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Doll's PM Program

(18-02-2013, 09:06 PM)sara_aaa19 Wrote:  that what I was thinking about... I'm trying to build legs muscles and this diet will destroy everything,,, any other cleansing program plz Sad?

I would try maybe a 3 day juice cleanse or something while taking a milk thistle and/or dandelion supplement. Or if you want something longer maybe do a week of mostly raw food, salads, juices and maybe healthy meat proteins 2-3 days out of 7 for example. Greens are filled with nutrients you wouldn't believe. And you can still obtain many of the nutrients you took for NBE in the form of live foods...fruits and veggies. So you aren't really aren't moving too far away from your routine.



(02-03-2013, 09:10 AM)Statuesque Wrote:  
(18-02-2013, 09:06 PM)sara_aaa19 Wrote:  that what I was thinking about... I'm trying to build legs muscles and this diet will destroy everything,,, any other cleansing program plz Sad?

I would try maybe a 3 day juice cleanse or something while taking a milk thistle and/or dandelion supplement. Or if you want something longer maybe do a week of mostly raw food, salads, juices and maybe healthy meat proteins 2-3 days out of 7 for example. Greens are filled with nutrients you wouldn't believe. And you can still obtain many of the nutrients you took for NBE in the form of live foods...fruits and veggies. So you aren't really aren't moving too far away from your routine.

Anyone who wants to continue with this conversation about Cleanses, Losing Fat, and/or Maintaining/Building Muscle can direct their posts to this thread: !

That way we can continue if need be and Doll's personal program thread will remain her personal program thread Smile
Reply, this thread really went off on another rail. Thaaat...actually really annoys me...Thanks timarie for creating a thread so this program page can get back on track!

(26-02-2013, 04:17 AM)sara_aaa19 Wrote:  Hi Doll
loved ur pics Big Grin
did u get any results from corset training?

Thank you! I've actually gotten great back progress so far, although not much size difference yet. ^^;

Before corsetting, I was at the lower end of 27" (because of bloating). The corset has helped control my bloating so I can stay around 26". But because of my ribs, the next few inches will take a few years. It's completely worth it, though! I usually don't even wear it all day because of work.


I really can't believe I missed my hypothyroidism symptoms before. I guess I was researching it with my friend's symptoms in mind, not even thinking about how it might go to explain my problems. Even my dry elbows and kneecaps, dry hair and jaundiced skin explain it, as well as my fluctuating water weight (I lose and gain between 5-10lbs every few days, it used to be as much as 20lbs when I was in high school). My body pains have come back, and they're a symptom, too. The only symptoms I don't have are hair loss and weight gain (although I did lose a LOT of hair for like a week straight last month). Apparently those are symptoms that sometimes don't occur, and when they aren't there, it makes it very hard for a doctor to make a diagnosis.

I need to figure out where to get an online saliva test for it, and I need to re-apply for my insurance from the state so I can get to a doctor. If a little synthyroid can give me energy to finally be able to get up in the morning, I think it's worth it (my low energy levels are preventing me from really working and from taking classes). Maybe I'll regain the cognitive function I've lost over the past few years (sorry for all my jumbled posts in my time here). I'll be able to live my life again.

I've said my whole life that I feel like I'm an 80-year-old man, and no one's taken me seriously. I feel like I haven't slept in fifteen years. I get pains in my joints that prevent me from being able to hold things sometimes. I can't gain weight, even when I force myself to eat. I also can't lose weight, no matter how much I diet and exercise (anyone else would have lost fifteen-twenty pounds). I can't remember things immediately after they're said to me. And my libido hasn't recovered properly from my bad experience with birth control. I'm 22 years old. And I've never had the energy of an 18-year-old.

I wonder if getting on thyroid medication would help with my breast growth. :3

...which has been slow lately. Sad Although the PM is definitely doing a great job. My breasts are tingly now! I wish all my skin tingled like before. Also, MSM finally has my hair growing at the rate it used to. So, that should help as well.

Do I need to see an endocrinologist in order to get thyroid meds, or will a regular doctor be able to do it if my levels are high/low enough?

I'm sick of these awful hypothyroid symptoms. And I'm sick of not seeing any progress.
I'm going to buy this from Vitamin Shoppe today:
[Image: l_nb-7009.png]

HOPEFULLY my body will begin functioning more normally within the week, and completely normally within the month.

I've never been so excited to buy a pill before. I really feel like this will get things back on track!


Also, I've been getting the "moisture" effects of PM again. Blush I can honestly say I love it. And I'm in my PC phase of my program this month, so I finally went out and bought L-Arginine to mix in with my cream. After adding it last night, I woke up today and my breasts were a little bit fuller. I think this will be a great addition in the long run. Also might add Dong Quai to my program.

Hey Doll, how much L-arginine can you add to a cream? I have a bunch of arginine powder that I don't use because of the taste lol. Also do you need to add anything else in with it?

Yey!!!! I also hope that this is the answer to all your problems!! *fingers crossed*! Good luck!!!! Big Grin

^ Thank you! Apparently my store doesn't carry like *any* thyroid supplements, so I'm going to order it online. In the meantime, I was just offered a free blood test! So I'm unbelievably happy and nervous about that! Haha! I'm honestly really hoping the tests come up saying I'm hypothyroid, because then at least I'll know what it is and how to manage/treat it.

(10-03-2013, 07:48 PM)boobquest2012 Wrote:  Hey Doll, how much L-arginine can you add to a cream? I have a bunch of arginine powder that I don't use because of the taste lol. Also do you need to add anything else in with it?

I bought the pills, and just added 5 capsules in because I wasn't sure how well it would absorb into the cream. I can barely notice it in the cream when I use it, so I'll probably add 5 more tonight and see how it goes. I'm just adding it to my Progesterone Cream because it will help stimulate blood flow to my breasts (which will help it absorb better). You can add other things if you want, this is just all I'm adding.

(10-03-2013, 11:59 PM)Doll Wrote:  ^ Thank you! Apparently my store doesn't carry like *any* thyroid supplements, so I'm going to order it online. In the meantime, I was just offered a free blood test! So I'm unbelievably happy and nervous about that! Haha! I'm honestly really hoping the tests come up saying I'm hypothyroid, because then at least I'll know what it is and how to manage/treat it.

How'd you manage such a thing? Angry

Haha, jk. Seriously, though, I do hope you finally get some real answers with the upcoming blood test!

I wish *I* could get those regularly! I really need to be checking up on my plan properly...

(11-03-2013, 01:10 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  How'd you manage such a thing? Angry

Haha, jk. Seriously, though, I do hope you finally get some real answers with the upcoming blood test!

I wish *I* could get those regularly! I really need to be checking up on my plan properly...

Lol My mom's ex works doing blood tests, and she just started talking to him again. I can't believe I'm getting this opportunity (and here I was trying to manage my money so I'd be able to afford a few hundred dollars for saliva tests on my own). Thanks babe. I really hope so, too! I should probably get my hormones tested as well, seeing as I've never had them tested before (and with NBE, you really should get that sort of thing tested regularly...)

Only thing that sucks is most people seem to suggest getting your thyroid tested on an empty stomach, and I won't be going until late Thursday night, so...I guess I'll be on a water diet that day. ^^; I'm also off of ALL of my pills right now just to clear me out as much as possible before the test. I was going to wait until my cleanse, but yesterday I went into work late, had to sit and rest at least 4-5 times, and even went home early. So I decided it couldn't wait any longer. If I had any other job, I'd be out of work right now.

Well...thank you firefox for deleting my long post I just wrote. Eff. You. In the butt.

Where I've been/My health
Turns out I DO have hypothyroidism (even though my blood tests said I don't). I've been on the thyroid support meds for almost two weeks now and feel like a completely different person. I'm sleeping better, can actually wake up and get out of bed in the morning and have much more energy (I still don't have energy and get lightheaded just from standing, but trust me, from where I was, this is worlds better). Hopefully in another month or so I'll be even better. I still need to find something (cheap) for my adrenal fatigue, so if anyone knows anything that works, let me know.

With all my health problems, I'm so surprised I've been able to grow at all on NBE. It seems like every time I fix one of my health issues, I see another growth spurt. I'm already noticing a difference now that I'm on thyroid meds. I may also have Lupus and/or Sjorgren's, so we'll see how my health fares the next few months, and treat from there. :/ Lately, I've been getting just awful pains (mostly in my arms/shoulders) that make it even harder to do everyday tasks, and working is barely possible at this point. Even typing is killing me right now. I haven't had these pains in years, and thought they had gone away for good. They are either from Hypo, or Lupus. Time will tell.

Also, the gym has become torture for me. I can't do weighted squats for a bigger butt because I get too lightheaded and sick, even if I start out on it. The machines I can do make me sick as well, and I'm constantly having to push through my workouts and go home without finishing. I also can't workout my arms anymore because of my joint and muscle pains in my arms. I can't up the weights as much as I'd like to, either. At first I thought I was just being a gym wussie. Then realized this is NOT normal for a healthy person (especially someone who actually ENJOYS working out). I guess it explains why someone so fit still gets winded going up or down the stairs. Oh, the problems never end.

NBE: What works, what doesn't
So far, I'm inclined to believe that my thyroid meds are definitely helping my NBE. My period started 3 days ago now, and my breasts are retaining the swelling they got the past month. :3 So glad I finally found the cause of so many of my health problems! I can't wait to see how much it helps in another two weeks.

I also believe adding MSM again has been helping, and that adding L-Arginine to my progesterone cream has helped to make it work better. I think 15-20 capsules opened up into a full 4oz container works best so it's most effective without being too grainy. I definitely suggest it to people using progesterone cream! I could tell the difference in swelling within the first few days.

I'm also taking Biotin and Chlorella for hair growth, so we'll see how this affects my NBE as well.

When my L-Tyrosine and Gelatin run out, I don't think I'll be buying anymore. Even though I bought them with other health issues in mind, they are supposed to be good for NBE. However, they haven't been helping my NBE or my other problems, so I'm not going to try them again.

Current measurements
Because I'm corset training, my bust measurement keeps shrinking even though my breasts are growing, so that measurement is unreliable. Instead, I've been measuring each breast across. A few months ago I remember I measured them at 8". Now, they are 9" across! And a good bit of that growth has been in the past month or two. Spring usually brings on the best growth, so I can't wait to see my results by summer!

Also, TMI, but my thyroid pills have been helping my "irregularity" the past few days. My stomach is finally starting to flatten out some more like it should, and that alone makes my breasts look much better on my body. I still have a pudge, but I also still have a lot of cleansing to do (Blush), so it should be able to go down in size even more. Smile I'm also planning on trying fat burning creams again once the thyroid pills have been in my body at least a month, and hopefully this time my thyroid problem will be under control enough for it to work, so that I can tone my stomach and arms up before summer.

Something new to try
I'm also looking into getting some Diatomaceous Earth for my hair growth, and it seems like that might be something to help my NBE as well. It helps rid your body of parasites, while also supplementing silica (which I'm likely very deficient of with my lack of eating). I doubt this will give me an energy boost like it does a lot of people (just because all my problems seem to be linked to actual health conditions), but I'm still excited to see what this little experiment does for my body. If it makes a noticeable difference, I'll probably use it once every 6-12 months to keep my body in good working condition.

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