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Request to Eve! Please make this an adult forum


Pretty much, though I think it would be better to make the title specific like, "IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 READ THIS", or "TO THOSE UNDER THE AGE OF 21". I suppose the age limit should be decided upon. But maybe there's a simpler title that could be used.

Yeah, there's no guarantee that they'll read it, but I figure if we shove the information in their faces they'll probably be more inclined. If not, well, the information's there and "we told you so". If all else fails, we can always make an adult section and see where that gets us. But this is assuming that no one is lying about their age, which goes back to preventing them from doing stupid stuff.... I suppose we could just make a simple disclaimer as others have previously suggested. But again, we're assuming that they'll read.

Maybe Eve will have something different in mind....

I understand this is an oldish post but I thought I'd put my two cents in. (And if you do choose to glance at my post, please do not go to the very end, but take the minute or two to read the whole thing. It may make a difference in your opinion of me and what I have to say. Thank you.)

I am 17. Clearly younger than the proper age limit to be taking herbal supplements and apparently (something made confusing to me by other people on the internet and on other forums) too young to even be noogling or taking BO.

But I honestly think it is a huge mistake to not allow minors to join this forum.

First, teenagers are not all stupid. I value my health, that is why I'm waiting until my twenties to start any herbal program (if I even want to by that point). And I thank everyone on this site and other sites for telling me to wait. I first heard about NBE when I stumbled upon Pueraria Mirifica. The different sites I visited never stated an age limit, and I was about to order a bottle off of Amazon but never recieved it due to a mess-up with shipping (and now I swear that God or good Karma had something to do with me not recieving that bottle...but that's another story).

When I finally did learn that I should wait until I am 18 (21) to start any herbal supplementation, I was curious as to why I should wait. Is it because companies selling these capsuls and pills were doing so for legal purposes? Is it because these supplementations have never been tested on young adults? Or is it because it can be harmful to the developement of teenagers and young adults (which I have very recently found out is the reason)?

It was not enough to only be told "don't do it." I needed a concrete reason (an explaination! citing science and/or studies) as to why NBE can be harmful to teens.

You may all say that looking at any thread, it is clear enough how NBE can be harmful. Well, I disagree.

I look at all these different posts of how women are taking SP, RC, FG, etc. which are resulting in headaches, cramps, and lighter periods. My first reaction is not "maybe this stuff isn't safe for teenagers", but instead "maybe this stuff isn't safe for anybody in general". Though, I then think about how three different friends are all on birth control with similar symptoms and no periods. Please, point out if I am wrong, but my logic is telling me that if my young body can handle birth control, it should definitley be able to handle any herb (maybe in a decreased amount, but still be able to handle it).

Though, my logic was wrong, because our bodies are more complex than that, and it took me many posts and many questions to find that out.

I, along with many other teenagers, are constantly asking the same questions that oh-so annoy you because our questions have no proper answers being published in a thread or in a section of a forum that we are likely to stumble across.

I like the idea of have a section on this site labeled 'IF UNDER --- YEARS OF AGE, VIEW THIS PAGE'. All teens will go straight to that page. They are not stupid. They will not ignore it. Obviously, they come on these forums for answers and to do research, or else they would have been experimenting with herbs from the start, not even considering what any one else with greater knowledge has to say.

I am sorry if any teenager has given you attitude over the computer for telling her something she does not want to hear. Clearly those types of kids will do what they want. But please don't punish the rest of us who truly want to learn the most we can about NBE. If it is truly bothersome, ignore it. You are the adults afterall, I would assume you are mature enough to let such stupidities and ignorance phase you.

But truly, a section for teenagers would be very helpful! I have very recently asked one of the more active members of this forum what he thought about me taking herbal supplaments and if he could recommend any herbs I should take. He was honest and polite in saying that it is not recommended at all and gave a deeper understanding of the dangers of starting a NBE program too young. I am embarrassed if I did annoy him, but I am very thankful because now I can feel like my decision to wait is a good one (and that living another four or five years with a small chest is okay).

He also shared something that, like I stated earlier, came as a suprise to me. On CherylsBreastTalk forum, it is stated that methods such as BO and chest pumps are safe for teenagers to use. He told me I should "shelf" my noogleberry for a while. Please don't forget that there are people who will tell us teens wrong information (I am in no way insulting the people apart of CherylsBreastTalk forum) that may compromise our health. I have seen some comments stating that a girl my age can take herbs, that 'a few years early' is okay.

Don't take one of our only reputable sources of information from us. You know very well how hard it is to come across information on the internet about breast growth that is not shady or corrupt.

Everyone on this site clearly has some form of self-esteem issues (you would accept your body for the way it is and not care about growing boobies). Teenagers are definitely no exception. Turning us away will only make us more upset and more likely to do something irrational. Embrace us and show us a thread that will answer all our questions.

And if one of us gets too annoying, have Eve ban her. As simple as thatBig Grin

There's my two cents... please don't rip me apart too bad, I'm sensitive.


kouklitsa, I can definitely see all the points here. I have read posts from veteran members that it's okay for teens 15+ to take herbs such as PM, and each time I think they are nuts. Yes someone that age could be prescribed birth control pills (or other hormonal forms) by a doctor. Heck, my doctor first gave me BC pills at 13! But, look at how I developed after and you have to ask yourself, was it the BC? I became tuberous in my development. And I often wonder what it came from. The BC? Malnutrition? Being a teen mom? Who knows. All I know is no one else in my family had the same issue as me.

Now on the note of BC. I took BC from when I was 13 until 16, after that had some stuff in my life happen to where I couldn't afford them nor go to a clinic or doctor to get them. I became pregnant, had my son at 17, after that got back on BC. And I was on it until just a few months ago.

Since being off birth control, I gotta say, I feel sooo much better. I no longer have the moodiness I once had, my hair isn't falling out as much. I seem to be losing weight instead of gaining it. I don't have as much acne. Etc etc.

As far as what is safe for teens, I still feel that massage, eating certain foods in their diet, hypnosis, and noogling are fine. I know some say pumping isn't ok, but I honestly don't see why not. Massage gives a similar effect of making the breasts swell.

After reading through this I feel the same that teens shouldn't be banned. And I'm saying this as a person of experience. I originally started looking into NBE at 15. I read through articles online, forums, etc. And all the info I read lead to me thinking that only herbal NBE existed and I had to wait until I was 18. Had those sources not been available, I would have bought something and tried it. But I wished sources like this forum were around back then, then I would have adjusted my diet, massaged my breasts, done chest exercises, etc.

So I say don't ban the teens, allow them to do their research. Make a section for under 18's to warn them what not to do/take and what they can do/try. I personally have been considering for a while of doing vlogs for youtube on NBE. All about my personal experiences as well as my research. And one major video will be targeted for girls under 18 to warn them and to let them know what they can do.

Anastasia, thank you. It really does mean a lot to me (and I bet a lot of other girls) that you feel teens shouldn't be banned. I understand the risks that come along with letting teens on this forum, but I truly think that this site helps guide us in a better light. And if there is a teen member who seems a bit reckless and 'dense', she/he can just be reported or banned.

Regarding birth control, I'm shocked you got it so young! That's about the time when I got my first period haha But I understand completely what your saying. Until I started researching NBE, I never really thought much about the consequences of taking certain drugs or pills (not like marijuana or cocain, but like herbal supplaments and BC). I feel so stupid! It makes perfect sense to me now, but before I would have thought BC must be safe for a developing girl's body because doctors' prescribe it. My friends' have the same symptoms you had on BC: They had trouble losing weight, constant mood swings, one of my friends has been going through these bouts of crazy PMS ever since she started taking BC a couple months ago.

That's another plus about this site, you become really conscience about the things you eat and overall life style (I've also become less of a procrastinator because noogling forced me to set up a schedule hehe)

And you should definitely start a vlog! I understand that you have made huge progress with your breast growth journey (congrats!). I think being able to see you in a video would give people more of a connection which in turn leads to greater hope and determination in growing boobies. Also (people like my aunt) will stop being 'doubting Toms' because the proof is clearly in front of their eyes (YouTube). Big Grin

I agree with Anastasia and kouklitsa to allow them to research on this forum and to make a special section labeled off specifically for those under 20 years of age. I also believe that the more experienced and "taxed" members of this forum, who have paid their fair share of dues in answering questions, should simply let those of us members who have more patience and tolerance to answer the repetitive questions. I very much appreciate it when someone on this forum answers my "silly" questions, so I in turn do not mind answering the "silly" questions of others. So there is no need to worry about "setting them on the straight path" because there will always be someone else on this forum who can do it. Also, in that section labeled off just for teens, we can not only narrow down for them the resources that THEY can use, but also add the disclaimer previously suggested, as that is a huge concern as well. Because I also agree with Amber (page 3) that we as adults are held partly responsible for the information we freely provide. In this way, all grounds are covered and everyone is happy Wink

Kouklitsa, I also want to tell you that you are doing a great job, and are a very bright girl with your head set on straight! I hope that you will be a positive example to all other teens who visit this forum Smile Good luck with your NBE journey!

I personally don't care anymore. I realized there are a few smart youngsters out there who will get it while the others will screw themselves over. And this goes for any newb to nbe regardless of age. So sooner or later, they will get it whether they learn the hard way or first time around.

I think doctors are doing a pretty damn good job with bc, screwing up the systems of young women. NBE is a very individual program so its all about learning what is right for you.

Thanks Timarie, that's very nice of you to say Smile

And I agree with you about the BC, Tibetan113. As I get older, more girls in my grade are put on birth control, and the side effects become more obvious. I just find it crazy that people don't get off it when it gets really bad. Explosive acne--not cute and not worth the 2-minute sex.


(24-02-2013, 18:26)kouklitsa Wrote:  Thanks Timarie, that's very nice of you to say Smile

And I agree with you about the BC, Tibetan113. As I get older, more girls in my grade are put on birth control, and the side effects become more obvious. I just find it crazy that people don't get off it when it gets really bad. Explosive acne--not cute and not worth the 2-minute sex.

2 minute sex? I sure as hell don't miss the adolescent male habits, lol!

They can be allowed to do as much research as they want, and to each is own. But I feel that this is no place for children. For one a child will rarely have a holistic approach to something such as this. Also there are too many grown ppl things going on and with the pressure of society and what not, I dont feel that it is healthy at all ( physically or mentally). People have babies at a very young age, but that doesnt make it the smartest thing to do.... ( I am not attacking any youngins in anyway that just my own humble opinion)

some of the things said in this thread alone Ive been rather uncomfortable with let alone having children pour over these pages!

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