it feels right.

Unfortunately I received herpes last December from a previous relationship/current breakup. So something new to deal with…
I first saw these unmistakable horrific symptoms when I started taking a concentrated phyto-estrogen from soy in capsule form that a friend had advised to take for treating vaginal dryness and low libido. Within two days time I broke out into the most intense rash vaginally. Already to late to receive immediate attention, I endured the most painful three weeks ever, with severe sores, blisters, and white heads on genital area. No Fun. Still can be emotional a times and have had built up anger I have yet to let go of.

From then on the very sensitive dry skin I already had has worsen with extreme eczema from the back of my neck and scalp(hair started falling out), face and upper arms. I tend to get Blisters on the roof of my mouth occasionally, extreme chapped lips constantly with a slit/sore usually at crease of lips now and then. Vaginal dryness and low libido No Doubt. Moody, no energy and unstable weight, no focus. Sometimes I feel like I get yeast and urinary infections monthly. Can’t seem to stay hydrated. Too sore after I have sex. It just EEF’n Sucks! Periods are irregular and super odd. More like watery/milky liquid than blood, I’ll still start and stop and start again on menses.
* note that recently I’ve been taking prescribed eczema cream from my doctor, the rash on the back of neck and face is finally gone currently, but still sensitive/ itchy. Face sometimes stays dry/sensitive/red around nose and upper lip area.

The Puberty Struggle:

I started early puberty. Age 11 is when I started menses and had fallen in deep depression like a black hole feeling. At that age I stated growing to fast to know what was going on, I have had silvery white stretch marks since 13 covering complete sides of my butt and hips! The first three years was nothing but agony with pms. My cramps were so bad I felt like a snake was rapping itself around my spine and uterus and squeezing the life out. My vagina felt so uncomfortably heavy it could just drop! Blood flow was unpredictable, usually too heavy and lasted 7 days at the least. Sometime it would stop for maybe two days and start again for another three! I remember skipping school and crying till all energy was drained out of me and would pass out.

At 14 I had severe image/dieting issues and had gave myself IBS due to stress. Severe anxiety/nervousness, lack of focus. And I would say I stunted any possible growth for breasts, only because lack of nutrients, stress, extreme dieting/binging with extreme exercise. I thought if I didn’t do something every day I was fat and ugly. I went through a obsessive, self-hatred phase like no other it seems. As far a pre-teen skin goes, more of a T zone oily complexion with breakouts, mostly always on and around nose, sometimes around my hair line and in between eyebrows. I had miner dry patches of eczema on upper arms and hard small pimples on the back of my legs. Spider veins on face and legs.

The beginning of nbe journey 2007 Age 15:

At 15, extremely self-conscious, especially with my very small, awkward duckbill shaped like breasts; I started to look online for answers for improvement. With underdeveloped 34AAA breasts, first I tried the herbal route at age 16, winter 2008 with Breast Actives and their cream. I ordered 2 bottles which came with 2 creams. It Did Nothing. It had no effect on me and became impatient with it and wanted to try a bovine ovary supplement, Bountiful Breast. After discussion with my mother, in the spring of 2008 I bought a three month supply with 1 order of their protein mix, with no other supplements added. Also, I had some cream left over from Breast Actives and I messaged that onto my breasts each day and had two protein shakes per day. I felt strong tingle sensations, and they felt full, squishy, sore, swollen and heavy before my period and during by the second week it seemed. That’s when it happened…

Finally BREASTS at two months in! With a .5” increase in growth, Not to mention my periods changed to a lighter flow and shorter time, like three days! Less cramps, clearer skin. Yeay!! By the end of the third month my breasts showed to be rounder/wider in different areas, the outer sides and especially underneath the nipple! Started to see roundness in the right more than the left so I had stopped cause I was scarred of that getting worse. I didn’t think to just message the left breast till it improved. But I took time off to see if I would grow more on my own. I even stopped messaging cold turkey, kinda dumb. But I was very happy with my results. I felt so much better. And a little more confident. Now I'm 21 and really there has been no change in my breasts. Just maybe very subtle improvement in roundness, with larger areola. The left breast still did not get as round underneath as the right, but at least it is a subtle difference.

My NBE Program 2013 Age: 21
Start date: 2/15/2013

I always been a tea drinker, now focusing on dry ground herbs in bulk. I drink at least three cups if not, half gallon jar of fenugreek tea a day, steeping from FG seeds. I love Raw honey, I can’t help but put almost a tablespoon in.
Other liquids are fruit smoothies and raw juices. I try to remember to drink water too, I know it’s not the same as tea. To get added protein I been using garden of life, raw protein shake. I mix it with coconut/hemp/almond/rice milk.

I’ve been a vegetarian for two years now. I try to stay with whole organic foods. Lately I been eating avocados, kiwi fruit, tangerines, bananas, hummus and carrots, soaked/sprouted nuts and seeds. Beans and legumes. Stuffed grape leaves. I do eat organic eggs, sometimes Greek gods yogurt w/ honey. I try to get Kale, swiss chard and spinach in. I mostly season foods with curry/turmeric and Himalayan pink sea salt. Extra virgin Olive oil and coconut oil. Toasted sesame oil and coconut aminos ( like soy souse). Buckwheat grouts, rolled oats stay minimal.
I try to stay away from GMO foods like most grains/wheat/gluten. And soy as much as I can. Staying away from any sweets due to uncontrollable yeast issues.

My exercise is mainly focused on yoga/dance. I try to attend Bikram Yoga once or twice a week, and try to get outside for walks. I am also focused on a dance piece so that keeps me busy.

Now I’m starting to regulate a time for bed around midnight and wake up at 8am.
I’ll even mention… I usually have three bowl movements daily. Non smelly, greenish brown, thick like peanut butter… first thing in the morning like clock work Cool

Current Supplements so far:
Iodizyme-HP from biotics research, half of one a day 6.25 mg
Super B from young living, 1 a day
Super C from young living, try to do daily, just cause
Maca capsule from femmenessence MacaHarmony, try to take 2x daily mix in with shake
Fenugreek seeds not sure if they’re organic, 2-3 tablespoons in a tea infuser in teapot I let it steep in low heat till golden/brown

I'm not sure how much I should be taking with these supplements yet,
Fenugreek liquid extract from herb pharm, (hp)* mix in topical oil or tea/shake
Saw palmetto liquid ext. from hp*
Maca liquid ext. from hp*
Horse Chestnut liquid ext. from hp* for spider veins, thanx from Doll’s input, I’ll mix with topical solution- still deciding

Citalopram 20 mg, once a day usually by 8pm

Morning and night for 5-9 minutes, I try to remember to focus more on the left breast to even them out. Or if I have free time I message when I can.
Oils I use are:
*Jason brand vitamin e 5,000 I.U. I put two droppers full of fenugreek liquid extract in half of the bottle of vit e cause that’s all I had left. Just playing around

*Equate brand vaporizing/muscle rub, It is the closest I had to Emily Loretta’s suggestion. It has camphor, Eucalyptus oil and menthol in it. The cooling, tingling sensation it provides feels great from this, I figure I should also try something that has more of a warming effect.

From these two uses alone I have had great results so far! conjoining with FG tea. It has been roughly two week of consistent application, one week so far on vapor rub. My breasts still feel swollen and squishy. Every morning my breasts are warm to the touch and ach till I put the vaporizing/muscle rub on them. What a delight!

3/8/13 Success! I took pictures and measured today! I gained .5” across bust, So now I’m at 31” Also I am 27.5” below the breast now instead of 28” 30B!? Hopefully permanent though, I started menses march 4 and I stopped today. we'll see.

The pictures are taken after message so my breasts are still stimulated. um... the color sucks, sorry still learning. It's my first time posting! You can tell a difference between the left and right breast from the front view. I'll take before and after pics with supple cups soon.

I’ve been very interested In trying BB again, with a Volufiline oil/cream.
I figure I’d buy the 4.5 month supply with either the ground herb powder Zhi mu which Volufiline is derived from and make a topical solution and/or something like Aumenti Bust Augmentation and Firming Lotion because its definitely in my price range and the ingredients are very attractive. Also I'll keep applying the muscle/vapor rub too! why not.

Also interested in taking these supplements:
*Placenta sheep sounds sweeter than pig, but if I decide to take bb would I waste my time with it... because I won’t need it? I don't think bb says to much about theirs do they?
*Hyaluronic acid
*Green papaya

These all seem interesting, but already I'm getting spaced out and forgot stuff already, oh well more research here I go!Rolleyes

PM is interesting and maybe cheaper but soo confusing. But so is this herbal route that I put myself in, so all I’ve been really focusing on with nbe is message till I freak'n figure out what I want. It’s more attractive to do herbal because it’s vegan but I decided it’s Not a concern if I want permanent 30C breasts. So bring on placenta! BB!

Any input and comments are very much appreciated. I’d love to read anything that can help me with the condition I’m in. Your support is precious and welcoming! Thanks so much!

NakedVenus a.k.a. Amy jo

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I went to Bikram yoga two days ago, after class I felt something! Like very minor tingle-itches! So cool! I had left that vapor/muscle rub on during class and could also feel the cooling sensation from that. Felt so good!

For those unfamiliar with Bikram yoga, it's a high energy yoga practiced in a heated room to warm your muscles, prevent injury, allow a deeper workout, and cleanse the body by flushing toxins. With a sequence of 26 postures, each are repeated twice and stimulates the organs, glands and nerves, moving fresh oxygenated blood to 100 percent of the body! It's a 90 minute session. Intense and feels Awesome! Woohoo! Boobies!

3/11/2013 update

Breasts have kept their growth at 31''
still squishy/jelly like feeling, very warm and achy too.

*Update on message techniques

Lately Ive been focusing on the left breast below the nipple to balance them out with pinching, flicking,(cupping my hand) tapping, and staring from below/side of breast pushing up/inward motion. Extending message to 15 minutes, x2 a day. Very achy/warm in that area now. Woohooo!

*Thinking Out LOud Here!!

Started research last night on Placenta. Mainly deer placenta and deer velvet/ antler tips, this website is very attractive, have a look see:
*The site states the deer placenta is from New Zealand.
*Magu's Treasure looks very appealing, Would Love to try it! Especially because of my condition... $55 100 caps 500mg. 3 caps 2x per day? k so 17 days
But not sure if these added herbs would be ok combining with bo???
*They also have only deer placenta sold here too. Just a little pricy for me, $55 for only 60 caps 500mg used 2/3x a day? 20/30 day supply... Gosh I'll keep look'n!

** I'm thinking But really HOW much placenta do you really need/ want MG/per day ?? If someone has more ideas pls your reply is needed!!
{[EDIT: Totally GOOFED! Got the P's mixed up, BB has Pituitary Gland substance not placenta...UUGH!!! Still would like assistance from both]}

Also I may just start out with a cheaper BO as to BB with a like supplement choice above,
*Nutricology/ Allergy Research Group Ovary Beef Natural Glandular, a New Zealand and Australia ovary product. I noticed its the same bottle, different sites. I think they recently refaced their bottle too.
*100 caps 250mg each, so 3 caps a day? 33 day supply, at $12-17 a bottle. That seems ok to me. I think this product is more like a generic brand of NZ
*Dr. Ron's Ultra Pure/ Ovary (with liver), freeze-dried, grassfed New Zealand, 180 capsules, 250mg 3x per day 60 days supply, at $60 a bottle
This is a great website!! Love It. It's more ideal and trustworthy though it's more $$
*FYI, temp is 98.6 and I take Iodizyme-HP half a day(that BB refers to take)

Also want to add Borage seed oil to daily regimen
*1000mg caps 1x per day? And with message

I welcome Any comments you might have to share. Appreciate it greatly.

Update 3/12/13
Journaling Ideas/Plan Experiment

*I received supple cups in the mail today! I'll continue to wear them while I sleep.

*After refreshing my mind in the BO forum, this has helped me make a more accurate decision among other things with dosage and combining supplements:

More research on BO and placenta products:
*came across this Perfect combination pill Except that the BO is too low to take alone. But it's combined with uterus/pituitary tissues, which intrigues me...
*And this sheep placenta is a good bang for buck, NewZealand source:

**So Please tell me if this plan is stupid?? Huh
I'm going crazy with effort because I'm Broke Broke Broke and stubborn about getting these glandulars from a NZ source. Because of my eagerness to get things rolling, this is the closest it comes for now.

This experiment is based on a 2 month plan with Idea of cost.

Nutricology Ovary Glandular
*4x a day=1000mg, 25 day supply at $12-16 per bottle x2 bottles $24-32
Herbalhealer Ovarian Complex
*2x a day=420mg, 30 day supply x2 at $44
Super Sheep Placenta
*1 a day 20000mg 60 Caps at $35 per bottle

*With a bonus supply of these 3 ingredients/combinations I put together; Big Grin It comes to like $110 for 2 MONTHS compared to BB's 45 day supply at $134. This estimated cost is without shipping GEESH! is it worth it??
So that said...

Daily Complex for NBE Routine:
*Bovine Ovary glandular = 1,000mg
*Ovarian tissue=200mg
*Uterus tissue = 200mg
*Pituitary tissue = 20mg
*Placenta 20,000mg=2g
*Chaste tree = 50 mg
*Damiana = 30 mg
*Zinc = 30 mg
*Vitamin A = 1000 IU
*Vitamin E = 60 IU
*Maca 1000mg a day
*Iodizyme-HP 6.25mg a day
*B complex 1 a day 130mg
*Super C blend 1 a day 1.3g

*60-80gm of protein per day
*Lots of water, minimum 2 liters a day
*15 min of massage 2x/day
*no herbs other than saw palmetto/wild yam/damaina/chasteberry/maca if needed...
*Just MR, FSO, borage seed, pumpkin seed, emu, EPO, apricot & vit E and other oils...EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids, from fish/algae/seed source.
STILL looking for a natural/pure serum with a Volufiline solution(zhi mu), MSM, Placenta, Argireline, Matrixyl 3000, Hyaluronic acid, Deer/Antler Velvet, Collagen, Green papaya...bla bla bla Rolleyes

I Appreciate & Welcome Your Input! I think I strained myself to exhaustion, and still wondering if this is worth it or just freak'n wait to do BB Huh
Either tonight or tomorrow I'm gonna emotionally binge buy something, prolly sheep or deer placenta and the meantime, start cleansing with milk thistle...

{[EDIT: I sent a message to asking about the difference between their deer and sheep placenta. Why such a great differ between sheep 20000mg and deer 4900mg? Is it because deer is closer to human placenta chemically, therefore need less supply? And has IGF-1 and Hyaluronic Acid traits as to the sheep? ...something along those lines. Looking forward to a response!]}

Good luck with your program! I'm too new to really advise, but I'll definitely be watching, 'cause the homework you've done looks awesome.

I was on Citalopram too for four years, from 17 to 21 (I'm 24 now). I can relate to so much of your story from your adolescent years, from the awful periods right down to IBS. And I too tried Breast Actives, when I was 18, with no apparent results.

I'm in awe of how cleanly it sounds like you're eating. Congrats!

I started NBE a bit with herbs last month, but I've decided to hold off until I can do more research and make better decisions. Even though I've stopped NBE herbs, I'm still taking MSM, because it's made my skin sooo soft, it's unreal. It's helped regulate my oily skin and minimized dark scars, too.

Best wishes!

for the eternal dehydration, i take hyaluronic acid 60mg a day... this one;

i also take 11g of collagen with vit c and lots of calcium, this really improved hydration for me. i use pig placenta because i feel i get better results from it, it's supposedly nearer to human placenta than sheeps.

for the canker sores (roof of your mouth) as soon as you feel one coming on, start swishing with strong mouthwash every hour, you can also use an ear bud to apply directly. for the depression, if you want something natural...St. john's wort (if you can find capsules) and lots of vitamine D.

Thank you Pocahontas for your support! Im so grateful to be part of this nbe community and share our journey together! I appreciate to know we resonate so with past experience. Made me smile Blush

*I did a look through to see what I had in my pantry, surpisingly I had MSM!! Disguised as Sulfurzyme, YoungLiving product. WooHooBig Grin
1.8 grams 2x/day

Thankyou for your helping hand Augentrost!! Thanks for the tip on canker sores! I'm a bit stumped on the ear bud though?
Who would a thunk! Doing more homework on that.
Ooh!! bee propolis tincture! I like! Mix with mouthwash/toothpast with aloe...

Update: 3/14/13
Plan adjustment

So I just went ahead and bought Ovary Glandular of AllergyResearchGroup
*200 caps for a total $36.48 at
*cheapest price for this product, usually $27 for 100 caps.
*250mg each, so 3x/day=750mg for 66 days or IF needed 4x/day=1000mg for 50 days
I bought Ovarian Complex of Herbal Healer Academy inc
*120 caps for a total $50.00 at
*210mg x2=420mg ovarian complex for 60 days

I'm going start out 3/day of BO + 2/day BO complex for week or two and see IF I need to ramp up to 4/day
*That's 1170mg total BO/complex per day. A consistent 2 month plan $86.48 total.

SO FYI comparing BB at $317 for 4.5 months AND this method which has added tissue/supp. for 4 months at $172.96 tax/shipping included! (Even save more money when you buy 3 or more at Herbal Healer Academy) Tongue I got to say I give myself a pat on the back for now...but I am the guinea pig for this one Blush

In the mean time:
* Cleansing with Milk Thistle seed, wild Chaga mushroom, lemon, garlic, ginger, cinnamon stick, raw honey infused w/ lemon. yesterday I consumed 96 oz. of this and Lots of water/liquids mostly. Fruit, protein shake, kale, rice... continuing supplements

*I weighed myself yesterday at 102. Lost three pounds but kept all my growth at 31'' across! Sad feww!! under bust now is 27''
* Supple cups are Great! I wore them two nights in a row, so far I see improvement. And also see a rounder/fuller left breast! Still jellylike and warm. I wore my 34A Bra yesterday and I filled it out completely! Top to Bottom, Even tight! Before it was wrinkling and rippled from lack of...
* I'm thinkin' fenugreek didn't do much for me and most of my result is coming from MR and massage. But hard to say it's only three weeks...

* Still waiting for an answer from nzgreenhealth on deer/sheep placenta Huh
ALL Freak'n Day yesterday I been straining my eyes trying to find research comparing pig, deer and sheep placentas!! What I need is a chart in my face explaining the difference among them and can't find it yet!
If any one has proof or input it's Appreciated greatly! So far a little bit on how deer and pig are chemically closer to human placenta. I mostly see info for deer though...A couple websites from what I posted explain more on deer placenta containing IGF-1, a protein that promotes tissue growth and a rich source of hyaluronic acid. But I really can't find much info for sheep and not too much for pig yet...

Obsessing out loud...
* This website I'm looking into containing sheep placenta has 20000mg ea. at 60 caps. Very intrigued by the 2 gram supply at $36
* The deer is listed for $45 at 4900mg ea, 60 caps....Why is this??? Dodgy


deer placenta is probably harder to come by in huge quantities Wink it's not really a widely farmed animal... or maybe they don't breed as fast as sheep

Update 3/24/13
STILL WAITING... for my orderDodgy

I have received ovarian complex within one week!! It was consciously put together with care and with personal touch! nice Wink
Still waiting for Ovary Beef Natural Glandular from Wild Earth Market... hah Arrrggg!Huh
This is there updated reply:
"Thank you for your order! We are writing to inform you that your Ovary Beef Natural Glandular which was temporarily sold out on our shelves at the time of your order is also on Manufacturer’s Back Order. The good news is that we expect arrival of a re-stocking order of this product reasonably soon and you’ll have the freshest, newest humanly possible. We will ship the entirety of your order immediately to you upon arrival of this product in our warehouse. If we do not receive this product within 30 days we will cancel your order and issue a refund. Thank you again for your order and your understanding. If we can answer further questions, do not hesitate to contact us. In Health ~"

So good to know it's fresh...
I decided not to take the complex until I receive the glanulars.

Also went ahead a bought Deer Placenta from Green Health this afternoon, got a reply stating it's been shipped already and will arrive 10-15 because it's over seas.

My decision was made based on this GOOD! read:
Keep on reading down to "Systemic Hormones"
and "Chronic Viral Infections and the Thymus" very happy to read especially because of my condition
I choose Green Health only because most suppliers I found had a much lower dose and Green Health has 4900mg in each capsule. so why not...

Something weird happened today... I started my period to soon, just 20 days Huh The last was March 4th... anyway just thinking out loud.
*FYI I'm not on any birth control.
No cramps a little emotional the last few days, had no idea... I'm not really hanging out with other women to trigger it faster... but maybe it's these new Thyromin capsules I started replacing with Iodizyme-HP one week ago...from Young Living. (only because it had expired)
*it has pituitary and adrenal extract in it but doesn't say how much...Just Proprietary Thyromin Blend of 879 mg
*Thyroid powder
*Pituitary extract
*Adrenal extract
*L-cysteine HGI
*Peppermint leaf
*Spearmint leaf
*Myrtle leaf
*Myrrh resin
Vit E 30 IU
Iodine from kelp/potassium iodine 1158mg
Potassium 66mg

Looks like I'll buy this:
* Australian Gold Emu Oil from silky's Garden 8oz. for 25.95 on Amazon
*with Zhi Mu Granules (Volufiline source) with a supplier I haven't decided on yet, but I'm going with Granules from this appealing quote:
"Traditional Chinese single herbs are concentrated according to the general daily usage as a decoction. The single herbal extracts are about five times stronger than dried raw herbs. The fine granule particles and the tablets are easy to dissolve and easily absorbed "
* so I figure I'll make a boobie batter out of emu and Zhi Mu, by boiling the granules in water to make a tincture blend with emu

"We buy direct from the farm weekly to insure that our oil is always fresh. Meets All AGA (Australian Growers Association) and AFA Microbiological Qualities for Cosmetic & Topical Pharmaceutical Compliment To Medicine. Grade 'A' EMU OIL - The birds are totally free range, feeding on an all natural diet, which includes natural plants with antibiotic properties. Our oil comes from Emu's that are free range fed, without the use of steroids, antibiotics or growth hormones. NO harsh chemicals are used to refine the Emu Oil. All the natural fatty acids are preserved by low temperature refining processes and refrigerated storage. See the Difference...Our EMU OIL is FOOD GRADE QUALITY (a much higher quality of EMU OIL), not the LOW GRADE EMU OIL that are used by other retailers to make soaps/lotions/creams. Our oil is creamy white in color and we strive for odorless. It can be used for topical ailments as well as it can be ingested. It has a shelf life of about one year when kept in a cool dry place. Longer if kept in the refrigerator. The oil has been solely derived from Emu fat and has not been blended with any other oil No added preservatives or anti oxidants."


I just wanted to say THANKS for recording such detailed information, Im about to start bovine ovary and although ive spent hours searching the forum I never came across the threads you linked, and they are very useful. congratulations on your success so far and keep up the good work.


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