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Best Alternative of Nose Surgery?


I am gonna cry.

This really works. Nose Up has elongated my nose a bit so that the folds are lifting fromthe corners of my eyes. I can actually see the crease in my eye lid near the corners now. I never could before. Ever.

I can't tell anything by looking at my nose, but when I look at the folds, it tells me it IS working. I noticed when I got home a second ago.

I am gonna use it for a week or two more then post pics.

Congratulations, Amber!!! So excited for you Big Grin That is amazing what it has done for you so far!!!

I decided that I too will follow through with this, and chose to go with the pink one. I was frustrated with the blue Nose Up before because as I said it would make my nose project more from my face, and am pretty sure there is no way around that-- probably in the same way that you said it looked like it would make your nose get a hump. A huge purpose of design with the blue one is to bring the bridge further out from the face, which is why it works to help those with dorsal humps.

To follow up on my last post and trying to avoid this, I contacted Nasofix (which designs a nose-fixer with the exact same design as the pink Nose Up) and they instructed me that when the device is laying parallel with the side profile of the bridge of the nose (with the "bridge" of the device touching the bridge of the nose), it will make your nose project more from your face... And, to avoid making the nose project more from the face, you just need to rotate the device a bit so that the "bridge" of the device is not touching the bridge of the nose, so that it is no longer parallel with the side profile of the nose bridge. I tried it, and it made a big difference! So, I hope this helps anyone with the same goals as mine, who want to slim down their nose width profiles without projecting the side profile more from their face.

Currently, I am spending all of my free time towards driving my program for NBE and massaging and, as always, exercising and job hunting (I HATE my job), but once I have my NBE program in place, I am going to give this a go! So, I won't be joining you ladies on this journey until later Dodgy Oh and also, the customer support at Nasofix recommended it to be worn for 30 minutes, 3x a day, for anyone who is looking for a recommended routine to use.

Well, I guess I jumped into this too quickly. The pink one started to give me small welts on the sides of my nose from wearing it too tight for too long at a time. Since then, I've cut it down to at least 30 minutes a piece, but no more than an hour with the pink one. I also switched the tips of the pink one back to the small side. I guess I'll switch it back over to the other side once my nose starts to stay slimmer. ^^;

I haven't been wearing them both each day like I was, but they still seem to be working. I notice on the one side of my nose, the dip between my dorsal hump and bulbous tip aren't as noticeable. I'm still going to wait until it's more noticeable to take pictures, but it's progressing. Smile Maybe pics at one month.

I get disappointed knowing that it's going to take long-term use to see the results I really want, but still knowing that it's at least already slowly working is good news. I even went without wearing it for two days, so the results really are surprising me (going better than my eye lightening journey so far xD)

That's great! These things are miracles, aren't they? And so cheap! Big Grin Can't wait to see your results in a few weeks!

[quote='timarie' pid='66520' dateline='1358261460']
Claira and Doll, I'm in this journey with you!!

My nose is a rather cute-shaped nose and is only a bit rather large (in fact, when I went for a rhinoplasty consultation, they were trying to come up with alternative ways to fix the slight proportion problem, because they did not want to mess with my nose. Apparently I have the shape that most people GO for when they get a nose job!) but it has always been two sizes too big for ME. I don't care what other people say, I just have never liked it and no matter how many times I have tried to embrace it, I still look in the mirror and wish it to be smaller.

I swear i have the EXACT problem. Except the part about my nose being a desirable shape. I have and an ethinc nose (european) but i don't hate the shape. However i feel in ratio to the rest of my face it's too big. I want to only shrink my nose down but not change the shape. I too went for a consultation and the surgeon agreed that there's nothing wrong with the shape but is too big for my face. And he too was trying to think of alternative ways to achieve results i want. The only reason i won't opt for surgery (although i've come close so many times) is because of the same reason as you. The change i want is so small, yet complex that it's not worth risking it. I don't want to look different. I want my nose, just a smaller version of it. Does that make sense to anyone?? lol

Update: ok been using nose magic/ amazon version don't no which is which for bout 3 weeks. It is official that I SEE RESULTS!!! I got into this hoping for results butt not sure some little purple thingy could transform my snout. Its not a major transformation but its nice and subtle. This thing works for the non believer Smile

If you're looking for a shorter and slimmer nose carole maggio's facercise program has a nose shortening exercise that goes something like this:

I've been doing all the exercises for a while now and my face is quite firmer and nose is shorter...if you do a google search you'll find the dvds for free..

Thanks Adrianna! I have heard of these and for a short while have been doing them to help with laugh lines... But I would like to know if you have ever taken a break from it for a significant period of time, and if your results stayed with you. I have not considered doing the facercises for the nose only because I read that the results only stay as long as you do the facercises (in other words, they are not permanent). Have you any experience with this?

(17-01-2013, 18:39)Doll Wrote:  So, upon further reading, it seems that the pink one is meant to help straighten your nose (I guess this is a more common problem than I thought), and the blue one can be used for anything from evening out a dorsal hump to thinning out a bulbous end. If you look at my before pictures I've attached, I've got a...pretty...incredibly awful nose...=___=

Hey Doll, we actually have a pretty similar type of nose... xD I have a bit of a bulbous tip at the end and I have a sort of bump/hump on the bridge. I blame it on my Polish side. -__-;

I've always had issues accepting the shape of my nose. I think it's annoying and weird looking. It's okay at the front angle sometimes, but I don't really like my profile view as much. I've considered rhinoplastic surgery plenty of times, but my nose is a part of my identity, so I don't want to alter it completely... Other people don't see anything wrong with my nose, but my opinion matters most, right? xD And this looks like the perfect alternative!

So, I've ordered the Nose Up duo after looking through this thread. I've seen these products in the past, but I never had the money at the time I guess. I should be getting them soon since it's shipping within the U.S. (same state as me, actually, lol) I'll post some Before and After perhaps. Wishing for the best! Big Grin

Yes this is just like body exercise, if you exercise you'll get a toned sexy body..if you stop exercising you go back to a flabby un-toned body.
It's the same with your're working the muscles Smile ..honestly I think the results are well worth it..if you start young with this routine you're gonna thank yourself later *when you're old but look wayy younger*

(15-01-2013, 15:51)timarie Wrote:  Claira and Doll, I'm in this journey with you!!

My nose is a rather cute-shaped nose and is only a bit rather large (in fact, when I went for a rhinoplasty consultation, they were trying to come up with alternative ways to fix the slight proportion problem, because they did not want to mess with my nose. Apparently I have the shape that most people GO for when they get a nose job!) but it has always been two sizes too big for ME. I don't care what other people say, I just have never liked it and no matter how many times I have tried to embrace it, I still look in the mirror and wish it to be smaller. I want these feelings to be gone, and unfortunately I don't really believe in going the plastic surgery route (which I feel is the reason for most of us being on this forum!!!), especially since my nose is only a BIT too large. I don't think that breaking my nose is worth the risk of ruining the shape of my nose, just to make it a bit smaller, so I have been on and off actively researching these things. Obviously be careful because Nose Magic and Nose Right have a huge list of spammers.

Desperate though, I bought a clip that mimics the Nose Magic and Nose Right off of Amazon for like $2 to give it a try. It hurts after wearing it for an hour, so it may seem like it does something! It keeps my nose looking pretty narrow for the following 10 minutes, so like the NB it may have longer lasting results later after a longer time of regular use. I just don't like how it really cannot be manipulated to serve each person's individual needs, based on the simplicity of it's design. It pushes inward to make a narrower tip or bridge, which is good, BUT for those of us who do NOT have the stereotypical Asian flat nose, the "outward" pull is not desirable. I stopped using this clip a couple weeks back because I was honestly afraid that my nose would be made to project from my face more, and that is one of the ways in which it is already big Dodgy

I am now looking for something that pushes to make the nose narrower while pushing the nose profile in, as well. It looks like Nose Secret also works on the same principle of pulling the nose "outward." Anyone see something that promises to bring INWARD the profile of the nose??
Have you ever thought of getting the non-surgical nose job? Your problem sounds similar to mines, nose is the perfect shape but I find my nostrils too wide and my dorsal too low, smh. So I went to Dr. Payman Simoni in Beverly Hills and he injected Restylane in my nose and created a higher dorsum and a narrow look to the tip of my nose. I look as if I had a very "European" nose , like I had gotten a nose job. The man i had been dating didn't know I went and got it done...the next time he saw me he said "who in your family did you get this very European nose from!?" Lol .... I was like.....ummmmmm my Grandfather!? Hahahahaha.....anyway , it took all of 15mins, it cost me 1,000 bucks and it was swollen for 4 days and after that I really loved the shape. It is not permanent however, it lasts 9-12 months and after that you go for touch ups. I think Kim Kardashian has had this done to her nose, but that's just me speculating...

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