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Morose's Program (Tips & Advice Welcome & Appreciated)


Hello everyone and welcome to my program page! I am very new to the NBE experience, but I have high hopes for successful results like so many before me have achieved. The kindness and support I’ve witnessed throughout these forums have made me confident I can do this too! I’m still learning and I welcome all of those who can give any advice to help me guide my program in the right direction.

I’m a 25 year old biological female from the United States. I have two children (both girls, lucky me!) and neither were breast fed (yes, I’m kicking myself in the butt for that one). Unfortunately, I am a smoker (with intentions to quit), I work midnights (but I was a night owl even before that), and I’d say my stress levels are probably significantly higher than the average adult. My diet isn’t the greatest either and I do not currently follow an exercise program. (I know all of this ties into NBE somehow, which is why I even bothered to mention it.)

My beginning measurements:
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 150 lbs
Bra Size: 34A
Over Bust: 32”
Bust: 34”
Each Breast: 7”
Under Bust: 32”
Waist: 29”
Belly: 33”
Hips: 36”
Butt: 39”
(Helpful bra size chart!)

I used to wear a size 36B, but last year was very rough on me financially, to the extent of not even being able to afford food. Thankfully, life has stabilized a little more since then and I was able to gain some of my weight back, but unfortunately not in my boobs. I would like to reach a 34C at least, but tone my body in other areas (the cellulite and pregnancy pooch HAVE to go!).

I did attempt NBE about a month and a half ago, but stopped because I felt I hadn’t done enough research yet. Before I found Breast Nexus, I was basing all of my information off of these sites:
  1. Five Foods That Will Increase Breast Size
  2. How To Increase Breast Size Using 10 Breast Enhancement Herbs
  3. Foods to Aid in Breast Enlargement
  4. Foods to Increase Your Breast Size

As you can see, I gained a pretty good understanding, but I was missing out on so much more. When I found this site, I became obsessed. I would research for days on end, literally to the point where I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. Until finally, I decided to join. Some of my favorite threads and ones that I refer to quite often are:
  1. What is progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, prolactin in NBE?
  2. Herb List and Functions
  3. List of herbs and what they do
  4. High estrogen or testosterone?
  5. Symptoms, map, solutions
  6. Long time hops & FG user

Here is a list of the herbs that are currently in my arsenal:
  • Fenugreek capsules (610 mg)
  • Fennel seeds
  • Wild Yam cream (14%)
  • Saw Palmetto soft gels (160 mg)
  • Hops flowers (dried)
  • Red Clover capsules (430 mg)
  • Pueraria Mirifica cream (branded ‘BioWoman BioBust’; says to contain “other natural herbal extracts” as well, but fails to mention any. I have only just recently ordered this and it hasn’t even been shipped yet. If anyone could offer any information, I would greatly appreciate it.)
  • L-Tyrosine capsules (500 mg)

My first program, week by week, entailed:
Week 1:
  • Fenugreek 2x a day
Week 2:
  • Fenugreek 2x a day
  • Fennel (about a tbsp) on chicken breast every day
Week 3:
  • Fenugreek 2x a day
  • Fennel on chicken every day
  • Wild yam cream massage 2x a day (15 minutes each time)
Week 4:
  • Fenugreek 3x a day
  • Fennel on chicken every day
  • Wild yam cream massage 2x a day
  • Saw palmetto 2x a day
Week 5 (I discovered this site and concluded I still had more to learn):
  • Fenugreek 2x a day
  • Wild yam cream massage 2x a day
Week 6:
  • Wild yam cream massage 2x a day

The results it wielded for me:
  • I certainly felt the side effects of fenugreek! Bloating, gas, and diarrhea. I was lucky not to experience the “maple syrup” body odor, but then again, I’m a waitress at IHop and it would be hard to determine if it was the fenugreek or the syrups at work.
  • I didn’t feel anything when the fennel was introduced. Seemed like I wasn’t even taking it. Maybe I was taking too low of a dose?
  • The wild yam cream offered tremendous effects. I felt my breasts swell within a half hour after the massage and they certainly seemed bigger. They tingled and almost felt… numb?? However, this effect was only in the feel and I appeared no different in front of a mirror.
  • The saw palmetto, I don’t think I took long enough to experience anything. I stopped when I found it causes cellulite (I’d like to get rid of what I already have!).
(The only thing I know for certain right now is that the wild yam is staying!)

I took Dr Lee’s hormone balance test and I scored the highest in symptoms pointing towards estrogen dominance, which is actually low estrogen, but even lower progesterone. I also checked my symptoms against this list to determine which type of estrogen dominance/deficiency I have. After a bit of research, this actually makes perfect sense to me and explains a lot!
  1. Estrogen dominant symptoms
  2. Low estrogen symptoms
  3. Low progesterone symptoms

Now that I know where I am hormonally, I know where to begin (provided I’m not misinterpreting anything)!

Sounds like you are on a good path, I'd maybe just say a multivitamin also? especially vitamin c, I'd get some halls vitamin c or something and pop those babies like craaazy, as smoking decreases the absorption of vitamin c (and vit d) and this is really important if you don't want to get stretchmarks! Great that you are on the road to quitting!!

Good luck!!

Luckily, I've dramatically increased my Vitamin C lately. ;D At work I'll switch between orange juice, water and occasionally chocolate milk whenever I'm thirsty. (However, to be honest, before I leave I take a 'to go' cup of iced coffee with me. Coffee is hard for me to quit since 1, my shift is from 10pm-5am and 2, I've been an avid coffee drinker all my life. Probably hindered a lot of growth during puberty.)

Have you ever noticed how sometimes you'll get random cravings for something? That's your body telling you that you're lacking a certain vitamin that particular food is known for being rich in. Hence my orange juice kick. However, I'll definitely take your advice on the multivitamin. Is there a specific one you'd recommend? Or possibly vitamins that may be in there to avoid when I'm browsing what's available in the store?

Unfortunately, I already have stretch marks :/ My second child wasn't as kind to my body as my first. I'm trying out that 'Bio Oil' product and see if that actually helps. So far, nothing, but it's only been a week. (I used to be extremely self conscious about them until I saw a picture circulating with the other mothers on Facebook calling them "tiger stripes". Smile If I could just get rid of the baby pouch, I wouldn't feel so bad.)

(Written a few days ago, when my first post was written. I have a bad habit of proof-reading a hundred times before I allow anything to become permanent.. Damn OCD!)

Week 1:
It seems my first goal should be to raise my progesterone levels. They’re usually low during the premenstrual week and slowly climb towards the end of the period. Maybe I can supplement my body’s own naturally climbing levels of progesterone with phyto-progestins, giving a little boost to what would be considered normal for an average woman. (If the levels of hormones I need to achieve NBE are low, why work against them when I can cycle alongside what naturally occurs and boost through herbs for a more natural approach?) This is just a theory, but it sounds like it may work. For now at least, until I stabilize myself.
  1. A nicely written article detailing how hormone levels climb and fall throughout the menstrual cycle: Your Life in Hormones – Female Hormone Cycle
  2. Wikipedia’s article on the menstrual cycle (Very helpful images on this page!)

Fennel seed tea may be a good place to start (funny, I always kind of suspected it would be wise for me to begin there). Added bonus being it will boost my metabolism (possibly to my awesome pre-pregnancy level?)! I should look into adding L-tyrosine to supplement this effect.

My only concern is that progesterone stops NBE progress. However, considering there is no progress to speak of yet, maybe now is a good time to work on a little fat reduction before breast growth. (Looks like the exercise regimen I devised months ago should finally be enforced!)


I smashed the fennel seeds in a small saucer using the back of a soup spoon. I tried to get them as close to powder as possible (all I honestly achieved was crunching them into thinner slivers than what they started as. At least I broke them open, which I suspect may be the entire purpose behind this). Then I soaked about a tbsp of seeds in roughly 2 cups of hot water for 10 minutes and strained the water into a new cup using a coffee filter. I squeezed two lemon slices into the cup to mask the taste and added 6 packets of Splenda to sweeten it up a little (I usually use ¼ cup of sugar in my standard size coffee cup every morning. So you can see, I’m trying to cut down and alter my diet quite a bit). I can honestly say I hate the taste! Then again, I’m not much for bitter or tart flavors. My diet mainly consists of sugars and salts (usually in ridiculously high doses) just because that’s what my taste buds tend to like.

I found myself unable to finish the tea. Tomorrow I’ll try to add milk, as I would with normal tea. I need to cut the taste somehow, or I may just have to go back to putting it on chicken breast every day like I used to (not sure on the effectiveness of cooking the seeds in comparison to soaking them in reference to NBE).

I should be starting my period any day now, so I better start formulating my next plan of action.

(05-03-2013, 20:54)Morose Wrote:  I took Dr Lee’s hormone balance test and I scored the highest in symptoms pointing towards estrogen dominance, which is actually low estrogen, but even lower progesterone.

That was actually my gut instinct from your history and how you responded to your early plan.

You might consider taking PM internally as well and maybe adding something with an even stronger progestogenic effect, possibly even a progesterone cream if you can get one where you live.

Good luck!

I have some PM cream on order, it shouldn't take too much longer to get here. It claims to contain extracts of other herbs, but didn't say which ones. Before I use it, I'll thoroughly research the other ingredients. Could be just the base for the cream though.

I took your advice and tracked down some PM pills. I saved the link and I'll wait to see how I react to the cream. Unfortunately, this may replace my plan of using the wild cream I had a good reaction too (or I'll just use one during my morning massage and the other at night. Here's where the internal would come in if it seems to work topically). I seem to recall PM being an herb that must be cycled. Taken after ovulation through to before menstruation. Am I correct?

I received the red clover yesterday and I took one this morning after a massage with the wild yam. I got slight pain in my left nipple. That was odd. No swelling either :/ (Maybe the fenugreek from my last plan was the cause of that?) My left breast is about a half an inch bigger than the right. I massaged the right a little longer in attempt to even them out. (I also told my boyfriend to give his attention to that one during 'sexy time'. If he actually listens, that extra stimulation may help the evenness too haha!)

Anyways, I need to do some more research on red clover. All I can find is that it's a phyto-estrogen as well as a phyto-progestin. Since both estrogen and progesterone are intertwined, having a 'seesaw' effect, I wonder if I should work on raising both of them at the same time, with more focus on the latter.

(06-03-2013, 21:20)Morose Wrote:  I have some PM cream on order, it shouldn't take too much longer to get here. It claims to contain extracts of other herbs, but didn't say which ones. Before I use it, I'll thoroughly research the other ingredients. Could be just the base for the cream though.
I almost always research thoroughly all ingredients in anything I use that's multi-ingredient. It's a good rule of thumb. When I fail at this I always regret it later.

(06-03-2013, 21:20)Morose Wrote:  I took your advice and tracked down some PM pills. I saved the link and I'll wait to see how I react to the cream. Unfortunately, this may replace my plan of using the wild cream I had a good reaction too (or I'll just use one during my morning massage and the other at night. Here's where the internal would come in if it seems to work topically). I seem to recall PM being an herb that must be cycled. Taken after ovulation through to before menstruation. Am I correct?
The only real rule is to not take it during menstruation. Exactly when to stop, when to start again, etc, all seem to be dependent mostly on the individual.

(06-03-2013, 21:20)Morose Wrote:  I received the red clover yesterday and I took one this morning after a massage with the wild yam. I got slight pain in my left nipple. That was odd. No swelling either :/ (Maybe the fenugreek from my last plan was the cause of that?) My left breast is about a half an inch bigger than the right. I massaged the right a little longer in attempt to even them out. (I also told my boyfriend to give his attention to that one during 'sexy time'. If he actually listens, that extra stimulation may help the evenness too haha!)
You might not respond to the weaker herbs, and RC is kinda somewhere between. It's not as weak as soy or flax, but it's not as powerful as PM for estrogen or even WY for progesterone, and PC of course has actual progesterone and can't be compared to anything else.

(06-03-2013, 21:20)Morose Wrote:  Since both estrogen and progesterone are intertwined, having a 'seesaw' effect, I wonder if I should work on raising both of them at the same time, with more focus on the latter.

I actually seesaw my supplement plan to try to reproduce the effect...

But it'll depend on your specific needs and exactly how low you are when of each hormone. If your problem is having overly deep valleys, you need to even those out, but if you're not having big enough peaks, you need to amp them up and do a seesaw effect.

If it's BOTH, then see-saw but don't do so quite as sharply.

Well, Aunt Flo came knocking on my door, and I had no choice but to let her in. According to this link I included in my first post, my estrogen and progesterone levels are at rock bottom. However, estrogen is slowly climbing within these first few hours.

I wish that PM cream was here, I'd escape to the bathroom for a moment. I was going to mimic my body's natural rise and fall of hormones with herbs for this first month. Luckily I have some fenugreek with me, so I can mimic the estrogen until I can check the mail in the morning. I took another red clover pill in the meantime and did another wild yam massage. I'm at work so I couldn't take a full 15 minutes like I usually do. I just rubbed it in until it was absorbed. I hope this will do for now.

I don't know exactly what my levels are as I've never took a blood or saliva test. Just Dr Lee's hormone test. However, I'm sure if I took an actual medical test, I know my progesterone would be far lower than average. One of the more serious symptoms is depression. Last year I was diagnosed with 'severe clinical depression' even though if you knew me personally, even you'd say that's impossible considering my outlook on life. Maybe I wasn't always this way..

Anyways, getting off track. I found this site earlier today:
Foods with Breast Enhancing Properties
The first item in list for progesterone rich foods, beef, shocked me. I'm a carnivore! I absolutely love cow. I prefer my steak rare. If it can still moo, no need to cook it any longer! (Completely joking of course, I know better than to eat an animal that's still alive.) I'm stumped. Same with milk. I can easily drink a gallon a day if I knew I wasn't making anyone else upset about it. However, in recent years, my intake of both has declined.

I'll take your advice AbiDrew and order some progesterone cream. (My favorite part about online shopping is everything is in my area! Smile ) I'll also grab those PM pills while I'm at it. So my regimen will be all PM (except during menstruation) and PC. I'll get myself a good multivitamin as well. In your experience, do you think there's anything else I should include? And when I go shopping for the multivitamin, are there any vitamins I should avoid? And one last thing; is L-Tyrosine still a suitable addition?

Here is the PM cream I ordered:

And the capsules:
(back view):
(If anyone could read that, it would be GREATLY appreciated!)

Both claim to have only pueraria mirifica in them, but I'll find out for sure when the cream comes, and I can't read the label on the pills.

And I ordered progesterone cream today:
(Sorry, I couldn't add all 4 pictures in one post...)

When all of these come, that puts my list of herbs at:
  • Fenugreek capsules (610 mg)
  • Fennel seeds
  • Wild Yam cream (14%)
  • Saw Palmetto soft gels (160 mg)
  • Hops flowers (dried)
  • Red Clover capsules (430 mg)
  • L-Tyrosine capsules (500 mg)
  • Pueraria Mirifica cream
  • Pueraria Mirifica capsules (350 mg)
  • Progesterone cream

Now, I'm still unsure of which of these to use and when, so I'm looking for advice more so now than ever...

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